146 resultados para Tropism


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An ongoing canine distemper epidemic was first detected in Switzerland in the spring of 2009. Compared to previous local canine distemper outbreaks, it was characterized by unusually high morbidity and mortality, rapid spread over the country, and susceptibility of several wild carnivore species. Here, the authors describe the associated pathologic changes and phylogenetic and biological features of a multiple highly virulent canine distemper virus (CDV) strain detected in and/or isolated from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), Eurasian badgers (Meles meles), stone (Martes foina) and pine (Martes martes) martens, from a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), and a domestic dog. The main lesions included interstitial to bronchointerstitial pneumonia and meningopolioencephalitis, whereas demyelination-the classic presentation of CDV infection-was observed in few cases only. In the brain lesions, viral inclusions were mainly in the nuclei of the neurons. Some significant differences in brain and lung lesions were observed between foxes and mustelids. Swiss CDV isolates shared together with a Hungarian CDV strain detected in 2004. In vitro analysis of the hemagglutinin protein from one of the Swiss CDV strains revealed functional and structural differences from that of the reference strain A75/17, with the Swiss strain showing increased surface expression and binding efficiency to the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM). These features might be part of a novel molecular signature, which might have contributed to an increase in virus pathogenicity, partially explaining the high morbidity and mortality, the rapid spread, and the large host spectrum observed in this outbreak.


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Bacteriophage BPP-1, which infects Bordetella species, can switch its specificity by mutations to the ligand-binding surface of its major tropism-determinant protein, Mtd. This targeted mutagenesis results from the activity of a phage-encoded diversity-generating retroelement. Purified Mtd binds its receptor with low affinity, yet BPP-1 binding and infection of Bordettella cells are efficient because of high-avidity binding between phage-associated Mtd and its receptor. Here, using an integrative approach of three-dimensional (3D) structural analyses of the entire phage by cryo-electron tomography and single-prticle cryo-electron microscopy, we provide direct localization of Mtd in the phage and the structural basis of the high-avidity binding of the BPP-1 phage. Our structure shows that each BPP-1 particle has a T = 7 icosahedral head and an unusual tail apparatus consisting of a short central tail "hub," six short tail spikes, and six extended tail fibers. Subtomographic averaging of the tail fiber maps revealed a two-lobed globular structure at the distal end of each long tail fiber. Tomographic reconstructions of immuno-gold-labeled BPP-1 directly localized Mtd to these globular structures. Finally, our icosahedral reconstruction of the BPP-1 head at 7A resolution reveals an HK97-like major capsid protein stabilized by a smaller cementing protein. Our structure represents a unique bacteriophage reconstruction with its tail fibers and ligand-binding domains shown in relation to its tail apparatus. The localization of Mtd at the distal ends of the six tail fibers explains the high avidity binding of Mtd molecules to cell surfaces for initiation of infection.


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The VP1 unique region (VP1u) of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is the immunodominant part of the viral capsid. Originally inaccessible, the VP1u becomes exposed upon primary attachment to the globoside receptor. To study the function of the exposed VP1u in B19V uptake, we expressed this region as a recombinant protein. Here, we report that purified recombinant VP1u binds and is internalized in UT7/Epo cells. By means of truncations and specific antibodies, we identified the most N-terminal amino acid residues of VP1u as the essential region for binding and internalization. Furthermore, the recombinant VP1u was able to block B19V uptake, suggesting that the protein and the virus undertake the same internalization pathway. Assays with different erythroid and nonerythroid cell lines showed that the N-terminal VP1u binding was restricted to a few cell lines of the erythroid lineage, which were also the only cells that allowed B19V internalization and infection. These results together indicate that the N-terminal region of VP1u is responsible for the internalization of the virus and that the interacting receptor is restricted to B19V-susceptible cells. The highly selective uptake mechanism represents a novel determinant of the tropism and pathogenesis of B19V.


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Hepatotropism is a prominent feature of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Cell lines of nonhepatic origin do not independently support HBV replication. Here, we show that the nuclear hormone receptors, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor α plus peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, support HBV replication in nonhepatic cells by controlling pregenomic RNA synthesis, indicating these liver-enriched transcription factors control a unique molecular switch restricting viral tropism. In contrast, hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 antagonizes nuclear hormone receptor-mediated viral replication, demonstrating distinct regulatory roles for these liver-enriched transcription factors.


