322 resultados para Tripla Negação
The general aim of this work is to verify the occurence of variant forms of negation in spoken English with the purpose of making a comparative study between the English and the Portuguese languages. As for Portuguese, we used as a matter of reference a study already made on negation. As for English, we analized a corpus of the North American English variant organized by a university in the United States. This study is based on the North American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, which considers relevant the study of language used in real situations of communicative interaction. The data analisys proved that there is at least one form of negative variant in spoken English which is not allowed by prescriptive grammar. This phenomenon turns out to be similar to Portuguese, which includes three variant strategies. According to the data obtained, it was possible to verify that the variant strategy used in English, from a contrastive point of view, corresponds to a negative strategy ruled by Portuguese prescriptive grammar. Finally, we discussed about the different conceptions of language, grammar and teaching, giving suggestions to colaborate to a productive and reflexive teaching of first or second language
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente artigo visa examinar algumas das formas pelas quais se manifesta o fenômeno da negação em português. Procura-se verificar se o esquema proposto pelo lingüista Roberto Ibáñez para a análise da negação em espanhol revela-se adequado também para o português.
The focus of this work is to present an example of refutation of the concept of element inside the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, mainly through Robert Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist. On the first section of this paper the notion of element as considered by the ancient Greeks in Aristotle’s Physics and modern chemists in Paracelsus will be briefly presented. After that in the second section Boyle’s deconstruction of the idea of element will be exposed considering his argumentation of why this notion is prejudicial to the study of nature. Finally, in the third section follows the constructive stage in which a new hypothesis is presented (the corpuscular hypothesis) as the best option to replace the notion of element.
Trata-se de discutir as críticas a conceitos insuficientes de liberdade, tais como elas aparecem na Filosofia do direito, de Hegel. Com isto, espera-se expor os verdadeiros problemas que a teoria hegeliana do Estado procura resolver. Tais problemas permitem lançar novas luzes em alguns aspectos decisivos da teoria hegeliana do reconhecimento.
Kirchmann e a negação do caráter científico da ciência do direito / Elza Rosana Alvares Saldanha. --
Inclui bibliografia.