972 resultados para Trigonal and Tetragonal Cages
The influence of niobia addition on the phase formation and dielectric properties of Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O-3 powder prepared from polymeric precursor was analyzed. The weight fraction and unit-cell volume of the tetragonal phase decreased, and the mass fraction of the rhombohedral phase increased, with increasing niobia concentration. The rhombohedral unit-cell volume increased up to 5 mol% of added Nb and then decreased. Small amounts of pyrochlore and tetragonal zirconia phases were observed in PZT powder with more than 10 mol% Nb. These results were interpreted as an indication that the Nb ion was substituted for the zirconium ion in the tetragonal phase. For sintered PZT samples at 1100 degrees C, no free-zirconia phase was observed. The dielectric constant increased with the niobia addition up to 5 mol% and decreased for higher concentrations. The Curie temperature decreased with niobia addition up to 10 mol% before the formation of pyrochlore phase. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of amorphous (am-), monoclinic (m-), and tetragonal (t-) ZrO2 phase on the physicochemical and catalytic properties of supported Cu catalysts for ethanol conversion was studied. The electronic parameters of Cu/ZrO2 were determined by in situ XAS, and the surface properties of Cu/ZrO2 were defined by XPS and DRIFTS of CO-adsorbed. The results demonstrated that the kind of ZrO2 phase plays a key role in the determination of structure and catalytic properties of Cu/ZrO 2 catalysts predetermined by the interface at Cu/ZrO2. The electron transfer between support and Cu surface, caused by the oxygen vacancies at m-ZrO2 and am-ZrO2, is responsible for the active sites for acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate formation. The highest selectivity to ethyl acetate for Cu/m-ZrO2 catalyst up to 513 K was caused by the optimal ratio of Cu0/Cu+ species and the high density of basic sites (O2-) associated with the oxygen mobility from the bulk m-ZrO2. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) obtained much attention because of their unusual structures and properties as well as their potential applications. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effects of synthesis conditions on the structures of MOFs, (2) the thermal stability of MOFs, (3) pressure-induced amorphization, and (4) the effect of high-valent ions on the structure of a MOF. This research demonstrated that the crystal structure of MOF-5 could be controlled by drying solvents. If the vacuum solvent is dimethylformamide (DMF), the crystal structure of MOF-5 is tetragonal. In contrast, if the DMF is displaced by CH2Cl2 before the vacuum, the obtained MOF-5 occupies a cubic structure. Furthermore, it was found that the tetragonal MOF-5 exhibited a mediate surface area (300-1000 m2/g). The surface area of tetragonal MOF-5 is also dependent on Zn(NO3)2/H2BDC (H2BDC: terephthalic acid) molar ratios used for its synthesis. The optimum ratio is 1.38, at which synthesized tetragonal MOF-5 exhibits the highest crystallinity and surface area (1297 m2/g). The thermal stability and decomposition of MOF-5 were systematically investigated. The thermal decomposition of cubic and tetragonal MOF-5s resulted in the same products: CO2, benzene, amorphous carbon, and crystal ZnO. The thermal decomposition is due to breaking carboxylic bridges between benzene rings and Zn4O clusters. Identifying structural relationships between crystalline and noncrystalline states is of fundamental interest in materials research. Currently, amorphization of solid materials at ambient temperature requires an ultra-high pressure (several GPa). However, this research demonstrated that MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can be irreversibly amorphized at ambient temperature by employing a low compressing pressure of 3.5 MPa, which is 100 times lower than that required for amorphization of other solids. Furthermore, the pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) of MOFs is strongly dependent on the changeability of bond angles. If the geometric structure of a MOF can allow bond angles to be changed without breaking bonds, it can easily be amorphized by compression. This can explain why MOF-5 and IRMOF-8 can easily be amorphized via compression than Cu-BTC. It is generally recognized that zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) occupy much higher stability than other types of MOFs. The representative of ZIFs is Zn(2-methylimidazole)2 (ZIF-8) exhibiting high-decomposition temperature and high chemical resistance to various solvents. However, so far, it is still unknown whether the high stability of ZIF-8 can be challenged by ions, which is important for its modification by doping ions. In this research, we performed aqueous salt solution treatment on ZIF-8, and the results showed that anions (Cl¯ and NO3¯) in a solution exhibited no effect on the crystal structure of ZIF-8. However, the effect of cations (in a solution) on structure of ZIF-8 strongly depends on the cation valences. The univalent metal cations showed no effect on the structure of ZIF-8, whereas the bivalent or higher-valent metal cations caused the collapse of ZIF-8 crystal structure. Therefore, structure stability of ZIF-8 is considered when it is subjected to the application, in which high-valent metal cations are involved.
