45 resultados para Umbría


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Mobile technology plays an increasing role in interpersonal communication,representing a useful resource for different age cohorts. While the usage ofmobile communication by younger people has received a wide attention fromcommunication scholars, its usage by older people is less explored. Thegoal of our research project is to analyse the usage of mobile phones by theelderly in Italy. We conducted 51 semi-structured interviews in Rome and in amid-range town located in Umbria, between October 2013 and February 2014.Our study explores older users¿ motivations and usage practices, their perceptions of mobile phones, theiradoption and domestication of mobile phones, their usage skills. More specifically,our analysis focuses on: - personal characteristics - personal networks (personalnetwork composition, self-perceived social life, communication channels) -adoption of mobile telephone - consumption patterns of mobile devices - usedmobile services - location and mobility of mobile telephone - current mobilecharacteristics - attitude and opinions towards mobile technology Our preliminaryresults show major differences in users¿ behaviours and perceptions, that canbe related to age cohorts (younger olds vs older olds); socio-cultural levels;vital trajectories (in terms of professional and familiar status); and gender.


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Comprend : Aenigma astronomicum adulterium Solis et Lunae visibile in hemisph. Parisiensi, quod pseudo-umbra illico teget. Anno M. DC. LXVI. die XVI. Junii. Si vera sit Kepleri aequatio menstrua ; Emblema astronomicum larva dimidiam Solis faciem tegens, Lunae dichotomiae speciem mentitur ; Monopolion coeleste majoris conjunctionis Saturni & Jovis visae anno 1663. die 16 octobris quatriduo ante tabularum praedictionem, cum magna conjunctione Saturni et Veneris anno 1666. die 29 nov. visibili : si caelum calculis Rudolphinis consentiat


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Se realiza un proyecto de investigación en un centro de Huelva. Los objetivos del proyecto son iniciar al alumnado en la búsqueda de información sobre un tema; despertar su interés hacia el entorno natural de Punta Umbría; reconocer e identificar animales propios de la localidad; y valorar la importancia del medio natural manifestando actitudes de respeto y cuidado. Es un proyecto multidisciplinar en el que participan las áreas de Medio Físico y Social, Identidad y Autonomía Personal, y Comunicación y Representación. Se recogen ideas y expresiones sobre el camaleón; se realiza una presentación en Power Point sobre la vida del camaleón y su adaptación al medio; y se elabora un mural de clase. Además, junto a los pequeños, participan las familias y un asesor pedagógico externo.


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Ejemplar fotocopiado


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and palaeocological results were obtained from Oxfordian to Tithonian foraminifers of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean boreholes of the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 36, 41, 44, 50, and 79. An oversight on the cored Jurassic sections of the DSDP Legs 79 and the corresponding foraminiferal descriptions are given. The reddish brown, clayey and carbonaceous Cat Gap Formation (Oxfordian to Tithonian) of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, rich in radiolarians, yields less or more uniform, in most cases allochthonous foraminiferal faunas of Central European shelf character. No Callovian and Upper Tithonian foraminiferaI zones can be established. The zone of Pseudomarssonella durnortieri covers the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian, the zone of Neobulimina atlantica the Kimmeridgian/Lower Tithonian interval. Characteristic foraminiferal faunas are missing since the Upper Tithonian to Valanginian for reason of a widely distributed regression which caused hiatuses observed all over the Northern Atlantic Ocean and in parts of Europe. The Upper Jurassic cannot be subdivided into single stages by foraminiferal biostratigraphy alone. The fovaminiferal zones established by Moullad (1984) covering a Callovian-Tithonian interval may be of some local importance in the Tethyan realm: It has too long-ranging foraminiferal species to be used as index marker in the word-wide DSDP boreholes. Some taxonomical confusion is caused because in former publications some foraminiferal species have got different names both in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The foraminiferal biostratigraphy of drilled sections from DSDP boreholes is restricted by the drilling technique and for palaeo-oceanographical, biological, and geological reasons. Foraminiferal faunas from the DSDP originally described as ,,bathyal, or ,,abyssal,, have to be derived from shallower water. This contrasts the palaeo-water depths of 3000-4000 m which result from sedimentological and palaeo-geographical investigations.


