938 resultados para Turbocharger Lag


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IMPORTANCE OF THE FIELD: Promising immunotherapeutic agents targeting co-stimulatory pathways are currently being tested in clinical trials. One player in this array of regulatory pathways is the LAG-3/MHC class II axis. The lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3) is a negative co-stimulatory receptor that modulates T cell homeostasis, proliferation and activation. A recombinant soluble dimeric form of LAG-3 (sLAG-3-Ig, IMP321) shows adjuvant properties and enhances immunogenicity of tumor vaccines. Recent clinical trials produced encouraging results, especially when the human dimeric soluble form of LAG-3 (hLAG-3-Ig) was used in combination with chemotherapy. AREAS COVERED IN THIS REVIEW: The biological relevance of LAG-3 in vivo. Pre-clinical data demonstrating adjuvant properties, as well as the improvement of tumor immunity by sLAG-3-Ig. Recent advances in the clinical development of the therapeutic reagent IMP321, hLAG-3-Ig, for cancer treatment. WHAT THE READER WILL GAIN: This review summarizes preclinical and clinical data on the biological functions of LAG-3. TAKE HOME MESSAGE: The LAG-3 inhibitory pathway is attracting attention, in the light of recent studies demonstrating its role in T cell unresponsiveness, and Treg function after chronic antigen stimulation. As a soluble recombinant dimer, the sLAG-3-Ig protein acts as an adjuvant for therapeutic induction of T cell responses, and may be beneficial to cancer patients when used in combination therapies.


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Fractures of the proximal femur are common in the elderly population. Intramedullary nailing has become the standard treatment for intertrochanteric fractures although several extramedullary implants (e.g. dynamic hip screw (DHS), blade plate, locking compression plate (LCP), etc.) exist. However, despite this being a very common operation in traumatology, there are numerous associated complications. We report the rare complication of the migration of the medial lag screw into the pelvis at five and a half weeks postoperatively. The implant was removed and replaced by a total hip arthroplasty with simultaneous grafting of the acetabular defect and strapping of the greater trochanter. The evolution was favourable. We also present a review of the literature and analyze our case.


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When a flash is presented aligned with a moving stimulus, the former is perceived to lag behind the latter (the flash-lag effect). We study whether this mislocalization occurs when a positional judgment is not required, but a veridical spatial relationship between moving and flashed stimuli is needed to perceive a global shape. To do this, we used Glass patterns that are formed by pairs of correlated dots. One dot of each pair was presented moving and, at a given moment, the other dot of each pair was flashed in order to build the Glass pattern. If a flash-lag effect occurs between each pair of dots, we expect the best perception of the global shape to occur when the flashed dots are presented before the moving dots arrive at the position that physically builds the Glass pattern. Contrary to this, we found that the best detection of Glass patterns occurred for the situation of physical alignment. This result is not consistent with a low-level contribution to the flash-lag effect.


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24 x 35 cm


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If a dot is flashed in perfect alignment with a pair of dots rotating around the visual fixation point, most observers perceive the rotating dots as being ahead of the flashing dot (flash-lag effect). This perceptual effect has been interpreted to result from the perceptual extrapolation of the moving dots, the differential visual latencies between flashing and moving stimuli, as well as the modulation of attentional mechanisms. Here we attempted to uncouple the attentional effects brought about by the spatial predictability of the flashing dot from the sensory effects dependent on its visual eccentricity. The stimulus was a pair of dots rotating clockwise around the fixation point. Another dot was flashed at either the upper right or the lower left of the visual field according to three separate blocked situations: fixed, alternate and random positions. Twenty-four participants had to judge, in all three situations, the location of the rotating dots in relation to the imaginary line connecting the flashing dot and the fixation point at the moment the dot was flashed. The flash-lag effect was observed in all three situations, and a clear influence of the spatial predictability of the flashing dot on the magnitude of the perceptual phenomenon was revealed, independently of sensory effects related to the eccentricity of the stimulus in the visual field. These findings are consistent with our proposal that, in addition to sensory factors, the attentional set modulates the magnitude of the differential latencies that give rise to the flash-lag phenomenon.


