231 resultados para Ultrasonics


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Simple and reliable formation of biodegradable nanoparticles formed from poly-ε-caprolactone was achieved using 1.645 MHz piston atomization of a source fluid of 0.5% w/v of the polymer dissolved in acetone; the particles were allowed to descend under gravity in air 8 cm into a 1 mM solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate. After centrifugation to remove surface agglomerations, a symmetric monodisperse distribution of particles φ 186 nm (SD=5.7, n=6) was obtained with a yield of 65.2%. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The acceptance of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) for the assessment of osteoporosis suffers from a limited understanding of both ultrasound wave propagation through cancellous bone and its exact dependence upon the material and structural properties. It has recently been proposed that ultrasound wave propagation in cancellous bone may be described by a concept of parallel sonic rays; the transit time of each ray defined by the proportion of bone and marrow propagated. A Transit Time Spectrum (TTS) describes the proportion of sonic rays having a particular transit time, effectively describing the lateral inhomogeneity of transit times over the surface aperture of the receive ultrasound transducer. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the solid volume fraction (SVF) of simplified bone:marrow replica models may be reliably estimated from the corresponding ultrasound transit time spectrum. Transit time spectra were derived via digital deconvolution of the experimentally measured input and output ultrasonic signals, and compared to predicted TTS based on the parallel sonic ray concept, demonstrating agreement in both position and amplitude of spectral peaks. Solid volume fraction was calculated from the TTS; agreement between true (geometric calculation) with predicted (computer simulation) and experimentally-derived values were R2=99.9% and R2=97.3% respectively. It is therefore envisaged that ultrasound transit time spectroscopy (UTTS) offers the potential to reliably estimate bone mineral density and hence the established T-score parameter for clinical osteoporosis assessment.


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Reflection and transmission coefficients of rubberized coir pads over the frequency band 200 kHz to 4 MHz are presented in this Paper. These results are compared with those reported for neoprene, paraffin wax, rubber car mat and plastic door mat1. The rubberized coir pads were found to possess wideband absorption characteristics. It has been experimentally found that 0.05 m thick coir pads have almost 100% absorption in the frequency range 800 kHz-3 MHz with a maximum at 2.35 MHz. We have used this material for lining the water tank for underwater acoustic studies.


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This paper presents the results of the rise time calculation of a SAW resonator. The total rise time is given by rise time = [(rise time of cavity)2 + (rise time of reflectors)2 + (rise time of IDT) 2 ]. 1/2 These rise times are calculated in terms of the effective length of the cavity , the characteristics of the reflector, and the number of finger pairs in the IDT. The rise time of a 38 MHz one-port resonator on Y-Z LiNb03 calculated using this approach is found to be in good agreement with experimental results .


