943 resultados para UDK:7.01


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BACKGROUND: Three different burnout types have been described: The "frenetic" type describes involved and ambitious subjects who sacrifice their health and personal lives for their jobs; the "underchallenged" type describes indifferent and bored workers who fail to find personal development in their jobs, and the "worn-out" in type describes neglectful subjects who feel they have little control over results and whose efforts go unacknowledged. The study aimed to describe the possible associations between burnout types and general sociodemographic and occupational characteristics. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a multi-occupational sample of randomly selected university employees (n = 409). The presence of burnout types was assessed by means of the "Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-36)", and the degree of association between variables was assessed using an adjusted odds ratio (OR) obtained from multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: Individuals working more than 40 hours per week presented with the greatest risk for "frenetic" burnout compared to those working fewer than 35 hours (adjusted OR = 5.69; 95% CI = 2.52-12.82; p < 0.001). Administration and service personnel presented the greatest risk of "underchallenged" burnout compared to teaching and research staff (adjusted OR = 2.85; 95% CI = 1.16-7.01; p = 0.023). Employees with more than sixteen years of service in the organisation presented the greatest risk of "worn-out" burnout compared to those with less than four years of service (adjusted OR = 4.56; 95% CI = 1.47-14.16; p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to our knowledge that suggests the existence of associations between the different burnout subtypes (classified according to the degree of dedication to work) and the different sociodemographic and occupational characteristics that are congruent with the definition of each of the subtypes. These results are consistent with the clinical profile definitions of burnout syndrome. In addition, they assist the recognition of distinct profiles and reinforce the idea of differential characterisation of the syndrome for more effective treatment.


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Androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells turn androgen resistant through complex mechanisms that involve dysregulation of apoptosis. We investigated the role of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL in the progression of prostate cancer as well as the interactions of Bcl-xL with proapoptotic Bax and Bak in androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancer cells. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to study the expression of Bcl-xL in a series of 139 prostate carcinomas and its association with Gleason grade and time to hormone resistance. Expression of Bcl-xL was more abundant in prostate carcinomas of higher Gleason grades and significantly associated with the onset of hormone-refractory disease. In vivo interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax or Bak in untreated and camptothecin-treated LNCaP and PC3 cells were investigated by means of coimmunoprecipitation. In the absence of any stimuli, Bcl-xL interacts with Bax and Bak in androgen-independent PC3 cells but only with Bak in androgen-dependent LNCaP cells. Interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax and Bak were also evidenced in lysates from high-grade prostate cancer tissues. In LNCaP cells treated with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I, the interaction between Bcl-xL and Bak was absent after 36 h, Bcl-xL decreased gradually and Bak increased coincidentally with the progress of apoptosis. These results support a model in which Bcl-xL would exert an inhibitory effect over Bak via heterodimerization. We propose that these interactions may provide mechanisms for suppressing the activity of proapoptotic Bax and Bak in prostate cancer cells and that Bcl-xL expression contributes to androgen resistance and progression of prostate cancer.


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INTRODUCTION Few studies have evaluated the efficacy and reliability of weight loss-focussed prepared food dishes in obese post-menopausal women. OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy of a weight loss programme based on a balanced hypocaloric diet using prepared dishes* with that of a similar programme based on standard commercially available foods and with a non-intervened control group. A further aim was to evaluate the subjectivity of participants in the preparation of the diet-adjusted dishes based on usually consumed products. SUBJECTS Obese post-menopausal women aged between 55 and 65 years. DESIGN Controlled longitudinal interventional study. METHOD The sample of 75 female volunteers were divided into three groups of 25 women: a control group, who continued to consume their usual non-dietary adjusted meals (CG), an intervened group, treated with a diet adjusted to their individual requirements and based on standard commercially available food (SG), and another intervened group, treated with a similarly adjusted diet but based on prepared dishes (PG). Data were gathered on anthropometric variables, consumption habits and physical activity levels, and clinical-nutritional controls were conducted at the start and every two weeks to the end of the 8-week study in order to evaluate biochemical changes. RESULTS The weight loss was slightly higher in the prepared-dishes group (PG) than in the standard food diet group (SG), but the difference was not statistically significant, whereas it was considerably higher in both groups than in the non-dietary adjusted control group (CG) and this difference was highly significant (losses of 7.60 kg in PG and 7.01 kg in SG versus 2.10 kg in CG (p < 0.01). However, the PG showed a significantly higher (p < 0.01) loss of fatty mass and abdominal circumference versus the SG women. CONCLUSION More weight was lost by the two groups treated with a diet based on prepared dishes or usual food items in comparison to untreated controls, but the diet based on prepared dishes obtained more reliable and higher quality outcomes, achieving a positive change at fatty compartment level and in the abdominal circumference.


