902 resultados para Ubiquitinated Proteins


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Gewebe, Zellen und speziell Zellkompartimente unterscheiden sich in ihrer Sauerstoffkonzentration, Stoffwechselrate und in der Konzentration an gebildeten reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies. Um eine mögliche Änderung in der Aminosäurennutzung durch den Einfluss von Sauerstoff und seinen reaktiven Spezies untersuchen zu können wurden, Bereiche bzw. Kompartimente der menschlichen Zelle definiert, die einen Referenzrahmen bildeten und bekannt dafür sind, einen relativ hohen Grad an reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies aufzuweisen. Aus dem Vergleich wurde deutlich, dass vor allem die beiden redox-aktiven und schwefeltragenden Aminosäuren Cystein und Methionin durch eine besondere Verteilung und Nutzung charakterisiert sind. Cystein ist hierbei diejenige Aminosäure mit den deutlichsten Änderungen in den fünf untersuchten Modellen der oxidativen Belastung. In all diesen Modellen war die Nutzung von Cystein deutlich reduziert, wohingegen Methionin in Proteinen des Mitochondriums und der Elektronentransportkette angereichert war. Dieser auf den ersten Blick paradoxe Unterschied zwischen Cystein und Methionin wurde näher untersucht, indem die differenzierte Methioninnutzung in verschiedenen Zellkompartimenten von Homo sapiens charakterisiert wurde.rnDie sehr leicht zu oxidierende Aminosäure Methionin zeigt ein ungewöhnliches Verteilungsmuster in ihrer Nutzungshäufigkeit. Entgegen mancher Erwartung wird Methionin in zellulären Bereichen hoher oxidativer Belastung und starker Radikalproduktion intensiv verwendet. Dieses Verteilungsmuster findet man sowohl im intrazellulären Vergleich, als auch im Vergleich verschiedener Spezies untereinander, was daraufhin deutet, dass es einen lokalen Bedarf an redox-aktiven Aminosäuren gibt, der einen sehr starken Effekt auf die Nutzungshäufigkeit von Methionin ausübt. Eine hohe Stoffwechselrate, die im Allgemeinen mit einer erhöhten Produktion von Oxidantien assoziiert wird, scheint ein maßgeblicher Faktor der Akkumulation von Methionin in Proteinen der Atmungskette zu sein. Die Notwendigkeit, oxidiertes Antioxidans wieder zu reduzieren, findet auch bei Methionin Anwendung, denn zu Methioninsulfoxid oxidiertes Methionin wird durch die Methioninsulfoxidreduktase wieder zu Methionin reduziert. Daher kann die spezifische Akkumulation von Methionin in Proteinen, die verstärkt reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies ausgesetzt sind, als eine systematische Strategie angesehen werden, um andere labile Strukturen vor ungewollter Oxidation zu schützen. rnDa Cystein in allen untersuchten Modellen der oxidativen Belastung und im Besonderen in Membranproteinen der inneren Mitochondrienmembran lebensspannenabhängig depletiert war, wurde dieses Merkmal näher untersucht. Deshalb wurde die Hypothese getestet, ob ein besonderer Redox-Mechanismus der Thiolfunktion für diese selektive Depletion einer im Allgemeinen als harmlos oder antioxidativ geltenden Aminosäure verantwortlich ist. Um den Effekt von Cysteinresten in Membranen nachzustellen, wurden primäre humane Lungenfibroblasten (IMR90) mit diversen Modellsubstanzen behandelt. Geringe Konzentrationen der lipophilen Substanz Dodecanthiol verursachten eine signifikante Toxizität in IMR90-Zellen, die von einer schnellen Zunahme an polyubiquitinierten Proteinen und anderen Indikatoren des proteotoxischen Stresses, wie Sequestosom 1 (P62), HSP70 und HSP90 begleitet wurde. Dieser Effekt konnte spezifisch der Chemie der Thiolfunktion in Membranen zugeordnet werden, da Dodecanol (DOH), Dodecylmethylsulfid (DMS), Butanthiol oder wasserlösliche Thiole weder eine cytotoxische Wirkung noch eine Polyubiquitinierung von Proteinen verursachten. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit der Hypothese überein, dass Thiole innerhalb von biologischen Membranen als radikalische Kettentransferagentien wirken. Diese Eigenschaft wird in der Polymerchemie durch Nutzung von lipophilen Thiolen in hydrophoben Milieus technisch für die Produktion von Polymeren benutzt. Da die Thiylradikal-spezifische Reaktion von cis-Fettsäuren zu trans-Fettsäuren in 12SH behandelten Zellen verstärkt ablief, kann gefolgert werden, dass 12SH zellulär radikalisiert wurde. In lebenden Organismen kann demnach die Oxidation von Cystein die Schädigung von Membranen beschleunigen und damit Einfallstore für die laterale Radikalisierung von integralen Membranproteinen schaffen, welche möglicherweise der Langlebigkeit abträglich ist, zumindest, wenn sie in der inneren Mitochondrienmembran auftritt.


