942 resultados para Uniqueness of solutions


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My work concerns two different systems of equations used in the mathematical modeling of semiconductors and plasmas: the Euler-Poisson system and the quantum drift-diffusion system. The first is given by the Euler equations for the conservation of mass and momentum, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. The second one takes into account the physical effects due to the smallness of the devices (quantum effects). It is a simple extension of the classical drift-diffusion model which consists of two continuity equations for the charge densities, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. Using an asymptotic expansion method, we study (in the steady-state case for a potential flow) the limit to zero of the three physical parameters which arise in the Euler-Poisson system: the electron mass, the relaxation time and the Debye length. For each limit, we prove the existence and uniqueness of profiles to the asymptotic expansion and some error estimates. For a vanishing electron mass or a vanishing relaxation time, this method gives us a new approach in the convergence of the Euler-Poisson system to the incompressible Euler equations. For a vanishing Debye length (also called quasineutral limit), we obtain a new approach in the existence of solutions when boundary layers can appear (i.e. when no compatibility condition is assumed). Moreover, using an iterative method, and a finite volume scheme or a penalized mixed finite volume scheme, we numerically show the smallness condition on the electron mass needed in the existence of solutions to the system, condition which has already been shown in the literature. In the quantum drift-diffusion model for the transient bipolar case in one-space dimension, we show, by using a time discretization and energy estimates, the existence of solutions (for a general doping profile). We also prove rigorously the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing doping profile). Finally, using a new time discretization and an algorithmic construction of entropies, we prove some regularity properties for the solutions of the equation obtained in the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing pressure). This new regularity permits us to prove the positivity of solutions to this equation for at least times large enough.


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Cikkünk arról a paradox jelenségről szól, hogy a fogyasztást explicit módon megjelenítő Neumann-modell egyensúlyi megoldásaiban a munkabért meghatározó létszükségleti termékek ára esetenként nulla lehet, és emiatt a reálbér egyensúlyi értéke is nulla lesz. Ez a jelenség mindig bekövetkezik az olyan dekomponálható gazdaságok esetén, amelyekben eltérő növekedési és profitrátájú, alternatív egyensúlyi megoldások léteznek. A jelenség sokkal áttekinthetőbb formában tárgyalható a modell Leontief-eljárásra épülő egyszerűbb változatában is, amit ki is használunk. Megmutatjuk, hogy a legnagyobbnál alacsonyabb szintű növekedési tényezőjű megoldások közgazdasági szempontból értelmetlenek, és így érdektelenek. Ezzel voltaképpen egyrészt azt mutatjuk meg, hogy Neumann kiváló intuíciója jól működött, amikor ragaszkodott modellje egyértelmű megoldásához, másrészt pedig azt is, hogy ehhez nincs szükség a gazdaság dekomponálhatóságának feltételezésére. A vizsgált téma szorosan kapcsolódik az általános profitráta meghatározásának - Sraffa által modern formába öntött - Ricardo-féle elemzéséhez, illetve a neoklasszikus növekedéselmélet nevezetes bér-profit, illetve felhalmozás-fogyasztás átváltási határgörbéihez, ami jelzi a téma elméleti és elmélettörténeti érdekességét is. / === / In the Marx-Neumann version of the Neumann model introduced by Morishima, the use of commodities is split between production and consumption, and wages are determined as the cost of necessary consumption. In such a version it may occur that the equilibrium prices of all goods necessary for consumption are zero, so that the equilibrium wage rate becomes zero too. In fact such a paradoxical case will always arise when the economy is decomposable and the equilibrium not unique in terms of growth and interest rate. It can be shown that a zero equilibrium wage rate will appear in all equilibrium solutions where growth and interest rate are less than maximal. This is another proof of Neumann's genius and intuition, for he arrived at the uniqueness of equilibrium via an assumption that implied that the economy was indecomposable, a condition relaxed later by Kemeny, Morgenstern and Thompson. This situation occurs also in similar models based on Leontief technology and such versions of the Marx-Neumann model make the roots of the problem more apparent. Analysis of them also yields an interesting corollary to Ricardo's corn rate of profit: the real cause of the awkwardness is bad specification of the model: luxury commodities are introduced without there being a final demand for them, and production of them becomes a waste of resources. Bad model specification shows up as a consumption coefficient incompatible with the given technology in the more general model with joint production and technological choice. For the paradoxical situation implies the level of consumption could be raised and/or the intensity of labour diminished without lowering the equilibrium rate of the growth and interest. This entails wasteful use of resources and indicates again that the equilibrium conditions are improperly specified. It is shown that the conditions for equilibrium can and should be redefined for the Marx-Neumann model without assuming an indecomposable economy, in a way that ensures the existence of an equilibrium unique in terms of the growth and interest rate coupled with a positive value for the wage rate, so confirming Neumann's intuition. The proposed solution relates closely to findings of Bromek in a paper correcting Morishima's generalization of wage/profit and consumption/investment frontiers.


