122 resultados para Underwriting syndicate


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This article canvasses recent case law adjudicating the uneasy disclosure balance between the interests of the insurer and the insured in the process of transacting an insurance contract. It examines also the consequences of non-disclosure and misrepresentation and whether the avowed legislative intent — that the liability of the insurer in respect of a claim is to be reduced to the amount that would place the insurer in the position it would have been had the non-disclosure or misrepresentation not occurred — is being achieved in practice. As there is no doubt as to who bears the onus of proof as to non-disclosure or misrepresentation it is surprising that insurers continue to flounder in this regard in relation to underwriting guidelines and adherence to them. The article reviews recent case law in this context and stresses that an insurer wishing to preserve its capacity to avoid liability on the basis that it would not have entered into a contract at all had the true situation been known to it must maintain detailed underwriting guidelines supported by consistent adherence to those guidelines. Recent case law also emphasises that the insurer must provide clear and cogent admissible evidence from appropriate personnel and officers of the company to discharge its onus.


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The trade of the financial analyst is currently a much-debated issue in today’s media. As a large part of the investment analysis is conducted under the broker firms’ regime, the incentives of the financial analyst and the investor do not always align. The broker firm’s commercial incentives may be to maximise its commission from securities trading and underwriting fees. The purpose of this thesis is to extend our understanding of the work of a financial analyst, the incentives he faces and how these affect his actions. The first essay investigates how the economic significance of the coverage of a particular firm impacts the analysts’ accuracy of estimation. The hypothesis is that analysts put more effort in analysing firms with a relatively higher trading volume, as these firms usually yield higher commissions. The second essay investigates how analysts interpret new financial statement information. The essay shows that analysts underreact or overreact to prior reported earnings, depending on the short-term pattern in reported earnings. The third essay investigates the possible investment value in Finnish stock recommendations, issued by sell side analysts. It is established that consensus recommendations issued on Finnish stocks contain investment value. Further, the investment value in consensus recommendations improves significantly through the exclusion of recommendations issued by banks. The fourth essay investigates investors’ behaviour prior to financial analysts’ earnings forecast revisions. Lately, the financial press have reported cases were financial analysts warn their preferred clients of possible earnings forecast revisions. However, in the light of the empirical results, it appears that the problem of analysts leaking information to some selected customers does not appear systematically on the Finnish stock market.


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This article arises from the 1998 Ponds Conference organised by Pond Action. A workshop entitled "How do we raise the profile of ponds?" was held on the first evening of the conference, taking the form of three syndicate groups each tackling one of the following three issues: How to get volunteers and the community involved with ponds; raising the profile of ponds within the government sector; and raising the profile of ponds with scientists. It is clear that, as scientists, our understanding of ponds is not great. However, some progress has been made in understanding the rare species that are likely to occur in them. A great deal more scientific research is required to understand the nature, diversity, distribution, formative processes and wise management options for ponds. However, perhaps of equal or even greater importance is the need for scientists and pond managers to understand the broader values that people across society hold about ponds.


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O presente estudo objetiva identificar e analisar as condições políticas e as motivações que resultaram na finalização das atividades do Sindicato dos Assistentes Sociais do Rio de Janeiro em 1990, tendo em vista os elementos estruturais, conjunturais e políticos envolvidos na trajetória sindical em geral e particularmente àqueles presentes na trajetória dos assistentes sociais. A investigação partiu da hipótese de que sobre o processo que resultou no fechamento do sindicato incidiram determinações que não poderiam ser explicadas apenas como o esgotamento de um movimento que teve ao longo dos anos 1980 ações de destaque na organização e aproximação da categoria com as lutas dos demais movimentos sociais em curso no país e particularmente no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados analisados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, análise dos registros e documentos institucionais arquivados no Sindicato dos Assistentes Sociais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (SASERJ), arquivos pessoais, acervo do Centro Brasileiro Cooperação Serviços Sociais (CBCISS), acervo do Conselho Regional de Serviço Social do Rio de Janeiro (CRESS), teses, dissertações, trabalhos de conclusão de curso e anais dos congressos da categoria. A reflexão sobre os dados foi referenciada por considerável bibliografia acerca da organização sindical brasileira e das transformações do Estado brasileiro no período abordado.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la relevancia del uso del sexo a la hora de tarificar y calcular prestaciones en el seguro de salud en base a la promulgación de la Directiva 2004/113/CE, que prohíbe su utilización al considerarlo discriminatorio. Se analiza el valor de la variable sexo como indicador del perfil de riesgo de los consumidores en el seguro de enfermedad, haciendo hincapié en el ámbito del gasto obstétrico, en las primas de las mujeres en edad de embarazo y en el empleo de factores alternativos razonables que determinen el riesgo. Se estudian a su vez los efectos y consecuencias de la Directiva 2004/113/CE y la sentencia Test-Achats en el ámbito asegurador, así como el impacto producido concretamente en la tarificación y suscripción de los seguros de salud en España, analizando la evolución del sector durante el periodo de implantación de dichos documentos.