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In this study, we analysed the frequency of micronuclei (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPBs) and nuclear buds (NBUDs) and evaluated mutagen-induced sensitivity in the lymphocytes of patients chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). In total, 49 patients with chronic viral hepatitis (28 HBV-infected and 21 HCV-infected patients) and 33 healthy, non-infected blood donor controls were investigated. The frequencies (‰) of MN, NPBs and NBUDs in the controls were 4.41 ± 2.15, 1.15 ± 0.97 and 2.98 ± 1.31, respectively. The frequencies of MN and NPBs were significantly increased (p < 0.0001) in the patient group (7.01 ± 3.23 and 2.76 ± 2.08, respectively) compared with the control group. When considered separately, the HBV-infected patients (7.18 ± 3.57) and HCV-infected patients (3.27 ± 2.40) each had greater numbers of MN than did the controls (p < 0.0001). The HCV-infected patients displayed high numbers of NPBs (2.09 ± 1.33) and NBUDs (4.38 ± 3.28), but only the HBV-infected patients exhibited a significant difference (NPBs = 3.27 ± 2.40, p < 0.0001 and NBUDs = 4.71 ± 2.79, p = 0.03) in comparison with the controls. Similar results were obtained for males, but not for females, when all patients or the HBV-infected group was compared with the controls. The lymphocytes of the infected patients did not exhibit sensitivity to mutagen in comparison with the lymphocytes of the controls (p = 0.06). These results showed that the lymphocytes of patients who were chronically infected with HBV or HCV presented greater chromosomal instability.


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Dedicatio: Jacob Sporman [ruots. pr.], Anna Sporman s. Schulin [ruots. pr.].