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Los bosques de Maytenus boaria Mol. (maitén) se distribuyen en Mendoza en el borde oriental de la Cordillera Frontal en el Dpto. de San Carlos y constituyen valiosos relictos. El objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar el estado de conservación de estos bosques en umbría y solana entre 1500 y 1640 m s.n.m. en quebradas de esta cordillera. Para ello se relevó el número de individuos por clase diamétrica (adultos, jóvenes y renovales) y sus características de vitalidad-deterioro. Los bosques relevados se presentan esquemáticamente mediante perfiles que sintetizan su fisonomía, principales características ambientales y la presencia de disturbios. Si se considera la totalidad de los adultos de las poblaciones inventariadas (100 maitenes) sólo 19% están sanos, 50% débiles, 17% decrépitos y 14% muertos en pie; esto reflejaría algún tipo de estrés que reduce su vitalidad o que estarían alcanzando la vejez. La causa del deterioro en jóvenes y renovales se debe al ataque por insectos y/o por ramoneo del ganado; debido al alto deterioro medio de los renovales (65%) y jóvenes (88%) la renovación del bosque es incierta. Se concluye que es necesario iniciar la conservación de estos bosques y profundizar en su conocimiento. Se trata del primer estudio de bosques de maitén en las quebradas de la Cordillera Frontal de Mendoza.


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Los rodales de Maytenus boaria en la cordillera de Mendoza constituyen relictos arbóreos en riesgo. Se realizaron relevamientos fitosociológicos de estos en quebradas de la Cordillera Frontal. Se observaron bosques puros en laderas y mixtos en terrazas. Los rodales puros se localizaron por encima de 1500 m s. n. m. en: 1) quebradas cerradas en umbrías y solanas en ambientes fríos, que corresponden al piso de Mulguraea scoparia y Colliguaja integerrima; las condiciones más frías de umbría son evidenciadas por Junellia juniperina, Bowlesia tropaeolifolia, Gutierrezia gilliesii, Mutisia subspinosa, Ephedra breana, Geranium berteroanum y Calceolaria pinifolia; las condiciones más cálidas de solana por Schinus fasciculatus, Lycium chilense y Buddleja mendozensis; 2) valles abiertos en umbrías en ambientes frescos donde crecen las especies del Monte: L. chilense, Baccharis salicifolia, Larrea nitida y Proustia cuneifolia; estas tres últimas junto con Eupatorium buniifolium indican mayor disponibilidad de agua en laderas y terrazas. En los ambientes frescos se relevaron también los bosques mixtos de M. boaria y Ochetophila trinervis con Rosa rubiginosa, P. cuneifolia, E. buniifolium en terrazas por debajo de 1500 m s. n. m. Son bosques azonales que constituyen rodales aislados de escasa extensión en sitios con alta disponibilidad de agua.


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From the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, and 62 the Lower Cretaceous foraminifers have been investigated for biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and palaeoecological purposes. An overview of the cored Lower Cretaceous sections of Leg 1-80 is given. In the Northern Atlantic Ocean characteristic foraminiferal faunas are missing from the Upper Tithonian to the Valanginian due to a marked regression which caused hiatuses. In areas without black shale conditions Valanginian to Barremian medium rich to poor microfaunas with Praedorothia ouachensis (Sigal) of the Praedorothia ouachensis Zone (Valanginian-Hauterivian). The Hauterivian-Aptian interval is characterized by zones of Gavelinella barrerniana, Gaudryina dividens, and Conorotalites aptiensis. During the Albian a world-wide fauna consisting of agglutinated and calcareous foraminifers of the Pseudoclavulina gaultina Zone is established in areas lacking the wide-spread black-shale conditions. The Upper Albian and the Cenomanian are represented by the Gavelinella eenomanica Zone. Some ornamented species of the nodosariids (Citharina, Lenticulina), Gavelinella, Conorotatites, Pleurostomella, Vatvulineria, and Osangularia are of some importance for the biostratigraphy of the Berriasian-Albian interval. The Berriasian to Albian zones introduced for the Tethys and the DSDP by Moullade (1984) could only be of some local importance due to the long stratigraphical range of the foraminiferal species used. In the Indian Ocean an exact stratigraphical age cannot be assigned to the few Neocomian foraminiferal faunas of a cooler sea water (Site 261). These faunas mainly contain primitive agglutinated foraminifers, because in most cases the calcareous tests are dissolved or redeposited. In the Pacific Ocean most of the Berriasian to Aptian microfaunas are of minor biostratigraphical and palaeoecological importance for reasons of poor core recoveries, contaminations or original foraminiferal poverty (black shales). Since the Albian there are somewhat higher-diverse faunas of calcareous and agglutinated foraminifers with index species of the Pseudoclavulina gaultina Zone. As a rule, the boundary Albian/Cenomanian is set by means of planktonic foraminifers because no other foraminifer has its first appearance datum during this interval, except Gavelinella cenornanica. During the Albian very uniform, world-wide foraminiferal faunas without a marked provincialism are obvious.