993 resultados para VASCULAR DYSFUNCTION
Objectives: Epidemiological studies suggest that adverse events in utero may predispose to premature cardiovascular disease in adulthood, but the mechanisms are not known. Recently, we found that young apparently healthy offspring of mothers with preeclampsia (PE) display systemic endothelial dysfunction. This problem could be related to PE per se or to a genetic abnormality that predisposes the mother to PE and the offspring to vascular dysfunction. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we assessed vascular function in offspring of PE, their siblings who were born after a normal pregnancy, and in control subjects.Methods: We measured endothelium-dependent vasodilation (flow-mediated vasodilation, FMD), in 10 pairs of healthy normotensive siblings, one born after PE (age 15±6 y; mean±SD), the other after normal pregnancy (17±6y) and in 17 (16±7y) controls. All subjects were born at term.Results: The vascular function in siblings of PE who were born after normal pregnancy was normal and comparable to the one in controls (8.6±1.5% vs. 8.1±1.3%, P=0.32), whereas offspring of PE displayed a roughly 30% smaller FMD than the two other groups (5.9±1.6%, P<0.005 vs. both siblings and controls, Figure). The endothelial dysfunction in the offspring of PE was not related to a difference in the central arterial blood pressure or arterial oxygen saturation, because they were comparable in the 3 groups. Figure 1. FMD in the three groups.Conclusions: These findings provide the first evidence that vascular dysfunction in offspring of PE is caused by PE itself, rather than by a genetic abnormality that predisposes the mother to PE and the offspring to a vascular defect. Prevention of PE and/or its successful treatment is expected to prevent vascular dysfunction and premature cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the offspring.
Rapport de synthèseDes événements pathologiques survenant pendant la période foetale prédisposent la descendance aux maladies cardiovasculaires systémiques. Il existe peu de connaissances au sujet de la circulation pulmonaire et encore moins quant aux mécanismes sous-jacents. La sous-alimentation maternelle pendant la grossesse peut représenter un modèle d'investigation de ces mécanismes, parce que chez l'animal et l'homme elle est associée à une dysfonction vasculaire systémique chez la progéniture. Chez le rat, la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse induit une augmentation du stress oxydatif dans le placenta. Les dérivés de l'oxygène sont connus pour induire des altérations épigénétiques et peuvent traverser la barrière placentaire. Nous avons dès lors spéculé que chez la souris la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse induit une dysfonction vasculaire pulmonaire chez sa progéniture qui serait liée à un mécanisme épigénétique.Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons examiné la fonction vasculaire pulmonaire et la méthylation de l'ADN pulmonaire à la fin de 2 semaines d'exposition à l'hypoxie chez la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse et des souris contrôles. Nous avons trouvé que la vasodilatation endothélium-dépendante de l'artère pulmonaire in vitro était défectueuse, et que l'hypertension pulmonaire et l'hypertrophie ventriculaire droite induites par l'hypoxie in vivo étaient exagérées chez la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse. Cette dysfonction vasculaire pulmonaire était associée avec une altération de la méthylation de l'ADN pulmonaire. L'administration d'inhibiteurs de la déacétylase des histones, le Butyrate et la Trichostatine-A à la progéniture de souris soumises à une diète restrictive pendant la grossesse a normalisé la méthylation de l'ADN et la fonction vasculaire pulmonaire. Finalement, l'administration du nitroxyde Tempol aux mères durant la diète restrictive pendant la grossesse a prévenu la dysfonction vasculaire et la dysméthylation chez la progéniture.Ces découvertes démontrent que chez la souris la sous-alimentation pendant la gestation induit une dysfonction vasculaire chez la progéniture qui est causée par un mécanisme épigénétique. Il est possible qu'un mécanisme similaire soit impliqué dans la programmation foetale de la dysfonction vasculaire chez les humains.
