992 resultados para UNFAIR COMPETITION


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo Identificar se as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal no Estado do Pará interferem positiva ou negativamente na adoção da certificação de manejo florestal do sistema do conselho de manejo florestal (FSC). A abordagem metodológica foi à qualitativa, com o uso da estatística descritiva para apoiar interpretações e/ou conclusões firmadas a respeito da análise dos dados coletados. A população amostral foi composta pelos empreendimentos de manejo florestal (EMF) do Estado do Pará, com certificado do FSC. Os dados e informações foram coletados em relatórios e documentos do FSC, Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente do Pará (SEMA) e Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (IMAZON). O resultado da pesquisa demonstrou que as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal no Estado do Pará interferem negativamente na certificação florestal, pois a análise das auditorias realizadas nos EMF, com certificado florestal no Estado do Para, demonstraram que mesmo, os EMF que possuem a certificação há mais de cinco anos, ainda apresentam não conformidades relacionadas ao não cumprimento da legislação ambiental e as estatísticas sobre a produção madeireira na Amazônia apontam que as normas estatais para licenciamento florestal ainda não são efetivas no combate a produção de madeira ilegal no Estado Pará, o que provoca uma concorrência desleal para o mercado de produtos de base florestal certificados.


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Based on a structured literature review, the ceramic tiles sector of Italy (benchmark) and Brazil (2nd world producer and consumer) are compared, under four strategic factors: normative, market, technology and strategic management, in order to identify critical risks for a national strategic sector. The document aims to propose guidelines for a strategic re-planning of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, making the Brazilian producers aware of the national market fragility (in spite of its recent remarkable evolution) and helping the policy makers to reflect on the need of reviewing the strategic planning methods and practice, of designing new targeted programs (based on coherence between operation and business strategies), of providing improved management to strengthen the sector against unfair competition by low-cost producers, enhancing the necessary infrastructure in technology, work, marketing and quality management. The analysis is limited to the single-firing production technology. The wide-coverage strategic analysis of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, very little studied until now in a scientific way, emphasizes the importance of applying research methodology and may be valuable to both scholars and practitioners. Additionally, it highlights the need of investments in innovation (product design and production technology) and the fundamental role of the sector organization, identifying different dimensions. It is possible to conclude that the recent Brazilian production growth is not due to a natural strengthening because of the hit of the sector and of correct enterprises strategy, but it seems the result of a temporary and favorable economic contingency.


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In two cases recently decided by two different senates of the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), the following issue was raised: To what extent can the filming of sports events organized by someone else, on the one hand, and the photographing of someone else’s physical property, on the other hand, be legally controlled by the organizer of the sports event and the owner of the property respectively? In its “Hartplatzhelden.de” decision, the first senate of the Federal Supreme Court concluded that the act of filming sports events does not constitute an act of unfair competition as such, and hence is allowed even without the consent of the organizer of the sports event in question. However, the fifth senate, in its “Prussian gardens and parks” decision, held that photographing someone else’s property is subject to the consent of the owner of the grounds, provided the photographs are taken from a spot situated on the owner’s property. In spite of their different outcomes, the two cases do not necessarily contradict each other. Rather, read together, they may well lead to an unwanted – and unjustified – extension of exclusive protection, thus creating a new “organizer’s” IP right.


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O presente trabalho busca analisar os diferentes tratamentos dispensados à marca no âmbito do controle preventivo e no controle repressivo de condutas. A análise da função social das marcas demonstrou que esta é uma propriedade que se realiza na concorrência e pela concorrência. Nesse sentido, não há dúvidas de que está sujeita aos princípios do Direito Concorrencial. Todavia, a maneira como esses princípios balizam a marca no controle de atos de concentração, de um lado, e no controle repressivo de condutas, de outro, difere. No âmbito do controle de atos de concentração, a atuação da autoridade concorrencial é orientada por uma variante do princípio da precaução, o que a autoriza a tomar decisões e impor restrições aos direitos marcários mesmo em um contexto de incerteza. No âmbito do controle repressivo de condutas, todavia, a intervenção do CADE está sujeita aos princípios do Processo Administrativo Sancionador. Neste contexto, as condutas que envolvem o uso de direitos de propriedade intelectual, incluindo as marcas, devem ser analisadas à luz do princípio da estrita legalidade. Um critério jurídico objetivo é necessário para distinguir o lícito do ilícito, sobretudo em um cenário no qual estão em jogo duas políticas públicas distintas: a de proteção à concorrência e a de proteção à direitos de propriedade industrial. Sendo essas duas políticas instrumentais e parciais, voltadas a um fim maior de política econômica, devem harmonizar-se, e não sobrepor-se uma a outra. Ademais, o escopo de atuação da autoridade concorrencial em processos que investiguem o uso abusivo de direitos marcários e atos de concorrência desleal deve ser esclarecido. O direito concorrencial, enquanto ramo autônomo do direito, com princípios e métodos interpretativos próprios, pode analisar institutos e figuras de outros ramos que com ele guardem relação sem ter de ficar adstrito ao posicionamento de outras instâncias.


