959 resultados para Urdaibai biosphere reserve
Data of amphibians, reptiles and birds surveyed from February 2016 to May 2016 in the UNESCO Sheka forest biosphere reserve are provided as an online open access data file.
En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se analiza el desarrollo y evolución de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos en el marco del concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible. Se ha tratado de mostrar la evolución en el tiempo y en los fines llevada a cabo por estos Espacios, tanto desde el ámbito internacional como europeo, nacional y local, deteniéndose, especialmente, en el estudio de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai, al considerarse uno de los elementos más representativos de Euskadi. Con este trabajo, se confirma la hipótesis de que, aunque en la declaración y protección de Espacios Naturales se aprecia un esfuerzo realizado notable, aún queda un largo camino por recorrer.
O potencial conflito entre o paradigma de conservação da natureza e o desenvolvimento de atividades de turismo em áreas protegidas exige uma gestão rigorosa. Em alguns casos, o controlo da visitação é uma estratégia para a preservação dos recursos naturais assim como outras ferramentas de gestão tais como a capacidade de carga turística e/ou zonamento, com a definição de áreas de acesso restrito a visitas. A fim de promover a harmonização entre essas duas forças opostas (preservação vs. visitação) algumas áreas protegidas têm mudado o turismo de natureza para o ecoturismo. Isto implica que as atividades turísticas deverão ser focadas numa viagem responsável a áreas naturais, e, ao mesmo tempo, na promoção da conservação do meio ambiente, na interpretação e na educação. No nosso estudo analisamos o potencial do Ecoturismo na Reserva Natural das Berlengas, uma área protegida em Portugal. Foram analisados o perfil, as motivações e o comportamento ambiental dos turistas que visitam as Berlengas. Um questionário bilingue foi elaborado e os dados foram recolhidos a partir de 304 turistas que visitaram as Berlengas, durante os meses de julho e agosto de 2014, o s quais concordaram em colaborar neste estudo. A análise dos nossos resultados permitiu-nos inferir que, de facto, o turista visita a ilha da Berlenga devido ao ambiente natural e à vida selvagem, a visita também está relacionada com as atividades de natureza, tais como, visitar as cavernas de barco, observação da vida selvagem, caminhadas e praia. No entanto, pelo facto dos turistas estarem motivados a visitarem a ilha para se envolverem na natureza não significa que eles tenham consciência pró-ambiental. Encontramos 53,2%/ medio-ecológicos e apenas 37,9% dos turistas pró-ecológico; 8,9% são mesmo anti-ecológicos. Os nossos resultados sugerem que a natureza e a vida selvagem são motivações que não parecem ser suficientes para as pessoas apoiarem verdadeiramente a conservação da natureza e desenvolver comportamentos pró-ambientais. Mas, também verificámos que os turistas com um maior nível de instrução têm uma maior consciência ecológica. Assim, os turistas com maior nível de instrução tendem a ter menos impacto sobre o destino turístico. De acordo com nossos resultados, são apresentadas várias recomendações para a implementação do ecoturismo nas Berlengas.
In a cross-cultural study perceptions of local people living in the surroundings of biosphere reserves in Switzerland and Ukraine were examined using the method of qualitative interviews. In the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch in Switzerland people stated that they hoped for a better regional economic development due to the existence of the biosphere reserve. However, at the same time people feared further restrictions regarding land-use. In the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve located in Transcarpathia/Ukraine people tended to connect certain conditions – such as the high price for wood – directly to the existence of the biosphere reserve, when in fact these conditions and the biosphere reserve were separate, parallel developments. In both case studies three key-categories influencing local residents’ perceptions and evaluations of biosphere reserves could be identified. These categories are (1) the economic situation, (2) the history of nature protection, and (3) the power balance between the involved stakeholders. Paying close attention to those three categories will help planners and managers of protected areas to better understand the reasoning of local residents for or against a biosphere reserve in their area.
