18 resultados para Umbu


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The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) is a fruit native to the northeast of Brazil with great economic, social and ecological importance for the northeastern semi-arid region. Despite its role, the umbu tree has suffered negative pressure thanks to cluttered extractivism and to negative selection of its fruits, which as the deforestation and the dormancy of seeds contribute to the decrease of its production year after year, making necessary studies that contribute to the improvement of this specie and its conservation. Given the risks to the conservation of the specie and its usefulness to the population, the association between plant biotechnology, for being a tool that can be used to increase its production. and the perception of gathering communities, by valuing the point of view and the knowledge of the population, can facilitate its conservation. This work aimed to develop methods of propagation for umbu tree as well as contribute to its conservation by using biotechnology, with specific objectives to contribute to the conservation of this species; determine concentrations of BAP and ANA in the formation of buds; testing the efficiency of different substrates and concentrations of gibberellic acid on germination in vitro and ex vitro, as well as capture the perception of families in communities that engage in the gathering of umbu. To study the germination, the seeds were inoculated in different substrates (vermiculite, vermiculite + clay, clay, clay + manure and manure + vermiculite) and in different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0 mg, 250 g and 500 mg). For the formation of buds BAP to 0.1 mg-1 was associated with different concentrations of ANA (0.2; 0.4; 0.8mg.L-1). The study of perception was conducted by applying semi-structured questionnaire with Malhada Vermelha community. The experiments resulted in vermiculite and concentration of 500 mg gibberellic acid as the best for germination. The association of 0.1 mg.L-1 of BAP to 0.2 mg.L-1 of ANA provided better formation of buds. As to the application of questionnaires, they revealed that the population understands the decreased amount of umbu plants and umbu fruit in the region, as well as shows concern for its conservation.


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Realizou-se um estudo objetivando avaliar a resistencia estomatica, transpiracao e temperatura da folha do umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.), no seu habitat natural, no final da estacao seca e apos as primeiras chuvas. A resistencia estomatica comecou a aumentar em torno das 7 horas nos dois periodos, porem de forma mais brusca durante a seca, resultando em baixa transpiracao. Apos as primeiras chuvas, a resistencia estomatica comecou a aumentar em torno de 13 horas, quando as condicoes ambientais ainda eram favoraveis a uma grande demanda evapotranspiratoria. Estes resultados sugeram uma acentuada economia de agua pelo umbuzeiro. Nao se observaram diferencas na temperatura das folhas relativas aos dois periodos.


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In this study, we investigated the different responses of Spondias tuberosa (umbu) trees, which grow in two different ecological life zones in northeast Brazil: tropical wet and tropical arid ecosystems. We evaluated the responses of plants grown under humid and dry conditions by measuring the photosynthesis, water status, fluorescence parameters, carbon isotopes and antioxidant system activity. The higher net photosynthesis values were recorded contemporaneously with the lower VPD values. The highest internal-to-ambient CO2 concentration and the absence of typical changes in the fluorescence parameters suggested an onset of a nonstomatal limitation in the photosynthesis. Our results showed that umbu plants can adjust their antioxidant activity during the dry season as a defensive strategy against the deleterious effects of water stress. This evidence is supported by the observed modifications in the pigment concentrations, increased accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde, high levels of electrolyte leakage, increased antioxidant activity, and decreased carbon isotope discrimination in the umbu trees during the dry season. Supported by multivariate analysis of variance, significantly effect of interaction between categorical months of collect and location predicts a strong ?dry season effect? on our dataset. Taken together, our data show that umbu trees grown in a wet tropical environment are more susceptible to drought, as compared with their tropical arid counterparts.