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O reservatório ileal pélvico tem sido a melhor opção cirúrgica para a retocolite ulcerativa (RCU) e polipose adenomatosa familiar (PAF). Desde 1983 esta técnica vem sendo empregada, e o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar revisão desta casuística, analisando seus resultados e seus pontos controversos. Setenta e três pacientes, com média de idade de 34,6 (13-63) anos e com predomínio do sexo feminino (42 pacientes, 56,7%) se submeteram ao procedimento para tratamento de RCU (46 pacientes - 63,0%) e PAF(27 - 37,0%). Foram utilizadas as seguintes variantes técnicas: em S, de grande tamanho e ramo eferente longo (oito); em S pequeno e ramo eferente reduzido (22); em "dupla câmara" (20); em J (23). Todos os procedimentos foram seguidos da construção de ileostomia de proteção. De 1993 em diante, todos os pacientes tiveram a arcada do colo direito preservada. Setenta pacientes têm pelo menos um ano de pós-operatório e 61 têm dois anos ou mais com média de 7,01 (1-16) anos. Foram consideradas complicações precoces aquelas que ocorreram até o 30º dia de pós- operatório e tardias, após esse tempo. Resultados funcionais foram analisados após um ano do fechamento da ileostomia. Ocorreram 35 complicações precoces em 22 pacientes e 39 complicações tardias em 35 pacientes. Vinte e cinco pacientes não apresentaram complicações. As principais complicações foram: obstrução intestinal (19,1 %), fistulizações cutâneas, com vagina ou trato urinário (10,9%), isquemia de reservatório (parcial ou total), (9,5%), e ileíte do reservatório (pouchitis) (6,8%). Nove pacientes (12,3%) têm ileostomia funcionante, sendo que sete pacientes têm ainda o reservatório mantido no lugar e dois tiveram-no ressecado. A mortalidade diretamente relacionada ao procedimento foi em dois pacientes, mas outros quatro pacientes evoluíram tardiamente ao óbito, por causas como desnutrição crônica e tumor de cerebelo. Em conclusão, apesar da morbidade e da existência ainda de questões controversas, as perspectivas tardias têm sido animadoras e têm estimulado a indicação deste tipo de procedimento.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of the establishment of dominance relationships and social stress on plasma cortisol and metabolite levels in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). During the 30-day experiment, the fish weighing 236 ± 29 g were kept in individual aquaria, except for two pairings lasting 6 h each. Blood samples were taken from the animals before and after pairing. Display, approach, attack, rebuff, chase flight, and coloration were carried out on days 16 and 30. Activities and behaviors characteristic of the establishment of dominance relationships were described. It was possible to classify all experimental fish (N = 30) as dominant or subordinate. No differences were detected between dominant (N = 15) and subordinate (N = 15) fish during isolation or after pairing in cortisol (isolated: 5.76 ± 0.98 vs 5.42 ± 0.63; paired: 10.94 ± 1.62 vs 11.21 ± 2.45 µg/dl), glucose (isolated: 60.02 ± 4.9 vs 67.85 ± 16.16; paired: 110.44 ± 15.72 vs 136.26 ± 22.46 mg/dl), triglyceride (isolated: 167.87 ± 5.06 vs 185.68 ± 7.24; paired: 210.85 ± 13.40 vs 221.82 ± 12.70 mg/dl) or total protein levels (isolated: 7.01 ± 0.42 vs 6.69 ± 0.59; paired: 9.21 ± 0.62 vs 9.51 ± 0.66 g/dl). However, when isolated (N = 30) and paired (N = 30) tilapia were compared, there were significant differences in cortisol and metabolite levels. The similar response presented by dominant and subordinate tilapia indicates that establishment of dominance relationships was a stressor for both groups.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade do leite cru e resfriado produzido no município de Canguçu - RS, através da aplicação de princípios do APPCC. Inicialmente, aplicou-se um plano de amostragem simples conforme norma ABC-STD-105, sendo elaboradas cartas controle para os parâmetros redutase, mastite e temperatura. As amostras de leite foram avaliadas quanto aos parâmetros contagem de aeróbios mesófilos, psicrotróficos, redutase, acidez, mastite, índice crioscópico, prova do álcool e resíduos de antibióticos. Os resultados possibilitaram a seleção de quatro rotas de captação do leite e vinte produtores, determinando-se um limite de controle para o parâmetro redutase de 321 minutos, mediante a equação Y = 2,35 x 10(7) - 7,01 x 10(4).X (r = -0,9284). A partir da relação existente entre a contagem de aeróbios mesófilos e psicrotróficos (r = 0,8561), obteve-se, conforme a equação Y = -8,73 x 10(4) + 0,3209 X, um limite de controle para psicrotróficos de 2,33 x 10(5) UFC.mL-1. Em virtude destes resultados, conclui-se que 80,0% das amostras estão acima do limite de controle estabelecido para a redutase, comportamento que se repete em 65,0% das amostras na contagem de psicrotróficos, caracterizando a existência de problemas nas etapas de resfriamento do leite e ordenha, as quais representam dois pontos críticos de controle, contribuindo com a perda de qualidade do leite.


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La fortificación de alimentos es importante debido a una creciente población en estado de malnutrición, por las sequías provocadas a nivel mundial y por personas de bajos recursos económicos. La adición de proteínas puede causar problemas tecnológicos. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la adición de proteínas de lactosuero a pan dulce tipo "concha" sobre las propiedades químicas y de texturas de las masas y panes. Se planteó un experimento con diferentes concentraciones de suero comercial y precipitado por calor, se evaluó la adhesividad y el análisis del perfil de textura en masa y panes. Los resultados indicaron que el testigo presentó menor contenido de proteína (17.2 ± 0.01%) con respecto a los panes con 10% (19.8 ± 0.01) y 15% (22.9 ± 0.03) de suero comercial y precipitados por calor, el contenido de grasa fue similar en el testigo (7.01 ± 0.02) y en los panes con suero comercial (7.29 ± 0.04%) y precipitado por calor (7.37 ± 0.01), el mayor trabajo de adhesión se presentó al 10% de suero comercial, mientras que los tratamientos a base de suero tuvieron valores intermedios. La firmeza fue mayor (p < 0.05) en las muestras con proteína de suero comercial, pero menos cohesiva que las fortificadas con suero precipitado por calor. La firmeza del pan mejoró por la presencia de suero lácteo comercial que con el suero precipitado por calor, sin detectar diferencia significativa (p > 0.05) entre los porcentajes de suero. Existe un efecto del tipo y concentración de suero en la adhesividad de las masas. Respecto a la textura de los panes, el suero precipitado por calor tuvo características aceptables en comparación con el suero comercial.