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O tema a respeito do financiamento da exploração e produção de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal tem sido motivo de debate entre estudiosos e profissionais da área. No novo regime de exploração e produção previsto na Lei n 12.351/2010, a Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) será a operadora de todos os blocos contratados, ou seja, responsável pela condução e execução, direta ou indireta, de todas as atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, produção e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção. Tal incumbência legal, por si só, denota o volume de investimentos que a Petrobras deverá realizar nos próximos anos, seja com recursos próprios ou de terceiros, para exploração dessas novas áreas descobertas. Ademais, as sociedades contratadas para empreender as operações exploratórias também necessitarão de recursos, uma vez que, junto com a Petrobras, assumirão os custos e os investimentos referentes às atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, fabricação e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção decorrentes dos contratos de partilha. As debêntures conversíveis em ações apresentam-se como uma alternativa viável para a captação de recursos financeiros, além de proporcionarem vantagens, se comparadas com outras formas de financiamento, como empréstimos junto a instituições financeiras e aumento de capital, uma vez que é a companhia emissora responsável por decidir, por exemplo, a data e prazo de vencimento das debêntures e a forma de remuneração dos subscritores de tais títulos. O novo regime legal das debêntures, instituído pela Lei n 12.431/2011, também veio a facilitar o uso desse instrumento para financiar as atividades de produção e exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal. A Petrobras, mesmo enquanto sociedade de economia mista, poderá emitir debêntures conversíveis em ações, observadas algumas regras para a manutenção do seu controle pela União.


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After 9/11, it has become increasingly obvious that strongly held religious convictions about the end of the world cannot be dismissed as the predictable consequences of deprivation, as several generations of social scientists once claimed. Instead, it has become clear that these kinds of ideas, having a life of their own, may establish discourses which may have extraordinary capacity to cross nations, cultures and even religions, encouraging passive withdrawal from the political world as well as inspiring vicious and sometimes violent attempts at its subjugation, underwriting the ‘war on terror’ as well as inspiring some of those intent on the destruction of the United States. This article describes one of Ireland’s most successful intellectual exports – a very specific system of thinking about the end of the world known as ‘dispensational premillennialism.’ And the article will move from county Wicklow in the early nineteenth century, through the troubled decades of American modernity, to arrive, perhaps unexpectedly, in the company of the soldiers of radical jihad. The article will describe the globalisation of a discourse which was developed among the most privileged classes of early nineteenth-century Ireland to explain and justify their attempt to withdraw from the world, and which has more recently been used to explain and justify sometimes violent political interventions by both prominent Western politicians and some of the most marginalised and desperate inhabitants of our broken twenty-first century.