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The clinical use of anthracyclines in cancer therapy is limited by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity that involves cardiomyocyte injury and death. We have tested the hypothesis that anthracyclines affect protein degradation pathways in adult cardiomyocytes. To this aim, we assessed the effects of doxorubicin (Doxo) on apoptosis, autophagy and the proteasome/ubiquitin system in long-term cultured adult rat cardiomyocytes. Accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated proteins, increase of cathepsin-D-positive lysosomes and myofibrillar degradation were observed in Doxo-treated cardiomyocytes. Chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome was initially increased and then inhibited by Doxo over a time-course of 48 h. Proteasome 20S proteins were down-regulated by higher doses of Doxo. The expression of MURF-1, an ubiquitin-ligase specifically targeting myofibrillar proteins, was suppressed by Doxo at all concentrations measured. Microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3)-positive punctae and both LC3-I and -II proteins were induced by Doxo in a dose-dependent manner, as confirmed by using lentiviral expression of green fluorescence protein bound to LC3 and live imaging. The lysosomotropic drug chloroquine led to autophagosome accumulation, which increased with concomitant Doxo treatment indicating enhanced autophagic flux. We conclude that Doxo causes a downregulation of the protein degradation machinery of cardiomyocytes with a resulting accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated proteins and autophagosomes. Although autophagy is initially stimulated as a compensatory response to cytotoxic stress, it is followed by apoptosis and necrosis at higher doses and longer exposure times. This mechanism might contribute to the late cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines by accelerated aging of the postmitotic adult cardiomyocytes and to the susceptibility of the aging heart to anthracycline cancer therapy.


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The Jak-stat pathway is critical for cellular proliferation and is commonly found to be deregulated in many solid tumors as well as hematological malignancies. Such findings have spurred the development of novel therapeutic agents that specifically inhibit Jak2 kinase, thereby suppressing tumor cell growth. Tyrphostin AG490, the first described Jak2 inhibitor, displays poor pharmacology and requires high concentrations for anti-tumor activities. Our research group screened a small library of AG490 structural analogues and identified WP1130 as a potent inhibitor of Jak2 signaling. However, unlike AG490, WP1130 did not directly inhibit Jak2 kinase activity. Our results show that WP1130 induces rapid ubiquitination and subsequent re-localization of Jak2 into signaling incompetent aggresomes. In addition to Jak2, WP1130 also induces accumulation of other ubiquitinated proteins without inhibiting 20S proteasome activity. Further analysis of the mechanism of action of WP1130 revealed that WP1130 acts as a partly selective DUB inhibitor. It specifically inhibits the deubiquitinase activity of USP9x, USP5, USP14 and UCH37. WP1130 mediated inhibition of tumor-associated DUBs resulted in down-regulation of anti-apoptotic and up-regulation of pro-apoptotic proteins, such as MCL-1 and p53 respectively. Our results demonstrate that chemical modification of a previously described Jak2 inhibitor results in the unexpected discovery of a novel compound which acts as a DUB inhibitor, suppressing Jak-Stat signaling by a novel mechanism.


