94 resultados para Triticale
Cinco éguas mestiças (idade e peso corporal médios de seis anos e 480 kg PV) foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino para se e avaliar a utilização de dietas contendo grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados) em substituição ao milho na alimentação de eqüinos, por meio do ensaio de avaliação do trânsito gastrintestinal e da digestibilidade. Os tratamentos consistiram de três níveis de grãos de triticale em substituição aos grãos de milho (0, 50 e 100%) e duas formas de conservação dos grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados). As dietas foram isoprotéicas (12,5% PB), com ingestão diária de MS pelos animais de 2,0% PV (relação volumoso : concentrado de 50:50). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa) da MS, MO, PB e FDN foram determinados indiretamente. Os parâmetros de trânsito gastrintestinal avaliados foram: k1 (taxa de passagem pelo intestino grosso), k2 (taxa de passagem pelo estômago), TT (tempo de trânsito), TMR (tempo médio de retenção) e TMRT (tempo médio de retenção total). Não houve diferença para os CDa da MS, MO, PB e FDN entre as dietas experimentais, observando-se valores médios de 64,31; 65,14; 74,13 e 57,25%, respectivamente. Considerando-se a cinética das fases sólida e líquida, notou-se efeito somente para k2 na fase sólida da digesta, cujo valor nas rações contendo 100% de triticale (seco ou ensilado) foi de 19,63%/h e na dieta controle (0% de triticale), de 23,72%/h. Observou-se efeito linear crescente para o TT na fase sólida da digesta, com a elevação dos níveis de substituição dos grãos de milho pelos grãos de triticale ensilados. Concluiu-se que os concentrados para eqüinos podem ser formulados com grãos de triticale secos ou ensilados em substituição total ao milho. A inclusão de grãos de triticale na alimentação desta espécie animal promoveu trânsito lento da fase sólida da digesta.
Silages from three cultivars of triticale (X Triticosecale wittimack) were evaluated at the UNESP, Jaboticabal, Brazil. The cultivars FCA VJ-CB-01, FCA VJ-CB-02, and FCA VJ-CB-03 were harvested for silage in three growing stages of maturity; beginning of flowering, (S1), milk stage (S2), and dough stages (S3). Data were analyzed by randomized complete block with three replications. The DM (%) values increased while the CP (%DM) and buffering capacity (me HCl/100 g DM) decreased with plant development. Silages of plants harvested at S3 stage had higher pH and N-NH3 values compared to the S1 and S2 silages. The soluble carbohydrates contents (%DM) were higher at the S2 stage (16.9%) and were not different at the S1 (8.7%) and S3 (9.2%) stages. The crude energy contents (Kcal/kg MS) increased while the ADF, NDF, cellulose, and hemicellulose (DM%) decreased due to the presence of dough grains. This was not observed with the lignin contents. The IVDMD values were 66.3, 60.1 and 58.9%, for plants harvested at the S1, S2, and S3 stages, respectively. The results showed that there was no difference among for chemical composition, crude energy, and for IVDMD.
