999 resultados para Type trees
ABSTRACTThe composition and structure of the low-trunk epiphytic herb assembly as well as its vertical distribution were studied. DBH of host tree and bark type influence species richness and abundance in a nonlooded lowland tropical rainforest in Eastern Amazonia (1º57’36"S 51º36’55"W). A total of 37 epiphytic herb species were identified, among which 60% were Araceae. Species richness and abundance of epiphytic herbs showed tendency of positive correlation with host tree size and no relationships with bark type. Low positive correlation may be a by-product of the predominance of trees with smaller diameter in our sample rather than a reflection of neutral relationship. The absence of relationships with bark type may be partially explained by the large number of secondary, generalist, hemi-epiphytes and also may reflect the absence of suitable substrate in trees with smaller diameter.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that in recent decades has become a major international public health concern. Epidemic dengue fever reemerged in Brazil in 1981. Since 1990 more than one dengue virus serotype has been circulating in this tropical country and increasing rates of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been detected every year. Some evidence supports the association between the introduction of a new serotype and/or genotype in a region and the appearance of dengue hemorrhagic fever. In order to study the evolutionary relationships and possible detection of the introduction of new dengue virus genotypes in Brazil in the last years, we analyzed partial nucleotide sequences of 52 Brazilian samples of both dengue type 1 and dengue type 2 isolated from 1988 to 2001 from highly endemic regions. A 240-nucleotide-long sequence from the envelope/nonstructural protein 1 gene junction was used for phylogenetic analysis. After comparing the nucleotide sequences originally obtained in this study to those previously studied by others, and analyzing the phylogenetic trees, we conclude that, after the initial introduction of the currently circulating dengue-1 and dengue-2 genotypes in Brazil, there has been no evidence of introduction of new genotypes since 1988. The increasing number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases seen in Brazil in the last years is probably associated with secondary infections or with the introduction of new serotypes but not with the introduction of new genotypes.
The concept of convex extendability is introduced to answer the problem of finding the smallest distance convex simple graph containing a given tree. A problem of similar type with respect to minimal path convexity is also discussed.
Juniperus virginiana (eastern redcedar) is encroaching into mesic prairies of the southern Great Plains, USA, and is altering the hydrologic cycle. We used the thermal dissipation technique to quantify daily water use of J. virginiana into a mesic prairie by measuring 19 trees of different sizes from different density stands located in north-central Oklahoma during 2011. We took the additional step to calibrate our measurements by comparing thermal dissipation technique estimates to volumetric water use for a subset of trees. Except for days with maximum air temperature below -3 degrees C, J. virginiana trees used water year round, reached a peak in late May, and exhibited reduced water use in summer when soil water availability was low. Overall daily average water use was 24 l (+/- 21.81 s.d.) per tree. Trees in low density stands used more water than trees with similar diameters from denser stands. However, there was no difference in water use between trees in different density stands when expressed on a canopy area basis. Approximately 50% of variation in water use that remained after accounting for the factors site, tree, and day was explained using a physiologically-based model that included daily potential evapotranspiration, maximum vapour pressure deficit, maximum temperature, solar radiation, and soil water storage between 0 and 10 cm. Our model suggested that a J. virginiana woodland with a closed canopy is capable of transpiring almost all precipitation reaching the soil in years with normal precipitation, indicating the potential for encroachment to reduce water yield for streamflow and groundwater recharge. Copyright (C) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A composição e estrutura da comunidade epifítica herbácea de fuste baixo, assim como sua distribuição vertical, foram estudadas. O DAP de hospedeiros arbóreos e o tipo de casca influenciam a riqueza e abundância dessas espécies em um trecho de floresta de terra firme na Amazônia Oriental (1º57’36"S 51º36’55"W). Foram identificadas, no total, 37 espécies herbáceas epifíticas, sendo 60% delas Araceae. A riqueza de espécies e a abundância de herbáceas epifíticas mostraram tendência de correlação positiva com o tamanho de hospedeiros arbóreos e nenhuma relação com o tipo de casca. Correlação positiva baixa pode ser um subproduto da predominância de árvores de menor diâmetro na amostragem em vez de refletir relação neutra. A ausência de relações com o tipo de casca deve ser parcialmente explicada pelo grande número de hemiepífitas secundárias, generalistas, e também refletir a ausência de substratos adequados em árvores de menor diâmetro.