When kept in barren and restrictive cages, animals frequently develop stereotypic behaviour patterns that are characterized by high repetition rates, conspicuous invariance and an apparent lack of function. Although millions of animals are affected, the underlying causes and mechanisms are still unclear. Growing evidence suggests that cage-induced stereotypies may reflect pathological dysfunction within basal ganglia circuitry expressed by perseverative behaviour. In order to assess whether variation in stereotypy performance and variation in perseverative behaviour may have a common cause in ICR CD-1 mice, we assessed the effects of environmental enrichment on both phenomena. We raised 48 female ICR CD-1 mice in standard or enriched cages from three weeks to either 6 or 11 months of age and measured stereotypy level in the home cage and perseveration on an extinction task. We further examined whether enriched rearing conditions (early enrichment) protect mice from the developing stereotypies later in life and whether stereotypies developed in barren cages would persist in an enriched environment (late enrichment) by transferring standard mice to enriched cages and vice versa for 14 weeks after completion of the extinction task. We found no evidence for a causal relation between stereotypy and perseveration in mice. However, transfer to enriched cages reduced stereotypy levels significantly both at 6 and 11 months of age indicating that stereotypies had not become established yet. Finally, we found that removing enrichments at both ages did not induce higher stereotypy levels, thereby confirming earlier reports of a neuroprotective effect of early enrichment.
El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral fue evaluar nuevos sistemas de alojamiento y cría de conejos de granja, estudiando tanto parámetros comportamentales (experimento 1) como productivos y reproductivos (experimento 3). Además, se evaluaron diferentes técnicas de muestreo con el fin de optimizar el tiempo empleado para el estudio del comportamiento animal (experimento 2). En el experimento 1, se estudió el comportamiento de conejas alojadas en dos tipos de jaulas (TJ), convencionales vs. alternativas con una plataforma elevada, en distintos estados fisiológicos (EF), lactantes y gestantes. Se observó el comportamiento de 12 conejas reproductoras con grabaciones de una duración de 24 h continuas. Independientemente del EF y TJ, las conejas pasaron gran parte de su tiempo sobre el reposapatas (57,7 %, de media). Sin embargo, debido al uso de la plataforma (23,0% del tiempo, de media), las conejas lactantes permanecieron un 36,6 % menos de tiempo (P<0,001) sobre el reposapatas y las gestantes un 27,0% menos (P<0,001) sobre el enrejillado en jaulas alternativas que en convencionales. En las jaulas alternativas, las conejas podían adoptar la postura “levantada”, sin embargo ésta fue observada solamente en conejas gestantes una media de 4,6 veces al día. Las conejas bebieron con mas frecuencia en jaulas convencionales que en alternativas (24,6 vs 19,1 veces al día; P<0,05). Se observó una mayor duración y frecuencia del comportamiento “interactuando con compañeras” en conejas gestantes alojadas en jaulas convencionales (276 s/d y 4,6 veces/d; P<0,05). La frecuencia de “interactuando con gazapos” fue menor en jaulas alternativas que en convencionales (2,4 vs 8,6 veces al día; P<0,01). La hora del día afectó al comportamiento de las conejas, teniendo un comportamiento menos activo durante las horas centrales del día. Durante las horas de oscuridad, las conejas estuvieron más inquietas realizando comportamientos como ‘encabritarse’ o amamantar, coincidiendo éstos en el tiempo en el cual las conejas pasaron más tiempo en la plataforma. Las conejas utilizaron frecuentemente la plataforma, independientemente del estado fisiológico. En la fase de lactación, las conejas utilizaron la plataforma para huir de los intentos de mamar por parte de los gazapos cuando éstas no estaban receptivas. El uso de la plataforma puede dar lugar a problemas higiénicos debidos tanto por la acumulación de heces sobre ella como por la caída de heces y orina sobre los animales que están en la parte inferior. La ausencia de estereotipias por parte de las conejas tanto en jaulas alternativas como en convencionales no sugiere una falta de bienestar debida al sistema de alojamiento. En el experimento 2, se compararon distintos métodos de observación simplificada con respecto un método de referencia usando grabaciones continuas de 24 h para la evaluación del comportamiento de conejas en distintos estados fisiológicos (gestantes y lactantes) alojadas en dos tipos de jaulas (convencionales y alternativas). Se analizaron un total de 576 h de grabaciones continuas de 24 h en 12 conejas