The physical, physiological and rheological characteristics of cultivars and lines of wheat CD (COODETEC) 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 and CD 2017 and CDFAPA 2036 lines and triticale (EMBRAPA 53), for quality of flour for bread making were studied. The weight of hectliter (HW), weight of thousand grains (WTG), percentage of germination, total protein and farinography, in a completely randomized experimental design, with four repetitions, except the farinography (with two repetitions) were analyzed. The means obtained were compared by the Scott Knott test at 5%. The cultivars were different regarding the tested parameters. The PH value were compatible for commercialization, but not always the higher PH value corresponded to the greater weight of thousand grains. Only the CD 108 and 111 cultivars may be destine for French bread considering the stability parameter. About the index of tolerance for the mixture, the cultivars and lines were not different, but only the flour of 2017 line would attend the values that were established for French bread-making and fermented cookies. The CD 104, 108 and 11 cultivars and the CD 2017 and CDFAPA 2036 line obtained the ideal index also for fermented cookies. The cultivars which presented better weight of thousand grain gave the best index of tolerance for the mixture. There was no positive relation between total protein and the farinography.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
En el presente trabajo se estudia la producción potencial de biomasa procedente de los cultivos de centeno y triticale en las seis comarcas agrarias de la Comunidad de Madrid (CM) y la posibilidad de su aplicación a la producción de bioelectricidad en cada una de ellas. En primer lugar se realiza un estudio bibliográfico de la situación actual de la bioelectricidad. Uno de los principales datos a tener en cuenta es que en el PER 2011- 2020 se estima que el total de potencia eléctrica instalada a partir de biomasa en España en el año 2020 sea de 1.350 MW, unas dos veces y media la existente a finales de 2010. Además, se comenta el estado de la incentivación del uso de biomasa de cultivos energéticos para producción de electricidad, la cual se regula actualmente según el Real Decreto-ley 9/2013, de 12 de Julio, por el que se adoptaron medidas urgentes para garantizar la estabilidad financiera del sistema eléctrico, y se consideran los criterios de sostenibilidad en el uso de biocombustibles sólidos. Se realiza una caracterización de las seis comarcas agrarias que forman la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid: Área Metropolitana, Campiña, Guadarrama, Lozoya- Somosierra, Sur-Occidental y Vegas, la cual consta de dos partes: una descripción de la climatología y otra de la distribución de la superficie dedicada a barbecho y cultivos herbáceos. Se hace una recopilación bibliográfica de los modelos de simulación más representativos de crecimiento de los cultivos (CERES y Cereal YES), así como de ensayos realizados con los cultivos de centeno y triticale para la producción de biomasa y de estudios efectuados mediante herramientas GIS y técnicas de análisis multicriterio para la ubicación de centrales de bioelectricidad y el estudio de la logística de la biomasa. Se propone un modelo de simulación de la productividad de biomasa de centeno y de triticale para la CM, que resulta de la combinación de un modelo de producción de grano en base a datos climatológicos y a la relación biomasa/grano media de ambos cultivos obtenida en una experiencia previa. Los modelos obtenidos responden a las siguientes ecuaciones (siendo TN = temperatura media normalizada a 9,9 ºC y PN = precipitación acumulada normalizada a 496,7 mm): - Producción biomasa centeno (t m.s./ha) = 2,785 * [1,078 * ln(TN + 2*PN) + 2,3256] - Producción biomasa triticale (t m.s./ha) = 2,595 * [2,4495 * ln(TN + 2*PN) + 2,6103] Posteriormente, aplicando los modelos desarrollados, se cuantifica el potencial de producción de biomasa de centeno y triticale en las distintas comarcas agrarias de la CM en cada uno de los escenarios establecidos, que se consideran según el uso de la superficie de barbecho de secano disponible (25%, 50%, 75% y 100%). Las producciones potenciales de biomasa, que se podrían alcanzar en la CM utilizando el 100% de la superficie de barbecho de secano, en base a los cultivos de centeno y triticale, se estimaron en 169.710,72 - 149.811,59 - 140.217,54 - 101.583,01 - 26.961,88 y 1.886,40 t anuales para las comarcas de Campiña - Vegas, Sur - Occidental - Área Metropolitana - Lozoya-Somosierra y Guadarrama, respectivamente. Se realiza un análisis multicriterio basado en la programación de compromiso para definir las comarcas agrarias con mejores características para la ubicación de centrales de bioelectricidad en base a los criterios de potencial de biomasa, infraestructura eléctrica, red de carreteras, espacios protegidos y superficie de núcleos urbanos. Al efectuar el análisis multicriterio, se obtiene la siguiente ordenación jerárquica en base a los criterios establecidos: Campiña, Sur Occidental, Vegas, Área Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra y Guadarrama. Mediante la utilización de técnicas GIS se estudia la localización más conveniente de una central de bioelectricidad de 2,2 MW en cada una de las comarcas agrarias y según el uso de la superficie de barbecho de secano disponible (25%, 50%, 75% y 100%), siempre que exista potencial suficiente. Para el