996 resultados para Ultrasonic Flow Meter


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Background: Dobutamine is the agent of choice for increasing cardiac output during myocardial depression in humans with septic shock. Studies have shown that beta-adrenoceptor agonists influence nitric oxide generation, probably by modulating cyclic adenosine monophosphate. We investigated the effects of dobutamine on the systemic and luminal gut release of nitric oxide during endotoxic shock in rabbits. Materials/Methods: Twenty anesthetized and ventilated New Zealand rabbits received placebo or intravenous lipopolysaccharide with or without dobutamine (5 mu g/kg/min). Ultrasonic flow probes placed around the superior mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta continously estimated the flow. A segment from the ileum was isolated and perfused, and scrum nitrate/nitrite levels were measured in the perfusate solution and the serum every hour. Results: The mean arterial pressure decreased with statistical significance in the lipopolysaccharide group but not in the lipopolysaccharide/dobutamine group. The abdominal aortic flow decreased statistically significantly after lipopolysaccharide administration in both groups but recovered to base-line in the lipopolysaccharide/dobutamine group. The flow in the superior mesenteric artery was statistically significantly higher in the lipopolysaccharide/dobutamine group than in the lipopolysaccharide group at 2 hours. The serum nitrate/nitrite levels were higher in the lipopolysaccharide group and lower in the lipopolysaccharide/dobutamine group than those in the control group. The gut luminal perfusate serum nitrate/nitric level was higher in the lipopolysaccharide group than in the lipopolysaccharide/dobutamine group. Conclusions: Dobutamine can decrease total and intestinal nitric oxide production in vivo. Those effects seem to be inversely proportional to the changes in blood flow.


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Background: Several factors have been implicated in the high-mortality rate of posttraumatic pneumonectomy. In this study, we evaluated the hemodynamic and echocardiographic changes induced by pneumonectomy and fluid resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Fourteen dogs were bled to a target mean arterial pressure of 40 mmHg. The animals were assigned to two groups: control (no fluid resuscitation) and lactated Ringer`s (3 x shed blood volume). The left pulmonary hilum was cross clamped, and the animals were observed for 60 minutes. Systemic hemodynamics was evaluated using Swan-Ganz, arterial catheter, and ultrasonic flow probe. Systemic O(2)-derived variables were calculated. Ejection fraction was determined by two-dimensional echocardiography. Results: Fluid resuscitation improved the mean arterial pressure and systemic oxygen delivery. After pneumonectomy, no significant increase in right ventricular pressure was observed in the LR group. No signs of major ventricular dilation or changes in arterial oxygenation were observed. Conclusion: Our data suggest that pneumonectomy is not associated with early pulmonary hypertension; gentle fluid resuscitation improves cardiovascular performance and is not associated with an increase in right ventricular pressure.


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Measurement of hepatic oxygen extraction was performed on six healthy Greyhound dogs over a two hour period. The Greyhounds were anaesthetised and a right subcostal surgical incision performed. Ultrasonic flow transducers were used to measure flow rate in the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The blood oxygen tensions in arterial blood and in the portal and hepatic veins were also measured. Hepatic oxygen extraction remained stable throughout the study, despite a steady decline in arterial blood pressure. The methodology described in this study provides a direct measure of oxygen uptake by the liver in the dog and could readily be used to investigate hepatic uptake of drugs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament d’estructures hardware digitals, sintetitzables sobre FPGA i realitzades des d’un entorn gràfic de disseny a nivell de sistema (alt nivell). S'ha escollit el Simulink (entorn gràfic que treballa sobre el software matemàtic Matlab de Mathworks) com a entorn de disseny, i que gràcies a la interfície proporcionada per Altera (DSPBuilder) és capaç de generar codi VHDL sintetitzable. Concretament ens centrarem en la gestió d’un sistema capturador d'imatges de comptadors del cabal d'aigua, en el qual volem fer la caracterització del comptador. Aquest capturador consta bàsicament d'un sensor d'imatge i una FPGA. En aquesta caracterització el que es pretén es ajustar els diferents paràmetres del sistema per fer que la lectura sigui òptima per a cada model de comptador que existeixen al mercat, com ara l'exposició del sensor, el guany d'un color, la realització d'un filtrat de la imatge, etc.