Children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) display a level of vascular dysfunction similar to that seen in children of mothers with preeclamspia. The long-term consequences of ART-associated vascular disorders are unknown and difficult to investigate in healthy children. Here, we found that vasculature from mice generated by ART display endothelial dysfunction and increased stiffness, which translated into arterial hypertension in vivo. Progeny of male ART mice also exhibited vascular dysfunction, suggesting underlying epigenetic modifications. ART mice had altered methylation at the promoter of the gene encoding eNOS in the aorta, which correlated with decreased vascular eNOS expression and NO synthesis. Administration of a deacetylase inhibitor to ART mice normalized vascular gene methylation and function and resulted in progeny without vascular dysfunction. The induction of ART-associated vascular and epigenetic alterations appeared to be related to the embryo environment; these alterations were possibly facilitated by the hormonally stimulated ovulation accompanying ART. Finally, ART mice challenged with a high-fat diet had roughly a 25% shorter life span compared with control animals. This study highlights the potential of ART to induce vascular dysfunction and shorten life span and suggests that epigenetic alterations contribute to these problems.
Insults during the fetal period predispose the offspring to systemic cardiovascular disease, but little is known about the pulmonary circulation and the underlying mechanisms. Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may represent a model to investigate underlying mechanisms, because it is associated with systemic vascular dysfunction in the offspring in animals and humans. In rats, restrictive diet during pregnancy (RDP) increases oxidative stress in the placenta. Oxygen species are known to induce epigenetic alterations and may cross the placental barrier. We hypothesized that RDP in mice induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring that is related to an epigenetic mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we assessed pulmonary vascular function and lung DNA methylation in offspring of RDP and in control mice at the end of a 2-wk exposure to hypoxia. We found that endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery vasodilation in vitro was impaired and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in vivo were exaggerated in offspring of RDP. This pulmonary vascular dysfunction was associated with altered lung DNA methylation. Administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A to offspring of RDP normalized pulmonary DNA methylation and vascular function. Finally, administration of the nitroxide Tempol to the mother during RDP prevented vascular dysfunction and dysmethylation in the offspring. These findings demonstrate that in mice undernutrition during gestation induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring by an epigenetic mechanism. A similar mechanism may be involved in the fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) induce vascular dysfunction in humans and mice. In mice, ART-induced vascular dysfunction is related to epigenetic alteration of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene, resulting in decreased vascular eNOS expression and nitrite/nitrate synthesis. Melatonin is involved in epigenetic regulation, and its administration to sterile women improves the success rate of ART. We hypothesized that addition of melatonin to culture media may prevent ART-induced epigenetic and cardiovascular alterations in mice. We, therefore, assessed mesenteric-artery responses to acetylcholine and arterial blood pressure, together with DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter in vascular tissue and nitric oxide plasma concentration in 12-wk-old ART mice generated with and without addition of melatonin to culture media and in control mice. As expected, acetylcholine-induced mesenteric-artery dilation was impaired (P = 0.008 vs. control) and mean arterial blood pressure increased (109.5 ± 3.8 vs. 104.0 ± 4.7 mmHg, P = 0.002, ART vs. control) in ART compared with control mice. These alterations were associated with altered DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter (P < 0.001 vs. control) and decreased plasma nitric oxide concentration (10.1 ± 11.1 vs. 29.5 ± 8.0 μM) (P < 0.001 ART vs. control). Addition of melatonin (10(-6) M) to culture media prevented eNOS dysmethylation (P = 0.005, vs. ART + vehicle), normalized nitric oxide plasma concentration (23.1 ± 14.6 μM, P = 0.002 vs. ART + vehicle) and mesentery-artery responsiveness to acetylcholine (P < 0.008 vs. ART + vehicle), and prevented arterial hypertension (104.6 ± 3.4 mmHg, P < 0.003 vs. ART + vehicle). These findings provide proof of principle that modification of culture media prevents ART-induced vascular dysfunction. We speculate that this approach will also allow preventing ART-induced premature atherosclerosis in humans.
