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Silver underpotential deposition (UPD)-induced surface atomic rearrangement of polycrystalline gold nanofilms was probed with use of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPRs) as a novel probe tool in combination with cyclic voltammetry. Interestingly, upon repetitive electrochemical UPD and stripping of Ag, the surface structure of the resulting bare Au film is rearranged due to strong adatom-substrate interactions, which causes a large angle shift of SPR R-theta curves, in a good linear relationship with the number of UPDs, to a lower SPR angle. The n, K values of the surfacial Au monolayers before and after the repetitive Ag UPD and stripping for 27 times are found to be 0.133, 3.60 and 0.565, 9.39, respectively, corresponding to the huge shift of 1.61degrees to the left of the SPR minima. Cyclic voltammetry experiments in 0.10 M H2SO4 are carried out before and after the UPD treatment to examine the quality of the whole electrode surface and confirmed this change. To correlate the angle change in SPRs with the profile change in the cyclic voltammogram, the UPD treatment was also performed on a Au(111) textured thin film. It was therefore confirmed that the resonance position of the SPR spectrum is very sensitive to the surface crystallographic orientation of the bare Au substrates. Some surface atomic rearrangement can cause a pronounced SPR angle shift.


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An inherently disorganized self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 2-mercapto-3-n-octylthiophene (MOT) has been formed on a gold bead electrode from its dilute ethanolic solution. The disorganization of the monolayer is attributed to the loose packing of the aliphatic chains of the MOT adsorbates, which results from a large difference in dimension/or cross-sectional area between the head (thiophene thiolate) and the tail (alkane chain) groups. Electrochemical measurements including ac impedance spectroscopy and metal underpotential deposition have shown that the monolayer is almost pinhole free. However, the MOT SAM can be penetrated by an organic probe molecule with affinity for the alkane chain part of the monolayer. Some typical probe molecules with different size and hydrophilicity have been employed to assess the permselectivity of the monolayer. Measurement results demonstrate that the ability of the employed probe molecules to penetrate into the monoalyer is mainly dominated by their hydrophilicity/or hydrophobicity. The results presented here suggest the potential application of MOT monoalyer to effectively modify the electrode surface for several research areas such as electrochemical sensors, electrocatalysis, electroanalysis, and supported hybrid bilayer membranes.


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Underpotential deposition(UPD) of copper at polycrystal gold surface under different concentrations has been studied, and its reversibility and stability in high concentration (0.2M CuSO4+0.IM H2SO4) have been demonstrated by cyclic voltermmetry and EQCM. A Valid approach to determine the gold electrode area in presence of adsorbed species has been provided by using Cu UPD method. Further, the growth kinetics of decane thiol on gold has also been investigated based on such a Cu UPD technique.


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In situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) has been employed to follow the renewal process of a graphite electrode accompanied by flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) electrochemical reaction which involves adsorption of the reduced form (FADH(2)) and desorption of the oxidized form (FAD). The renewal process initiates from steps or kinks on the electrode surface, which provide high active sites for adsorption. This renewal depends on the working electrode potential, especially in the range near the FAD redox potential. Our experiment suggests that delamination of the graphite surface is caused by interaction between the substrate and adsorbed molecules. A simple model is proposed to explain this phenomenon.


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The early stages of the electrodeposition of nickel on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) were investigated by in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical measurements. Experimental results showed that t


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Using the technique of liquid crystal templating a rotating disc electrode (RDE) was modified with a high surface area mesoporous platinum film. The surface area of the electrode was characterised by acid voltammetry, and found to be very high (ca. 86 cm(2)). Acid characterisation of the electrode produced distorted voltammograms was interpreted as being due to the extremely large surface area which produced a combination of effects such as localised pH change within the pore environment and also ohmic drop effects. Acid voltammetry in the presence of two different types of surfactant, namely Tween 20 and Triton X-100, suggested antifouling properties associated with the mesoporous deposit. Further analysis of the modified electrode using a redox couple in solution showed typical RDE behaviour although extra capacitive currents were observed due to the large surface area of the electrode. The phenomenon of underpotential deposition was exploited for the purpose of anodic stripping voltammetry and results were compared with data collected for microelectrodes. Underpotential deposition of metal ions at the mesoporous RDE was found to be similar to that at conventional platinum electrodes and mesoporous microelectrodes although the rate of surface coverage was found to be slower at a mesoporous RDE. It was found that a mesoporous RDE forms a suitable system for quantification of silver ions in solution.


