998 resultados para VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR


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Polyols are widely used as sugar substitutes and provide texture to foods. Guar gum has many applications in food industry such as increasing product viscosity and improving texture. Knowledge of rheological properties of gum/polyol systems is important to permit replacing sugar while maintaining product texture. In this work, rheological properties of 0.1, 0.5 and 1 g/100 g guar solutions containing 10 and 40 g/100 g of maltitol, sorbitol, or xylitol were studied. The behavior of these mixtures was evaluated by steady and oscillatory shear measurements, and after a freezing/thawing cycle. Apparent viscosity of guar solutions increased with addition of polyols and with the increase in their concentrations, except for 40 g/100 g sorbitol addition to 1 g/100 g guar gum, in which the apparent viscosity decreased. Addition of polyols also increased the dynamic moduli of the systems. In mixtures of guar with 40 g/100 g polyol, the phase angle (δ) was below unity, but was dependent on frequency, which is characteristic of concentrated solutions with a certain degree of structuring. FTIR spectroscopy was studied to provide information on possible interactions between guar gum and polyols. Analyses carried out after freezing/thawing showed no changes in the viscoelastic behavior of the solutions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com o objetivo de ganhar competitividade no mercado internacional e contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico no país, o presente trabalho apresenta a técnica de processamento de moldagem por transferência de resina (RTM), utilizada na fabricação de materiais compósitos estruturais e ainda pouco estudada no Brasil. Os compósitos processados por essa técnica apresentam maior fração volumétrica de fibras, melhor acabamento superficial e pouca ou nenhuma necessidade de acabamento do componente produzido. Este trabalho compreende a caracterização de compósitos produzidos com resina epóxi monocomponente RTM6 e o tecido não dobrável de fibra de carbono. Os compósitos produzidos pela Hexcel Composites foram analisados pela técnica de ultrassom C-Scan e os resultados mostraram que os laminados processados estão homogêneos quanto à impregnação. Ensaios mecânicos mostram que os laminados com tecido apresentam características comparáveis à dos compósitos produzidos em autoclave com maiores porcentagens de reforço. Em fadiga, os laminados apresentaram um alto e curto intervalo, com tensões próximas à de tração. Quanto ao comportamento térmico observou-se melhora nas propriedades com a adição do reforço de fibras de carbono, que promoveram o aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, foi observado a influencia da temperatura e freqüência no material. Considerando as propriedades mecânicas e térmicas, ambos os compósitos foram classificados como adequados à aplicação proposta.


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This graduation work done study of polyamide 6.6/composite carbon fibres, since its processing, characterization of the main properties. Besides the influence of temperature, UV radiation, salt spray and moisture on the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior. To achieve this goal, the first composite was processed from the heat compression molding using known variables of the process and using the empirical method to find the best value for other parameters. The method processing molding was chosen because it common in composites processing in order to evaluate the influence of crystallinity of the properties that influence the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior laminates. From the obtained laminate specimens were evaluated in weathering, such as: in hygrothermal chamber, UV, salt spray and thermal shock. In another step, the effect produced by these constraints were evaluated by optical microscopy, ultrasound, dynamic mechanical analysis and vibration tests. This project was conducted at the Department of Technology and Materials of UNESP in Guaratingueta, where all the equipment and techniques for the implementation of this project met available. After the tests proved the applicability of the composite polyamide 6.6/carbon fibers in aeronautical applications with resistance the main climatic influences


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Vitrectomy is a standard ophthalmic procedure to remove the vitreous body from the eye. The biomechanics of the vitreous affects its duration (by changing the removal rate) and the mechanical forces transmitted via the vitreous on the surrounding tissues during the procedure. Biomechanical characterization of the vitreous is essential for optimizing the design and control of instruments that operate within the vitreous for improved precision, safety, and efficacy. The measurements are carried out using a magnetic microprobe inserted into the vitreous, a method known as magnetic microrheology. The location of the probe is tracked by a microscope/camera while magnetic forces are exerted wirelessly by applied magnetic fields. In this work, in vitro artificial vitreous, ex vivo human vitreous and ex vivo porcine vitreous were characterized. In addition, in vivo rabbit measurements were performed using a suturelessly injected probe. Measurements indicate that viscoelasticity parameters of the ex vivo human vitreous are an order of magnitude different from those of the ex vivo porcine vitreous. The in vivo intra-operative measurements show typical viscoelastic behavior of the vitreous with a lower compliance than the ex vivo measurements. The results of the magnetic microrheology measurements were validated with those obtained by a standard atomic force microscopy (AFM) method and in vitro artificial vitreous. This method allows minimally-invasive characterization of localized mechanical properties of the vitreous in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. A better understanding of the characteristics of the vitreous can lead to improvements in treatments concerning vitreal manipulation such as vitrectomy.


