996 resultados para URANIUM SILICADES


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Co-ordination complexes of the diphosphazane dioxides Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(2) L(1). Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(OC(6)H(4)Me-4) L(2) and Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)(O2C12H8) L(3) with UO22+ or Th4+ ions have been synthesised and characterised by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The structures of [UO2(NO3)(2)L(1)] and [Th(NO3)(2)L(3)(1)][Th(NO3)(6)] are established by X-ray crystallography. In the former, the uranyl ion is bonded to two bidentate nitrate groups and the two phosphoryl groups of the ligand L(1); the co-ordination polyhedron around the metal is a hexagonal bipyramid. The cationic moiety in the thorium complex contains three bidentate diphosphazane dioxide ligands and two bidentate nitrate groups around the ten-co-ordinated metal.


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We report a facile synthesis of Zn2SiO4 nanotubes using a two-step process consisting of a wet-chemical synthesis of core-shell ZnO@SiO2 nanorods followed by thermal annealing. While annealing in air leads to the formation of hollow Zn2SiO4, annealing under reducing atmosphere leads to the formation of SiO2 nanotubes. We rationalize the formation of the silicate phase at temperatures much lower than the temperatures reported in the literature based on the porous nature of the silica shell on the ZnO nanorods. We present results from in situ transmission electron microscopy experiments to clearly show void nucleation at the interface between ZnO and the silica shell and the growth of the silicate phase by the Kirkendall effect. The porous nature of the silica shell is also responsible for the etching of the ZnO leading to the formation of silica nanotubes under reducing conditions. Both the hollow silica and silicate nanotubes exhibit good uranium sorption at different ranges of pH making them possible candidates for nuclear waste management.


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Sputtering yields for uranium metal under bombardment by 13 - 120 keV protons and by 20 - 120 keV He+ are presented. Angular distributions of the material sputtered by these ions are also given. Sputtering yields for 40 and 80 keV Ar+ were measured as well.

The technique employed to make these measurements was the detection of fission tracks in mica produced by ^(235)U sputtered onto collector foils which were subsequently exposed to a high fluence of thermal neutrons. The technique is extremely sensitive and allowed the measurement of sputtering yields less than 10^(-4) atoms per ion. It also made possible a detailed study of the emission of chunks from the uranium targets during sputtering. Mass distributions of chunks emitted during bombardment by 40 - 120 keV protons and by 80 keV argon are presented.

Comparisons are made between the experimental results and those predicted by the Sigmund theory of sputtering.


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The energy spectra of 235U atoms sputtered from a 93% enriched 235U metal foil and a hot pressed 235U02 pellet by an 80 keV 40Ar+ beam have been measured in the range 1 eV to 1 keV. The measurements were made using a mechanical time-of-flight spectrometer in conjunction with the fission track technique for detecting 235U. The design and construction of this spectrometer are discussed in detail, and its operation is mathematically analyzed.

The results of the experiment are discussed in the context of the random collision cascade model of sputtering. The spectrum obtained by the sputtering of the 235U metal target was found to be well described by the functional form E(E+Eb)-2.77, where Eb = 5.4 eV. The 235U02 target produced a spectrum that peaked at a lower energy (~ 2 eV) and decreased somewhat more rapidly for E ≳ 100 eV.


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Yields were measured for 235U sputtered from UF4 by 16O, 19F, and 35Cl over the energy range ~.12 to 1.5 MeV/ amu sing a charge equilibrated beam in the stripped beam arrangement for all the incident ions and in the transmission arrangement for 19F and 35Cl. In addition, yields were measured for 19F incident in a wide range of discrete charge states. The angular dependence of all the measured yields were consistent with cosʋ. The stripped beam and transmission data were well fit by the form (Az2eqln(BƐ)/Ɛ)4 (where Ɛ was the ion energy in MeV/amu and zeq(Ɛ) was taken from Zeigler(80). The fitted values of B for the various sets of data were consistent with a constant B0, equal to 36.3 ± 2.7, independent of incident ion. The fitted values of A show no consistent variation with incident ion although a difference can be noted between the stripped beam and transmission values, the transmission values being higher.

The incident charge data were well fit by the assumptions that the sputtering yield depended locally on a power of the incident ion charge and that the sputtering from the surface is exponentially correlated to conditions in the bulk. The equilibrated sputtering yields derived from these data are in agreement with the stripped beam yields.

In addition, to aid in the understanding of these data, the data of Hakansson(80,81a,81b) were examined and contrasted with the UF4 results. The thermal models of Seiberling(80) and Watson(81) were discussed and compared to the data.


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Raman scattering experiments for nominally pure and uranium doped CaF2 single crystals were presented. In all crystals, the Raman active T_(2g) vibration mode of CaF2 was observed, whose frequency shift and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) broadening correspond well with defects and impurities in CaF2 lattice. Additional Raman peaks develop in nominally pure CaF2 with high etch pits density and U^(6+):CaF2 crystals. Part of additional Raman peaks in the experimental results, which are assumed due to vibration modes from F- interstitials and vacancies, are in well agreement with the theoretical predications by employing the Green-function formulation.