Background: Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease worldwide. Dengue virus comprises four antigenically related viruses named dengue virus type 1 to 4 (DENV1-4). DENV-3 was re-introduced into the Americas in 1994 causing outbreaks in Nicaragua and Panama. DENV-3 was introduced in Brazil in 2000 and then spread to most of the Brazilian States, reaching the neighboring country, Paraguay in 2002. In this study, we have analyzed the phylogenetic relationship of DENV-3 isolated in Brazil and Paraguay with viruses isolated worldwide. We have also analyzed the evolutionary divergence dynamics of DENV-3 viruses. Results: The entire open reading frame (ORF) of thirteen DENV-3 isolated in Brazil (n = 9) and Paraguay (n = 4) were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. DENV-3 grouped into three main genotypes (I, II and III). Several internal clades were found within each genotype that we called lineage and sub-lineage. Viruses included in this study belong to genotype III and grouped together with viruses isolated in the Americas within the lineage III. The Brazilian viruses were further segregated into two different sub-lineage, A and B, and the Paraguayan into the sub-lineage B. All three genotypes showed internal grouping. The nucleotide divergence was in average 6.7% for genotypes, 2.7% for lineages and 1.5% for sub-lineages. Phylogenetic trees constructed with any of the protein gene sequences showed the same segregation of the DENV-3 in three genotypes. Conclusion: Our results showed that two groups of DENV-3 genotypes III circulated in Brazil during 2002-2009, suggesting different events of introduction of the virus through different regions of the country. In Paraguay, only one group DENV-3 genotype III is circulating that is very closely related to the Brazilian viruses of sub-lineage B. Different degree of grouping can be observed for DENV-3 and each group showed a characteristic evolutionary divergence. Finally, we have observed that any protein gene sequence can be used to identify the virus genotype.
Based on litter mass and litterfall data, decomposition rates for leaves were found to be fast (k = 3.3) and the turnover times short (3.6 mo) on the low-nutrient sandy soils of Korup. Leaf litter of four ectomycorrhizal tree species (Berlinia bracteosa, Didelotia africana, Microberlinia bisulcata and Tetraberlinia bifoliolata) and of three non-ectomycorrhizal species (Cola verticillata, Oubanguia alata and Strephonema pseudocola) from Korup were left to decompose in 2-mm mesh bags on the forest floor in three plots of each of two forest types forest of low (LEM) and high (HEM) abundance of ectomycorrhizal (caesalp) trees. The litter of the ectomycorrhizal species decayed at a significantly slower rate than that of the non-ectomycorrhizal species, although the former were richer in P and N concentrations of the start. Disappearance rates of the litter layer showed a similar trend. Ectomycorrhizal species immobilized less N, but mineralized more P, than non-ectomycorrhizal species. Differences between species groups in K, Mg and Ca mineralization were negligible. Effect of forest type was clear only for Mg: mineralization of Mg was faster in the HEM than LEM plots, a pattern repeated across all species. This difference was attributed to a much more prolific fine root mat in the HEM than LEM forest. The relatively fast release of P from the litter of the ectomycorrhizal species suggests that the mat must allow an efficient uptake to maintain P in the forest ecosystem.
Three ectomycorrhizal legume trees, Microberlinia bisulcata, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. moreliana, form discrete groves in the southern part of Korup National Park, in southwest Cameroon and contribute c. 45–70% of stand basal area locally in a matrix of otherwise species-rich arbuscular mycorrhizal forest. A transplant experiment was performed to assess the importance of ectomycorrhizal infection associated with proximity to parents in seedling establishment of the grove-forming species. Nonectomycorrhizal seedlings of the three species were transplanted into plots of two forest types, one of high (HEM, within-grove) and one of very low (LEM, outside the grove) abundance of all three species as adult trees. For two species (T. moreliana and M. bisulcata) there was no difference in survival over 16 months, but for the third (T. bifoliolata) survival was best in HEM forest, and correlated with the basal area of adult trees of ectomycorrhizal species. Only one species (T. moreliana) increased in biomass over the experimental period; the others declined. There was no effect of forest type on overall growth of any species, but the survivors of two (T. moreliana and M. bisulcata) had heavier stems in the HEM forest. Differences in survival and growth of transplants between the three species were in accord with the ecology of the species as inferred from the frequency distributions of adult tree size in the forest. Seedlings became infected with ectomycorrhizas in both forest types; where there was a difference in extent of infection (T. moreliana) this was not related to survival or growth; and where there was a difference in survival (T. bifoliolata) this was not related to extent of infection. These results confirm that mycorrhizal inoculum associated with conspecific adults is neither a prerequisite nor a guarantee of seedling establishment, but indicates that in some circumstances there might be benefits of being close to parents. Further research is required to unravel the complexities of ectomycorrhizal community structure in this spatially and temporally heterogeneous forest, and to clarify the extent to which the various hosts share ectomycorrhizal partners.
La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.