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O amido é um ingrediente com grande versatilidade de aplicação, e as sementes de jaca, fruto bem difundido, porém pouco aproveitado no Brasil, contêm uma quantidade considerável de amido, sendo ainda fonte de ferro e proteínas. Dessa maneira, os objetivos desse projeto foram a obtenção da farinha de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, a extração do amido utilizando diferentes solventes, e a caracterização de suas propriedades físico-químicas, estruturais e funcionais, bem como a caracterização reológica de dispersões/géis de amido em cisalhamento estacionário e oscilatório. A extração alcalina do amido, além de reduzir significativamente o conteúdo de lipídeos e proteínas, deixando o amido mais puro, promoveu um aumento no teor de amilose e influenciou diretamente as características de inchamento e solubilidade, que apresentaram aumento significativo a partir da temperatura de 70 °C. O aumento da temperatura ocasionou aumento no poder de inchamento e solubilidade, que foi mais pronunciado para a variedade dura, porém esses valores ainda foram considerados baixos (< 17%). Os amidos de sementes de jaca apresentaram grânulos lisos, arredondados e em forma de sino, com formato mais truncado para o amido extraído com hidróxido de sódio. O diâmetro médio dos grânulos de amido foi menor para a extração alcalina, mas sempre com comportamento monomodal. Foi observado um padrão de difração de Raios-X do tipo A para todas as amostras estudadas, e o índice de cristalinidade foi maior para os amidos de sementes de jaca dura, com uma redução estimada em 70% para os amidos obtidos por extração alcalina. A temperatura de gelatinização dos amidos de semente de jaca foi considerada alta (70-100 °C). Os amidos de sementes de jaca dura obtidos na extração com água apresentaram maiores valores de viscosidade de pico e de Breakdown, que representa menor resistência mecânica. A extração com solução de NaOH 0,1 M aumentou a tendência a retrogradação de ~36% (extração aquosa) para 64% e 45% dos amidos de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, respectivamente. Todas as amostras apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico (n < 1) nas concentrações e temperaturas estudadas, e as dispersões e/ou géis de amido obtidos pela extração alcalina com NaOH apresentaram menor tixotropia e maiores valores de viscosidade. Os modelos Lei da Potência e Herschel Bulkley apresentaram ótimos ajustes aos pontos experimentais (R² ~0,998) para as amostras com 2 e 6 % de amido, respectivamente, porém para a concentração de 5%, o melhor modelo foi função da variedade do fruto usado na obtenção do amido. A dependência das propriedades reológicas com a temperatura foi analisada pela equação de Arrhenius e a energia de ativação foi baixa (15-25 kJ/mol). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, as amostras com 5 e 6% de amido apresentaram comportamento de gel fraco e o aumento da concentração desse polissacarídeo produziu um aumento na elasticidade do material. Os módulos de armazenamento (G\') associados à elasticidade do gel de amido aumentaram durante o seu resfriamento nos ensaios de varredura de temperatura, o que pode ser relacionado à recristalização da amilose durante esse processo e mantiveram-se praticamente constantes no aquecimento isotérmico a 80 °C, sugerindo boa estabilidade térmica do gel. A farinha isolada da semente de jaca pode ser considerada fonte de fibras e apresentou elevados teores de proteínas (~14-16%) e ferro (~85-150 mg/kg). A distribuição do tamanho de partículas da farinha apresentou comportamento bimodal, com grânulos arredondados, presença de fibras e uma matriz proteica envolvendo os grânulos de amido. As propriedades de pasta revelaram maior pico de viscosidade para a farinha de semente de jaca mole. As características encontradas sugerem que os amidos de semente de jaca poderiam ser aplicados na produção de filmes biodegradáveis, e a farinha da semente de jaca poderia ser utilizada em substituição parcial à farinha convencional na fabricação de bolos e biscoitos.


