998 resultados para Tubulin Linker Protein


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Discovery and development of new pharmaceuticals from marine organisms are attracting increasing interest. Several agents derived from marine organisms are under preclinical and clinical evaluation as potential anticancer drugs. We extracted and purified a novel anti-tumor protein from the coelomic fluid of Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus by ammonium sulphate fractionation, ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The molecular weight of the highly purified protein, designated MML, was 40 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis. MML exhibited significant cytotoxicity to several cancer cell types, including human hepatoma BEL-7402, human breast cancer MCF-7 and human colon cancer HCT116 cells. However, no inhibitory effect was found when treating murine normal fibroblasts NIH3T3 and benign human breast MCF-10A cells with MML. The cell death induced by MML was characterized by cell morphological changes. The induction of apoptosis of BEL-7402 cells by MML was weak by DNA ladder assay. The possible mechanisms of its anti-tumor effect might be the changes in cell membrane permeability and inhibition of tubulin polymerization. MML may be developed as a novel, highly selective and effective anti-cancer drug.


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Dynamic microtubules (MTs) are required for neuronal guidance, in which axons extend directionally toward their target tissues. We found that depletion of the MT-binding protein Xenopus cytoplasmic linker-associated protein 1 (XCLASP1) or treatment with the MT drug Taxol reduced axon outgrowth in spinal cord neurons. To quantify the dynamic distribution of MTs in axons, we developed an automated algorithm to detect and track MT plus ends that have been fluorescently labeled by end-binding protein 3 (EB3). XCLASP1 depletion reduced MT advance rates in neuronal growth cones, very much like treatment with Taxol, demonstrating a potential link between MT dynamics in the growth cone and axon extension. Automatic tracking of EB3 comets in different compartments revealed that MTs increasingly slowed as they passed from the axon shaft into the growth cone and filopodia. We used speckle microscopy to demonstrate that MTs experience retrograde flow at the leading edge. Microtubule advance in growth cone and filopodia was strongly reduced in XCLASP1-depleted axons as compared with control axons, but actin retrograde flow remained unchanged. Instead, we found that XCLASP1-depleted growth cones lacked lamellipodial actin organization characteristic of protrusion. Lamellipodial architecture depended on XCLASP1 and its capacity to associate with MTs, highlighting the importance of XCLASP1 in actin-microtubule interactions.


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Background: Platelet activation by collagen depends on signals transduced by the glycoprotein (GP)VI–Fc receptor (FcR)-chain collagen receptor complex, which involves recruitment of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) to phosphorylated tyrosines in the linker for activation of T cells (LAT). An interaction between the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K and the scaffolding molecule Grb-2-associated binding protein-1 (Gab1), which is regulated by binding of the Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP-2) to Gab1, has been shown in other cell types to sustain PI3K activity to elicit cellular responses. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) functions as a negative regulator of platelet reactivity and thrombosis, at least in part by inhibiting GPVI–FcR-chain signaling via recruitment of SHP-2 to phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs in PECAM-1. Objective: To investigate the possibility that PECAM-1 regulates the formation of the Gab1–p85 signaling complexes, and the potential effect of such interactions on GPVI-mediated platelet activation in platelets. Methods: The ability of PECAM-1 signaling to modulate the LAT signalosome was investigated with immunoblotting assays on human platelets and knockout mouse platelets. Results: PECAM-1-associated SHP-2 in collagen-stimulated platelets binds to p85, which results in diminished levels of association with both Gab1 and LAT and reduced collagen-stimulated PI3K signaling. We therefore propose that PECAM-1-mediated inhibition of GPVI-dependent platelet responses result, at least in part, from recruitment of SHP-2–p85 complexes to tyrosine-phosphorylated PECAM-1, which diminishes the association of PI3K with activatory signaling molecules, such as Gab1 and LAT.


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Lipid rafts are highly ordered membrane domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids that provide a scaffold for signal transduction proteins; altered raft structure has also been implicated in cancer progression. We have shown that 25 mu M 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC), an alkylphospholipid, targets high cholesterol domains in model membranes and induces apoptosis in leukemia cells but spares normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells under the same conditions. We performed a quantitative (SILAC) proteomic screening of ODPC targets in a lipid-raft-enriched fraction of leukemic cells to identify early events prior to the initiation of apoptosis. Six proteins, three with demonstrated palmitoylation sites, were reduced in abundance. One, the linker for activation of T-cell family member 2 (LAT2), is an adaptor protein associated with lipid rafts in its palmitoylated form and is specifically expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Interestingly, LAT2 is not expressed in K562, a cell line more resistant to ODPC-induced apoptosis. There was an early loss of LAT2 in the lipid-raft-enriched fraction of NB4 cells within 3 h following treatment with 25 mu M ODPC. Subsequent degradation of LAT2 by proteasomes was observed. Twenty-five mu M ODPC inhibited AKT activation via myeloid growth factors, and LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells by shRNA reproduced this effect. LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells also decreased cell proliferation and increased cell sensitivity to ODPC (7.5X), perifosine (3X), and arsenic trioxide (8.5X). Taken together, these data indicate that LAT2 is an early mediator of the anti-leukemic activity of alkylphospholipids and arsenic trioxide. Thus, LAT2 may be used as a target for the design of drugs for cancer therapy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M112.019661, 1898-1912, 2012.