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Denna undersökning har jämfört Finlands och Sveriges cybersäkerhetspolitik. Som forskningsmetod har använts komparativ analys och som teoretisk referensram säkerhetiseringsteorier. Rubriken har valts på grund av den aktuella samhällsdebatt som förs kring cyberssäkerhet. Statliga dokument har använts som primära källor. Intervjuer, artiklar och nyheter har använts för att stöda slutsatserna. Lagstiftningen har lagts i fokus, eftersom den styr själva verkställandet av idkad cybersäkerhetspolitik. Utförd analys visar att Finland och Sverige behandlar cybersäkerhetsfrågorna som en del av den övriga säkerhetspolitiken. Den största skillnaden är att Sverige inte har ett lika synligt behov att säkerhetisera sin cybersäkerhetsagenda. Detta beror på att Sverige redan säkrat sina statliga säkerhetsintressen i cyberrymden tack vare den så kallade FRA-lagen. Analysen visar att Finland med sin säkerhetisering strävar efter likande befogenheter åt myndigheterna att bedriva underrättelse i cyberrymden. Målet för Sveriges säkerhetisering är enligt denna analys att stärka de existerande säkerhetsstrukturerna och utveckla myndighetssamarbete. Lagstiftningsanalysen visar att båda länderna betonar medorgarnas grundläggande friheter och rättigheter, yttrandefrihet samt personlig integritet på nätet. En annan likhet är att båda strävar att lösa lagstiftningsfrågorna genom internationellt samarbete. Den största skillnaden mellan Finland och Sverige är att Sverige endast försöker anpassa den nuvarande lagstiftningen till cyberdomänen, medan Finland strävar att forma en helt ny cyberlagstiftning. Slutsatsen visar dock att staterna först måste definiera cyberterminologin juridiskt, innan de kan göra straffrättsliga tolkningar. Därtill måste länderna utveckla regelverken för överlåtelse av information myndigheterna emellan.


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Resumen tomado del propio recurso


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A method is presented for determining the time to first division of individual bacterial cells growing on agar media. Bacteria were inoculated onto agar-coated slides and viewed by phase-contrast microscopy. Digital images of the growing bacteria were captured at intervals and the time to first division estimated by calculating the "box area ratio". This is the area of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around an object, divided by the area of the object itself. The box area ratios of cells were found to increase suddenly during growth at a time that correlated with cell division as estimated by visual inspection of the digital images. This was caused by a change in the orientation of the two daughter cells that occurred when sufficient flexibility arose at their point of attachment. This method was used successfully to generate lag time distributions for populations of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but did not work with the coccoid organism Staphylococcus aureus. This method provides an objective measure of the time to first cell division, whilst automation of the data processing allows a large number of cells to be examined per experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical density measurements were used to estimate the effect of heat treatments on the single-cell lag times of Listeria innocua fitted to a shifted gamma distribution. The single-cell lag time was subdivided into repair time ( the shift of the distribution assumed to be uniform for all cells) and adjustment time (varying randomly from cell to cell). After heat treatments in which all of the cells recovered (sublethal), the repair time and the mean and the variance of the single-cell adjustment time increased with the severity of the treatment. When the heat treatments resulted in a loss of viability (lethal), the repair time of the survivors increased with the decimal reduction of the cell numbers independently of the temperature, while the mean and variance of the single-cell adjustment times remained the same irrespective of the heat treatment. Based on these observations and modeling of the effect of time and temperature of the heat treatment, we propose that the severity of a heat treatment can be characterized by the repair time of the cells whether the heat treatment is lethal or not, an extension of the F value concept for sublethal heat treatments. In addition, the repair time could be interpreted as the extent or degree of injury with a multiple-hit lethality model. Another implication of these results is that the distribution of the time for cells to reach unacceptable numbers in food is not affected by the time-temperature combination resulting in a given decimal reduction.