reproductoras al final del periodo de lactación y en las mismas conejas después del destete. Los comportamientos observados se clasificaron en tres categorías independientes (localización en la jaula, postura y comportamientos funcionales). Se utilizaron grabaciones continuas de 24 h como método de referencia para validar otros cuatro métodos de observación simplificados, utilizando grabaciones de distinta duración y frecuencia a lo largo del día. Métodos regulares: corto y largo con 2.4 y 8 h de observación respectivamente, y métodos irregulares: corto y largo con 6 y 8 h de observación, respectivamente. Como resultado, se observó que independientemente del sistema de alojamiento, el mejor método para reducir el tiempo de observación necesario para evaluar el comportamiento de conejas reproductoras depende del tipo de variable a estudiar y del estado fisiológico de las conejas. En gestantes, los métodos irregulares no fueron adecuados para estimar comportamientos de larga duración tales como tumbada, sentada, descansando y acicalándose. Sin embargo, en ambos estados fisiológicos, los métodos regulares fueron precisos para los comportamientos de los grupos localización y postura y para comportamientos funcionales de larga duración. Por otro lado, los coeficientes de variación de los comportamientos poco frecuentes realizados principalmente durante el periodo de oscuridad fueron muy altos, y el método irregular largo obtuvo los menores errores de estimación para éstos comportamientos. En el experimento 3, se estudió el efecto de un uso combinado de lactaciones largas (hasta 46 días) con jaulas alternativas sobre los parámetros productivos y reproductivos de 104 conejas y sus camadas durante cinco ciclos reproductivos. La mitad de las conejas fueron alojadas en jaulas polivalentes convencionales (39 cm x 100 cm x 30 cm) y la otra mitad en jaulas polivalentes alternativas (39 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm), con una plataforma elevada. Dentro de cada grupo de alojamiento, la mitad de las conejas se destetaron a 32 días y la otra mitad a 46 días tras el parto. Las lactaciones más largas afectaron negativamente al peso (P<0,001), contenido en grasa y energía (P<0,05) de las conejas al final del periodo de lactación, pero éste efecto disminuyó con el número de partos. La fertilidad, prolificidad y la mortalidad de las conejas no fue afectada por la duración de la lactación. El destete tardío dio lugar a un mayor tamaño y peso de la camada al final del periodo de crecimiento (8,9 y 11,3 %, respectivamente) y a un menor índice de conversión por jaula durante el todo el periodo experimental (13,5 %) con respecto al destete convencional (P<0,001). Éstos resultados fueron paralelos a la menor mortalidad global (12,6 vs 17,6 %; P<0,05) observada en gazapos con destete tardío. Las diferencias en los parámetros productivos con las distintas edades al destete sólo fueron observadas en los ciclos con peor estado sanitario (tercer y quinto ciclo), en los cuales el destete tardío redujo la mortalidad. El tipo de jaula no afectó al peso de la coneja, condición corporal, mortalidad, fertilidad ni tamaño de camada durante los cinco primeros ciclos reproductivos. Sin embargo, el peso de la camada y el índice de conversión a los 21 días de edad fueron 4,2% mayor (P<0,001) y 5,0% menor (P<0,005) en animales alojados en jaulas alternativas que en jaulas convencionales. A día 59 las jaulas alternativas dieron lugar a camadas más pesadas (P<0,01); sin embargo, éste efecto fue influenciado por la densidad alcanzada en cada ciclo, ya que cuando la densidad de los animales fue menor que 40kg/m2 (tercer y quinto ciclo), el efecto del tipo de jaula sobre el peso de la camada no fue significativo. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el uso combinado de lactaciones más largas y jaulas con mayor superficie disponible con una plataforma elevada podría ser una alternativa para mejorar el bienestar animal en determinadas situaciones productivas. ABSTRACT The general aim of this PhD Thesis was to evaluate new housing and husbandry systems of farmed rabbits, studying behavioral (experiment 1), productive and reproductive (experiment 3) parameters. Moreover, different sampling techniques were evaluated in order to optimize the assessment of rabbit behaviour (experiment 2). In experiment 1, the behaviour of rabbit does housed in two different types of cage (TC), conventional vs. alternative with an elevated platform, at different physiological stages (PS), lactation and gestation was to study. Behavioural observations were carried out on 12 commercial rabbit does using continuous 24 hour video recording. Independently of PS and TC, rabbit does spent most of their time on foot mats (57.7 %, as average). However, due to the use of