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[Updated August 2016] The Hotel Valuation Software, freely available from Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research, has been updated to reflect the many changes in the 11th Edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI). Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software provides numerous enhancements over the original tool from 2011. In addition to a significant increase in functionality and an update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI, Version 4.0 takes advantage of the power of the latest release of Microsoft Excel®. Note that Version 4.0 works only on a PC running Microsoft Windows, it does not work on a Mac running OS X. Users desiring an OS X compatible version should click here (Labeled as Version 2.5). 酒店评估软件手册和三个程序(点击这里 ) Users desiring a Mandarin version of the Hotel Valuation Software should click here The Hotel Valuation Software remains the only non-proprietary computer software designed specifically to assist in the preparation of market studies, forecasts of income and expense, and valuations for lodging property. The software provides an accurate, consistent, and cost-effective way for hospitality professionals to forecast occupancy, revenues and expenses and to perform hotel valuations. Version 4.0 of the Hotel Valuation Software includes the following upgrades – a complete update to reflect the 11th edition of the USALI – the most significant change to the chart of accounts in a generation, an average daily rate forecasting tool, a much more sophisticated valuation module, and an optional valuation tool useful in periods of limited capital liquidity. Using established methodology, the Hotel Valuation Software is a sophisticated tool for lodging professionals. The tool consists of three separate software programs written as Microsoft Excel files and a software users' guide. The tool is provided through the generosity of HVS and the School of Hotel Administration. The three software modules are: Room Night Analysis and Average Daily Rate: Enables the analyst to evaluate the various competitive factors such as occupancy, average room rate, and market segmentation for competitive hotels in a local market. Calculates the area-wide occupancy and average room rate, as well as the competitive market mix. Produce a forecast of occupancy and average daily rate for existing and proposed hotels in a local market. The program incorporates such factors as competitive occupancies, market segmentation, unaccommodated demand, latent demand, growth of demand, and the relative competitiveness of each property in the local market. The program outputs include ten-year projections of occupancy and average daily rate. Fixed and Variable Revenue and Expense Analysis: The key to any market study and valuation is a supportable forecast of revenues and expenses. Hotel revenue and expenses are comprised of many different components that display certain fixed and variable relationships to each other. This program enables the analyst to input comparable financial operating data and forecast a complete 11-year income and expense statement by defining a small set of inputs: The expected future occupancy levels for the subject hotel Base year operating data for the subject hotel Fixed and variable relationships for revenues and expenses Expected inflation rates for revenues and expenses Hotel Capitalization Software: A discounted cash flow valuation model utilizing the mortgage-equity technique forms the basis for this program. Values are produced using three distinct underwriting criteria: A loan-to-value ratio, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property value. A debt coverage ratio (also known as a debt-service coverage ratio), in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow, mortgage interest rate, and mortgage amortization. A debt yield, in which the size of the mortgage is based on property level cash flow. By entering the terms of typical lodging financing, along with a forecast of revenue and expense, the program determines the value that provides the stated returns to the mortgage and equity components. The program allows for a variable holding period from four to ten years The program includes an optional model useful during periods of capital market illiquidity that assumes a property refinancing during the holding period


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La possibilité d'utiliser l'information génétique dans le domaine de l'assurance vie a soulevé des discussions autour des politiques et des législations, et ce, au niveau international, régional et national. Dans certains pays offrant des services de santé universels, le débat sur la génétique et l'assurance vie a envisagé de possibles restrictions quant à l'utilisation de l’information génétique en matière d’assurance.


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The debate surrounding the role of life insurance, the necessity of risk rating, and the notion of “acceptable discrimination” has raised questions about the larger social role of insurance. Recent developments in the field of genetics, allowing insurers to make use of genetic testing technology as a new underwriting tool, have reinvigorated this debate. This article presents a comparative study of positions taken in countries on issues in genetics and life insurance. We will analyze the 43 selected countries and comment on their potential for ensuring a more equitable access for life insurance applicants.