caso de la biomasa de centeno y de triticale en base seca se considera un PCI de 3500 kcal/kg, por lo que se necesitarán como mínimo 17.298,28 toneladas para satisfacer las necesidades de cada una de las centrales de 2,2 MW. Se analiza el potencial máximo de bioelectricidad en cada una de las comarcas agrarias en base a los cultivos de centeno y triticale como productores de biomasa. Según se considere el 25% o el 100% del barbecho de secano para producción de biomasa, la potencia máxima de bioelectricidad que se podría instalar en cada una de las comarcas agrarias variaría entre 5,4 y 21,58 MW en la comarca Campiña, entre 4,76 y 19,05 MW en la comarca Vegas, entre 4,46 y 17,83 MW en la comarca Sur Occidental, entre 3,23 y 12,92 MW en la comarca Área Metropolitana, entre 0,86 y 3,43 MW en la comarca Lozoya Somosierra y entre 0,06 y 0,24 MW en la comarca Guadarrama. La potencia total que se podría instalar en la CM a partir de la biomasa de centeno y triticale podría variar entre 18,76 y 75,06 MW según que se utilice el 25% o el 100% de las tierras de barbecho de secano para su cultivo. ABSTRACT In this work is studied the potential biomass production from rye and triticale crops in the six Madrid Community (MC) agricultural regions and the possibility of its application to the bioelectricity production in each of them. First is performed a bibliographical study of the current situation of bioelectricity. One of the main elements to be considered is that in the PER 2011-2020 is estimated that the total installed electric power from biomass in Spain in 2020 was 1.350 MW, about two and a half times as at end 2010. Also is discussed the status of enhancing the use of biomass energy crops for electricity production, which is currently regulated according to the Real Decreto-ley 9/2013, of July 12, by which urgent measures were adopted to ensure financial stability of the electrical system, and there are considered the sustainability criteria in the use of solid biofuels. A characterization of the six Madrid Community agricultural regions is carried out: Area Metropolitana, Campiña, Guadarrama, Lozoya-Somosierra, Sur-Occidental and Vegas, which consists of two parts: a description of the climatology and another about the distribution of the area under fallow and arable crops. It makes a bibliographic compilation of the most representative crop growth simulation models (CERES and Cereal YES), as well as trials carried out with rye and triticale crops for biomass production and studies conducted by GIS tools and techniques multicriteria analysis for the location of bioelectricity centrals and the study of the logistics of biomass. Is proposed a biomass productivity simulation model for rye and triticale for MC that results from the combination of grain production model based on climatological data and the average relative biomass/grain of both crops obtained in a prior experience. The models obtained correspond to the following equations (where TN = normalized average temperature and PN = normalized accumulated precipitation): - Production rye biomass (t d.m./ha) = 2.785 * [1.078 * ln (TN + 2*PN) + 2.3256] - Production triticale biomass (t d.m./ha) = 2,595 * [2.4495 * ln (TN + 2*PN) + 2.6103] Subsequently, applying the developed models, the biomass potential of the MC agricultural regions is quantified in each of the scenarios established, which are considered as the use of dry fallow area available (25%, 50%, 75 % and 100%). The potential biomass production that can be achieved within the MC using 100% of the rainfed fallow area based on rye and triticale crops, were estimated at 169.710,72 - 149.811,59 - 140.217,54 - 101.583,01 - 26.961,88 and 1.886,40 t annual for the regions of Campiña, Vegas, Sur Occidental, Area Metropolitana, Lozoya- Somosierra and Guadarrama, respectively. A multicriteria analysis is performed, based on compromise programming to define the agricultural regions with better features for the location of bioelectricity centrals, on the basis of biomass potential, electrical infrastructure, road network, protected areas and urban area criteria. Upon multicriteria analysis, is obtained the following hierarchical order based on criteria: Campiña, Sur Occidental, Vegas, Area Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra and Guadarrama. Likewise, through the use of GIS techniques, the most suitable location for a 2,2 MW bioelectricity plant is studied in each of the agricultural regions and according to the use of dry fallow area available (25%, 50% , 75% and 100%), if there is sufficient potential. In the case of biomass rye and triticale dry basis is considered a PCI of 3500 kcal/kg, so it will take at least 17,298.28 t to satisfy the needs of each plant. Is analyzed the maximum bioelectricity potential on each of the agricultural regions on the basis of the rye and triticale crops as biomass producers. As deemed 25% or 100% dry fallow for biomass, the maximum bioelectricity potential varies between 5,4 and 21,58 MW in the Campiña region, between 4,76 and 19,05 MW in the Vegas region, between 4,46 and 17,83 MW in the Sur Occidental region, between 3,23 and 12,92 MW in the Area Metropolitana region, between 0,86 and 3,43 MW in the Lozoya-Somosierra region and between 0,06 and 0,24 MW in the Guadarrama region. The total power that could be installed in the CM from rye and triticale biomass could vary between 18.76 and 75.06 MW if is used the 25% or 100% of fallow land for rainfed crop.