platforms (23.0% of time, as average), lactating does spent 36.6% less time (P<0.001) on foot mats and gestating does spent 27.0% less (P<0.001) time on wire mesh in alternative cages than in conventional cages. Alternative cages allowed for standing posture but this behaviour was only observed in gestating does (4.6 times a day, as average). Frequency of drinking was higher in conventional than in alternative cages (24.6 vs. 19.1 times a day; P<0.05). Gestating does housed in conventional cages reached the highest duration and frequency of interacting with neighbours (276 s/d and 4.6 times/d; P<0.05). The frequency of interacting with kits was lower in alternative than in conventional cages (2.4 vs. 8.6 times a day; P<0.01). Does’ behaviour was influenced by hour of day, being less active at the midday hours. During dark hours rabbit does more frequently performed restless behaviour such as hyperactivity or nursing, matching the time at which rabbit does spent more time on the platform. The platform was frequently used by rabbit does, independent of their physiological state, and during late lactation phase, when mothers were not receptive to nursing, does housed in alternative cages used the platform as a mean to flee from kids trying to suckle. The use of the platform might lead to hygienic problems due to retained faeces on the platform and faeces and urine falling onto animals located in the lower part of the cage. Stereotypies were not observed in any housing system, therefore conventional cages do not suggest lack of animal welfare. In experiment 2, it was compared the results of different simplified sampling methods of behavioural data with respect to reference records of 24-h in order to assess rabbit does behaviours at different physiological stages (gestation and lactation) in animals housed in two types of cages (conventional and alternative). A total of 576 h of continuous video of 12 rabbit does at the end of lactation and on the same females after weaning were analysed. The behavioural observations were studied using three independent categories of classification (location in the cage, posture and functional behaviours). Continuous behavioural recordings of 24 h were considered as the reference method to validate another 4 sampling methods of data collection by aggregated video recordings of different frequency and duration (regular short and long methods with 2.4 and 8 h of observation respectively, and irregular short and long methods with 6 and 8 h of observation, respectively). The current results showed that, independently of housing system, the best method to reduce the total observation time required to assess rabbit does behaviour depends on the trait studied and physiological stage of does. In gestating does, irregular methods were not suitable to estimate behaviours of long duration such as lying, sitting, resting and grooming. However, in both physiological stages, regular methods were accurate for location behaviours, postures and functional behaviours of long duration. Instead, for the study of infrequent behaviours performed mainly during dark period, where coefficients of variation were high, the irregular long method led to the lowest mean estimation errors. In experiment 3, the effects of the combined use of long lactation periods (46 days) with alternative cages on the reproductive and growth performance of 104 rabbit does and their litters during five consecutive reproductive cycles were studied. Half of does were housed in conventional polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 30 cm) and the other half in alternative polyvalent cages (39 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm), with a raised platform. Half of the rabbit does in each type of cages were weaned at 32 and the other half at 46 days after parturition. Longer lactations affected negatively to body weight (P<0.001), fat and energy content (P<0.05) of rabbit does at the end of the lactation period, but this effect decreased with the number of parturitions. Fertility, prolificacy and doe mortality were not affected by lactation length. Late weaning led to higher litter size (by 8.9 %) and litter weight (by 11.3 %) at the end of growing period and lower feed conversion ratio per cage during the overall experimental period (13.5 %) than standard weaning (P<0.001). These results were parallels to a lower mortality (12.6 vs 17.6 %; P<0.05) of young rabbit weaned later during the overall experimental period. Differences in performances at different weaning ages were only observed during cycles with worst health status (third and fifth cycles) in which late weaning decreased mortality. Type of cage did not affect doe body weight and body condition, mortality, fertility, prolificacy and litter size during the five firsts reproductive cycles. Nevertheless, at day 21 litter weight and feed conversion ratio were 4.2 % higher (P<0.001) and 5.0 % lower (P<0.005) in animals housed in alternative than in conventional cages. Alternative cages also led to heavier litters at 59 days (P<0.01); however, this effect was influenced by density reached in each cycle, as when the density of animals was lower than 40 kg/m2 (cycles three and five), the difference of litter weight between alternative and conventional cages was not significant. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the combined use of longer lactations and cages with higher available surface with a raised platform could be an alternative to improve animal welfare in some productive situations.
Alkali tantalates and niobates, including K(Ta / Nb)O3, Li(Ta / Nb)O3 and Na(Ta / Nb)O3, are a very promising ferroic family of lead-free compounds with perovskite-like structures. Their versatile properties make them potentially interesting for current and future application in microelectronics, photocatalysis, energy and biomedics. Among them potassium tantalate, KTaO3 (KTO), has been raising interest as an alternative for the well-known strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO). KTO is a perovskite oxide with a quantum paraelectric behaviour when electrically stimulated and a highly polarizable lattice, giving opportunity to tailor its properties via external or internal stimuli. However problems related with the fabrication of either bulk or 2D nanostructures makes KTO not yet a viable alternative to STO. Within this context and to contribute scientifically to the leverage tantalate based compounds applications, the main goals of this thesis are: i) to produce and characterise thin films of alkali tantalates by chemical solution deposition on rigid Si based substrates, at reduced temperatures to be compatible with Si technology, ii) to fulfil scientific knowledge gaps in these relevant functional materials related to their energetics and ii) to exploit alternative applications for alkali tantalates, as photocatalysis. In what concerns the synthesis attention was given to the understanding of the phase formation in potassium tantalate synthesized via distinct routes, to control the crystallization of desired perovskite structure and to avoid low temperature pyrochlore or K-deficient phases. The phase formation process in alkali tantalates is far from being deeply analysed, as in the case of Pb-containing perovskites, therefore the work was initially focused on the process-phase relationship to identify the driving forces responsible to regulate the synthesis. Comparison of phase formation paths in conventional solid-state reaction and sol-gel method was conducted. The structural analyses revealed that intermediate pyrochlore K2Ta2O6 structure is not formed at any stage of the reaction using conventional solid-state reaction. On the other hand in the solution based processes, as alkoxide-based route, the crystallization of the perovskite occurs through the intermediate pyrochlore phase; at low temperatures pyrochlore is dominant and it is transformed to perovskite at >800 °C. The kinetic analysis carried out by using Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorow model and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that in sol-gel derived powders the crystallization occurs in two stages: i) at early stage of the reaction dominated by primary nucleation, the mechanism is phase-boundary controlled, and ii) at the second stage the low value of Avrami exponent, n ~ 0.3, does not follow any reported category, thus not permitting an easy identification of the mechanism. Then, in collaboration with Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky group from the University of California at Davis (USA), thermodynamic studies were conducted, using high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The enthalpies of formation of three structures: pyrochlore, perovskite and tetragonal tungsten bronze K6Ta10.8O30 (TTB) were calculated. The enthalpies of formation from corresponding oxides, ∆Hfox, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -203.63 ± 2.84 kJ/mol, - 358.02 ± 3.74 kJ/mol, and -1252.34 ± 10.10 kJ/mol, respectively, whereas from elements, ∆Hfel, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -1408.96 ± 3.73 kJ/mol, -2790.82 ± 6.06 kJ/mol, and -13393.04 ± 31.15 kJ/mol, respectively. The possible decomposition reactions of K-deficient KTa2.2O6 pyrochlore to KTaO3 perovskite and Ta2O5 (reaction 1) or to TTB K6Ta10.8O30 and Ta2O5 (reaction 2) were proposed, and the enthalpies were calculated to be 308.79 ± 4.41 kJ/mol and 895.79 ± 8.64 kJ/mol for reaction 1 and reaction 2, respectively. The reactions are strongly