23 resultados para Usufruct
El origen de la normativa escrita sobre el uso de las aguas en el territorio peninsular levantino plantea diversas incógnitas. Las primera de ellas sobre los quienes fueron los protagonistas en la redacción y determinación de ese derecho. La segunda sobre el papel que la costumbre de los sarracenos desempeñó en la preservación de tradiciones jurídicas, mantenimiento de infraestructuras y gestión del agua. La tercera tiene que ver con el modo de aunar intereses de comunidades distintas desde el punto de vista religioso y jurídico sobre el derecho de uso de forma equitativa y proporcional a necesidades no necesariamente coincidentes. Lo cierto es que las fuentes conservadas sobre el proceso de reconquista y población siguen siendo una de las mejores referencias para despejar incógnitas y justificar la tradición y pervivencia de un derecho inmemorial y vigente en algunas de sus formas y manifestaciones, no solo en el marco levantino sino en otros muchos espacios de la cuenca mediterránea con idénticas características medioambientales y geo-climáticas.
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As organizações se encontram em meio a uma série de transformações na sociedade e no mundo empresarial de natureza estrutural e tecnológica. Essas mudanças relacionadas ao processo de globalização, cada vez mais constantes na vida organizacional implicam as organizações uma postura cada vez mais responsável tanto a nível organizacional quanto social. Em se tratando de adaptações organizacionais, o funcionário poderá ser mais exigido. Se a empresa precisa estar mais competitiva para continuar no mercado e resistir, há expectativa de uma maior capacidade produtiva. Nesse contexto de pressões constantes a todos da organização, a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho passa ser destaque como um diferencial competitivo para organizações, que programam e usufruem de seus resultados. Porém, não se pode deixar de pensar que além de produzir, as empresas devem estar preocupadas no seu papel perante a sociedade, nesse item, entra a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial. As empresas são cobradas tanto como estas podem influir na degradação dos recursos naturais, como na sua ação de fazer algo a mais que contribua para sociedade. Esse assunto vem se expandindo devido à sua importante aplicabilidade e atualmente tem pautado algumas discussões no campo organizacional. Com base neste conceito, este estudo buscou analisar as possíveis relações existentes entre os programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho QVT e Responsabilidade Social Empresarial - RSE considerando a satisfação de QVT dos indivíduos que participam dos programas de RSE nas empresas que adotam ambos os programas QVT e RSE. Optou-se em adotar um estudo de caso em associação com métodos quantitativos para aplicação do instrumento BPSO (96) e métodos qualitativos, entrevistas e observação do pesquisador. Concluiu-se que os Envolvidos em programas de RSE não apresentaram maior satisfação de QVT em relação ao grupo Não Participa . O fato da participação do funcionário em RSE não deve ser considerado como um indicador de QVT. O que pode ter influenciado nos resultados é o perfil da amostra, que se mostrou muito heterogêneo, onde estão presentes vários tipo de pessoas e cada um com uma expectativa diferente do empenho da empresa com sua Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho.
La formación de la Junta de Gobierno en Buenos Aires en 1810 dio inicio a un proceso político que adquirió derroteros diversos en el interior del extenso territorio perteneciente al Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Al igual que en las provincias del Alto Perú, la jurisdicción de Salta fue escenario de una guerra de recursos de la cual participó la población rural integrando las milicias provinciales o "Escuadrones Gauchos". Interesa entonces observar en qué medida el conflicto bélico agudizó y puso en evidencia las tensiones existentes por los derechos de propiedad y usufructo de la tierra ya manifestadas a fines del siglo XVIII, particularmente en el valle de Lerma, y su incidencia en las disputas en torno a la tierra que tuvieron lugar luego de concluida la guerra en la provincia de Salta.
La formación de la Junta de Gobierno en Buenos Aires en 1810 dio inicio a un proceso político que adquirió derroteros diversos en el interior del extenso territorio perteneciente al Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Al igual que en las provincias del Alto Perú, la jurisdicción de Salta fue escenario de una guerra de recursos de la cual participó la población rural integrando las milicias provinciales o "Escuadrones Gauchos". Interesa entonces observar en qué medida el conflicto bélico agudizó y puso en evidencia las tensiones existentes por los derechos de propiedad y usufructo de la tierra ya manifestadas a fines del siglo XVIII, particularmente en el valle de Lerma, y su incidencia en las disputas en torno a la tierra que tuvieron lugar luego de concluida la guerra en la provincia de Salta.
La formación de la Junta de Gobierno en Buenos Aires en 1810 dio inicio a un proceso político que adquirió derroteros diversos en el interior del extenso territorio perteneciente al Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Al igual que en las provincias del Alto Perú, la jurisdicción de Salta fue escenario de una guerra de recursos de la cual participó la población rural integrando las milicias provinciales o "Escuadrones Gauchos". Interesa entonces observar en qué medida el conflicto bélico agudizó y puso en evidencia las tensiones existentes por los derechos de propiedad y usufructo de la tierra ya manifestadas a fines del siglo XVIII, particularmente en el valle de Lerma, y su incidencia en las disputas en torno a la tierra que tuvieron lugar luego de concluida la guerra en la provincia de Salta.