This paper presents a work whose objective is, first, to quantify the potential of the triticale biomass existing in each of the agricultural regions in the Madrid Community through a crop simulation model based on regression techniques and multiple correlation. Second, a methodology for defining which area has the best conditions for the installation of electricity plants from biomass has been described and applied. The study used a methodology based on compromise programming in a discrete multicriteria decision method (MDM) context. To make a ranking, the following criteria were taken into account: biomass potential, electric power infrastructure, road networks, protected spaces, and urban nuclei surfaces. The results indicate that, in the case of the Madrid Community, the Campiña region is the most suitable for setting up plants powered by biomass. A minimum of 17,339.9 tons of triticale will be needed to satisfy the requirements of a 2.2 MW power plant. The minimum range of action for obtaining the biomass necessary in Campiña region would be 6.6 km around the municipality of Algete, based on Geographic Information Systems. The total biomass which could be made available in considering this range in this region would be 18,430.68 t.
Weaner pigs on a farm near Beaudesert in south eastern Queensland refused to eat feed comprised largely of wheat and barley. Older pigs consumed small amounts and some prepubertal gilts subsequently displayed enlarged and reddened vulvas. Wheat, barley and triticale were grown on the farm during 1983, which was unusually and persistently wet. The wheat and triticale were harvested and stored for about 3 weeks with moisture contents above 14% before being fed. Samples of the wheat and triticale contained pale pink grains, which can indicate infection by the fungus Fusariurn grarninearurn Schw. On analysis 2 mycotoxins known to be produced by F. graminearurn were detected, deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) which causes feed refusal and vomiting, and zearalenone which causes oestrogenic effects. Concentrations of deoxynivalenol in the wheat, triticale and barley were 34, 10, and <0.1 mg/kg respectively. Concentrations of zearalenone were 6.2, 2.8 and 0.1 mg/kg respectively. Subsequently, F. grarninearurn was isolated from grains and crop residues. Although the wet weather contributed to F. grarninearurn infection of the crops before harvest, most of the toxins probably developed during storage.
GRAIN LEGUME ROTATIONS underpin the sustainability of the Australian sugarcane farming system, offering a number of soil health and environmental benefits. Recent studies have highlighted the potential for these breaks to exacerbate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. An experiment was implemented in 2012 to evaluate the impact of two fallow management options (bare fallow and soybean break crop) and different soybean residue management practices on N2O emissions and sugarcane productivity. The bare fallow plots were conventionally tilled, whereas the soybean treatments were either tilled, not tilled, residue sprayed with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) prior to tillage or had a triticale ‘catch crop’ sown between the soybean and sugarcane crops. The fallow plots received either no nitrogen (N0) or fully fertilised (N145) whereas the soybean treatments received 25 kg N/ha at planting only. The Fallow N145 treatment yielded 8% more cane than the soybean tilled treatment. However there was no statistical difference in sugar productivity. Cane yield was correlated with stalk number that was correlated to soil mineral nitrogen status in January. There was only 30% more N/ha in the above-ground biomass between the Fallow N145 and the Fallow N0 treatment; highlighting poor fertiliser nitrogen use efficiency. Supplying adequate nitrogen to meet productivity requirements without causing environmental harm remains a challenge for the Australian sugar industry. The soybean direct drill treatment significantly reduced N2O emissions and produced similar yields and profitability to the soybean tilled treatment (outlined in a companion paper by Wang et.al. in these proceedings). Furthermore, this study has highlighted that the soybean direct drill technique provides an opportunity to enable grain legume cropping in the sugarcane farming system to capture all of the soil health/environmental benefits without exacerbating N2O emissions from Australian sugarcane soils.