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The deposition and characterization of Se films doped with Pb underpotentially deposited (UPD) ad-atoms was studied in this work. The employed experimental techniques were cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The initial deposition of Se film by chronoamperometry yielded a thin film composed of approximately 700 layers. The Pb UPD on Se was achieved by chronoamperometry in a potential value previously determined in voltammetric experiments. This deposition yielded a deposition charge of approximately 7.5% of the total one. The film resistance altered from 320 Omega cm(2) for Se to 65 Omega cm(2) for the Se/Pb one. Flat band potential values and number of acceptors and donors were also calculated for both films and the values obtained were + 0.95 and -0.51 V for Se and Se/Pb, respectively. The Se coating presented 1.2 x 10(17) cm(3) acceptors while the Se/Pb one presented 3.2 x 10(17) cm(3) donors. The band gap values for both films were 2.4 eV and 1.9 eV, correspondingly. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The processes involved in the Se electrodeposition, mainly the one related to the formation of H2Se species on Au electrode in perchloric acid solutions, have been investigated through cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), rotating ring-disc electrode (RRDE), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. In the experiments performed with the EQCM, with the potential sweep in the negative direction, the responses for the mass variation were divided in three well-defined potential regions: A (from 1.55 to 0.35 V), B (from 0.35 to -0.37 V), and C (from -0.37 to -0.49 V). It was verified that the following processes can occur, respectively: the species (AuO)(2)H2SeO3 was desorbed during the AuO reduction, the reduction of Se(IV) to Se(0), and the formation of H2Se. When the potential was swept in the positive direction, the responses for the mass variation were divided in four well-defined potential regions: D (from -0.49 to 0.66 V), E (from 0.66 to 0.99 V), F (from 0.99 to 1.26 V), and G (from 1.26 to 1.55 V), and the described processes in these regions were, respectively: the Se deposition and adsorption of water molecules and/or perchlorate ions, the Se dissolution, the Se incorporating mass in the form of HO-Se, and the Au oxidation (all potentials are referred to the Ag/AgCl electrode). Making use of the RRDE, using the collection technique, the formation of H2Se species during the Se electrodeposition was investigated. Therefore, it was confirmed that this species is formed on the disc electrode between -0.3 and -0.55 V vs the Ag/AgCl potential range (collecting the oxidized compound onto the ring electrode). AFM images also indicated that the surface topography of the Se-massive deposit on Au is different from the images registered after the formation of H2Se species, confirming the cathodic stripping of Se.


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Hydrogen oxidation on the surfaces of the intermetallic compounds Pt 3Sn, PtSn and PtSn2 has been studied by the rotating disc electrode technique. Pt3Sn and PtSn were found to be good catalysts, about as good as Pt, while PtSn2 was inactive over the investigated range of potentials. Underpotential deposition of hydrogen is observed only on Pt3Sn. These results are explained by theoretical calculations based on a theory developed within our own group, and by density functional theory. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The influence of chloride on the electrodeposition of lead films and their dissolution in anodic stripping voltammetric experiments was examined. Gold substrates were plated with lead films, and mass changes were monitored by using the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation factor (EQCM-D). The results showed that the amount of electrodeposited lead is slightly dependent on the chloride concentration. The charge/mass ratio data indicated the presence of Pb(I) and Pb(II) as a result of film dissolution, and the precipitation and deposition of PbCl2 onto the electrode surface. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that the morphology of the lead film was strongly influenced by chloride present in the plating solution and that much rougher films were obtained in comparison with those obtained in the absence of chloride. The rate of the anodic dissolution was higher for lead films with higher surface areas, which lead to an increase in their stripping voltammetric currents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Experimentaufbaus für die elektrochemische Abscheidung von Transactiniden mit anschließender Detektion. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Experimente mit den Homologen dieser Elemente durchgeführt. Die Elektrodeposition von Tracermengen an Fremdelektroden führt zu einer Elektrodenbedeckung von weniger als einer Monolage. Die erforderlichen Abscheidepotentiale sind häufig positiver, als nach der Nernst’schen Gleichung zu erwarten ist. Dieses Phänomen nennt man Unterpotentialabscheidung. In zahlreichen Versuchen mit Radiotracern wurde die Abscheideausbeute als Funktion des Elektrodenpotentials bestimmt, wobei abzuscheidendes Ion, Elektrodenmaterial und Elektrolyt variiert wurden. Es wurden kritische Potentiale, bei denen eine nennenswerte Abscheidung gerade begann, ermittelt sowie Potentiale für die Abscheidung von 50 % der in der Lösung befindlichen Atome. Diese Werte wurden mit theoretisch vorhergesagten Potentialen und Werten aus der Literatur verglichen. Die Abscheidung von Pb als Homologem von Element 114 funktionierte sehr gut an Elektroden aus Palladium oder palladinierten Nickelelektroden unter Verwendung von 0,1 M HCl als Elektrolyt. Zur Charakterisierung der Unterpotentialabscheidung wurde neben der Radiotracer-Methode auch die Cyclovoltammetrie eingesetzt. Hier findet die Abscheidung der ersten Monolage auf der Elektrode ebenfalls häufig bei positiveren Potentialen statt, als die der Hauptmenge. Die mit beiden Methoden ermittelten Werte wurden einander gegenübergestellt. Die Elektrodeposition von kurzlebigen Isotopen muss sehr schnell erfolgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine hohe Temperatur und damit verbunden eine niedrige Viskosität des Elektrolyten die Abscheidung beschleunigt. Ebenfalls wichtig ist ein gutes Rühren der Lösung, um eine kleine Nernst’sche Diffusionsschichtdicke zu erzielen. Das Verhältnis von Elektrodenfläche zu Elektrolytvolumen muss möglichst groß sein. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde eine für schnelle Elektrolysen optimierte Elektrolysezelle entwickelt. Unter Einsatz dieser Zelle wurden die Abscheidegeschwindigkeiten für verschiedene Ionen- und Elektrodenkombinationen gemessen. Es wurden Experimente zur Kopplung von Gasjet und Elektrolysezelle durchgeführt, dabei wurde sowohl mit am Reaktor erzeugten Spaltprodukten, mit Pb-Isotopen aus einer emanierenden Quelle und mit am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen gearbeitet. Mit den dort gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Experimentaufbau für die kontinuierliche Abscheidung und Detektion von kurzlebigen Isotopen realisiert. Am Beschleuniger wurden u. a. kurzlebige Hg- und Pb-Isotope erzeugt und mit einem Gasjet aus der Targetkammer zum ALOHA-System transportiert. Dort wurden sie in einem quasi-kontinuierlichen Prozess in die wässrige Phase überführt und zu einer Elektrolyszelle transportiert. In dieser erfolgte die Elektrodeposition auf eine bandförmige Elektrode aus Nickel oder palladiniertem Nickel. Nach der Abscheidung wurde das Band zu einer Detektorphalanx gezogen, wo der -Zerfall der neutronenarmen Isotope registriert wurde. Es wurden charakteristische Größen wie die Abscheidegeschwindigkeit und die Gesamtausbeute der Elektrolyse ermittelt. Das System wurde im Dauerbetrieb getestet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der gewählte Aufbau prinzipiell für die Abscheidung von kurzlebigen, am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen geeignet ist. Damit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den zukünftigen Einsatz der Methode zum Studium der chemischen Eigenschaften der superschweren Elemente geschaffen.