endothermic, indicating that these decompositions are energetically unfavourable, since it is unlikely that any entropy term could override such a large positive enthalpy. The energetic studies prove that pyrochlore is energetically more stable phase than perovskite at low temperature. Thus, the local order of the amorphous precipitates drives the crystallization into the most favourable structure that is the pyrochlore one with similar local organization; the distance between nearest neighbours in the amorphous or short-range ordered phase is very close to that in pyrochlore. Taking into account the stoichiometric deviation in KTO system, the selection of the most appropriate fabrication / deposition technique in thin films technology is a key issue, especially concerning complex ferroelectric oxides. Chemical solution deposition has been widely reported as a processing method to growth KTO thin films, but classical alkoxide route allows to crystallize perovskite phase at temperatures >800 °C, while the temperature endurance of platinized Si wafers is ~700 °C. Therefore, alternative diol-based routes, with distinct potassium carboxylate precursors, was developed aiming to stabilize the precursor solution, to avoid using toxic solvents and to decrease the crystallization temperature of the perovskite phase. Studies on powders revealed that in the case of KTOac (solution based on potassium acetate), a mixture of perovskite and pyrochlore phases is detected at temperature as low as 450 °C, and gradual transformation into monophasic perovskite structure occurs as temperature increases up to 750 °C, however the desired monophasic KTaO3 perovskite phase is not achieved. In the case of KTOacac (solution with potassium acetylacetonate), a broad peak is detected at temperatures <650 °C, characteristic of amorphous structures, while at higher temperatures diffraction lines from pyrochlore and perovskite phases are visible and a monophasic perovskite KTaO3 is formed at >700 °C. Infrared analysis indicated that the differences are due to a strong deformation of the carbonate-based structures upon heating. A series of thin films of alkali tantalates were spin-coated onto Si-based substrates using diol-based routes. Interestingly, monophasic perovskite KTaO3 films deposited using KTOacac solution were obtained at temperature as low as 650 °C; films were annealed in rapid thermal furnace in oxygen atmosphere for 5 min with heating rate 30 °C/sec. Other compositions of the tantalum based system as LiTaO3 (LTO) and NaTaO3 (NTO), were successfully derived as well, onto Si substrates at 650 °C as well. The ferroelectric character of LTO at room temperature was proved. Some of dielectric properties of KTO could not be measured in parallel capacitor configuration due to either substrate-film or filmelectrode interfaces. Thus, further studies have to be conducted to overcome this issue. Application-oriented studies have also been conducted; two case studies: i) photocatalytic activity of alkali tantalates and niobates for decomposition of pollutant, and ii) bioactivity of alkali tantalate ferroelectric films as functional coatings for bone regeneration. Much attention has been recently paid to develop new type of photocatalytic materials, and tantalum and niobium oxide based compositions have demonstrated to be active photocatalysts for water splitting due to high potential of the conduction bands. Thus, various powders of alkali tantalates and niobates families were tested as catalysts for methylene blue degradation. Results showed promising activities for some of the tested compounds, and KNbO3 is the most active among them, reaching over 50 % degradation of the dye after 7 h under UVA exposure. However further modifications of powders can improve the performance. In the context of bone regeneration, it is important to have platforms that with appropriate stimuli can support the attachment and direct the growth, proliferation and differentiation of the cells. In lieu of this here we exploited an alternative strategy for bone implants or repairs, based on charged mediating signals for bone regeneration. This strategy includes coating metallic 316L-type stainless steel (316L-SST) substrates with charged, functionalized via electrical charging or UV-light irradiation, ferroelectric LiTaO3 layers. It was demonstrated that the formation of surface calcium phosphates and protein adsorption is considerably enhanced for 316L-SST functionalized ferroelectric coatings. Our approach can be viewed as a set of guidelines for the development of platforms electrically functionalized that can stimulate tissue regeneration promoting direct integration of the implant in the host tissue by bone ingrowth and, hence contributing ultimately to reduce implant failure.