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Background: The unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease in humans. Adherence of the infective stage to elements of the extracellular matrix (ECM), as laminin and fibronectin, is an essential step in host cell invasion. Although members of the gp85/TS, as Tc85, were identified as laminin and fibronectin ligands, the signaling events triggered on the parasite upon binding to these molecules are largely unexplored. Methodology/Principal Findings: Viable infective parasites were incubated with laminin, fibronectin or bovine serum albumin for different periods of time and the proteins were separated by bidimensional gels. The phosphoproteins were envisaged by specific staining and the spots showing phosphorylation levels significantly different from the control were excised and identified by MS/MS. The results of interest were confirmed by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation and the localization of proteins in the parasite was determined by immunofluorescence. Using a host cell-free system, our data indicate that the phosphorylation contents of T. cruzi proteins encompassing different cellular functions are modified upon incubation of the parasite with fibronectin or laminin. Conclusions/Significance: Herein it is shown, for the first time, that paraflagellar rod proteins and alpha-tubulin, major structural elements of the parasite cytoskeleton, are predominantly dephosphorylated during the process, probably involving the ERK1/2 pathway. It is well established that T. cruzi binds to ECM elements during the cell infection process. The fact that laminin and fibronectin induce predominantly dephosphorylation of the main cytoskeletal proteins of the parasite suggests a possible correlation between cytoskeletal modifications and the ability of the parasite to internalize into host cells.


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Little is known about the division of eukaryotic cell organelles and up to now neither in animals nor in plants has a gene product been shown to mediate this process. A cDNA encoding a homolog of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, an ancestral tubulin, was isolated from the eukaryote Physcomitrella patens and used to disrupt efficiently the genomic locus in this terrestrial seedless plant. Seven out of 51 transgenics obtained were knockout plants generated by homologous recombination; they were specifically impeded in plastid division with no detectable effect on mitochondrial division or plant morphology. Implications on the theory of endosymbiosis and on the use of reverse genetics in plants are discussed.


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Null mutations at the misato locus of Drosophila melanogaster are associated with irregular chromosomal segregation at cell division. The consequences for morphogenesis are that mutant larvae are almost devoid of imaginal disk tissue, have a reduction in brain size, and die before the late third-instar larval stage. To analyze these findings, we isolated cDNAs in and around the misato locus, mapped the breakpoints of chromosomal deficiencies, determined which transcript corresponded to the misato gene, rescued the cell division defects in transgenic organisms, and sequenced the genomic DNA. Database searches revealed that misato codes for a novel protein, the N-terminal half of which contains a mixture of peptide motifs found in α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, as well as a motif related to part of the myosin heavy chain proteins. The sequence characteristics of misato indicate either that it arose from an ancestral tubulin-like gene, different parts of which underwent convergent evolution to resemble motifs in the conventional tubulins, or that it arose by the capture of motifs from different tubulin genes. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome lacks a true homolog of the misato gene, and this finding highlights the emerging problem of assigning functional attributes to orphan genes that occur only in some evolutionary lineages.


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The bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is a homolog of tubulin, but it has not been determined whether FtsZ polymers are structurally related to the microtubule lattice. In the present study, we have obtained high-resolution electron micrographs of two FtsZ polymers that show remarkable similarity to tubulin polymers. The first is a two-dimensional sheet of protofilaments with a lattice very similar to that of the microtubule wall. The second is a miniring, consisting of a single protofilament in a sharply curved, planar conformation. FtsZ minirings are very similar to tubulin rings that are formed upon disassembly of microtubules but are about half the diameter. This suggests that the curved conformation occurs at every FtsZ subunit, but in tubulin rings the conformation occurs at either beta- or alpha-tubulin subunits but not both. We conclude that the functional polymer of FtsZ in bacterial cell division is a long thin sheet of protofilaments. There is sufficient FtsZ in Escherichia coli to form a protofilament that encircles the cell 20 times. The similarity of polymers formed by FtsZ and tubulin implies that the protofilament sheet is an ancient cytoskeletal system, originally functioning in bacterial cell division and later modified to make microtubules.