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Topic of this thesis is the development of experiments behind the gas-filled separator TASCA(TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus) to study the chemical properties of the transactinide elements.rnIn the first part of the thesis, the electrodepositions of short-lived isotopes of ruthenium and osmium on gold electrodes were studied as model experiments for hassium. From literature it is known that the deposition potential of single atoms differs significantly from the potential predicted by the Nernst equation. This shift of the potential depends on the adsorption enthalpy of therndeposited element on the electrode material. If the adsorption on the electrode-material is favoured over the adsorption on a surface made of the same element as the deposited atom, the electrode potential is shifted to higher potentials. This phenomenon is called underpotential deposition.rnPossibilities to automatize an electro chemistry experiment behind the gas-filled separator were explored for later studies with transactinide elements.rnThe second part of this thesis is about the in-situ synthesis of transition-metal-carbonyl complexes with nuclear reaction products. Fission products of uranium-235 and californium-249 were produced at the TRIGA Mainz reactor and thermalized in a carbon-monoxide containing atmosphere. The formed volatile metal-carbonyl complexes could be transported in a gas-stream.rnFurthermore, short-lived isotopes of tungsten, rhenium, osmium, and iridium were synthesised at the linear accelerator UNILAC at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt. The recoiling fusion products were separated from the primary beam and the transfer products in the gas-filled separator TASCA. The fusion products were stopped in the focal plane of TASCA in a recoil transfer chamber. This chamber contained a carbon-monoxide – helium gas mixture. The formed metal-carbonyl complexes could be transported in a gas stream to various experimental setups. All synthesised carbonyl complexes were identified by nuclear decay spectroscopy. Some complexes were studied with isothermal chromatography or thermochromatography methods. The chromatograms were compared with Monte Carlo Simulations to determine the adsorption enthalpyrnon silicon dioxide and on gold. These simulations based on existing codes, that were modified for the different geometries of the chromatography channels. All observed adsorption enthalpies (on silcon oxide as well as on gold) are typical for physisorption. Additionally, the thermalstability of some of the carbonyl complexes was studied. This showed that at temperatures above 200 °C therncomplexes start to decompose.rnIt was demonstrated that carbonyl-complex chemistry is a suitable method to study rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, hassium, and meitnerium. Until now, only very simple, thermally stable compounds have been synthesized in the gas-phase chemistry of the transactindes. With the synthesis of transactinide-carbonyl complexes a new compound class would be discovered. Transactinide chemistry would reach the border between inorganic and metallorganic chemistry.rnFurthermore, the in-situ synthesised carbonyl complexes would allow nuclear spectroscopy studies under low background conditions making use of chemically prepared samples.