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We investigated the relationship between the fusion selectivity of the envelope glycoprotein (env) and the tropism of different human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates for CD4+ human T-cell lines vs. primary macrophages. Recombinant vaccinia viruses were prepared encoding the envs from several well-characterized HIV-1 isolates with distinct cytotropisms. Cells expressing the recombinant envs were mixed with various CD4+ partner cell types; cell fusion was monitored by a quantitative reporter gene assay and by syncytia formation. With CD4+ continuous cell lines as partners (T-cell lines, HeLa cells expressing recombinant CD4), efficient fusion occurred with the envs from T-cell line-tropic isolates (IIIB, LAV, SF2, and RF) but not with the envs from macrophage-tropic isolates (JR-FL, SF162, ADA, and Ba-L). The opposite selectivity pattern was observed with primary macrophages as cell partners; stronger fusion occurred with the envs from the macrophage-tropic than from the T-cell line-tropic isolates. All the envs showed fusion activity with peripheral blood mononuclear cells as partners, consistent with the ability of this cell population to support replication of all the corresponding HIV-1 isolates. These fusion selectivities were maintained irrespective of the cell type used to express env, thereby excluding a role for differential host cell modification. We conclude that the intrinsic fusion selectivity of env plays a major role in the tropism of a HIV-1 isolate for infection of CD4+ T-cell lines vs. primary macrophages, presumably by determining the selectivity of virus entry and cell fusion.


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Noroviruses are understudied because these important enteric pathogens have not been cultured to date. We found that the norovirus murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1) infects macrophage-like cells in vivo and replicates in cultured primary dendritic cells and macrophages. MNV-1 growth was inhibited by the interferon-alphabeta receptor and STAT-1, and was associated with extensive rearrangements of intracellular membranes. An amino acid substitution in the capsid protein of serially passaged MNV-1 was associated with virulence attenuation in vivo. This is the first report of replication of a norovirus in cell culture. The capacity of MNV-1 to replicate in a STAT-1-regulated fashion and the unexpected tropism of a norovirus for cells of the hematopoietic lineage provide important insights into norovirus biology.


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The vaccines 1-2 and V4 are avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus. Organ tropism of strain V4 has been determined and the virus has a predilection for the digestive tract. Tropism of strain 1-2 has not yet been determined. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of strain 1-2 in various body organs and fluids following vaccination in comparison with V4. Four-week-old chickens were vaccinated by eye drop separately with these two avirulent strains. Virus isolation and the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique were employed to detect 1-2 and V4 viruses in various tissues and body fluids for 7 days following vaccination. Tissues from the respiratory tract showed earlier positive signals than tissues from other organs for chickens vaccinated with strain 1-2. Conversely, tissues from mainly digestive tract produced earlier positive signals than from respiratory tract and other organs from chickens vaccinated with strain V4. In early infection, strain 1-2 had preferential predilection for the respiratory tract and strain V4 for the digestive tract. Later after vaccination, other organs showed positive results from chickens vaccinated with both 1-2 and V4 strains. The differences in organ tropism observed in this study suggest that 1-2 may perform better than V4 as a live vaccine strain.


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To evaluate vaginal microbiological and functional aspects in women with and without premature ovarian failure (POF) and the relationship with sexual function. A cross-sectional study of 36 women with POF under hormonal therapy who were age-matched with 36 women with normal gonadal function. The vaginal tropism was assessed through hormonal vaginal cytology, vaginal pH and vaginal health index (VHI). Vaginal flora were assessed by the amine test, bacterioscopy and culture for fungi. Sexual function was evaluated through the questionnaire Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Women in both groups were of similar age and showed similar marital status. The two groups presented vaginal tropic scores according to the VHI but the tropism was worse among women in the POF group. No difference was observed with respect to hormonal cytology and pH. Vaginal flora was similar in both groups. Women with POF showed worse sexual performance with more pain and poorer lubrication than women in the control group. The VHI, the only parameter evaluated showing statistical difference between the groups, did not correlate with the domains of pain and lubrication in the FSFI questionnaire. These findings suggest that the use of systemic estrogen among women with POF is not enough to improve complaints of lubrication and pain despite conferring similar tropism and vaginal flora. Other therapeutic options need to be evaluated.


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The aim of this study was to investigate HIV-1 molecular diversity and the epidemiological profile of HIV-1-infected patients from Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. A nested PCR followed by sequencing of a 302-base pair fragment of the env gene (C2-V3 region) was performed in samples from HIV-1-positive patients. A total of 45 sequences were aligned with final manual adjustments. The phylogenetic analyses showed a higher prevalence of HIV-1 subtype B in the studied population (97.8%) with only one sample yielding an F1 subtype. The viral genotyping prediction showed that CCR5 tropism was the most prevalent in the studied cohort. Geno2pheno analysis showed that R5 and CXCR4 prediction were 69% and 31%, respectively. There was no statistical significance, either in viral load or in CD4(+) T cell count when R5 and X4 prediction groups were compared. Moreover, the GPGR tetramer was the most common V3 loop core motif identified in the HIV-1 strains studied (34.1%) followed by GWGR, identified in 18.1% of the samples. The high level of B subtype in this Brazilian population reinforces the nature of the HIV epidemic in Brazil, and corroborates previous data obtained in the Brazilian HIV-infected population.