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The aim of this work was to perform the microbiological and physicochemical characterization of surimi made from waste of piramutaba filleting. The results of physicochemical characterization of the waste and surimi were: moisture (76.37 and 79.11%), total lipids (5.35 and 0.74%), proteins (14.92 and 10.79%), ash (3.03 and 2.35%), pH (6.9 and 7.4), caloric value (109.15 and 77.86 kcal.g-1), and water activity (both 0.98), respectively. The results of the levels of total volatile bases were 7.29 mgN/100-1 g (waste) and 7.01% carbohydrate (surimi). The values of total lipids and proteins were reduced during the preparation of surimi, probably due to successive washes during the processing. Waste and surimi were examined microbiologically and are in compliance with required parameters. The results show a loss of red (a* parameter) and yellow (b* parameter) color. On the other hand, the L* parameter (lightness) increased after the processing of surimi. It can be concluded that piramutaba waste can be used for surimi preparation and as a source of nutrients for human consumption, providing an alternative use of these wastes avoiding their disposal polluting the environment.


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The recession of mountain glaciers around the world has been linked to anthropogenic climate change and small glaciers (e.g. < 2 km2) are thought to be particularly vulnerable, with reports of their disappearance from several regions. However, the response of small glaciers to climate change can be modulated by non-climatic factors such as topography and debris cover and there remain a number of regions where their recent change has evaded scrutiny. This paper presents results of the first multi-year remote sensing survey of glaciers in the Kodar Mountains, the only glaciers in SE Siberia, which we compare to previous glacier inventories from this continental setting that reported total glacier areas of 18.8 km2 in ca. 1963 (12.6 km2 of exposed ice) and 15.5 km2 in 1974 (12 km2 of exposed ice). Mapping their debris-covered termini is difficult but delineation of debris-free ice on Landsat imagery reveals 34 glaciers with a total area of 11.72 ± 0.72 km2 in 1995, followed by a reduction to 9.53 ± 0.29 km2 in 2001 and 7.01 ± 0.23 km2 in 2010. This represents a ~ 44% decrease in exposed glacier ice between ca. 1963 and 2010, but with 40% lost since 1995 and with individual glaciers losing as much as 93% of their exposed ice. Thus, although continental glaciers are generally thought to be less sensitive than their maritime counterparts, a recent acceleration in shrinkage of exposed ice has taken place and we note its coincidence with a strong summer warming trend in the region initiated at the start of the 1980s. Whilst smaller and shorter glaciers have, proportionally, tended to shrink more rapidly, we find no statistically significant relationship between shrinkage and elevation characteristics, aspect or solar radiation. This is probably due to the small sample size, limited elevation range, and topographic setting of the glaciers in deep valleys-heads. Furthermore, many of the glaciers possess debris-covered termini and it is likely that the ablation of buried ice is lagging the shrinkage of exposed ice, such that a growth in the proportion of debris cover is occurring, as observed elsewhere. If recent trends continue, we hypothesise that glaciers could evolve into a type of rock glacier within the next few decades, introducing additional complexity in their response and delaying their potential demise.