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The European Parliament has proposed the creation of a body to monitor foreign – in particular Chinese – investment in the EU. The initiative, driven by fears of unfair competition and a hidden political agenda behind Chinese investments, should be rejected. There are better ways to promote openness and transparency in Sino-European economic relations.


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Includes indexes.


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v. I. The modern democracy, the citizen and the law - Legal ethics - Law : its origin, nature, development - Courts : federal and state - Law of contracts -- v. 2. Law of torts -- v. 3. Criminal Law - Law of criminal procedure - Law of persons and domestic relations -- v. 4. Personal property and bailments - Law of liens and pledges - Law of agency - Law of sales of personal property -- v. 5. Law of real property -- v. 6. Law of descent and distribution, wills and administration, guardian and ward - Law of landlord and tenant - Law of irrigation and water rights - Law of mines and mining -- v. 7. Equity - Law of trusts - Law of quasi-contacts - Law of estoppel -- v. 8. Law of negotiable instruments - Law of suretyship and guaranty - Law of mortgages : real and chattel - Interpretation of statutes -- v. 9. Law of private corporations - Law of partnership - law of banks, banking and trust companies - Law of receivers -- v. 10. Pleadings in civil actions at common law and under modern statutes - Practice in civil actions - Law of equity pleading - Law of evidence - Laws of attachment and garnishments - Law of judgments and executions - Law of extraordinary remedies - Law of habeas corpus -- v. 11. Constitutional law : definitions and general principles - Organization and powers of the United States Government - Constitutional guaranties of fundamental rights - Eminent domain - Taxation - Naturalization -- v. 12. Conflict of laws - International law - Law of interstate commerce - Law of bankruptcy - Law of patents - Law of copyright - Law of trademarks - Unfair competition and good-will -- v. 13. Law of public service companies, especially common carriers - Law of municipal corporations - Law of public officers and elections - Parliamentary law -- v. 14. Law of damages - Law of insurance - Admiralty law - Medical jurisprudence - Forms -- v. 15. Blackstone's Commentaries.


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A közpénzelköltés hatékonyságát hazai viszonylatban az éves közpénzköltés nagyságával és az alkalmazott eljárástípusok, beszerzési tárgyak számával, értékével kapcsolatosan van lehetősége a hivatalos statisztikák elemzése során az érdeklődőnek vizsgálni. A törvény preambulumában található „a közpénzek ésszerű felhasználása átláthatóságának és széles körű nyilvános ellenőrizhetőségének megteremtése, továbbá a közbeszerzések során a verseny tisztaságának biztosítása” célrendszer csak részben érvényesül. A tanulmány arra kíván rávilágítani, hogy a hazai közbeszerzés-kutatás eredményei alapján milyen elképzelés van a GDP közel 5%-án hatékony elköltéséről Magyarországon. Vajon valódi akadálya-e a közbeszerzés a tisztességtelen versenynek, s elősegíti-e a piaci folyamatok érvényesülését annak szabályozása. A szerző válaszai rávilágítanak a közbeszerzési piaci folyamatok, gyengeségek, kevésbé hatékony megnyilvánulások és kritikus vélemények okaira, melyek közvetlen kapcsolatban vannak a közbeszerzés válságos helyzetével, s azonosítják azokat a kritikus pontokat, melyeken érdemes változtatni egy reménybeli hatékonyabb állapot, piaci egyensúlyi helyzet kialakítása érdekében. _______ The analysis of public spending can be based on official statistics showing the figures of annual public spending and the value and number of different procedures and purchased items. However, public procurement spending an annual amount of 1600-1800 billion HUF of public money in an ever changing legal environment, are intended to ensure not only some efficiency in public spending, but to reach several other aims as well. Although the preamble of the public procurement law states, that “a legal environment ought to be created, where the transparency and public accountability of spending public money and fair competition regarding public procurement procedures is ensured”, these requirements are only partially met. This study, based on the results of recent analyses concerning public procurement, wishes to represent our ideas about how to spend efficiently nearly 5% of the Hungarian GDP. Is it really true, that public procurement can be regarded as a genuine means against unfair competition, and can we really foster market processes by regulating public procurement? The author answers highlight the causes of the weaknesses of public procurement procedures, inefficient practices and critical opinions, which are closely connected to the present dire state of public procurement. This study also identifies the crucial elements to be changed in order to achieve a hopefully more efficient state and a preferable market balance.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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La publicidad comercial es la principal herramienta de marketing debienes y servicios con que cuentan los empresarios en el mercado,por el fácil acceso al destinatario y su capacidad para influenciarsu decisión de compra. Las normas sobre publicidad colindandirectamente con las disposiciones sobre competencia desleal.Por tal razón, la Unión Europea, consciente de su importanciapara el desarrollo del mercado interior, ha estructurado unconjunto de normas que regulan la publicidad comercial, y quebuscan erradicar los anuncios que conlleven actos desleales quealteren irregularmente el mercado, afectando indistintamente acompetidores y consumidores. España debía transponer al derechonacional las disposiciones normativas comunitarias, exigencia que,para ser cumplida, implicó modificaciones sustanciales y complejasal régimen publicitario preexistente.