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The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of total endovascular stent implantation in the aortic arch. Indications for this operation-technique would be acute or chronic dissection of the aortic arch (non-A-non-B dissection) or type B dissection with retrograde extension. Four pigs were canulated via the distal abdominal aorta and a retrograde placement of a Djumbodis arch stent (4-9 cm) was controlled by using intravascular ultrasound and intracardiac ultrasound by the inferior cava vein and under radioscopic control. Cerebral perfusion, by using a flow meter placed on one prepared carotid artery, were controlled before, immediate post-procedural (<1 min), and in the early follow-up after aortic arch stent implantation. During the implantation process, especially during balloon inflation and deflation, mean carotid perfusion decreases slightly. A reactive increase of carotid perfusion after stent placements indicates transitory cerebral hypo-perfusion. Non-covered aortic arch stent implantation is technically feasible and could be a potential treatment option in otherwise inoperable arch dissections. The time required for balloon inflation and deflation causes an important risk of cerebral ischemia. The latter can be reduced by transaxillary perfusion.


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Landfill gas emissions are one of the main sources of anthropogenic methane (CH4), a major greenhouse gas. In this paper, an economically attractive alternative to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste landfills was sought. This alternative consists in special biofilters as landfill covers with oxidative capacity in the presence of CH4. To improve the quality/cost ratio of the project, compost was chosen as one of the cover substrates and soil (Typic red yellow-silt-clay Podzolic) as the other. The performance of four substrates was studied in laboratory experiments: municipal solid waste (MSW) compost, soil, and two soil-compost at different proportions. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability and environmental compatibility as a means of CH4 oxidation in biofilters. Four biofilters were constructed in 60 cm PVC tubes with an internal diameter of 10 cm. Each filter contained 2.3 L of oxidizing substrate at the beginning of the experiment. The gas used was a mixture of CH4 and air introduced at the bottom of each biofilter, at a flow of 150 mL min-1, by a flow meter. One hundred days after the beginning of the experiment, the best biofilter was the MSW compost with an oxidation rate of 990 g m-3 day-1 , corresponding to an efficiency of 44 %. It can be concluded that the four substrates studied have satisfactory oxidative capacity, and the substrates can be used advantageously as cover substrate of MSW landfills.


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Kaasukaarihitsauksessa suojakaasuna käytetään yleensä argonin ja hiilidioksidin tai argonin ja heliumin seoksia. Suojakaasu vaikuttaa useisiin hitsausominaisuuksiin, jotka puolestaan vaikuttavat hitsauksen laatuun ja tuottavuuteen. Automaattisella suojakaasun tunnistuksella ja virtausmäärän mittauksella voitaisiin tehdä hitsauksesta paitsi käyttäjän kannalta yksinkertaisempaa, myös laadukkaampaa. Työn tavoite on löytää mahdollisimman edullinen ja kuitenkin mahdollisimman tarkasti kaasuseoksia tunnistava menetelmä, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää MIG/MAG-hitsauskoneeseen sisäänrakennettuna. Selvä etu on, jos menetelmällä voidaan mitata myös kaasun virtausmäärä. Äänennopeus kaasumaisessa väliaineessa on aineen atomi- ja molekyylirakenteesta ja lämpötilasta riippuva ominaisuus, joka voidaan mitata melko edullisesti. Äänennopeuden määritys perustuu ääniaallon kulkuajan mittaamiseen tunnetun pituisella matkalla. Kaasun virtausnopeus on laskettavissa myötä- ja vastavirtaan mitattujen kulkuaikojen erotuksen avulla. Rakennettu mittauslaitteisto koostuu kahdesta ultraäänimuuntimesta, joiden halkaisija on 10 mm ja jotka toimivat sekä lähettimenä että vastaanottimena. Muuntimet ovat 140 mm:n etäisyydellä toisistaan virtauskanavassa, jossa suojakaasu virtaa yhdensuuntaisesti äänen kanssa. Virtauskanava on putki, jossa on käytetty elastisia materiaaleja, jotta ääniaaltojen eteneminen kanavan runkoa pitkin minimoituisi. Kehitetty algoritmi etsii kahden lähetetyn 40 kHz:n taajuisen kanttiaaltopulssin aiheuttaman vasteen perusteella ääniaallon saapumisajanhetken. Useiden mittausten, tulosten lajittelun ja suodatuksen jälkeen tuntemattomalle kaasulle lasketaan lämpötilakompensoitu vertailuluku. Tuntematon kaasu tunnistetaan vertailemalla lukua tunnettujen kaasuseosten mitattuihin vertailulukuihin. Laitteisto tunnistaa seokset, joissa heliumin osuus argonissa on enintään 50 %. Hiilidioksidia sisältävät argonin seokset puolestaan tunnistetaan puhtaaseen hiilidioksidiin asti jopa kahden prosenttiyksikön tarkkuudella. Kaasun tilavuusvirtausmittauksen tarkkuus on noin 1,0 l/min.