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The p62/SQSTM1 adapter protein has an important role in the regulation of several key signaling pathways and helps transport ubiquitinated proteins to the autophagosomes and proteasome for degradation. Here, we investigate the regulation and roles of p62/SQSTM1 during acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell maturation into granulocytes. Levels of p62/SQSTM1 mRNA and protein were both significantly increased during all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of AML cells through a mechanism that depends on NF-κB activation. We show that this response constitutes a survival mechanism that prolongs the life span of mature AML cells and mitigates the effects of accumulation of aggregated proteins that occurs during granulocytic differentiation. Interestingly, ATRA-induced p62/SQSTM1 upregulation was impaired in maturation-resistant AML cells but was reactivated when differentiation was restored in these cells. Primary blast cells of AML patients and CD34(+) progenitors exhibited significantly lower p62/SQSTM1 mRNA levels than did mature granulocytes from healthy donors. Our results demonstrate that p62/SQSTM1 expression is upregulated in mature compared with immature myeloid cells and reveal a pro-survival function of the NF-κB/SQSTM1 signaling axis during granulocytic differentiation of AML cells. These findings may help our understanding of neutrophil/granulocyte development and will guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies for refractory and relapsed AML patients with previous exposure to ATRA.


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Disruption of proteostasis, or protein homeostasis, is often associated with aberrant accumulation of misfolded proteins or protein aggregates. Autophagy offers protection to cells by removing toxic protein aggregates and injured organelles in response to proteotoxic stress. However, the exact mechanism whereby autophagy recognizes and degrades misfolded or aggregated proteins has yet to be elucidated. Mounting evidence demonstrates the selectivity of autophagy, which is mediated through autophagy receptor proteins (e.g. p62/SQSTM1) linking autophagy cargos and autophagosomes. Here we report that proteotoxic stress imposed by the proteasome inhibition or expression of polyglutamine expanded huntingtin (polyQ-Htt) induces p62 phosphorylation at its ubiquitin-association (UBA) domain that regulates its binding to ubiquitinated proteins. We find that autophagy-related kinase ULK1 phosphorylates p62 at a novel phosphorylation site S409 in UBA domain. Interestingly, phosphorylation of p62 by ULK1 does not occur upon nutrient starvation, in spite of its role in canonical autophagy signaling. ULK1 also phosphorylates S405, while S409 phosphorylation critically regulates S405 phosphorylation. We find that S409 phosphorylation destabilizes the UBA dimer interface, and increases binding affinity of p62 to ubiquitin. Furthermore, lack of S409 phosphorylation causes accumulation of p62, aberrant localization of autophagy proteins and inhibition of the clearance of ubiquitinated proteins or polyQ-Htt. Therefore, our data provide mechanistic insights into the regulation of selective autophagy by ULK1 and p62 upon proteotoxic stress. Our study suggests a potential novel drug target in developing autophagy-based therapeutics for the treatment of proteinopathies including Huntington's disease.


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We report here the functional characterization of an essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, MPR1, coding for a regulatory proteasomal subunit for which the name Rpn11p has been proposed. For this study we made use of the mpr1-1 mutation that causes the following pleiotropic defects. At 24°C growth is delayed on glucose and impaired on glycerol, whereas no growth is seen at 36°C on either carbon source. Microscopic observation of cells growing on glucose at 24°C shows that most of them bear a large bud, whereas mitochondrial morphology is profoundly altered. A shift to the nonpermissive temperature produces aberrant elongated cell morphologies, whereas the nucleus fails to divide. Flow cytometry profiles after the shift to the nonpermissive temperature indicate overreplication of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Consistently with the identification of Mpr1p with a proteasomal subunit, the mutation is complemented by the human POH1 proteasomal gene. Moreover, the mpr1-1 mutant grown to stationary phase accumulates ubiquitinated proteins. Localization of the Rpn11p/Mpr1p protein has been studied by green fluorescent protein fusion, and the fusion protein has been found to be mainly associated to cytoplasmic structures. For the first time, a proteasomal mutation has also revealed an associated mitochondrial phenotype. We actually showed, by the use of [rho°] cells derived from the mutant, that the increase in DNA content per cell is due in part to an increase in the amount of mitochondrial DNA. Moreover, microscopy of mpr1-1 cells grown on glucose showed that multiple punctate mitochondrial structures were present in place of the tubular network found in the wild-type strain. These data strongly suggest that mpr1-1 is a valuable tool with which to study the possible roles of proteasomal function in mitochondrial biogenesis.