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This work deals with the existence of mild solutions for a class of impulsive functional differential equations of the neutral type associated with the family of linear closed (not necessarily bounded) operators {A(t) : t is an element of 1}. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We establish existence of mild solutions for a class of abstract second-order partial neutral functional differential equations with unbounded delay in a Banach space.


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We consider the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with a time-delayed convective term and a forcing term which contains some hereditary features. Some results on existence and uniqueness of solutions are established. We discuss the asymptotic behaviour of solutions and we also show the exponential stability of stationary solutions.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009


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We consider multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs). We prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions when the coefficient grow super-linearly, and moreover, can be neither locally Lipschitz in the variable y nor in the variable z. This is done with super-linear growth coefficient and a p-integrable terminal condition (p & 1). As application, we establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions to degenerate semilinear PDEs with superlinear growth generator and an Lp-terminal data, p & 1. Our result cover, for instance, the case of PDEs with logarithmic nonlinearities.


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"Vegeu el resum a l´inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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The main result is a proof of the existence of a unique viscosity solution for Hamilton-Jacobi equation, where the hamiltonian is discontinuous with respect to variable, usually interpreted as the spatial one. Obtained generalized solution is continuous, but not necessarily differentiable.


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The elucidation of mechanisms underlying telencephalic neural development has been limited by the lack of knowledge regarding the molecular and cellular aspects of the ganglionic eminence (GE), an embryonic structure that supplies the brain with diverse sets of GABAergic neurons. Here, we report a comprehensive transcriptomic analysis of this structure including its medial (MGE), lateral (LGE) and caudal (CGE) subdivisions and its temporal dynamics in 12.5 to 16 day-old rat embryos. Surprisingly, comparison across subdivisions showed that CGE gene expression was the most unique providing unbiased genetic evidence for its differentiation from MGE and LGE. The molecular signature of the CGE comprised a large set of genes, including Rwdd3, Cyp26b1, Nr2f2, Egr3, Cpta1, Slit3, and Hod, of which several encode cell signaling and migration molecules such as WNT5A, DOCK9, VSNL1 and PRG1. Temporal analysis of the MGE revealed differential expression of unique sets of cell specification and migration genes, with early expression of Hes1, Lhx2, Ctgf and Mdk, and late enrichment of Olfm3, SerpinE2 and Wdr44. These GE profiles reveal new candidate regulators of spatiotemporally governed GABAergic neuronogenesis.


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In his version of the theory of multicomponent systems, Friedman used the analogy which exists between the virial expansion for the osmotic pressure obtained from the McMillan-Mayer (MM) theory of solutions in the grand canonical ensemble and the virial expansion for the pressure of a real gas. For the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the solution, Friedman proposed a definition for the"excess free energy" that is a reminder of the ancient idea for the"osmotic work". However, the precise meaning to be attached to his free energy is, within other reasons, not well defined because in osmotic equilibrium the solution is not a closed system and for a given process the total amount of solvent in the solution varies. In this paper, an analysis based on thermodynamics is presented in order to obtain the exact and precise definition for Friedman"s excess free energy and its use in the comparison with the experimental data.


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In the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, the proofs of some basic known results, like for example the uniqueness of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations under smallness assumptions on the data or the stability of certain time discretization schemes, actually only use a small range of properties and are therefore valid in a more general context. This observation leads us to introduce the concept of SST spaces, a generalization of the functional setting for the Navier-Stokes equations. It allows us to prove (by means of counterexamples) that several uniqueness and stability conjectures that are still open in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations have a negative answer in the larger class of SST spaces, thereby showing that proof strategies used for a number of classical results are not sufficient to affirmatively answer these open questions. More precisely, in the larger class of SST spaces, non-uniqueness phenomena can be observed for the implicit Euler scheme, for two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, for the fractional step theta scheme, and for the SST-generalized stationary Navier-Stokes equations. As far as stability is concerned, a linear version of the Euler scheme, a nonlinear version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme turn out to be non-stable in the class of SST spaces. The positive results established in this thesis include the generalization of classical uniqueness and stability results to SST spaces, the uniqueness of solutions (under smallness assumptions) to two nonlinear versions of the Euler scheme, two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme for general SST spaces, the second order convergence of a version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and a new proof of the first order convergence of the implicit Euler scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. For each convergence result, we provide conditions on the data that guarantee the existence of nonstationary solutions satisfying the regularity assumptions needed for the corresponding convergence theorem. In the case of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, this involves a compatibility condition at the corner of the space-time cylinder, which can be satisfied via a suitable prescription of the initial acceleration.