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Capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), Tifton 68 (Cynodon spp) e quicuio (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Ex Chiov.) foram utilizados sob pastejo durante dois períodos de crescimento com objetivo de investigar a distribuição da quantidade e qualidade de forragem, medir a produção de leite ( por animal e por área) e composição do leite. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições para medidas animais e quatro para vegetação. Vacas multíparas (568±41 kg), com 147±64 dias em lactação, potencial de produção (7.000±1.000 kg), em pastejo rotativo com oferta de lâminas foliares de 3,0% PV, receberam suplementação a base de milho e sais minerais na proporção de 1,0 kg para cada 2,0 kg de leite produzido acima de 12 kg de leite/d. A produção média diária de leite corrigido para 3,5% de gordura foi de 22,46 kg/vaca. Não houve variação para PB e FDN na composição das lâminas foliares das pastagens, ficando as médias em 20,4% e 63,4%, respectivamente. O FDA do capim-elefante foi maior em todas as épocas (31,2%), já o Tifton 68 (26,6%) e o quicuio (25,4%) foram semelhantes (P>0,05). A produção média de lâminas foliares foi 15.347 kg de MS/ha. As lotações médias foram de 7,01, 7,27 e 7,21 vacas/ha/d para o capim-elefante, quicuio e Tifton 68, respectivamente. A produção de leite média foi de 25.046 kg/ha. O teor de gordura foi maior para o capim-elefante (3,26%), seguido do Tifton 68 (3,15%) e quicuio (3,03%). O teor de proteína médio do leite foi 3,00% (P>0,05).


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Muscle fatigue is a phenomenon that promotes physiological and biomechanical disorders and their changes in healthy subjects have been widely studied and have significant importance for care in preventing injuries, but we do not have many information about its effects in patients after ACL reconstruction. Thus, this study is to analyze the effects of fatigue on neuromuscular behavior of quadriceps after ACL reconstruction. To reach this objective, participants were forty men, twenty healthy (26,90 ± 6,29 years) and twenty after ACL reconstruction (29,75 ± 7,01 years) with a graft of semitendinosus and gracilis tendons, between four to six months after surgery. At first, there was an assessment of joint position sense (JPS) at the isokinetic dynamometer at a speed of 5°/s and target angle of 45° to analyze the absolute error of JPS. Next, we applied the a muscle fatigue protocol, running 100 repetitions of isokinetic knee flexion-extension at 90°/s. Concurrently with this protocol, there was the assessment of muscle performance, as the peak torque (PT) and fatigue index, and electromyographic activity (RMS and median frequency). Finally, we repeated the assessment of JPS. The statistical analysis showed that patients after ACL reconstruction have, even under normal conditions, the amended JPS compared with healthy subjects and that after fatigue, both have disturbances in the JPS, but this alteration is significantly exacerbated in patients after ACL reconstruction. About muscle performance, we could notice that these patients have a lower PT, although there are no differences between the dynamometric and EMG fatigue index. These findings show the necessity about the cares of pacients with ACL reconstruction in respect of the risks of articulate instability and overload in ligamentar graft


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the outcomes of autogenous bone graft (AB) and bioglass (BG) associated or not with leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma (LP-PRP) in the rabbit maxillary sinus (MS) by histomorphometric and radiographic analysis. Twenty rabbits divided into 2 groups (G1, G2) were submitted to sinus lift surgery. In G1, 10 MS were grafted with AB and 10 MS were grafted with BG. In G2, 10 MS were grafted with AB + LP-PRP and 10 MS were grafted with BG + LP-PRP. After 90 days, the animals were killed and specimens were obtained, x-rayed, and submitted to histomorphometric, radiographic bone density (RD) and fractal dimension analysis. Radiographic bone density mean values (SD), expressed as aluminum equivalent in mm, of AB, BG, AB + LP-PRP, and BG + LP-PRP groups were 1.79 (0.31), 2.04 (0.39), 1.61 (0.28), and 1.53 (0.30), respectively. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed between BG and AB, and BG + PRP and BG. Fractal dimension mean values were 1.48 (0.04), 1.35 (0.08), 1.44 (0.04), and 1.44 (0.06), respectively. Significant differences were observed between BG and AB, and AB + LP-PRP and BG. Mean values for the percentage of bone inside MS were 63.30 (8.60), 52.65 (10.41), 55.25 (7.01), and 51.07 (10.25), respectively. No differences were found. No correlations were observed among percentage of bone, RD and FD. Histological analysis showed that MS treated with AB presented mature and new bone formation. The other groups showed minor bone formation. Within the limitations of this study, the results indicated that at a 90-day time end point, AB yielded better results than AB + LP-PRP, BG, and BG + LP-PRP and should be considered the primary material for MS augmentation.