The Cananéia-Iguape system, SE Brazil, consists of a complex of lagoonal channels, located in a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Biosphere Reserve. Nevertheless, important environmental changes have occurred in approximately the last 150 yrs due to the opening of an artificial channel, the Valo Grande, connecting the Ribeira de Iguape River to the lagoonal system. Our objective is to assess the historical record of the uppermost layers of the sedimentary column of the lagoonal system in order to determine the history of environmental changes caused by the opening of the artificial channel. In this sense, an integrated geochemical-faunal approach is used. The environmental changes led significant modifications in salinity, in changes of the depositional patterns of sediments and foraminiferal assemblages (including periods of defaunation), and, more drastically, in the input of heavy metals to the coastal environment. The concentrations Pb in the core analyzed here were up to two times higher than the values measured in contaminated sediments from the Santos estuary, the most industrialized coastal zone in Brazil.
An analysis of geomorphic system`s response to change in human and natural drivers in some areas within the Rio de la Plata basin is presented The aim is to determine whether an acceleration of geomorphic processes has taken place in recent years and, if so, to what extent it is due to natural (climate) or human (land-use) drivers Study areas of different size, socio-economic and geomorphic conditions have been selected: the Rio de la Plata estuary and three sub-basins within its watershed Sediment cores were extracted and dated ((210)Pb) to determine sedimentation rates since the end of the 19th century. Rates were compared with time series on rainfall as well as human drivers such as population, GDP, livestock load, crop area, energy consumption or cement consumption, all of them related to human capacity to disturb land surface Data on river discharge were also gathered Results obtained indicate that sedimentation rates during the last century have remained essentially constant in a remote Andean basin, whereas they show important increases in the other two, particularly one located by the Sao Paulo metropolitan area Rates in the estuary are somewhere in between It appears that there is an intensification of denudation/sedimentation processes within the basin. Rainfall remained stable or varied very slightly during the period analysed and does not seem to explain increases of sedimentation rates observed. Human drivers, particularly those more directly related to capacity to disturb land surface (GDP, energy or cement consumption) show variations that suggest human forcing is a more likely explanation for the observed change in geomorphic processes It appears that a marked increase in denudation, of a ""technological"" nature, is taking place in this basin and leading to an acceleration of sediment supply This is coherent with similar increases observed in other regions (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
A survey of carnivore mammals was accomplished in Aparados da Serra National Park from February 1998 to March 2000. The park has 10,250 ha and is considered a biodiversity core area of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The landscape is characterized by relatively well preserved relicts of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze forest, grasslands and Atlantic Forest, which have contributed for the survival of endangered carnivore mammals. The National Park was divided in a grid of 16 km² cells using a 1:50,000 scale map. The animals were recorded using indirect methods, by identifying signs (scats, tracks) and direct observation in 2.5 km long and 5 m wide transects, with 10 replicates in each grid cell. Interviews with local people were also used to confirm the animal presence. A total of 13 species was recorded: Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798), Pseudalopex gymnocercus (G. Fischer, 1814), Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) were the most frequent species registered. Nasua nasua (Linnaeus 1766), Herpailurus yaguarondi (Lacépède, 1809), Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815), Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758), Leopardus sp., Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), Galictis cuja (Molina, 1782), Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1892) and Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) showed lower frequencies. The Park presented areas with significant differences (Mantel Test, P< 0.05) in species richness and composition related to habitat classes. Areas with high habitat richness presented high species richness. The Araucaria forest was the habitat that presented the higher carnivore richness. The border areas of the Park are influenced by several environmental degradation factors that could be affecting the distribution of carnivores.
Two snapshot surveys to establish the diversity and ecological preferences of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the terra firme primary rain forest surrounding the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the UNESCO Yasuní Biosphere Reserve of eastern Amazonian Ecuador were carried out in November 1998 and May 1999. The mosquito fauna of this region is poorly known; the focus of this study was to obtain high quality link-reared specimens that could be used to unequivocally confirm species level diversity through integrated systematic study of all life stages and DNA sequences. A total of 2,284 specimens were preserved; 1,671 specimens were link-reared with associated immature exuviae, all but 108 of which are slide mounted. This study identified 68 unique taxa belonging to 17 genera and 27 subgenera. Of these, 12 are new to science and 37 comprise new country records. DNA barcodes [658-bp of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase ( COI ) I gene] are presented for 58 individuals representing 20 species and nine genera. DNA barcoding proved useful in uncovering and confirming new species and we advocate an integrated systematics approach to biodiversity studies in future. Associated bionomics of all species collected are discussed. An updated systematic checklist of the mosquitoes of Ecuador (n = 179) is presented for the first time in 60 years.