We investigated whether chronic rosuvastatin administration could improve the abnormalities of the circulating levels of vascular dysfunction markers in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Sixty patients, aged 13 to 60 years, with idiopathic (N = 14) or congenital heart disease-associated PAH (N = 46) were equally but randomly assigned to rosuvastatin treatment (10 mg a day, orally) or placebo for 6 months in a blind fashion. Plasma levels of P-selectin, tissue-plasminogen activator and its inhibitor as well as von Willebrand factor antigen were measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay before and after 1, 3, and 6 months of treatment. Baseline levels of biomarkers were elevated (68, 16, 45 and 46% increase relative to controls, for P-selectin, von Willebrand factor antigen, tissue-plasminogen activator and its inhibitor, respectively; P < 0.001). P-selectin values at baseline, 1, 3, and 6 months were 39.9 ± 18.5, 37.6 ± 14.6, 34.8 ± 14.6, and 35.4 ± 13.9 ng/mL, respectively, for the rosuvastatin group and 45.7 ± 26.8, 48.0 ± 26.9, 48.1 ± 25.7, and 45.7 ± 25.6 ng/mL for the placebo group. The P-selectin level was lower in the rosuvastatin group compared with placebo throughout treatment (P = 0.037, general linear model). A trend was observed towards a decrease in tissue-plasminogen activator in the statin group (16% reduction, P = 0.094), with no significant changes in the other markers. Since P-selectin is crucial in inflammation and thrombosis, its reduction by rosuvastatin is potentially relevant in the pathophysiological scenario of PAH.
In this study, we demonstrated the importance of telomerase protein expression and determined the relationships among telomerase, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and myofibroblasts during early and late remodeling of parenchymal and vascular areas in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) using 27 surgical lung biopsies from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Telomerase+, myofibroblasts α-SMA+, smooth muscle cells caldesmon+, endothelium ET-1+ cellularity, and fibrosis severity were evaluated in 30 fields covering normal lung parenchyma, minimal fibrosis (fibroblastic foci), severe (mural) fibrosis, and vascular areas of UIP by the point-counting technique and a semiquantitative score. The impact of these markers was determined in pulmonary functional tests and follow-up until death from IPF. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was significantly increased in normal and vascular areas compared to areas of fibroblast foci. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was inversely correlated with minimal fibrosis in areas of fibroblast foci and directly associated with severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Telomerase activity in minimal fibrosis areas was directly associated with diffusing capacity of the lung for oxygen/alveolar volume and ET-1 expression and indirectly associated with diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Cox proportional hazards regression revealed a low risk of death for females with minimal fibrosis displaying high telomerase and ET-1 expression in normal areas. Vascular dysfunction by telomerase/ET-1 expression was found earlier than vascular remodeling by myofibroblast activation in UIP with impact on IPF evolution, suggesting that strategies aimed at preventing the effect of these mediators may have a greater impact on patient outcome.
Disturbances in the regulation of cytosolic calcium (Ca(2+)) concentration play a key role in the vascular dysfunction associated with arterial hypertension. Stromal interaction molecules (STIMs) and Orai proteins represent a novel mechanism to control store-operated Ca(2+) entry. Although STIMs act as Ca(2+) sensors for the intracellular Ca(2+) stores, Orai is the putative pore-forming component of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels at the plasma membrane. We hypothesized that augmented activation of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+)/Orai-1, through enhanced activity of STIM-1, plays a role in increased basal tonus and vascular reactivity in hypertensive animals. Endothelium-denuded aortic rings from Wistar-Kyoto and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats were used to evaluate contractions because of Ca(2+) influx. Depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores, which induces Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) activation, was performed by placing arteries in Ca(2+) free-EGTA buffer. The addition of the Ca(2+) regular buffer produced greater contractions in aortas from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats versus Wistar-Kyoto rats. Thapsigargin (10 mu mol/L), an inhibitor of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase, further increased these contractions, especially in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat aorta. Addition of the Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channel inhibitors 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (100 mu mol/L) or gadolinium (100 mu mol/L), as well as neutralizing antibodies to STIM-1 or Orai-1, abolished thapsigargin-increased contraction and the differences in spontaneous tone between the groups. Expression of Orai-1 and STIM-1 proteins was increased in aorta from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats when compared with Wistar-Kyoto rats. These results support the hypothesis that both Orai-1 and STIM-1 contribute to abnormal vascular function in hypertension. Augmented activation of STIM-1/Orai-1 may represent the mechanism that leads to impaired control of intracellular Ca(2+) levels in hypertension. (Hypertension. 2009; 53[part 2]: 409-416.)