La encina (Quercus ilex L.) es una de las especies forestales mediterráneas más importantes. Constituye gran parte del estrato arbóreo de dehesas o montados, produce bellota como alimento del ganado y establece simbiosis con hongos micorrizógenos de gran valor económico. La encina está considerada como una especie recalcitrante en términos de conservación de semillas y capacidad morfogénica, lo que dificulta los programas de conservación de recursos genéticos y la mejora de la especie. La propagación vegetativa es una potente herramienta de los programas de mejora, por lo que es preciso desarrollar protocolos de regeneración somática en encina. La embriogénesis somática está considerada como la modalidad más adecuada de regeneración basada en técnicas de cultivo de tejidos vegetales utilizada en biotecnología forestal. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de determinados aspectos de la embriogénesis somática para la regeneración clonal de encinas adultas. La memoria de esta tesis se ha dividido en capítulos que se corresponden con diferentes aspectos del sistema embriogénico. La embriogénesis somática se indujo en tegumentos maternos de óvulos en desarrollo procedentes de bellotas inmaduras de encinas adultas. A pesar de las bajas frecuencias de inducción, las líneas embriogénicas generadas se amplificaron mediante embriogénesis secundaria observándose cierta pérdida de la capacidad de diferenciación con el tiempo. Tanto el genotipo como la formulación del medio de cultivo influyeron en la respuesta embriogénica, concluyendo que la formulación de macronutrientes de Schenk y Hildebrant del medio sin reguladores de crecimiento fue la combinación más efectiva en la inducción. Los resultados sugirieron la existencia de una ventana en el desarrollo del óvulo más sensible a la inducción. El genotipo in[luyó en la capacidad proliferativa de los cultivos y en la conversión de los embriones somáticos, que se incrementó suplementando el medio con ácido indol-3-butírico y 6-benciladenina. El cultivo en medio líquido de líneas embriogénicas en condiciones de inmersión transitoria incrementó el crecimiento, dependiendo del genotipo, con respecto al cultivo en medio semisólido. Sin embargo, no mejoró la capacidad de diferenciar embriones cotiledonares aislados. Se estableció un protocolo de inicio y mantenimiento de cultivos en suspensión para varias líneas embriogénicas mediante inoculación en alta densidad de agregados embrionarios procedentes del medio semisólido. Para evitar la pérdida de vigor y la capacidad morfogénica debida al cultivo prolongado se desarrolló un protocolo de crioconservación de líneas embriogénicas mediante vitrificación. Al determinar la influencia de los agentes crioprotectores antes y después de su inmersión en nitrógeno líquido se concluyó que las respuestas de capacidad de crecimiento y de diferenciación del material embriogénico son independientes, además de estar bajo influencia del genotipo y el tipo de material crioconservado. La combinación de sacarosa y PVS2 previa a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido proporcionó la mayor tasa de recuperación. Cuando las líneas fueron crioconservadas 30 días la capacidad de diferenciación se perdió en todas ellas. El análisis de SSR detectó variación somaclonal en el material crioconservado a corto plazo. SSR y RAPD mostraron importantes diferencias genéticas entre los árboles donantes y el material embriogénico que dependieron del genotipo. El grado de detección dependió del marcador empleado. Ambos marcadores revelaron baja inestabilidad intraclonal. Los RAPD revelaron variación genética intra-individuo en las encinas donantes. Se discuten la variación genética pre-existente en encina, su aparición durante las primeras fases de la inducción de embriogénesis, y la presencia de tejidos provenientes de la fertilización en el explanto materno. Esto hace preciso definir la identidad genética del material donante y acometer ensayos de detección precoz de variación somaclonal. ABSTRACT Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is one of the most important Mediterranean forest species. It conforms the tree layer of dehesas or montados, it produces acorns to feed the livestock and it establishes symbiosis with profitable mycorrhizal fungi. Holm oak is considered as recalcitrant species in terms of seed conservation and morphogenic capacities, which complicates the development of genetic conservation and improvement programs. Vegetative propagation is one of the mightiest tools for breeding programs therefore; developing protocols for clonal regeneration of holm oak is essential. Somatic embryogenesis is considered the best tissue culture-based way of plant regeneration in forest biotechnology. The present study is focused on the study of certain aspects of somatic embryogenesis for clonal regeneration of mature holm oak. This thesis manuscript is divided into several chapters that match with different aspects of the embryogenic system. Somatic embryogenesis induction was achieved on maternal teguments of developing ovules from immature acorns of adult holm oak trees. Despite the low induction frequencies, the generated embryogenic lines were amplified by secondary embryogenesis. A decline in the differentiation capacity over time was also observed. It was concluded that both genotype and culture media formulation influenced the embryogenic response, being the Schenk and Hildebrandt´s macronutrients formulation from culture medium and the lack of plant growth regulators the most effective combination for the induction of the embryogenic response. It has been suggested the existence of a developmental window in which ovules are prone to induction. Genotype influenced the proliferation capacity and the plant conversion of somatic embryos, which was also favoured by the presence of indol-3-butyric acid and 6-bencyladenine. The use of temporary immersion systems as proliferation in liquid culture of the embryogenic lines increased the growth depending on genotype, when compared to semisolid cultures. However, it did not improve the differentiation of single cotyledonary embryos. A protocol for the initiation and maintenance of