Agência Financiadora: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Pest-OE/QUI/UI0100/2013; PTDC/CTM-BPC/122447/2010; RECI/QEQ-QIN/0189/2012; SFRH/BPD/78854/2011
The ferroelectric phase transitions in 0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (BCZT 50/50) ceramics,fabricatedbyasolidstatereaction,werestudiedbyusing X-Ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and measuring electric polarization, dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric current. Xraydiffraction(XRD)confirmsthecoexistenceoftetragonal(T) andrhombohedral(R)phasesatroomtemperature.Thetemperature dependence of the Raman modes frequency reveals the existenceoftwophasetransitionscorrespondingtotherhombohedral – tetragonal, and tetragonal - cubic close to 30 and 100 °C, respectively. The temperature dependence of electric polarization,pyroelectriccurrent,anddielectricpermittivityfurther supports theferroelectric (tetragonal) toparaelectric (cubic) phasetransition.Moreover,thedielectricpermittivityrevealsthe diffuseness of the phase transition and is attributed to the compositional fluctuations of different polar micro-regions.
The ferroelectric compound LiNbO3 was prepared by the polymeric precursors method in the polycrystalline form containing different concentrations of Eu3+. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy. Electronic spectroscopy was shown to be sensitive to small concentrations of contaminating phases allowing a good control of the compound purity. The presence of Eu3+ ions leads to the formation of the LiNb3O8 phase in the range of 500 to 800 °C. Above this temperature range LiNbO3 and tetragonal (T') EuNbO4 were obtained.
Resulting from ion displacement in a solid under pressure, piezoelectricity is an electrical polarization that can be observed in perovskite-type electronic ceramics, such as PbTiO3, which present cubic and tetragonal symmetries at different pressures. The transition between these crystalline phases is determined theoretically through the bulk modulus from the relationship between material energy and volume. However, the change in the material molecular structure is responsible for the piezoelectric effect. In this study, density functional theory calculations using the Becke 3-Parameter-Lee-Yang-Parr hybrid functional were employed to investigate the structure and properties associated with the transition state of the tetragonal-cubic phase change in PbTiO3 material.
La stimulation du récepteur de la rénine/prorénine [(P) RR], un membre récemment découvert du système rénine-angiotensine (SRA), augmente l'activité du SRA et des voies de signalisation angiotensine II-indépendante. Pour étudier l'impact potentiel du (P)RR dans le développement de l`obésité, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que les souris déficientes en (P)RR uniquement dans le tissus adipeux (KO) auront une diminution du poids corporel en ciblant le métabolisme du tissu adipeux, l'activité locomoteur et/ou la prise alimentaire. Ainsi, des souris KO ont été générées en utilisant la technologie Cre/Lox. Le gain de poids et la prise alimentaire ont été évalués hebdomadairement dans les mâles et femelles KO et de type sauvage (WT) pendant 4 semaines alors qu’ils étaient maintenu sur une diète normal. De plus, un groupe de femelles a été placé pour 6 semaines sur une diète riche en gras et en glucides (HF/HC). La composition corporelle et l'activité ambulatoire ont été évaluées par l’EchoMRI et à l’aide de cages Physioscan, respectivement. Les tissus adipeux ont été prélevés et pesés. De plus, les gras péri-gonadaux ont été utilisés pour le microarray. Finalement, le niveaux d'expression d'ARNm du (P)RR ont été évalués. Comme le gène du (P)RR est situé sur le chromosome X, les mâles étaient des KOs complets et les femelles étaient des KOs partielles. Les souris KO avaient un poids corporel significativement plus petit par rapport à WT, les différences étant plus prononcées chez les mâles. De plus, les femelles KOs étaient résistantes à l'obésité lorsqu'elles ont été placées sur la diète HF/HC et donc elles avaient significativement moins de masse grasse par rapport aux WTs. L’analyse histologique des gras péri-gonadaux des KOs nous ont dévoilés qu’il avait une réduction du nombre d'adipocytes mais de plus grande taille. Bien qu'il n'y ait eu aucun changement dans la consommation alimentaire, une augmentation de près de 3 fois de l'activité ambulatoire a été détectée chez les mâles. De plus, nous avons observé que leurs tibias étaient de longueur réduite ce qui suggère fortement l'affection de leur développement. Les gras péri-gonadaux des souris KO avaient une expression réduite de l`ABLIM2 (Actin binding LIM protein family, member 2) qui est associé avec le diabète de type II chez l'humain. Ainsi, les données recueillies suggèrent fortement que le (P)RR est impliquée dans la régulation du poids corporelle.