Emerging evidence suggests that in addition to being the 'power houses' of our cells, mitochondria facilitate effector responses of the immune system. Cell death and injury result in the release of mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) that acts via TLR9 (Toll-like receptor 9), a pattern recognition receptor of the immune system which detects bacterial and viral DNA but not vertebrate DNA. The ability of mtDNA to activate TLR9 in a similar fashion to bacterial DNA stems from evolutionarily conserved similarities between bacteria and mitochondria. mtDNA may be the trigger of systemic inflammation in pathologies associated with abnormal cell death. PE (pre-eclampsia) is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with devastating maternal and fetal consequences. The aetiology of PE is unknown and removal of the placenta is the only effective cure. Placentas from women with PE show exaggerated necrosis of trophoblast cells, and circulating levels of mtDNA are higher in pregnancies with PE. Accordingly, we propose the hypothesis that exaggerated necrosis of trophoblast cells results in the release of mtDNA, which stimulates TLR9 to mount an immune response and to produce systemic maternal inflammation and vascular dysfunction that lead to hypertension and IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction). The proposed hypothesis implicates mtDNA in the development of PE via activation of the immune system and may have important preventative and therapeutic implications, because circulating mtDNA may be potential markers of early detection of PE, and anti-TLR9 treatments may be promising in the management of the disease.
In this study, we demonstrated the importance of telomerase protein expression and determined the relationships among telomerase, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and myofibroblasts during early and late remodeling of parenchymal and vascular areas in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) using 27 surgical lung biopsies from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Telomerase+, myofibroblasts alpha-SMA+, smooth muscle cells caldesmon+, endothelium ET-1+ cellularity, and fibrosis severity were evaluated in 30 fields covering normal lung parenchyma, minimal fibrosis (fibroblastic foci), severe ( mural) fibrosis, and vascular areas of UIP by the point-counting technique and a semiquantitative score. The impact of these markers was determined in pulmonary functional tests and follow-up until death from IPF. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was significantly increased in normal and vascular areas compared to areas of fibroblast foci. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was inversely correlated with minimal fibrosis in areas of fibroblast foci and directly associated with severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Telomerase activity in minimal fibrosis areas was directly associated with diffusing capacity of the lung for oxygen/alveolar volume and ET-1 expression and indirectly associated with diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Cox proportional hazards regression revealed a low risk of death for females with minimal fibrosis displaying high telomerase and ET-1 expression in normal areas. Vascular dysfunction by telomerase/ET-1 expression was found earlier than vascular remodeling by myofibroblast activation in UIP with impact on IPF evolution, suggesting that strategies aimed at preventing the effect of these mediators may have a greater impact on patient outcome.