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Motor domains of the Drosophila minus-end-directed microtubule (MT) motor protein ncd, were found to saturate microtubule binding sites at a stoichiometry of approximately one motor domain per tubulin dimer. To determine the tubulin subunit(s) involved in binding to ncd, mixtures of ncd motor domain and MTs were treated with the zero-length cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl-carbodiimide) (EDC). EDC treatment generated covalently cross-linked products of ncd and alpha-tubulin and of ncd and beta-tubulin, indicating that the ncd motor domain interacts with both alpha- and beta-tubulin. When the Drosophila kinesin motor domain protein was substituted for the ncd motor domain, cross-linked products of kinesin and alpha-tubulin and of kinesin and beta-tubulin were produced. EDC treatment of mixtures of ncd motor domain and unassembled tubulin dimers or of kinesin motor domain and unassembled tubulin dimers produced the same motor-tubulin products generated in the presence of MTs. These results indicate that kinesin family motors of opposite polarity interact with both tubulin monomers and support a model in which some portion of each protein's motor domain overlaps adjacent alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits.


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The sequence-specific affinity chromatographic isolation of plasmid DNA from crude lysates of E. coli DH5α fermentations is addressed. A zinc finger-GST fusion protein that binds a synthetic oligonucleotide cassette containing the appropriate DNA recognition sequence is described. This cassette was inserted into the Smal site of pUC19 to enable the affinity isolation of the plasmid. It is shown that zinc finger-GST fusion proteins can bind both their DNA recognition sequence and a glutathione-derivatized solid support simultaneously. Furthermore, a simple procedure for the isolation of such plasmids from clarified cell lysates is demonstrated. Cell lysates were clarified by cross-flow Dean vortex microfiltration, and the permeate was incubated with zinc finger-GST fusion protein. The resulting complex was adsorbed directly onto glutathione-Sepharose. Analysis of the glutathione-eluted complex showed that plasmid DNA had been recovered, largely free from contamination by genomic DNA or bacterial cell proteins. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Interactions of chemicals with the microtubular network of cells may lead to genotoxicity. Micronuclei (MN) might be caused by interaction of metals with tubulin and/or kinesin. The genotoxic effects of inorganic lead and mercury salts were studied using the MN assay and the CREST analysis in V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts. Effects on the functional activity of motor protein systems were examined by measurement of tubulin assembly and kinesin-driven motility. Lead and mercury salts induced MN dose-dependently. The no-effect-concentration for MN induction was 1.1 μM PbCl2, 0.05 μM Pb(OAc)2 and 0.01 μM HgCl2. The in vitro results obtained for PbCl2 correspond to reported MN induction in workers occupationally exposed to lead, starting at 1.2 μM Hg(II) (Vaglenov et al., 2001, Environ. Health Perspect. 109, 295-298). The CREST Analysis indicate aneugenic effects of Pb(II) and aneugenic and additionally clastogenic effects of Hg(II). Lead (chloride, acetate, and nitrate) and mercury (chloride and nitrate) interfered dose-dependently with tubulin assembly in vitro. The no-effect-concentration for lead salts in this assay was 10 μM. Inhibition of tubulin assembly by mercury started at 2 μM. The gliding velocity of microtubules along immobilised kinesin molecules was affected by 25 μM Pb(NO3)2 and 0.1 μM HgCl2 in a dose-dependent manner. Our data support the hypothesis that lead and mercury genotoxicity may result, at least in part, via disturbance of chromosome segregation via interaction with cytoskeletal proteins.


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Live recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast expressing the envelope antigen of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) on the outer mannoprotein layer of the cell wall were examined for their ability to induce antigen-specific antibody responses in mice. When used as a modelantigen, parenteral immunization of mice with surface-expressing GFP yeast induced a strong anti-GFP antibody response in the absence of adjuvants. This antigen delivery approach was then used for a more stringent system, such as the envelope protein of JEV, which is a neurotropic virus requiring neutralizing antibodies for protection.Although 70% of cells were detected to express the total envelope protein on the surface by antibodies raised to the bacterially expressed protein, polyclonal anti-JEV antibodies failed to react with them. In marked contrast, yeast expressing the envelope fragments 238-398, 373-399 and 373-500 in front of a Gly-Ser linker were detected by anti-JEV antibodies as well as a monoclonal antibody but not by antibodies raised to the bacterially expressed protein. Immunization of mice with these surface-expressing recombinants resulted in a strong antibody response. However, the antibodies failed to neutralize the virus, although the fragments were selected based on neutralizing determinants.


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The auxin-induced formation of roots in the hypocotyls of Phaseolus vulgaris can be prevented by treatment with actinomycin D, colchicine or cytochalasin B if applied within 40 hr of initiation. Shortly after auxin pretreatment, there is an increase in translatable messenger RNA activity. Analysis of the labelled cell-free products indicate, among other changes, a striking increase in a protein co-migrating with tubulin, in the case of RNA isolated from indolebutyric acid (IBA) pretreated hypocotyls. An increase in tubulin content in vivo can also be demonstrated on the basis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis of membrane proteins and functional assays for tubulin polymerization. An increase in the synthesis of tubulin in vivo can also be demonstrated after IBA pretreatment. In addition, the auxin is also able to promote tubulin polymerization when added in vitro. It is suggested that tubulin synthesis and microtubule assembly are early events in auxin-mediated root differentiation.