El Camí de Cavalls és un element característic amb una importància històrica, cultural i recreativa considerable a Menorca. Aquesta illa va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per l UNESCO l’any 1993; com a conseqüència, a l’any 2000 es va implantar el Pla Especial del Camí de Cavalls amb diversos objectius: definir les característiques del Camí i els seus instruments de gestió i aplicació; implantar mecanismes i normes que permetin l’ús públic que garanteixin la seva protecció i conservació; i finalment definir polítiques de sostenibilitat i conscienciació ambiental. Al llarg dels anys, la seva gestió ha permès que el Camí presenti una millora del seu estat de conservació i fer-ne un ús favorable a nivell socioambiental. L’any 2008 es va realitzar una diagnosi del Sector nord-est de la illa, aplicant-ne diversos indicadors per tal de determinar l’estat del Cam,í coincidint amb l’aplicació dels criteris plantejats pel Pla Especial del 2000 (Diagnosi Socioambiental del Camí de Cavalls de Menorca 2008). En aquest document s’explica la realització de la segona diagnosi, a partir del protocol dissenyat cinc anys abans, per tal de valorar l’estat actual del Camí i observar i definir les variacions que s’han produït en aquest període de temps. Els resultats mostren una tendència global positiva de millora del Camí, tal i com es planteja en la hipòtesis del projecte, tot i presentar-se una sèrie d’inconvenients a l’hora d’aplicar i valorar qualitativament els indicadors utilitzats. L’estudi s’ha realitzat amb la col·laboració dels centres de estudis ambientals de l’ICTA (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals) amb seu a la UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), i l’OBSAM (Observatori Socioambiental de Menorca) amb seu a l’IME (Institut Menorquí d’Estudis).
El present estudi pretén posar en valor part del paper de l’Home del Programa MaB (Men and Biosphere). En concret, pretén descobrir la importància i el paper que pot tenir (o que té realment) l’anomenat patrimoni cultural per a la consecució dels objectius de la Reserva de la Biosfera, i les pròpies potencialitats que ofereix aquest patrimoni per al consum del turisme cultural
The Cerrado has been the main source of firewood and charcoal in Brazil, but despite being one of the hot spots for conservation of the world's biodiversity, neither plantations of native species nor sustainable management has been adopted in the region. The aim of this work was to investigate the biomass distribution and the potential for energy production of the cerrado species. The study was conducted in a cerrado sensu stricto site at the Água Limpa Farm (15º 56'14'' S and 47º 46'08'' W) in the Cerrado Biosphere Reserve. An area of 63.54ha was divided in 20 x 50m plots and, a random sample consisting of ten of these plots, representing 1.56% of the study-site, was assessed. All woody individuals from 5 cm diameter at 30 cm above ground level were identified and measured. Each individual was felled, the twigs thinner than 3cm were discarded while the larger branches and the trunks, both with bark, were weighted separately. After that, 2.5cm transverse sections of the trunk with bark were taken at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the length. A similar sample was also taken at the base of each branch. A total of 47 species in 35 genera and 24 families were found, with an average density of 673 individuals per ha. The diameter distribution showed a reversed-J shape with 67% of the individuals up to 13cm, while the maximum diameter was 32.30cm. Seven species represented 72% of the total biomass. In general, the species with higher production per tree were among those with higher production per ha. This content was distributed by diameter classes, reaching a maximum of 2.5ton/ha between 9 to 13cm and then, decreasing to 0.96 ton/ha between 29 to 33cm diameter. Carbon sequestering was 6.2ton/ha (until the actual stage of cerrado) based on an average 50% carbon content in the dry matter. The heat combustion of the wood varied from 18,903kj/kg to 20,888kj/kg with an average of 19,942kj/kg. The smaller diameter classes fix more carbon due to the large number of small plants per ha. But, for a species that reached larger dimensions and contained individuals in all diameter classes, Vochysia thyrsoidea, one can verify an increase in carbon fixation from 1.41 kg/ha in the first class (5 to 9cm) to 138,3kg/ha in the last (25 to 33cm). That indicates that it is possible to select species that reach larger size with a higher capacity of carbon accumulation per plant. The species that reached larger dimensions, with a production per tree above average and had high calorific power values were Dalbergia miscolobium, Pterodon pubescens and Sclerolobium paniculatum. These species have potential for use in fuelwood plantations and sustainable management.