Composite solid electrolytes were prepared by thoroughly mixing ZrO2:8 mol% MgO (Z8Mg) and ZrO(2):3 mol% Y(2)O(3) (Z3Y) ceramic powders followed by pressing and sintering at 1500 degrees C/1 h. The properties of the sintered pellets were studied by X-ray diffraction for evaluation of the structural phases by the Rietveld method, by high-temperature dilatometry for analysis of the thermal shrinkage/expansion behavior, and by impedance spectroscopy for determination of the oxide ion conductivity. The x(Z8Mg)+(1-x)(Z3Y) specimens, x= 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, are partially stabilized (monoclinic, cubic and tetragonal phases) with density >94% of the theoretical density and show thermal shock resistance and electrical conductivity values suitable for high-temperature oxygen gas detection. One-end closed tube samples of the composite solid electrolytes were assembled in Pt/Z8Mg+Z3Y/Cr+Cr(2)O(3)/Pt electrochemical cells for exposure to different levels of oxygen in the 1-850 ppm range. The total electrical conductivity increases for increasing the relative Z3Y content. Addition of Z3Y to Z8Mg (80 wt.%-20 wt.%) suppresses the electronic contribution to the electrical conductivity at 620 degrees C. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The FePt alloy undergoes the cubic to tetragonal lattice transformation in the ferromagnetic state. We calculated the electronic structure for both cubic and tetragonal structures using the FPLAPW method with APW + lo. Comparing the density of states of the cubic and tetragonal structures, it is expected that the lattice transformation is caused by the band Jahn-Teller effect. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study five compositions were synthesized zirconia doped with cerium and neodymium ions in the system Ce10-xNdx Zr90O2 with 0,5 ≤ x ≤ 4,0 using the Pechini method. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, with application of Rietveld refinement of the calcination temperatures of 350ºC/3h and 30 minutes at 900ºC/3h. All compositions stabilized with a mixture of cubic and tetragonal phase zirconia. The samples were pressed into bars and sintered at 1500°C/3h and 1500°C/6h, being characterized by Xray diffraction, with application of the Rietveld refinement, density and porosity using Archimedes method, scanning electron microscopy and resistance the three point bending. It has been observed the increase in strength with increasing sintering temperature for the compositions x = 2,0 and x = 4,0. For x = 2,0 the main phase was the cubic with 92,56% with crystallite size of 0,56 μm, density and porosity of 96,82% from 1,36%. For x = 4,0 was a mixture of cubic and tetragonal phase with 21% and 37,98%, respectively. The crystallite size was 54,21 nm and 49,64 nm with a density porosity of 97,45% and 1,32% respectively. In the analysis of the fracture surface was observed a greater amount of grain fracture intragranular type, which contribute to increase the mechanical strength of the ceramic. Increased addition of the neodymium ion in the crystal lattice of the zirconium showed a nearly linear behavior with increasing mechanical strength of the zirconia ceramic. Was obtained a bending resistance of 537 ± 38 MPa for the composition x = 2,0 predominantly attributed to cubic phase with 92,56%