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Exosomes released by myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are 30 nm in diameter extracellular vesicles that have been shown to carry biologically active proteins as well as ubiquitin molecules. Ubiquitin is known to have many functions, including involvement in the formation of exosomes, although the exact role is highly contested. In the study reported here, the proteome and ubiquitome of MDSC exosomes has been investigated by bottom-up proteomics techniques. This report identifies more than 1000 proteins contained in the MDSC exosome cargo and 489 sites of ubiquitination in more than 300 ubiquitinated proteins based on recognition of glycinylglycine tagged peptides without antibody enrichment. This has allowed extensive chemical and biological characterization of the ubiquitinated cohort compared to that of the entire protein cargo to support hypotheses on the role of ubiquitin in exosomes.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2010.


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Nedd4 belongs to a family of ubiquitin-protein ligases that is characterized by 2-4 WW domains, a carboxyl-terminal Hect ((h) under bar omologous to (E) under bar6-AP (C) under bar arboxyl (t) under bar erminus)-domain and in most cases an amino-terminal C2 domain. We had previously identified a series of proteins that associates with the WW domains of Nedd4. In this paper, we demonstrate that one of the Nedd4-binding proteins, N4WBP5, belongs to a small group of evolutionarily conserved proteins with three transmembrane domains. N4WBP5 binds Nedd4 WW domains via the two PPXY motifs present in the amino terminus of the protein. In addition to Nedd4, N4WBP5 can interact with the WW domains of a number of Nedd4 family members and is ubiquitinated. Endogenous N4WBP5 localizes to the Golgi complex. Ectopic expression of the protein disrupts the structure of the Golgi, suggesting that N4WBP5 forms part of a family of integral Golgi membrane proteins. Based on previous observations in yeast, we propose that N4WBP5 may act as an adaptor for Nedd4-like proteins and their putative targets to control ubiquitin-dependent protein sorting and trafficking.


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Prominin-1 (CD133) is physiologically expressed at the apical membranes of secretory (serous and mucous) and duct cells of major salivary glands. We investigated its expression in various human salivary gland lesions using two distinct anti-prominin-1 monoclonal antibodies (80B258 and AC133) applied on paraffin-embedded sections and characterized its occurrence in saliva. The 80B258 epitope was extensively expressed in adenoid cystic carcinoma, in lesser extent in acinic cell carcinoma and pleomorphic adenoma, and rarely in mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The 80B258 immunoreactivity was predominately detected at the apical membrane of tumor cells showing acinar or intercalated duct cell differentiation, which lined duct- or cyst-like structures, and in luminal secretions. It was observed on the whole cell membrane in non-luminal structures present in the vicinity of thin-walled blood vessels and hemorrhagic areas in adenoid cystic carcinoma. Of note, AC133 labeled only a subset of 80B258-positive structures. In peritumoral salivary gland tissues as well as in obstructive sialadenitis, an up-regulation of prominin-1 (both 80B258 and AC133 immunoreactivities) was observed in intercalated duct cells. In most tissues, prominin-1 was partially co-expressed with two cancer markers: carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and mucin-1 (MUC1). Differential centrifugation of saliva followed by immunoblotting indicated that all three markers were released in association with small membrane vesicles. Immuno-isolated prominin-1-positive vesicles contained CEA and MUC1, but also exosome-related proteins CD63, flotillin-1, flotillin-2 and the adaptor protein syntenin-1. The latter protein was shown to interact with prominin-1 as demonstrated by its co-immunoisolation. A fraction of saliva-associated prominin-1 appeared to be ubiquitinated. Collectively, our findings bring new insights into the biochemistry and trafficking of prominin-1 as well as its immunohistochemical profile in certain types of salivary gland tumors and inflammatory diseases.


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Many patients with Crohn's disease carry mutations in NOD2, a molecule that can both activate and attenuate the pro-inflammatory effects of NF-kappa B. Recent studies implicate NOD2-induced ubiquitination of the NF-kappa B regulator NEMO as a potential means of manipulating the NF-kappa B signal.


