998 resultados para UTR-1
Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1) est responsable du syndrome de l’immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). Il faut identifier de nouvelles cibles pour le développement d’agents anti-VIH-1, car ce virus développe une résistance aux agents présentement utilisés. Notre but est d’approfondir la caractérisation de l’étape du changement de cadre de lecture ribosomique en -1 (déphasage -1) nécessaire à la production du précurseur des enzymes du VIH-1. Ce déphasage est programmé et effectué par une minorité de ribosomes lorsqu’ils traduisent la séquence dite glissante à un endroit spécifique de l’ARN messager (ARNm) pleine-longueur du VIH-1. L’efficacité de déphasage est contrôlée par le signal stimulateur de déphasage (SSF), une tige-boucle irrégulière située en aval de la séquence glissante. La structure du SSF est déroulée lors du passage d’un ribosome, mais elle peut se reformer ensuite. Nous avons montré que des variations de l’initiation de la traduction affectent l’efficacité de déphasage. Nous avons utilisé, dans des cellules Jurkat-T et HEK 293T, un rapporteur bicistronique où les gènes codant pour les luciférases de la Renilla (Rluc) et de la luciole (Fluc) sont séparés par la région de déphasage du VIH-1. La Rluc est produite par tous les ribosomes traduisant l’ARNm rapporteur alors que la Fluc est produite uniquement par les ribosomes effectuant un déphasage. L’initiation de ce rapporteur est coiffe-dépendante, comme pour la majorité des ARNm cellulaires. Nous avons examiné l’effet de trois inhibiteurs de l’initiation et montré que leur présence augmente l’efficacité de déphasage. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’effet de la tige-boucle TAR, qui est présente à l’extrémité 5’ de tous les ARNm du VIH-1. TAR empêche la liaison de la petite sous-unité du ribosome (40S) à l’ARNm et module aussi l’activité de la protéine kinase dépendante de l’ARN double-brin (PKR). L’activation de PKR inhibe l’initiation en phosphorylant le facteur d’initiation eucaryote 2 (eIF2) alors que l’inhibition de PKR a l’effet inverse. Nous avons étudié l’effet de TAR sur la traduction et le déphasage via son effet sur PKR en utilisant TAR en trans ou en cis, mais à une certaine distance de l’extrémité 5’ afin d’éviter l’interférence avec la liaison de la 40S. Nous avons observé qu’une faible concentration de TAR, qui active PKR, augmente l’efficacité de déphasage alors qu’une concentration élevée de TAR, qui inhibe PKR, diminue cette efficacité. Nous avons proposé un modèle où des variations de l’initiation affectent l’efficacité de déphasage en modifiant la distance entre les ribosomes parcourant l’ARNm et, donc, la probabilité qu’ils rencontrent un SSF structuré. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé l’effet de la région 5’ non traduite (UTR) de l’ARNm pleine-longueur du VIH-1 sur l’efficacité de déphasage. Cette 5’UTR contient plusieurs régions structurées, dont TAR à l’extrémité 5’, qui peut interférer avec l’initiation. Cet ARNm a une coiffe permettant une initiation coiffe-dépendante ainsi qu’un site d’entrée interne des ribosomes (IRES), permettant une initiation IRES-dépendante. Nous avons introduit cette 5’UTR, complète ou en partie, comme 5’UTR de notre ARNm rapporteur bicistronique. Nos résultats démontrent que cette 5’UTR complète inhibe l’initiation coiffe dépendante et augmente l’efficacité de déphasage et que ces effets sont dus à la présence de TAR suivie de la tige-boucle Poly(A). Nous avons aussi construit un rapporteur tricistronique où les ribosomes exprimant les luciférases utilisent obligatoirement l’IRES. Nous avons observé que cette initiation par l’IRES est faible et que l’efficacité de déphasage correspondante est également faible. Nous avons formulé une hypothèse pour expliquer cette situation. Nous avons également observé que lorsque les deux modes d’initiation sont disponibles, l’initiation coiffe dépendante est prédominante. Finalement, nous avons étudié l’effet de la protéine virale Tat sur l’initiation de la traduction et sur l’efficacité de déphasage. Nous avons montré qu’elle augmente l’initiation de la traduction et que son effet est plus prononcé lorsque TAR est située à l’extrémité 5’ des ARNm. Nous proposons un modèle expliquant les effets de Tat sur l’initiation de la traduction par l’inhibition de PKR ainsi que par des changements de l’expression de protéines cellulaires déroulant TAR. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes régissant le déphasage du VIH-1, ce qui est essentiel pour le développement d’agents anti-déphasage.
Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1) est responsable de la pandémie du SIDA (syndrome de l’immunodéficience acquise). Des souches virales résistantes aux antirétroviraux actuellement utilisés apparaissent rapidement. Il est donc important d’identifier de nouvelles cibles dans le cycle de réplication du VIH-1 pour développer de nouveaux agents contre ce virus. La traduction des protéines de structure et des enzymes du VIH-1 est une étape essentielle du cycle de réplication virale. Ces protéines sont exprimées à partir de l’ARN messager (ARNm) pleine-longueur (ARNmPL) à la fin du cycle de réplication. L’ARNmPL du VIH-1 peut utiliser un mode d’initiation de la traduction coiffe-dépendant, comme la majorité des ARNm cellulaires, mais peut aussi utiliser un mode d’initiation alternatif, car sa région 5’ non-traduite (5’UTR) contient un site interne d’entrée du ribosome (IRES), ce qui lui permet d’initier la traduction suivant un mode IRES-dépendant. L’initiation IRES-dépendante permet à l’ARNmPL d’être traduit quand l’initiation coiffe-dépendante est inhibée. L’activité de l’IRES de la région 5’UTR de l’ARNmPL du VIH-1 (IRES5’UTR) est faible dans des conditions physiologiques, mais est stimulée lorsque la cellule est arrêtée à la transition G2/M du cycle cellulaire, un arrêt qu’induit l’infection par le VIH-1. Une grande portion de l’IRES5’UTR, que nous nommons IRES5’UTRc, est présente dans tous les ARNm viraux et a une activité semblable à celle de l’ IRES5’UTR, ce qui indique que le mode IRES-dépendant peut être utilisé par tous les messagers du VIH-1. Lors de mes études doctorales, j’ai caractérisé le fonctionnement de l’IRES5’UTR du VIH-1. J’ai transfecté des cellules lymphocytaires Jurkat T, dérivées des cibles naturelles du VIH-1, avec un vecteur dual-luciférase contenant les séquences codantes des luciférases de la Renilla (Rluc) et de la luciole (Fluc) séparées par la région 5’UTR de l’ARNmPL du VIH-1. La traduction de la Rluc est coiffe-dépendante alors que celle de la Fluc dépend de l’IRES5’UTR. J’ai d’abord effectué une analyse mutationnelle et j’ai identifié trois régions qui stimulent l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR et une tige-boucle qui réprime l’activité de cet IRES, que j’ai nommée IRENE (IRES negative element). J’ai montré que l’effet répresseur d’IRENE est aboli lorsque les cellules sont soumises à un stress oxydatif, un type de stress induit lors d’une infection par le VIH-1. Nous proposons que IRENE maintiendrait l’IRES5’UTR dans une conformation peu active dans des conditions physiologiques. On sait que les IRES sont activés par divers facteurs cellulaires, appelés ITAF (IRES trans-acting factors). Nous proposons que l’IRES5’UTR adopterait une conformation active suite à la liaison d’un ITAF exprimé ou relocalisé lors d’un stress oxydatif. Ces travaux ont fait l’objet d’une publication (Gendron et al., 2011, Nucleic Acids Research, 39, 902-912). J’ai ensuite étudié l’effet de la protéine virale Tat sur l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR. En plus de son rôle essentiel dans la transactivation de la transcription des ARNm viraux, Tat stimule leur traduction coiffe-dépendante, en empêchant l’inhibition d’un facteur d’initiation canonique, eIF2, induite par la protéine kinase modulée par l’ARN double-brin (PKR) et en déroulant la structure TAR présente à l’extrémité 5’ de tous les ARNm du VIH-1. Elle affecte aussi l’expression de plusieurs gènes cellulaires. J’ai montré que les isoformes Tat86 et Tat72, mais non Tat101, stimulent l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR. Cet effet est indépendant de PKR et de TAR, mais dépendrait de la conformation de Tat. Nous proposons que Tat activerait un facteur de transcription cellulaire qui déclenche l’expression d’un ITAF de l’IRES5’UTR ou encore qu’elle activerait directement un tel ITAF. J’ai de plus montré que PKR stimule l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR, ce qui est surprenant puisque PKR est une protéine antivirale. Cet effet est indépendant de l’inhibition d’eIF2 par PKR et pourrait résulter de l’activation d’un ITAF. Sachant qu’une portion active de l’IRES5’UTR, IRES5’UTRc, est présente dans tous les ARNm viraux, notre hypothèse est que la stimulation de cet IRES par PKR permettait de traduire l’ARNm de Tat au début du cycle de réplication, ce qui permettrait ensuite la traduction coiffe-dépendante des ARNm du VIH-1, qui est stimulée par Tat. Ces travaux font l’objet d’un manuscrit (Gendron et al., soumis à RNA). Mes résultats, couplés aux données de la littérature, me conduisent à la conclusion que, à la fin du cycle de réplication du VIH-1, l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR est stimulée par le stress oxydatif, l’arrêt en G2/M et la présence de quantités élevées de Tat, alors que la traduction coiffe-dépendante est compromise. L’initiation IRES-dépendante serait alors indispensable pour que le VIH-1 traduise l’ARNmPL. L’IRES5’UTR constituerait donc une cible très intéressante pour développer des agents anti-VIH.