Vascular dysfunction associated with two-kidney, one-clip (2K-1C) hypertension may result from both altered matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and higher concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Doxycycline is considering the most potent MMP inhibitor of tetracyclines and attenuates 2K-1C hypertension-induced high blood pressure and chronic vascular remodeling. Doxycycline might also act as a ROS scavenger and this may contribute to the amelioration of some cardiovascular diseases associated with increased concentrations of ROS. We hypothesized that in addition to its MMP inhibitory effect, doxycycline attenuates oxidative stress and improves nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability in 2K-1C hypertension, thus improving hypertension-induced arterial endothelial dysfunction. Sham operated or 2K-1C hypertensive rats were treated with doxycycline 30 mg/kg/day (or vehicle). After 8 weeks of treatment, aortic rings were isolated to assess endothelium dependent vasorelaxation to A23187. Arterial and systemic levels of ROS were respectively measured using dihydroethidine (DHE) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Neutrophils-derived ROS were tested in vitro using the fluoroprobe Carboxy-H(2)DCFDA and human neutrophils stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). NO levels were assessed in rat aortic endothelial cells by confocal microscopy. Aortic MMP activity was determined by in situ zymography. Doxycycline attenuated 2K-1C hypertension (169 +/- 17.3 versus 209 +/- 10.9 mm Hg in hypertensive controls, p < 0.05) and protected against hypertension-induced reduction in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation to A23187 (p < 0.05). Doxycycline also decreased hypertension-induced oxidative stress (p <= 0.05), higher MMP activity (p < 0.01) and improved NO levels in aortic endothelial cells (p < 0.01). Therefore, doxycycline ameliorates 2K-1C hypertension-induced endothelial dysfunction in aortas by inhibiting oxidative stress generation and improving NO bioavailability, in addition to its inhibitory effects on MMP activity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Abstract Introduction Several studies link hematological dysfunction to severity of sepsis. Previously we showed that platelet-derived microparticles from septic patients induce vascular cell apoptosis through the NADPH oxidase-dependent release of superoxide. We sought to further characterize the microparticle-dependent vascular injury pathway. Methods During septic shock there is increased generation of thrombin, TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO). Human platelets were exposed for 1 hour to the NO donor diethylamine-NONOate (0.5 μM), lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/ml), TNF-α (40 ng/ml), or thrombin (5 IU/ml). Microparticles were recovered through filtration and ultracentrifugation and analyzed by electron microscopy, flow cytometry or Western blotting for protein identification. Redox activity was characterized by lucigenin (5 μM) or coelenterazine (5 μM) luminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein (10 mM) and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (10 mM) fluorescence. Endothelial cell apoptosis was detected by phosphatidylserine exposure and by measurement of caspase-3 activity with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results Size, morphology, high exposure of the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81, together with low phosphatidylserine, showed that platelets exposed to NONOate and LPS, but not to TNF-α or thrombin, generate microparticles similar to those recovered from septic patients, and characterize them as exosomes. Luminescence and fluorescence studies, and the use of specific inhibitors, revealed concomitant superoxide and NO generation. Western blots showed the presence of NO synthase II (but not isoforms I or III) and of the NADPH oxidase subunits p22phox, protein disulfide isomerase and Nox. Endothelial cells exposed to the exosomes underwent apoptosis and caspase-3 activation, which were inhibited by NO synthase inhibitors or by a superoxide dismutase mimetic and totally blocked by urate (1 mM), suggesting a role for the peroxynitrite radical. None of these redox properties and proapoptotic effects was evident in microparticles recovered from platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF-α. Conclusion We showed that, in sepsis, NO and bacterial elements are responsible for type-specific platelet-derived exosome generation. Those exosomes have an active role in vascular signaling as redox-active particles that can induce endothelial cell caspase-3 activation and apoptosis by generating superoxide, NO and peroxynitrite. Thus, exosomes must be considered for further developments in understanding and treating vascular dysfunction in sepsis.
Adverse events in utero may predispose to cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. During preeclampsia, vasculotoxic factors are released into the maternal circulation by the diseased placenta. We speculated that these factors pass the placental barrier and leave a defect in the circulation of the offspring that predisposes to a pathological response later in life. The hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure is expected to facilitate the detection of this problem.
Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is a major public health problem characterized by exaggerated hypoxemia and erythrocytosis. In more advanced stages, patients with CMS often present with functional and structural changes of the pulmonary circulation, but there is little information on the systemic circulation. In patients with diseases associated with chronic hypoxemia at low altitude, systemic vascular function is altered. We hypothesized that patients with CMS have systemic vascular dysfunction that may predispose them to increased systemic cardiovascular morbidity.