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This study demonstrates a novel approach to characterizing hydrated bone's viscoelastic behavior at lamellar length scales using dynamic indentation techniques. We studied the submicron-level viscoelastic response of bone tissue from two different inbred mouse strains, A/J and B6, with known differences in whole bone and tissue-level mechanical properties. Our results show that bone having a higher collagen content or a lower mineral-to-matrix ratio demonstrates a trend towards a larger viscoelastic response. When normalized for anatomical location relative to biological growth patterns in the antero-medial (AM) cortex, bone tissue from B6 femora, known to have a lower mineral-to-matrix ratio, is shown to exhibit a significantly higher viscoelastic response compared to A/J tissue. Newer bone regions with a higher collagen content (closer to the endosteal edge of the AM cortex) showed a trend towards a larger viscoelastic response. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of this technique for analyzing local composition-property relationships in bone. Further, this technique of viscoelastic nanoindentation mapping of the bone surface at these submicron length scales is shown to be highly advantageous in studying subsurface features, such as porosity, of wet hydrated biological specimens, which are difficult to identify using other methods. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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We report on the mechanical behavior of a dense brush of small-diameter (1–3 nm) non-catalytic multiwall (2–4 walls) carbon nanotubes (CNTs), with ~10 times higher density than CNT brushes produced by other methods. Under compression with spherical indenters of different radii, these highly dense CNT brushes exhibit a higher modulus (~17–20 GPa) and orders of magnitude higher resistance to buckling than vapor phase deposited CNT brushes or carbon walls. We also demonstrate the viscoelastic behavior, caused by the increased influence of the van der Waals’ forces in these highly dense CNT brushes, showing their promise for energy-absorbing coatings.


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In many studies of the side-chain liquid crystalline polymers (SCLCPs) bearing azobenzene mesogens as pendant groups, obtaining the orientation of azobenzene mesogens at a macroscopic scale as well as its control is important, because it impacts many properties related to the cooperative motion characteristic of liquid crystals and the trans-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene molecules. Various means can be used to align the mesogens in the polymers, including rubbed surface, mechanical stretching or shearing, and electric or magnetic field. In the case of azobenzene-containing SCLCPs, another method consists in using linearly polarized light (LPL) to induce orientation of azobenzene mesogens perpendicular to the polarization direction of the excitation light, and such photoinduced orientation has been the subject of numerous studies. In the first study realized in this thesis (Chapter 1), we carried out the first systematic investigation on the interplay of the mechanically and optically induced orientation of azobenzene mesogens as well as the effect of thermal annealing in a SCLCP and a diblock copolymer comprising two SCLCPs bearing azobenzene and biphenyl mesogens, respectively. Using a supporting-film approach previously developed by our group, a given polymer film can be first stretched in either the nematic or smectic phase to yield orientation of azobenzene mesogens either parallel or perpendicular to the strain direction, then exposed to unpolarized UV light to erase the mechanically induced orientation upon the trans–cis isomerization, followed by linearly polarized visible light for photoinduced reorientation as a result of the cis–trans backisomerization, and finally heated to different LC phases for thermal annealing. Using infrared dichroism to monitor the change in orientation degree, the results of this study have unveiled complex and different orientational behavior and coupling effects for the homopolymer of poly{6-[4-(4-methoxyphenylazo)phenoxy]hexyl methacrylate} (PAzMA) and the diblock copolymer of PAzMA-block- poly{6-[4-(4-cyanophenyl) phenoxy]hexyl methacrylate} (PAzMA-PBiPh). Most notably for the homopolymer, the stretching-induced orientation exerts no memory effect on the photoinduced reorientation, the direction of which is determined by the polarization of the visible light regardless of the mechanically induced orientation direction in the stretched film. Moreover, subsequent thermal annealing in the nematic phase leads to parallel orientation independently of the initial mechanically or photoinduced orientation direction. By contrast, the diblock copolymer displays a strong orientation memory effect. Regardless of the condition used, either for photoinduced reorientation or thermal annealing in the liquid crystalline phase, only the initial stretching-induced perpendicular orientation of azobenzene mesogens can be recovered. The reported findings provide new insight into the different orientation mechanisms, and help understand the important issue of orientation induction and control in azobenzene-containing SCLCPs. The second study presented in this thesis (Chapter 2) deals with supramolecular side-chain liquid crystalline polymers (S-SCLCPs), in which side-group mesogens are linked to the chain backbone through non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding. Little is known about the mechanically induced orientation of mesogens in S-SCLCPs. In contrast to covalent SCLCPs, free-standing, solution-cast thin films of a S-SCLCP, built up with 4-(4’-heptylphenyl) azophenol (7PAP) H-bonded to poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VP), display excellent stretchability. Taking advantage of this finding, we investigated the stretching-induced orientation and the viscoelastic behavior of this S-SCLCP, and the results revealed major differences between supramolecular and covalent SCLCPs. For covalent SCLCPs, the strong coupling between chain backbone and side-group mesogens means that the two constituents can mutually influence each other; the lack of chain entanglements is a manifestation of this coupling effect, which accounts for the difficulty in obtaining freestanding and mechanically stretchable films. Upon elongation of a covalent SCLCP film cast on a supporting film, the mechanical force acts on the coupled polymer backbone and mesogenic side groups, and the latter orients cooperatively and efficiently (high orientation degree), which, in turn, imposes an anisotropic conformation of the chain backbone (low orientation degree). In the case of the S-SCLCP of P4VP-7PAP, the coupling between the side-group mesogens and the chain backbone is much weakened owing to the dynamic dissociation/association of the H-bonds linking the two constituents. The consequence of this decoupling is readily observable from the viscoelastic behavior. The average molecular weight between entanglements is basically unchanged in both the smectic and isotropic phase, and is similar to non-liquid crystalline samples. As a result, the S-SCLCP can easily form freestanding and stretchable films. Furthermore, the stretching induced orientation behavior of P4VP-7PAP is totally different. Stretching in the smectic phase results in a very low degree of orientation of the side-group mesogens even at a large strain (500%), while the orientation of the main chain backbone develops steadily with increasing the strain, much the same way as amorphous polymers. The results imply that upon stretching, the mechanical force is mostly coupled to the polymer backbone and leads to its orientation, while the main chain orientation exerts little effect on orienting the H-bonded mesogenic side groups. This surprising finding is explained by the likelihood that during stretching in the smectic phase (at relatively higher temperatures) the dynamic dissociation of the H-bonds allow the side-group mesogens to be decoupled from the chain backbone and relax quickly. In the third project (Chapter 3), we investigated the shape memory properties of a S-SCLCP prepared by tethering two azobenzene mesogens, namely, 7PAP and 4-(4'-ethoxyphenyl) azophenol (2OPAP), to P4VP through H-bonding. The results revealed that, despite the dynamic nature of the linking H-bonds, the supramolecular SCLCP behaves similarly to covalent SCLCP by exhibiting a two-stage thermally triggered shape recovery process governed by both the glass transition and the LC-isotropic phase transition. The ability for the supramolecular SCLCP to store part of the strain energy above T[subscript g] in the LC phase enables the triple-shape memory property. Moreover, thanks to the azobenzene mesogens used, which can undergo trans-cis photoisomerization, exposure the supramolecular SCLCP to UV light can also trigger the shape recovery process, thus enabling the remote activation and the spatiotemporal control of the shape memory. By measuring the generated contractile force and its removal upon turning on and off the UV light, respectively, on an elongated film under constant strain, it seems that the optically triggered shape recovery stems from a combination of a photothermal effect and an effect of photoplasticization or of an order-disorder phase transition resulting from the trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene mesogens.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A systematic investigation of the thermal decomposition of viscoelastic memory foam (VMF) was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to obtain the kinetic parameters, and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrometry (TGA-FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis coupled to Mass Spectrometry (TGA-MS) to obtain detailed information of evolved products on pyrolysis and oxidative degradations. Two consecutive nth-order reactions were employed to correlate the experimental data from dynamic and isothermal runs performed at three different heating rates (5, 10 and 20 K/min) under an inert atmosphere. On the other hand, for the kinetic study of the oxidative decomposition, the data from combustion (synthetic air) and poor oxygen combustion (N2:O2 = 9:1) runs, at three heating rates and under dynamic and isothermal conditions, were correlated simultaneously. A kinetic model consisting of three consecutive reactions presented a really good correlation in all runs. TGA-FTIR analysis showed that the main gases released during the pyrolysis of VMF were determined as ether and aliphatic hydrocarbons, whereas in combustion apart from the previous gases, aldehydes, amines and CO2 have also been detected as the main gases. These results were confirmed by the TGA-MS.