The 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of flaviviruses are reviewed and analyzed in relation to short sequences conserved as direct repeats (DRs). Previously, alignments of the 3'UTRs have been constructed for three of the four recognized flavivirus groups, namely mosquito-borne, tick-borne, and nonclassified flaviviruses (MBFV, TBFV, and NCFV, respectively). This revealed (1) six long repeat sequences (LRSs) in the 3'UTR and open-reading frame (ORF) of the TBFV, (2) duplication of the 3'UTR of the NCFV by intramolecular recombination, and (3) the possibility of a common origin for all DRs within the MBFV. We have now extended this analysis and review it in the context of all previous published analyses. This has been achieved by constructing a robust alignment between all flaviviruses using the published DRs and secondary RNA structures as "anchors" to reveal additional homologies along the 3'UTR. This approach identified nucleotide regions within the MBFV, NKV (no-known vector viruses), and NCFV 3'UTRs that are homologous to different LRSs in the TBFV 3'UTR and ORF. The analysis revealed that some of the DRs and secondary RNA structures described individually within each flavivirus group share common evolutionary origins. The 3'UTR of flaviviruses, and possibly the ORF, therefore probably evolved through multiple duplication of an RNA domain, homologous to the LRS previously identified only in the TBFV. The short DRs in all virus groups appear to represent the evolutionary remnants of these domains rather than resulting from new duplications. The relevance of these flavivirus DRs to evolution, diversity, 3'UTR enhancer function, and virus transmission is reviewed.
As origens das populações e o processo de povoamento das Américas são questões bastante controversas e, por isso, têm sido amplamente estudadas. O gene LDLR (low density lipoprotein receptor), que está localizado no braço curto do cromossomo 19 (p13.1-p13.3) e possui 18 éxons, bem como uma porção 3’UTR onde ocorrem dois elementos Alu completos (chamados de U e D) e um parcial, foi escolhido para esclarecer esses e outros problemas de evolução e variação genética humana. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi verificar o que esta região hipervariável, especificamente na sua porção U, nos indicaria sobre a história evolutiva das populações ameríndias. Para este trabalho foram analisadas amostras de DNA de indivíduos nativos da Mongólia (n=24), da Sibéria (n=26), das Américas do Norte (n=11), Central (n=26) e do Sul (n=16), totalizando 14 populações e 103 indivíduos. Essas amostras foram amplificadas pela técnica de PCR (polymerase chain reaction), utilizando-se primers específicos para o segmento hipervariável U e, posteriormente, foram elas seqüenciadas automaticamente. Quatorze sítios polimórficos foram encontrados, classificáveis em sete haplótipos, sendo que o sítio 3809 apresentou uma transversão de C para G não descrita na literatura. A estimativa geral de diversidade nucleotídica (π) foi de 0.62%, considerada alta para um marcador autossômico. Verificou-se uma certa uniformidade haplotípica entre a Ásia e a América, mas com a diferenciação maior ocorrendo entre a Mongólia e a América+Sibéria. Não foi detectada diferenciação significativa entre nativos sul e centro-americanos. De um modo geral, o estudo desse marcador confirmou uma provável origem asiática para as populações ameríndias e apoiou a hipótese de uma única onda de migração no processo de povoamento pré-histórico das Américas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Osteoblast-derived IL-6 functions in coupled bone turnover by supporting osteoclastogenesis favoring bone resorption instead of bone deposition. Gene regulation of IL-6 is complex occurring both at