La enfermedad celíaca es una intolerancia permanente al gluten, proteína que forma parte de algunos cereales como trigo,cebada, centeno, triticale, kamut, espelta y probablemente, avena. Esta proteína puede producir una lesión severa en la mucosa del intestino de los individuos celiacos que influye en la adecuada absorción de los nutrientes de los alimentos (proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono, sales minerales y vitaminas), provocando en ocasiones desequilibrios nutricionales. Los síntomas más habituales de la enfermedad son diarrea, malnutrición, distensión abdominal, rechazo alimentario, anemia, osteoporosis y en niños, retraso en el crecimiento. En España la prevalencia de la enfermedad celíaca es del 1% aunque hay que tener en cuenta que según estudios recientes el 75% de los celíacos están sin diagnosticar. En la actualidad el único tratamiento posible es mantener de por vida una alimentación libre de gluten. Cuando se sigue una dieta estricta sin gluten, las personas celíacas recuperan la estructura normal del intestino y desaparecen los síntomas descritos. El enfermo celíaco debe retirar de su dieta habitual los cereales que contienen gluten y todos los derivados de éstos. Algunos alimentos se identifican fácilmente, como por ejemplo, harinas, pastas alimenticias, productos de bollería y pastelería, panes, etc. Sin embargo, otros derivados forman parte de los alimentos como ingredientes y no se reconocen fácilmente. Dentro de este grupo se encuentran féculas, malta, sémolas, aditivos espesantes, etc.
禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)是严重危害禾谷类作物的病原线虫之一,它广泛分布于澳大利亚、欧洲、北美、印度和中国等世界主要小麦产区,使作物严重减产,造成巨大的经济损失。目前最有效的防治措施之一是将外源抗性基因导入栽培小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),培育抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新品种。但迄今为止抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因克隆研究的相关报道却很少。 本实验根据此前从抗禾谷孢囊线虫材料E-10扩增得到的与来自节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因Cre3高度同源的序列Rccn4,设计出三条嵌套引物,采用SON-PCR(single oligonucleotide nested PCR)方法,从E-10基因组DNA中得到一个长为1264 bp的扩增产物(命名为Rccn-L),测序比对结果显示,这一序列将Rccn4的3’端延伸了1209 bp,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因核苷酸同源性为86﹪,核苷酸编码区长1026 bp,含一个不完整的开放阅读框,一个终止密码子,没有起始密码子和内含子结构,编码一个342个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。该蛋白质等电点为5.19,分子量为38112.6Da。从序列的第113位开始到第332位是NBS-LRR类抗病性基因LRR区,呈现XXLXXLXXL重复。LRR编码区内亮氨酸残基的含量达17﹪,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因LRR编码区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为89﹪和78﹪。本实验首次将SON-PCR成功地运用于植物基因克隆,为植物基因克隆提供了又一有效方法。 此外,还根据Cre3基因及其他的NBS-LRR类植物抗性基因的NBS和LRR区保守序列设计了两对特异性引物,从禾谷孢囊线虫抗性材料易变山羊草基因组DNA中扩增到两个相应的目标条带。测序分析结果表明,它们的长度分别为532bp和1175bp,构成了一个有32bp的共同序列的NBS-LRR编码区。其序列总长为1675bp(命名为RCCN),含有一个不完整的开放阅读框,没有起始密码子、终止密码子和内含子结构。其中编码序列为1673bp,可编码一个557个氨基酸的蛋白质,等电点(pI)为5.39,分子量为63537.5Da。与Cre3的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为87.8﹪和77﹪。RCCN氨基酸序列中含有已知抗病基因NBS区域的几个保守模体:kinase2区的ILDD、kinase3的(ⅰ)ESKILVTTRSK,(ⅱ)KGSPLAARTVGG,(ⅲ)RRCFAYCS及EGF。RCCN NBS区与Cre3 NBS区的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性分别为96.4﹪和94﹪。从氨基酸序列的274位到548位为LRR保守区,呈现不规则的aXXLXXLXXL(其中a代表I,V,L,F或M)重复,其中亮氨酸的含量为15.6﹪。该区域与Cre3的LRR区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为80.8﹪和74﹪。推测该序列可能为一个抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新基因。 本文对抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因的克隆研究,为进一步克隆基因全序列,探索其结构与功能,和研究该基因表达与调控提供了关键信息。同时也为通过基因工程途径将抗性基因向优良小麦品种高效、定向转移,最终培育出小麦抗禾谷孢囊线虫新品种奠定了基础。 Cereal cyst nematode (CCN) is a damaging pathogen of broad acre cereal crops in Australia, Europe, North America, India and China. It affects wheat, barley, oat and triticale and causes yield loss of up to 80%. At present, Transferring resistance genes against CCN into wheat cultivars and breeding varieties are considered one of the most effective methods for controlling the CCN. However, there are very limited reports concerning the cloning studies of resistance genes against the cereal cyst nematode. According to the sequence of Rccn4 which had high similarity to the nucleotide binding site (NBS) coding region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene, Cre3, We designed three 3’ nested primers. Using single oligonucleotide nested PCR (SON-PCR) we successfully amplified one band, Rccn-L, of 1264bp from E-10 which is the