embryogenic suspension cultures was established for several embryogenic lines with highly dense inoculi of embryogenic clusters from proliferating semisolid cultures. In order to avoid the loss of vigour and morphogenic ability of embryogenic lines due to prolonged cultures, a cryopreservation protocol for embryogenic lines of holm oak has been developed. During the determination of the influence of cryoprotective agents on the growth and differentiation capacities before and after liquid nitrogen immersion, it was concluded that both responses were independent from each other and also under the influence of genotype and the type of cryopreserved material. The combination of sucrose and PVS2 prior liquid nitrogen immersion provided higher recovery rates. When the same embryogenic lines were cryopreserved for 30 days, none was able to differentiate. The SSRs analysis of the short-term cryopreserved material detected somaclonal variation. Both SSR and RAPD markers showed high sensitivity to detect genetic differences between the donor trees and the generated embryogenic material. Nevertheless, the degree of instability detection depended on the marker. The SSR analysis indicated a relationship between genotype, the studied loci and the located polymorphisms. Also, both markers revealed low intraclonal genetic variation. The RAPD detected genetic variation within the donor trees. The presence of pre-existent genetic variation within mature trees, in addition to its occurrence during the early stages of the embryogenic induction, and the presence of tissues of fertilisation origin within the maternal explants are all discussed. Nonetheless, the determination of the genetic identity of donor material is required, in addition to early detection methods of somaclonal variation.
A mixed-class alcohol dehydrogenase has been characterized from avian liver. Its functional properties resemble the classical class I type enzyme in livers of humans and animals by exhibiting low Km and kcat values with alcohols (Km = 0.7 mM with ethanol) and low Ki values with 4-methylpyrazole (4 microM). These values are markedly different from corresponding parameters of class II and III enzymes. In contrast, the primary structure of this avian liver alcohol dehydrogenase reveals an overall relationship closer to class II and to some extent class III (69 and 65% residue identities, respectively) than to class I or the other classes of the human alcohol dehydrogenases (52-61%), the presence of an insertion (four positions in a segment close to position 120) as in class II but in no other class of the human enzymes, and the presence of several active site residues considered typical of the class II enzyme. Hence, the avian enzyme has mixed-class properties, being functionally similar to class I, yet structurally similar to class II, with which it also clusters in phylogenetic trees of characterized vertebrate alcohol dehydrogenases. Comparisons reveal that the class II enzyme is approximately 25% more variable than the "variable" class I enzyme, which itself is more variable than the "constant" class III enzyme. The overall extreme, and the unusual chromatographic behavior may explain why the class II enzyme has previously not been found outside mammals. The properties define a consistent pattern with apparently repeated generation of novel enzyme activities after separate gene duplications.
Most of the modem developments with classification trees are aimed at improving their predictive capacity. This article considers a curiously neglected aspect of classification trees, namely the reliability of predictions that come from a given classification tree. In the sense that a node of a tree represents a point in the predictor space in the limit, the aim of this article is the development of localized assessment of the reliability of prediction rules. A classification tree may be used either to provide a probability forecast, where for each node the membership probabilities for each class constitutes the prediction, or a true classification where each new observation is predictively assigned to a unique class. Correspondingly, two types of reliability measure will be derived-namely, prediction reliability and classification reliability. We use bootstrapping methods as the main tool to construct these measures. We also provide a suite of graphical displays by which they may be easily appreciated. In addition to providing some estimate of the reliability of specific forecasts of each type, these measures can also be used to guide future data collection to improve the effectiveness of the tree model. The motivating example we give has a binary response, namely the presence or absence of a species of Eucalypt, Eucalyptus cloeziana, at a given sampling location in response to a suite of environmental covariates, (although the methods are not restricted to binary response data).
In emergency situations, where time for blood transfusion is reduced, the O negative blood type (the universal donor) is administrated. However, sometimes even the universal donor can cause transfusion reactions that can be fatal to the patient. As commercial systems do not allow fast results and are not suitable for emergency situations, this paper presents the steps considered for the development and validation of a prototype, able to determine blood type compatibilities, even in emergency situations. Thus it is possible, using the developed system, to administer a compatible blood type, since the first blood unit transfused. In order to increase the system’s reliability, this prototype uses different approaches to classify blood types, the first of which is based on Decision Trees and the second one based on support vector machines. The features used to evaluate these classifiers are the standard deviation values, histogram, Histogram of Oriented Gradients and fast Fourier transform, computed on different regions of interest. The main characteristics of the presented prototype are small size, lightweight, easy transportation, ease of use, fast results, high reliability and low cost. These features are perfectly suited for emergency scenarios, where the prototype is expected to be used.