transcription and post-transcription levels. The focus of this paper is at the level of mRNA stability, which is important in IL-6 gene regulation. Using the MC3T3-E1 as an osteoblastic model, IL-6 secretion was dose dependently decreased by SB203580, a p38 MAPK inhibitor. Steady state IL-6 mRNA was decreased with SB203580 (2 μM) ca. 85% when stimulated by IL-1β (1-5 ng/ ml). These effects require de novo protein synthesis as they were inhibited by cycloheximide. p38 MAPK had minor effects on proximal IL-6 promoter activity in reporter gene assays. A more significant effect on IL-6 mRNA stability was observed in the presence of SB203580. Western blot analysis confirmed that SB203580 inhibited p38 MAP kinase, in response to IL-1β in a dose dependent manner in MC3T3-E1 cells. Stably transfected MC3T3-E1 reporter cell lines (MC6) containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) with the 3′untranslated region of IL-6 were constructed. Results indicated that IL-1β, TNFα, LPS but not parathyroid hormone (PTH) could increase GFP expression of these reporter cell lines. Endogenous IL-6 and reporter gene eGFP-IL-6 3′UTR mRNA was regulated by p38 in MC6 cells. In addition, transient transfection of IL-6 3′UTR reporter cells with immediate upstream MAP kinase kinase-3 and -6 increased GFP expression compared to mock transfected controls. These results indicate that p38 MAPK regulates IL-1β-stimulated IL-6 at a post transcriptional mechanism and one of the primary targets of IL-6 gene regulation is the 3′UTR of IL-6.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coding region alterations of ZIC2 are the second most common type of mutation in holoprosencephaly (HPE). Here we use several complementary bioinformatic approaches to identify ultraconserved cis-regulatory sequences potentially driving the expression of human ZIC2. We demonstrate that an 804 bp element in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) is highly conserved across the evolutionary history of vertebrates from fish to humans. Furthermore, we show that while genetic variation of this element is unexpectedly common among holoprosencephaly subjects (6/528 or >1%), it is not present in control individuals. Two of six proband-unique variants are de novo, supporting their pathogenic involvement in HPE outcomes. These findings support a general recommendation that the identification and analysis of key ultraconserved elements should be incorporated into the genetic risk assessment of holoprosencephaly cases.
The objective of this work is to characterize the genome of the chromosome 1 of A.thaliana, a small flowering plants used as a model organism in studies of biology and genetics, on the basis of a recent mathematical model of the genetic code. I analyze and compare different portions of the genome: genes, exons, coding sequences (CDS), introns, long introns, intergenes, untranslated regions (UTR) and regulatory sequences. In order to accomplish the task, I transformed nucleotide sequences into binary sequences based on the definition of the three different dichotomic classes. The descriptive analysis of binary strings indicate the presence of regularities in each portion of the genome considered. In particular, there are remarkable differences between coding sequences (CDS and exons) and non-coding sequences, suggesting that the frame is important only for coding sequences and that dichotomic classes can be useful to recognize them. Then, I assessed the existence of short-range dependence between binary sequences computed on the basis of the different dichotomic classes. I used three different measures of dependence: the well-known chi-squared test and two indices derived from the concept of entropy i.e. Mutual Information (MI) and Sρ, a normalized version of the “Bhattacharya Hellinger Matusita distance”. The results show that there is a significant short-range dependence structure only for the coding sequences whose existence is a clue of an underlying error detection and correction mechanism. No doubt, further studies are needed in order to assess how the information carried by dichotomic classes could discriminate between coding and noncoding sequence and, therefore, contribute to unveil the role of the mathematical structure in error detection and correction mechanisms. Still, I have shown the potential of the approach presented for understanding the management of genetic information.