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The US9 gene of herpes simplex virus 1 encodes a virion tegument protein with a predicted Mr of 10,000. Earlier studies have shown that the gene is not essential for viral replication in cells in culture. We report that (i) US9 forms in denaturing polyacrylamide gels multiple overlapping bands ranging in Mr from 12,000 to 25,000; (ii) the protein recovered from infected cells or purified virions reacts with anti-ubiquitin antibodies; (iii) autoradiographic images of US9 protein immunoprecipitated from cells infected with [35S]methionine-labeled virus indicate that the protein is stable for at least 4 h after entry into cells (the protein was also stable for at least 4 h after a 1-h labeling interval 12 h after infection); (iv) antibody to subunit 12 of proteasomes pulls down US9 protein from herpes simplex virus-infected cell lysates; and (v) the US9 gene is highly conserved among the members of the alpha subfamily of herpes viruses, and the US9 gene product lacks lysines. We conclude that US9 is a lysine-less, ubiquitinated protein that interacts with the ubiquitin-dependent pathway for degradation of proteins and that this function may be initiated at the time of entry of the virus into the cell.


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The intracellular levels of many proteins are regulated by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. One of the best-characterized enzymes that catalyzes the attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is a ubiquitin ligase complex, Skp1-Cullin-F box complex containing Hrt1 (SCF). We sought to artificially target a protein to the SCF complex for ubiquitination and degradation. To this end, we tested methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP-2), which covalently binds the angiogenesis inhibitor ovalicin. A chimeric compound, protein-targeting chimeric molecule 1 (Protac-1), was synthesized to recruit MetAP-2 to SCF. One domain of Protac-1 contains the IκBα phosphopeptide that is recognized by the F-box protein β-TRCP, whereas the other domain is composed of ovalicin. We show that MetAP-2 can be tethered to SCFβ-TRCP, ubiquitinated, and degraded in a Protac-1-dependent manner. In the future, this approach may be useful for conditional inactivation of proteins, and for targeting disease-causing proteins for destruction.


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Septins (SEPTs) form a family of GTP-binding proteins implicated in cytoskeleton and membrane organization, cell division and host/pathogen interactions. The precise function of many family members remains elusive. We show that SEPT6 and SEPT7 complexes bound to F-actin regulate protein sorting during multivesicular body (MVB) biogenesis. These complexes bind AP-3, an adapter complex sorting cargos destined to remain in outer membranes of maturing endosomes, modulate AP-3 membrane interactions and the motility of AP-3-positive endosomes. These SEPT-AP interactions also influence the membrane interaction of ESCRT (endosomal-sorting complex required for transport)-I, which selects ubiquitinated cargos for degradation inside MVBs. Whereas our findings demonstrate that SEPT6 and SEPT7 function in the spatial, temporal organization of AP-3- and ESCRT-coated membrane domains, they uncover an unsuspected coordination of these sorting machineries during MVB biogenesis. This requires the E3 ubiquitin ligase LRSAM1, an AP-3 interactor regulating ESCRT-I sorting activity and whose mutations are linked with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies.


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Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (X. citri) is the causative agent of the citrus canker, a disease that affects several citrus plants in Brazil and across the world. Although many studies have demonstrated the importance of genes for infection and pathogenesis in this bacterium, there are no data related to phosphate uptake and assimilation pathways. To identify the proteins that are involved in the phosphate response, we performed a proteomic analysis of X. citri extracts after growth in three culture media with different phosphate concentrations. Using mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis, we showed that X. citri conserved orthologous genes from Pho regulon in Escherichia coli, including the two-component system PhoR/PhoB, ATP binding cassette (ABC transporter) Pst for phosphate uptake, and the alkaline phosphatase PhoA. Analysis performed under phosphate starvation provided evidence of the relevance of the Pst system for phosphate uptake, as well as both periplasmic binding proteins, PhoX and PstS, which were formed in high abundance. The results from this study are the first evidence of the Pho regulon activation in X. citri and bring new insights for studies related to the bacterial metabolism and physiology. Biological significance Using proteomics and bioinformatics analysis we showed for the first time that the phytopathogenic bacterium X. citri conserves a set of proteins that belong to the Pho regulon, which are induced during phosphate starvation. The most relevant in terms of conservation and up-regulation were the periplasmic-binding proteins PstS and PhoX from the ABC transporter PstSBAC for phosphate, the two-component system composed by PhoR/PhoB and the alkaline phosphatase PhoA.