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Wolbachia are intracellular microorganisms that form maternally-inherited infections within numerous arthropod species. These bacteria have drawn much attention, due in part to the reproductive alterations that they induce in their hosts including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), feminization and parthenogenesis. Although Wolbachia's presence within insect reproductive tissues has been well described, relatively few studies have examined the extent to which Wolbachia infects other tissues. We have examined Wolbachia tissue tropism in a number of representative insect hosts by western blot, dot blot hybridization and diagnostic PCR. Results from these studies indicate that Wolbachia are much more widely distributed in host tissues than previously appreciated. Furthermore, the distribution of Wolbachia in somatic tissues varied between different Wolbachia/host associations. Some associations showed Wolbachia disseminated throughout most tissues while others appeared to be much more restricted, being predominantly limited to the reproductive tissues. We discuss the relevance of these infection patterns to the evolution of Wolbachia/host symbioses and to potential applied uses of Wolbachia.


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Rapid evolution and high intrahost sequence diversity are hallmarks of human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Minor viral variants have important implications for drug resistance, receptor tropism, and immune evasion. Here, we used ultradeep pyrosequencing to sequence complete HIV/SIV genomes, detecting variants present at a frequency as low as 1%. This approach provides a more complete characterization of the viral population than is possible with conventional methods, revealing low-level drug resistance and detecting previously hidden changes in the viral population. While this work applies pyrosequencing to immunodeficiency viruses, this approach could be applied to virtually any viral pathogen.


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Leprosy is a chronic infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae, a bacillus that presents a peculiar tropism for the skin and peripheral nerves. The clinical spectrum of leprosy ranges from the tuberculoid form (TT) to the disseminative and progressive lepromatous form (LL). Oral lesions are rare but, when present, occur in the lepromatous form. This article describes the clinical and microscopic findings of three cases of LL with oral manifestations. All patients had the lepromatous form and their leprosy-specific oral lesions occurred in the palate. The diagnosis was based on clinical, serological and histopathological findings, and multidrug therapy for multibacillary leprosy was started and continued for 24 months. All patients completed treatment, but developed reaction episodes which were treated with prednisone and/or thalidomide. The authors emphasize the importance of oral mucosa evaluation by a dental health professional during patient care since oral lesions may act as a source of infection.


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The mechanism of interaction between Mycobacterium leprae and neural cells has not been elucidated so far. No satisfactory interpretation exists as to the bacterium tropism to the peripheral nervous system in particular. The present study is a review of the micro-physiology of the extracellular apparatus attached to Schwann cells, as well as on the description of morphological units probably involved in the process of the binding to the bacterial wall.


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Estimates of Wolbachia density in the eggs, testes and whole flies of drosophilid hosts have been unable to predict the lack of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) expression in so-called mod(-) variants. Consequently, the working hypothesis has been that CI expression, although related to Wolbachia density, is also governed by unknown factors that are influenced by both host and bacterial genomes. Here, we compare the behaviour of the mod(-) over-replicating Wolbachia popcorn strain in its native Drosophila melanogaster host to the same strain transinfected into a novel host, namely Drosophila simulans. We report that (i) the popcorn strain is a close relative of other D. melanogaster infections, (ii) the mod(-) status of popcorn in D. melanogaster appears to result from its inability to colonize sperm bundles, (iii) popcorn is present in the bundles in D. simulans and induces strong CI expression, which demonstrates that the bacterial strain does not lack the genetic machinery for inducing CI and that there is host-species-specific control over Wolbachia tissue tropism, and (iv) infection of sperm bundles by the mod(-) D. simulans wCof strain indicates that there are several independent routes by which a strain can be a CI non-expressor.


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The authors report three patients with subcutaneous erythematous nodules in different phases of development, inespecific systemic symptoms, positive PPD test, and normal chest X-rays. The histopathological study of the older nodules showed a granulomatous arteritis with a few acid-fast bacilli in the vascular wall. The nodules at an early phase showed an inespecific panniculitis with some acid-fast bacilli in apparently normal cutaneous vessels. These findings suggest that the mycobacterium has a vascular tropism and may cause a primary granulomatous arteritis.