As deregulation of miRNAs and chemokine CCL20 was shown to play a role in colorectal cancer (CRC) pathogenesis, we analyzed the functional interactions of candidate miRNAs with CCL20 mRNA. After target prediction software programs indicated a role for miR-21 in CCL20 regulation, we applied the luciferase reporter assay system to demonstrate that miR-21 functionally interacts with the 3'UTR of CCL20 mRNA and down-regulates CCL20 in miR-21 mimic transfected CRC cell lines (Caco-2, SW480 and SW620). Thus, regulation of CCL20 expression by miR-21 might be a regulatory mechanism involved in progression of CRC.
BACKGROUND: Porcine IGF2 and the H19 genes are imprinted. The IGF2 is paternally expressed, while the H19 gene is maternally expressed. Extensive studies in mice established a boundary model indicating that the H19 differentially methylated domain (DMD) controls, upon binding with the CTCF protein, reciprocal imprinting of the IGF2 and the H19 genes. IGF2 transcription is tissue and development specific involving the use of 4 promoters. In the liver of adult Large White boars IGF2 is expressed from both parental alleles, whereas in skeletal muscle and kidney tissues we observed variable relaxation of IGF2 imprinting. We hypothesized that IGF2 expression from both paternal alleles and relaxation of IGF2 imprinting is reflected in differences in DNA methylation patterns at the H19 DMD and IGF2 differentially methylated regions 1 and 2 (DMR1 and DMR2). RESULTS: Bisulfite sequencing analysis did not show any differences in DNA methylation at the three porcine CTCF binding sites in the H19 DMD between liver, muscle and kidney tissues of adult pigs. A DNA methylation analysis using methyl-sensitive restriction endonuclease SacII and 'hot-stop' PCR gave consistent results with those from the bisulfite sequencing analysis. We found that porcine H19 DMD is distinctly differentially methylated, at least for the region formally confirmed by two SNPs, in liver, skeletal muscle and kidney of foetal, newborn and adult pigs, independent of the combined imprinting status of all IGF2 expressed transcripts. DNA methylation at CpG sites in DMR1 of foetal liver was significantly lower than in the adult liver due to the presence of hypomethylated molecules. An allele specific analysis was performed for IGF2 DMR2 using a SNP in the IGF2 3'-UTR. The maternal IGF2 DMR2 of foetal and newborn liver revealed a higher DNA methylation content compared to the respective paternal allele. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the IGF2 imprinting status is transcript-specific. Biallelic IGF2 expression in adult porcine liver and relaxation of IGF2 imprinting in porcine muscle were a common feature. These results were consistent with the IGF2 promoter P1 usage in adult liver and IGF2 promoter P2, P3 and P4 usages in muscle. The results showed further that bialellic IGF2 expression in liver and relaxation of imprinting in muscle and kidney were not associated with DNA methylation variation at and around at least one CTCF binding site in H19 DMD. The imprinting status in adult liver, muscle and kidney tissues were also not reflected in the methylation patterns of IGF2 DMRs 1 and 2.
β1,4-Galactosyltransferase (β4GalT-I) participates in both glycoconjugate biosynthesis (ubiquitous activity) and lactose biosynthesis (mammary gland-specific activity). In somatic tissues, transcription of the mammalian β4GalT-I gene results in a 4.1-kb mRNA and a 3.9-kb mRNA as a consequence of initiation at two start sites separated by ≈200 bp. In the mammary gland, coincident with the increased β4GalT-I enzyme level (≈50-fold) required for lactose biosynthesis, there is a switch from the 4.1-kb start site to the preferential use of the 3.9-kb start site, which is governed by a stronger tissue-restricted promoter. The use of the 3.9-kb start site results in a β4GalT-I transcript in which the 5′- untranslated region (UTR) has been truncated from ≈175 nt to ≈28 nt. The 5′-UTR of the 4.1-kb transcript [UTR(4.1)] is predicted to contain extensive secondary structure, a feature previously shown to reduce translational efficiency of an mRNA. In contrast, the 5′-UTR of the 3.9-kb mRNA [UTR(3.9)] lacks extensive secondary structure; thus, this transcript is predicted to be more efficiently translated relative to the 4.1-kb mRNA. To test this prediction, constructs were assembled in which the respective 5′-UTRs were fused to the luciferase-coding sequence and enzyme levels were determined after translation in vitro and in vivo. The luciferase mRNA containing the truncated UTR(3.9) was translated more efficiently both in vitro (≈14-fold) and in vivo (3- to 5-fold) relative to the luciferase mRNA containing the UTR(4.1). Consequently, in addition to control at the transcriptional level, β4GalT-I enzyme levels are further augmented in the lactating mammary gland as a result of translational control.