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Quelles sont les contraintes auxquelles font face les firmes africaines ? Cette étude a pour but de cerner les principaux défis du climat des affaires africain en utilisant les données de la World Bank Enterprise Survey. Dans cette enquête, deux questions majeures ont été posées au gestionnaire de firmes : i) l’ampleur des contraintes énumérées pour leur activité et ii) la décision d’investissement durant l’année qui a précédé l’enquête. Nos résultats montrent que, pour les firmes de notre échantillon, la décision d’investissement est retardée par un ensemble d’obstacles parmi lesquelles : la corruption, l’accès difficile au marché financier, la concurrence déloyale du secteur informel et l’instabilité politique. Nous procédons ensuite à une analyse de sensibilité et de robustesse en intégrant parmi les variables de contrôle ; la taille des firmes, le secteur d’activité et leur localisation. Nos résultats montrent que les firmes de taille moyenne sont les plus vulnérables, elles sont différemment affectées selon qu’elles soient dans le secteur des manufactures ou celui des services et les compagnies situées en Afrique centrale sont très peu affectées par ces contraintes.


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Quelles sont les contraintes auxquelles font face les firmes africaines ? Cette étude a pour but de cerner les principaux défis du climat des affaires africain en utilisant les données de la World Bank Enterprise Survey. Dans cette enquête, deux questions majeures ont été posées au gestionnaire de firmes : i) l’ampleur des contraintes énumérées pour leur activité et ii) la décision d’investissement durant l’année qui a précédé l’enquête. Nos résultats montrent que, pour les firmes de notre échantillon, la décision d’investissement est retardée par un ensemble d’obstacles parmi lesquelles : la corruption, l’accès difficile au marché financier, la concurrence déloyale du secteur informel et l’instabilité politique. Nous procédons ensuite à une analyse de sensibilité et de robustesse en intégrant parmi les variables de contrôle ; la taille des firmes, le secteur d’activité et leur localisation. Nos résultats montrent que les firmes de taille moyenne sont les plus vulnérables, elles sont différemment affectées selon qu’elles soient dans le secteur des manufactures ou celui des services et les compagnies situées en Afrique centrale sont très peu affectées par ces contraintes.


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The prohibition on unfair contract terms in standard form consumer contracts has the potential to significantly impact on the terms of contracts for the sale of land. The definition of ‘consumer contract’ includes contracts for the sale or grant of an interest in land to an individual wholly or predominantly for personal or domestic use. Therefore, a contract for the purchase of a residence for personal occupation by the buyer, as opposed to a purchase for investment purposes, will be a consumer contract potentially attracting the application of the unfair terms provisions. Significant consumer protection mechanisms already exist in most state jurisdictions requiring disclosure of relevant matters to the buyer and providing remedies for the provision of misleading conduct. Minimal evidence of unfair terms in land contract was presented to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Australian Consumer Policy Framework raising the question as to whether there is an identified problem of unfair terms in real estate contracts and if so, whether the same economic and ethical rationales justify regulatory intervention. This article examines what effect if any the introduction of the unfair contract provisions will have on the enforcement of residential land contracts and the viability of previously accepted conditions if challenged as being “unfair terms”. The article concludes that despite the existence of several potentially unfair terms in some land contracts, the intervention of the rules of equity to overcome perceived hardship or unfairness to buyers from strict enforcement of terms means the unfair terms provisions are only likely to operate on terms untouched by those principles. In the authors’ view the scope for operation of the unfair terms provisions will be limited to terms untouched by the principles of equity and consumer protection legislation making it unlikely that there will be any significant realignment of the contractual obligations and rights of buyers and sellers of land.