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Résumé: Les progrès réalisés dans le domaine médical ont permis un prolongement de l’espérance de vie, l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients; ce qui implique aussi des changements dans des domaines comme l’assurance-vie. Le principe de la tarification en assurance-vie est basé sur la comparaison du risque (probabilité) de décès d’un individu candidat à une police d’assurance à celui d’une population de référence la plus proche possible du candidat. C’est ainsi que l’analyse de la littérature médicale est devenue un outil indispensable dans la sélection des risques. L’assurance-vie est présente en Afrique subsaharienne depuis environ deux cents ans, mais les assureurs ne disposaient pas jusqu'à nos jours d’outils de tarification spécifiques au contexte africain. A notre connaissance notre travail est le premier effort de ce type à s’intéresser à ce sujet. Son objectif est d’élaborer un outil de tarification qui tiendra compte des aspects spécifiques de la mortalité et de la morbidité sur le continent africain. Dans une première partie nous avons conduit une revue de la littérature médicale disponible sur différents problèmes de santé; dans une seconde étape nous avons identifié les facteurs de risque de morbidité et de mortalité afin de proposer une sélection des risques pour une tarification. Les résultats montrent que les études de mortalité, et principalement les cohortes de suivi à long terme sont rares en Afrique subsaharienne; la majorité des études sont de courte durée et en plus elles enrôlent un nombre restreint de patients. Ces insuffisances ne permettent pas une analyse actuarielle approfondie et les résultats sont difficiles à extrapoler directement dans le domaine de la tarification. Cependant, l’identification des facteurs d’aggravation de la mortalité et de la morbidité permettra un ajustement de la tarification de base. Le sujet noir africain présente un profil de mortalité et de morbidité qui est sensiblement différent de celui du sujet caucasien, d’où la nécessité d’adapter les outils de tarification actuellement utilisés dans les compagnies d’assurance qui opèrent en Afrique subsaharienne. L’Afrique au sud du Sahara a besoin aujourd’hui plus que jamais de données épidémiologiques solides qui permettront de guider les politiques sanitaires mais aussi servir au développement d’une sélection des risques adaptés au contexte africain. Ceci passera par la mise en place d’un réseau coordonné de santé publique, un système de surveillance démographique fiable et un suivi continu des mouvements de la population. Pour atteindre un tel objectif, une collaboration avec les pays développés qui sont déjà très avancés dans de tels domaines sera nécessaire.


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Empirical evidence suggests that ambiguity is prevalent in insurance pricing and underwriting, and that often insurers tend to exhibit more ambiguity than the insured individuals (e.g., [23]). Motivated by these findings, we consider a problem of demand for insurance indemnity schedules, where the insurer has ambiguous beliefs about the realizations of the insurable loss, whereas the insured is an expected-utility maximizer. We show that if the ambiguous beliefs of the insurer satisfy a property of compatibility with the non-ambiguous beliefs of the insured, then there exist optimal monotonic indemnity schedules. By virtue of monotonicity, no ex-post moral hazard issues arise at our solutions (e.g., [25]). In addition, in the case where the insurer is either ambiguity-seeking or ambiguity-averse, we show that the problem of determining the optimal indemnity schedule reduces to that of solving an auxiliary problem that is simpler than the original one in that it does not involve ambiguity. Finally, under additional assumptions, we give an explicit characterization of the optimal indemnity schedule for the insured, and we show how our results naturally extend the classical result of Arrow [5] on the optimality of the deductible indemnity schedule.


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Empirical evidence suggests that ambiguity is prevalent in insurance pricing and underwriting, and that often insurers tend to exhibit more ambiguity than the insured individuals (e.g., [23]). Motivated by these findings, we consider a problem of demand for insurance indemnity schedules, where the insurer has ambiguous beliefs about the realizations of the insurable loss, whereas the insured is an expected-utility maximizer. We show that if the ambiguous beliefs of the insurer satisfy a property of compatibility with the non-ambiguous beliefs of the insured, then there exist optimal monotonic indemnity schedules. By virtue of monotonicity, no ex-post moral hazard issues arise at our solutions (e.g., [25]). In addition, in the case where the insurer is either ambiguity-seeking or ambiguity-averse, we show that the problem of determining the optimal indemnity schedule reduces to that of solving an auxiliary problem that is simpler than the original one in that it does not involve ambiguity. Finally, under additional assumptions, we give an explicit characterization of the optimal indemnity schedule for the insured, and we show how our results naturally extend the classical result of Arrow [5] on the optimality of the deductible indemnity schedule.