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Time reversal active sensing using Lamb waves is investigated for health monitoring of a metallic structure. Experiments were conducted on an aluminum plate to study the time reversal behavior of A(0) and S-0 Lamb wave modes under narrow band and broad band pulse excitation. Damage in the form of a notch was introduced in the plate to study the changes in the characteristics of the time reversed Lamb wave modes experimentally. Time-frequency analysis of the time reversed signal was carried out to extract the damage information. A measure of damage based on wavelet transform was derived to quantify the hidden damage information in the time reversed signal. It has been shown that time reversal can be used to achieve temporal recompression of Lamb waves under broadband signal excitation. Further, the broad band excitation can also improve the resolution of the technique in detecting closely located defects. This is demonstrated by picking up the reflection of waves from the edge of the plate, from a defect close to the edge of the plate and from defects located near to each other. This study shows the effectiveness of Lamb wave time reversal for temporal recompression of dispersive Lamb waves for damage detection in health monitoring applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The copolymers, poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methyl acrylate) (PMMAMA), poly(methyl methacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) (PMMAEA) and poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) (PMMABA), of different compositions were synthesized and characterized. The effect of alkyl acrylate content, alkyl group substituents and solvents on the ultrasonic degradation of these copolymers was studied. A model based on continuous distribution kinetics was used to study the kinetics of degradation. The rate coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental data with the model. The linear dependence of the rate coefficients on the logarithm of the vapor pressure of the solvent indicated that vapor pressure is the crucial parameter that controls the degradation process. The rate of degradation increases with an increase in the alkyl acrylate content. At any particular copolymer composition, the rate of degradation follows the order: PMMAMA > PMMAEA > PMMABA. It was observed that the degradation rate coefficient varies linearly with the mole percentage of the alkyl acrylate in the copolymer.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) (SMMA), poly (styrene-co-ethyl methacrylate) (SEMA) and poly (styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) (SBMA) copolymers of different compositions was studied. The copolymers were synthesized and NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the composition, and the glass transition temperatures were determined by DSC. The reactivity ratios were determined by the Kelen-Tudos method and it indicated that the copolymers were random. The effect of solvent, temperature and copolymer composition on the ultrasonic degradation rate of these copolymers was investigated. A model based on continuous distribution kinetics was employed to study the degradation kinetics. The degradation rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with an increase in the styrene content in the copolymer. At any particular copolymer composition the rate of degradation follows the order: SBMA >SEMA > SMMA. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the copolymers was carried in order to assess their thermal stability. The same order of degradation was observed for the thermal degradation of the copolymers as that observed for ultrasonic degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechano-chemical degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) and poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) using ultrasound (US), ultraviolet (UV) radiation and a photoinitiator (benzoin) has been investigated. The degradation of the polymers was monitored using the reduction in number average molecular weight (M-n) and polydispersity (PDI). A degradation mechanism that included the decomposition of the initiator, generation of polymer radicals by the hydrogen abstraction of initiator radicals, reversible chain transfer between stable polymer and polymer radicals was proposed. The mechanism assumed mid-point chain scission due to US and random scission due to UV radiation. A series of experiments with different initial M-n of the polymers were performed and the results indicated that, irrespective of the initial PDI, the PDI during the sono-photooxidative degradation evolved to a steady state value of 1.6 +/- 0.05 for all the polymers. This steady state evolution of PDI was successfully predicted by the continuous distribution kinetics model. The rate coefficients of polymer scission due to US and UV exhibited a linear increase and decrease with the size of the alkyl group of the poly(alkyl methacrylate)s, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A careful study of the existing literature available in the field of cavitation reveals the potential of ultrasonics as a tool for controlling and, if possible, eliminating certain types of hydrodynamic cavitation through the manipulation of nuclei size present in a flow. A glass venturi is taken to be an ideal device to study the cavitation phenomenon at its throat and its potential control. A piezoelectric transducer, driven at the crystal resonant frequency, is used to generate an acoustic pressure field and is termed an �ultrasonic nuclei manipulator (UNM)�. Electrolysis bubbles serve as artificial nuclei to produce travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat in the absence of a UNM but this cavitation is completely eliminated when a UNM is operative. This is made possible because the nuclei, which pass through the acoustic field first, cavitate, collapse violently and perhaps fragment and go into dissolution before reaching the venturi throat. Thus, the potential nuclei for travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat seem to be systematically destroyed through acoustic cavitation near the UNM. From the solution to the bubble dynamics equation, it has been shown that the potential energy of a bubble at its maximum radius due to an acoustic field is negligible compared to that for the hydrodynamic field. Hence, even though the control of hydrodynamic macro cavitation achieved in this way is at the expense of acoustic micro cavitation, it can still be considered to be a significant gain. These are some of the first results in this direction.


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Ultrasonic degradation of commercially important polymers, styrene-butadiene (SBR) rubber, acrylonitrile-butadiene (NBR) rubber, styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), polybutadiene rubber and polystyrene were investigated. The molecular weight distributions were measured using gel permeation chromatography (GPC). A model based on continuous distribution kinetics approach was used to study the time evolution of molecular weight distribution for these polymers during degradation. The effect of solvent properties and ultrasound intensity on the degradation of SBR rubber was investigated using different pure solvents and mixed solvents of varying volatility and different ultrasonic intensities. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experimental and theoretical studies on degradation of composite-epoxy adhesive joints were carried out on samples having different interfacial and cohesive properties. Oblique incidence ultrasonic inspection of bonded joints revealed that degradation in the adhesive can be measured by significant variation in reflection amplitude as also by a shift in the minima of reflection spectrum. It was observed that severe degradation of the adhesive leads to failure dominated by interfacial mode. Through this investigation it is demonstrated that a correlation exists between the bond strength and a frequency shift in reflection minimum. The experimental data was validated using analytical models. Though both bulk adhesive degradation and interfacial degradation influences the shift in spectrum minimum, the contribution of the latter was found to be significant. An inversion algorithm was used to determine the interfacial transverse stiffness using the experimental oblique reflection spectrum. The spectrum shift was found to depend on the value of interfacial transverse stiffness using which a qualitative assessment can be made on the integrity of the joint.