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OBJETIVO: investigar os valores normais de fluxo expiratório máximo para gestantes normais, com uso de aparelho expiratório portátil (Mini-Wright Peak Flow Meter), relacionando as medidas obtidas com estatura, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e idade de cada paciente, ao longo da gestação. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo longitudinal com 26 grávidas acompanhadas do primeiro trimestre até 36 semanas, sendo examinadas a cada quatro semanas. Durante sete visitas, as gestantes exalaram forçadamente três vezes no aparelho respiratório portátil, sendo considerado o maior valor como fluxo expiratório máximo. Todas as medidas foram realizadas de forma assistida, pelo mesmo pesquisador. O coeficiente de Pearson foi utilizado para calcular as correlações entre fluxo e IMC, entre fluxo e estatura e entre fluxo e idade da paciente. RESULTADOS: a variação do fluxo na gestação pode ser determinada por fluxo = 328,32 0,07 x semana, com coeficiente de Pearson igual a zero. Para verificar se houve diferença entre os coeficientes de correlação entre IMC e fluxo, em cada intervalo estudado, comparou-se o menor coeficiente (0,47 da semana 30, fluxo = 123,49 + 7,64 x IMC) com o maior (0,59 da semana 34, fluxo = 87,77 + 9,05 x IMC) e foi obtido o valor de 0,22, entre as variáveis fluxo e IMC. Entre estatura e fluxo, houve correlação positiva (Pearson = 0,61), com fluxo = -477,47 + 497,38 x estatura. O coeficiente de correlação entre fluxo e idade foi de 0,24, não se obtendo equação linear neste caso. CONCLUSÕES: os valores de fluxo expiratório máximo não se modificaram ao longo da gestação. Fluxos mais elevados foram encontrados em pacientes mais altas. Gestantes com maiores IMC prévios à gestação apresentaram maiores fluxos. Não houve correlação entre fluxo e idade materna.


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The type of fluid used during resuscitation may have an important impact on tissue edema. We evaluated the impact of two different regimens of fluid resuscitation on hemodynamics and on lung and intestinal edema during splanchnic hypoperfusion in rabbits. The study included 16 female New Zealand rabbits (2.9 to 3.3 kg body weight, aged 8 to 12 months) with splanchnic ischemia induced by ligation of the superior mesenteric artery. The animals were randomized into two experimental groups: group I (N = 9) received 12 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 6% hydroxyethyl starch solution; group II (N = 7) received 36 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 0.9% saline. A segment from the ileum was isolated to be perfused. A tonometric catheter was placed in a second gut segment. Superior mesenteric artery (Q SMA) and aortic (Qaorta) flows were measured using ultrasonic flow probes. After 4 h of fluid resuscitation, tissue specimens were immediately removed for estimations of gut and lung edema. There were no differences in global and regional perfusion variables, lung wet-to-dry weight ratios and oxygenation indices between groups. Gut wet-to-dry weight ratio was significantly lower in the crystalloid/colloid-treated group (4.9 ± 1.5) than in the crystalloid-treated group (7.3 ± 2.4) (P < 0.05). In this model of intestinal ischemia, fluid resuscitation with crystalloids caused more gut edema than a combination of crystalloids and colloids.