wheat-Ae.variabilis translocation line containing the cereal cyst nematode resistance gene of Ae.variabilis. We found that this band of interesting is the 3’ flanking sequence of 1209bp in size of Rccn4. The coding region was 1026bp, which contained an incomplete open reading frame and a terminator codon, without initiation codon and intron, encoding a peptide of 342 amino acid residues, and shared 86﹪nucleotide sequence identity with Cre3. This peptide had a conserved LRR domain, containing the imperfect repeats,XXLXXLXXL, which contains 17﹪ leucine residues and shares, respectively, 89﹪ nucleotide sequence and 78﹪ amino acid sequence identity with the LRR sequence of Cre3 locus. This research firstly used SON-PCR in the research of plant genome successfully, which indicated that SON-PCR is another method of cloning plant gene. At the same time, According to the conversed motif of NBS and LRR region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene Cre3 from wild wheat (Triticum tauschlii L.) and the known NBS-LRR group resistance genes, we designed two pairs of specific primers for NBS and LRR region respectively. One band of approximately 530bp was amplified using the specific primers for conversed NBS region and one band of approximately 1200bp was amplified with the specific primers for conversed LRR region. After sequencing, we found that these two sequences included 32bp common nucleotide sequence and have 1675 bp in total, which was registered as RCCN in the Genbank. RCCN contained a NBS-LRR domain and an incomplete open reading frame without initiation codon, terminator codon and inxon. Its exon encodes a peptide of 557 amino acid residues. The molecular weight of the protein from the amino acid was 63.537 KDa. The amino acid sequence of RCCN contained conserved motif: ILDD, ESKILVTTRSK, KGSPLAARTVGG, RRCFAYCS, EGF,LRR. RCCN shares 87.8﹪ nucleotide sequence and 77﹪ amino acid sequence identity with cereal cyst nematode gene Cre3. It might be a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene. These research results of cloning the resistance genes against cereal cyst nematode bring a great promise for transferring resistance genes into wheat cultivars and breeding new wheat varieties against cereal cyst nematode by gene engineering. And these results also lay the hard foundation for the expressing researches of these genes.
Avaliação de populações de minhocas (Annelida: Oligochaeta) em sistemas agrícolas e naturais, e seu potencial como bioindicadores ambientais; Avaliação das populações de minhocas como bioindicadores ambientais no Norte e no Leste do Estado do Paraná; Sistema do melhor método de amostragem para avaliação de populações de minhocas como bioindicadores; Aperfeiçoamento, aferição e regionalização das normas estabelecidas pelo Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação (DRIS) para a soja no estado do Paraná; Reinoculação e adubação nitrogenada na cultura de soja; Transferência de tecnologia para a Região Meridional do Brasil; Transferência de tecnologia para uso da soja na alimentação humana; Transferência de tecnologias em fitossanidade para culturas de verão: soja, girassol, milho, sorgo, milheto, arroz e feijão; Transferência de tecnologias nas culturas de inverno envolvendo cultivares de trigo, aveia, triticale, cevada e milho safrinha; transferência de tecnologias em fitossanidade para culturas de verão: soja, girassol, milho, milheto, sorgo, arroz e feijão; Transferência de tecnologias em prevenção de perdas na colheita na cultura de soja; Transferência de tecnologias para gestão do agronegócio da soja; Transferência de tecnologias em manejo, fertilidade e biologia de solo para cultivo da soja, do girassol e de culturas associadas; Transferência de tecnologias em qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de soja; Transferência de tecnologias}: comunicação e marketing para negócios; Melhoramento Genético de trigo para competitividade do agronegócio brasileiro; Desenvolvimento de linhagens e de cultivares de trigo de ciclo precoce e médio, das classes Pão e Melhorador, adaptadas à Região Centro-Sul Subtropical (Paraná, São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul); Avaliação (VCU), caracterização (DHE) e produção de sementes de linhagens e de cultivares de trigo.