The object of analysis in the text are the issues concerned with the transmission easement and the adverse possession thereof on the grounds of the Polish law. The text features: (1) a historical outline of the solutions concerned with easements in the Polish law following 1945, (2) the institution of transmission easement introduced in 2008 and the solutions concerned with the claims for the establishment thereof at court, (3) the institution of adverse possession of transmission easement pursuant to civil law regulations, judicature and the legal doctrine. On account of the need to elaborate the wide-ranging legal issues concerned with the transmission easement in this text, the analysis embraces two research questions giving rise to the following conclusions: (1) What function is performed by the institution of transmission easement in the system of civil-law relations in the Polish law? The legislator in the articles introducing a transmission easement ossified the solutions functioning in the judicature of the Polish courts before 2008. The legal interpretation took a turn for clarification, that is for the establishment of a norm in the situation where its comprehension was dubious. It is noteworthy that in the period prior to 2008, the law provided for easement appurtenant, and on account of the usual course of judicial decisions also for easement appurtenant with the content corresponding to transmission easement. In 2008 these two “legal existences” were supplemented with a transmission easement, which nevertheless failed to resolve all the legal problems; nay, this gave rise to even more problems, e.g. the one of non-establishment of interpolar norms which would address the issues arising in connection with the use of various easement institutions in legal transactions. While amending the civil law, the legislator aimed to bring order to legal transactions by streamlining the unregulated actual state of easement in relation to transmission infrastructure, but also in relation to the situations where an easement was yet to be established and a facility yet to be constructed. Thus, such action is intended to regulate the disorderly legislation in force as well as to safeguard investment processes. This is of particular significance, for example, for energy companies which are burdened with statutory public-law obligations as regards securing energy supplies and providing for the development of energy infrastructure. Hence, the de facto introduced civil-law solutions indirectly served to realise the principles of the doctrine of easement in the public interest. (2) What legal problems in the civil-law relations does the application of the institution of transmission easement by adverse possession entail? On account of the functioning of various institutions of easement, that is (1) an easement appurtenant, (2) an easement appurtenant with the content corresponding to a transmission easement, and as of 2008 (3) a transmission easement, a problem arose as to which of the given easements companies exercised in particular periods, all the more so because before 1989 the State Treasury owned them and many of the transmission facilities were put in place by virtue of administrative decisions. The commonly held belief is that in the period of “society-oriented economy” as well as up to 2008 infrastructure companies could exercise an easement appurtenant which corresponded to the content of a transmission easement. Therefore, in such a case the running of the prescriptive period should allow for the general rules laid down for an easement appurtenant. Apart from the problem of the relation of a capacity to exercise a right to property and the free development of civil-law relations before 1989, the recognition of the running of prescriptive periods – given the functioning of the three various easements as legal institutions – became a significant legal problem. By way of illustration, the recognition – against the period of exercising transmission easement – of the period required for the acquisition thereof by adverse possession, whereby before 3 August 2008 the real estate featured the legal state corresponding to the content of this right, is debatable. One cannot recognise that within that period a transmission easement was exercised, because such a right was not in existence as yet. Therefore, the institution that might be employed is the running of the period as regards the adverse possession in relation to an easement appurtenant with the content of a transmission easement. Still, the problem remains as to whether the period of the exercise of the easement appurtenant with the content corresponding to a transmission easement can be recognised against the period of possession required for the adverse possession of a transmission easement pursuant to the regulations introduced in 2008. One might incline to the position whereby in such a case it would be right to fully recognise – against the period of exercising a transmission easement – the period of exercising an easement appurtenant corresponding thereto in respect of its content. That being so, the adverse possession of a transmission easement might ensue in such a situation on 3 August 2008 at the earliest, that is the moment the regulations governing this right come into effect. Conversely, if the prescriptive period expires before that date, the entrepreneur would acquire an easement appurtenant with the content corresponding to the transmission easement. Such an interpretation is aligned with the purpose intended by the legislator, which is to bring order to the actual state of the broadest scope with the aid of a new legal instrument. The text, while analysing the issue of a transmission easement and an adverse possession thereof as a institution of the civil law, presents only some selected problems. Hence, the analysis does not include, for example, the issues concerned with claims for remuneration (for usufruct without contractual basis or usufruct fees), or claims for compensation (redress or amends). Furthermore, the text does not conduct a more profound analysis of the relation between the provisions regulating public-law relations (e.g. acts of law introducing the institution of dispossession) and the provisions regulating civil-law relations (the easements in question).
Dissertação de mest. em Gestão Cultural, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2005