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La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es una patología comúnmente sub-diagnosticada. A la fecha no existe ninguna revisión sistemática publicada que evalué la búsqueda de caso (sujetos mayores de 40 años con factores de riesgo sin síntomas) y el diagnóstico temprano (factor de riesgo y síntomas) de la enfermedad. Métodos: Se condujo una revisión sistemática en tres bases de datos (Pubmed, CINAHL, EMBASE) para identificar estudios observacionales que reportaran la prevalencia de la EPOC en diferentes poblaciones expuestas a factores de riesgo (búsqueda de caso) o con factores de riesgo y síntomas (diagnóstico temprano), posteriormente con dichos estudios se calculó una prevalencia ponderada para cada grupo y esta se comparó con la prevalencia reportada en la población general en estudios locales. Así mismo se identificaron estudios para determinar la precisión de estrategias de búsqueda de caso (cuestionarios y el pico flujo espiratorio portátil PiKo 6®) usando la espirometría como patrón de oro para el diagnóstico de la EPOC. Dos autores seleccionaron de forma independiente los estudios que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión y se evaluó la calidad metodológica por medio de la estrategia GRADE. El número necesario a tamizar (1/ prevalencia) para diagnosticar un caso de EPOC con espirometría fue calculado para los dos grupos de interés y comparado con el valor conocido de la prevalencia nacional. A los cuestionarios y estudios de Piko 6® se les evaluó las características operativas (VPP, VPN) y se calcularon las probabilidades pos test negativas y positivas teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia ponderada. Resultados Para la estrategia de búsqueda de caso, once estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y la prevalencia ponderada en este grupo fue de 22% con un número necesario a tamizar (NNS) con espirometría de 5, comparado con un NNS de 11 obtenido de la prevalencia de la EPOC en Colombia 8.9% ( IC 95% 8.2-9.7). Posterior a la evaluación critica de varios cuestionarios y estudios de piko 6®, seleccionamos el cuestionario desarrollado por Mullernová y cols y el estudio de Frith y cols respectivamente. El cuestionario validado mostro una probabilidad postest positiva del 56% y postest negativa del 3% con un NNS de 2; para piko 6® los valores correspondientes fueron de 44%, 7% y 2 respectivamente. Para el diagnóstico temprano la prevalencia ponderada fue del 33.9% con un NNS de 3. Conclusiones El número necesario a tamizar para la estrategia de búsqueda de caso con cuestionarios y piko 6® es substancialmente menor que el número necesario a tamizar en la población general. El uso de cuestionarios o de piko 6® disminuye a 2 el NNS en el grupo de búsqueda de caso y a 3 para el grupo de diagnóstico temprano.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Durante o experimento “O Impacto da Seca Prolongada nos Fluxos de Água e Dióxido de Carbono em uma Floresta Tropical Amazônica” (ESECAFLOR) realizou-se este trabalho. Trata-se de um subprojeto do Experimento de Grande escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera da Amazônia (LBA), localizado na Estação Científica Ferreira Pena, dentro da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará (1o 42’ 30’’ S; 51o 31’45’’ W; 62 m altitude). A região tem floresta bem preservada, com dossel médio de 35 m. As espécies predominantes em terra-firme, são: Eschweilera coriacea (Mata-matá branco), Voucapoua americana (Acapu) e Protium pallidum (Breu Branco). Medidas foram realizadas entre 03 a 16 de dezembro de 2000 e 12 a 25 de janeiro de 2003, objetivandose determinar a transpiração de dois exemplares de Eschweilera coriacea, mediante os efeitos da seca provocada. A área do ESECAFLOR compreende duas parcelas, cada uma com 1 ha, parcela A (controle) e parcela B (exclusão da chuva). Para o fluxo de seiva, o método foi o Balanço de Calor no Tronco, com sistema Sap Flow meter, P4.1; entre os períodos analisados, a transpiração média registrou aumento de 56% na árvore A237 (parcela A) e redução de 68% na árvore B381 (parcela B)