In humans, a polymorphic gene encodes the drug-metabolizing enzyme NATI (arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1), which is widely expressed throughout the body. While the protein-coding region of NATI is contained within a single exon, examination of the human EST (expressed sequence tag) database at the NCBI revealed the presence of nine separate exons, eight of which were located in the 5'non-coding region of NATI. Differential splicing produced at least eight unique mRNA isoforms that could be grouped according to the location of the first exon, which suggested that NATI expression occurs from three alternative promoters. Using RT (reverse transcriptase)-PCR, we identified one major transcript in various epithelial cells derived from different tissues. In contrast, multiple transcripts were observed in blood-derived cell lines (CEM, THP-1 and Jurkat), with a novel variant, not identified in the EST database, found in CEM cells only. The major splice variant increased gene expression 9-11-fold in a luciferase reporter assay, while the other isoforrns were similar or slightly greater than the control. We examined the upstream region of the most active splice variant in a promoter-reporter assay, and isolated a 257 bp sequence that produced maximal promoter activity. This sequence lacked a TATA box, but contained a consensus Sp1 site and a CAAT box, as well as several other putative transcription-factor-binding sites. Cell-specific expression of the different NATI transcripts may contribute to the variation in NATI activity in vivo.
This study aimed at evaluating the functional activation and activating receptors expression on resting, short- and long-term NK and NK-like T cells from blood of ovarian neoplasia patients. Blood from patients with adnexal benign alterations (n = 10) and ovarian cancer (grade I-IV n = 14) were collected after signed consent. Effector cells activation was evaluated by the expression of the CD107a molecule. Short-term culture was conducted overnight with IL-2 and long-term culture for 21 days, by a method designed to expand CD56(+) lymphocytes. Short-term culture significantly increased NK cells activation compared to resting NK cells (p<0.05), however, the long-term procedure supported an even higher increase (p<0.001). Resting NK-like T cells showed poor activation, which was not altered by the culture procedures. The long-term culture effectively increased the expression of the activating receptors on NK and NK-like T cells, either by increasing the number of cells expressing a given receptor and/or by up-regulating their expression intensity. As a conclusion, the long-term culture system employed, resulted in a high number of functional NK cells. The culture system was particularly efficient on the up-regulation of NKp30 and DNAM-1 receptors on NK cells.
Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is associated with respiratory infections worldwide, mainly in children. Similar to other parvoviruses, it is believed that HBoV1 can persist for long periods of time in humans, probably through maintaining concatemers of the virus single-stranded DNA genome in the nuclei of infected cells. Recently, HBoV-1 was detected in high rates in adenoid and palatine tonsils samples from patients with chronic adenotonsillar diseases, but nothing is known about the virus replication levels in those tissues. A 3-year prospective hospital-based study was conducted to detect and quantify HBoV1 DNA and mRNAs in samples of the adenoids (AD), palatine tonsils (PT), nasopharyngeal secretions (NPS), and peripheral blood (PB) from patients undergoing tonsillectomy for tonsillar hypertrophy or recurrent tonsillitis. HBoV1 was detected in 25.3% of the AD samples, while the rates of detection in the PT, NPS, and PB samples were 7.2%, 10.5%, and 1.7%, respectively. The viral loads were higher in AD samples, and 27.3% of the patients with HBoV had mRNA detectable in this tissue. High viral loads and detectable mRNA in the AD were associated with HBoV1 detection in the other sample sites. The adenoids are an important site of HBoV1 replication and persistence in children with tonsillar hypertrophy. The adenoids contain high HBoV1 loads and are frequently positive for HBoV mRNA, and this is associated with the detection of HBoV1 in secretions.