486 resultados para Trascendental pragmatics


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This paper analyses the role of prosody in parenthetical insertions, a type of structure that is extremely common in both speech and writing. The materials under study come from a corpus of spontaneous speech acts in Central Catalan (with varying degrees of spontaneity) from which a corpus of oral parenthetical insertions has been compiled. The prototypical prosodic features of a parenthetical insertion in Catalan are: prosodic autonomy, limited extension, production in between pauses or final pause, tendency towards acceleration, fall in intensity, lower pitch range and, finally, falling or rising melodic pattern. While the final fall is the most frequent pattern in spontaneous conversations with a high degree of confidence between interlocutors, a final rising structure is found in interviews in which the degree of confidence between participants is smaller, their roles are unequal, and the interviewed constructs a narrative discourse. We thus suggest that the pitch contour of parenthetical insertions is related to formality and discourse typology (in this case, narrative vs. dialogue). Bearing in mind the discursive functions performed by these insertions, we propose a typology which classifies them with regards to two main functions: completion of information, and modalisation.


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In French the adjective petit 'small, little' has a special status: it fulfills various pragmatic functions in addition to semantic meanings and it is thus highly frequent in discourse. Résumé: This study, based on the data of two children, aged 1;6 to 2;11, argues that petit and its pragmatic meanings play a specific role in the acquisition of French adjectives. In contrast to what is expected in child language, petit favours the early development of a pattern of noun phrase with prenominal attributive adjective. The emergence and distribution of petit in the children's production is examined and related to its distribution in the input, and the detailed pragmatic meanings and functions of petit are analysed. Prenominal petit emerges early as the preferred and most productive adjective. Pragmatic meanings of petit appear to be predominant in this early age and are of two main types: expressions of endearment (in noun phrases) and mitigating devices whose scope is the entire utterance. These results, as well as instances of children's pragmatic overgeneralizations, provide new evidence that at least some pragmatic meanings are prior to semantic meanings in early acquisition.


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An introduction for students intending to design and conduct a survey. This is the prelude to a practical group activity.


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Introduction to interview data, how it is used and how and why it might be collected


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Cómo se articulan las cuestiones fundamentales del Realismo trascendental en la concepción de Alcorta, qué tipo de justificación se aporta para ello y demostrar la novedad y originalidad de la fundamentación y esencialidad que se postula para dicha filosofía. La concepción de la Filosofía del profesor Dr. Alcorta. La investigación propondrá, en apoyo del realismo metafísico, una doble demostración: una principalmente doctrinal, la otra polémica. La primera, partiendo del realismo fundamental del conocimiento intelectual, tanto directo como reflexivo considerará el conocimiento mismo como un conjunto de relaciones ontológicas entre sujeto y objeto y encontrará en estas relaciones la característica lógica de nuestras diversas facultades. La segunda, bordeando primero el kantismo, para mejor superarle, tendrá como punto de llegada esta misma tesis del valor ontológico de la inteligencia que constituía el punto de partida de la primera demostración. Análisis bibliográfico. El sido de este proceder originario, acontecido en el mismo orto de la inteligencia, y por lo tanto en área prerreflexiva, ha de ser recuperado reflexivamente. El ser es como distanciado del conocer para ser considerado reflexivamente: tal es la tarea del pensamiento en el que se constituye la filosofía, tarea en la que la esencialidad y la fundamentación son convertibles, y cuyo proceder se dibuja como un considerar y descubrir y no como un proceso deductivo desde o hacia definiciones.


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Poner de manifiesto a las grandes personalidades de la Educaci??n en Espa??a, que existe la posibilidad de llevar a todos los ??mbitos educativos del pa??s una pedagog??a de la integraci??n de los valores de la vida, la cual dando basamento, impulso, amenidad y valor a todos los estudios interdisciplinarios, consiga un hombre plenamente educado. Estudio te??rico sobre el pensamiento oriental, sus diferencias e influencias con el pensamiento occidental y su repercusi??n en educaci??n (Teor??a de Maharishi). Concepto de meditaci??n trascendental. Consulta de distintos estudios cient??ficos realizados sobre algunos resultados obtenidos con la pr??ctica de esta t??cnica. Entrevistas abiertas y personales sobre experiencias vividas por los propios sujetos que practican la meditaci??n trascendental. Experiencia personal del autor. Y ventajas en el desarrollo de su pr??ctica. Breve relaci??n de testimonios (previa entrevista personal) que practican dicha t??cnica y sus experiencias positivas. Se describen las caracter??sticas de su pr??ctica en los menos dotados. Por ??ltimo se realiza un comentario de la estructuraci??n de la Maharishi International University en Iowa (EEUU). Redacci??n de conclusiones. La inocencia infantil favorece la efectividad de la t??cnica puesto que es completamente natural, y en ni??os menos dotados facilita una rehabilitaci??n. Habituar a ni??os y j??venes al control de su sistema nervioso permite tener alumnos sanos, eficaces y felices. Los problemas de disciplina desaparecer??an ya que el mal comportamiento se debe a una inhabilidad de dar cumplimiento a los deseos, y la meditaci??n trascendental aumenta la fortaleza y habilidad para dar satisfacci??n a tales deseos. La buena relaci??n entre educador y educandos ser??a espont??nea.


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Se transcribe íntegramente, el discurso pronunciado por el Ministro de Educación Nacional, D. José Ibáñez Martín, en representación del Jefe del Estado, el Caudillo Franco, en la sesión de clausura del Cuarto Congreso Nacional de Catecismo que tuvo lugar el 25 de junio de 1950 en Valencia con la presencia de personalidades eclesiásticas del orden del arzobispo de la ciudad y los obispos de Oviedo, Sigüenza y Segovia, entre otros. El Ministro en su discurso trató temas como la enseñanza religiosa, la relación entre el Estado español y la enseñanza religiosa, el crecimiento de las escuelas religiosas, las enseñanzas profesionales y artísticas, las disposiciones legislativas, los problemas de la Pedagogía catequista, las conquistas metodológicas del franquismo, la vocación profesional del educador y los resultados del Congreso. Finalmente, pronunció unas palabras el arzobispo de Valencia, Doctor Olaechea, como presidente general del Congreso, que puso punto y final al mismo.


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A causal explanation provides information about the causal history of whatever is being explained. However, most causal histories extend back almost infinitely and can be described in almost infinite detail. Causal explanations therefore involve choices about which elements of causal histories to pick out. These choices are pragmatic: they reflect our explanatory interests. When adjudicating between competing causal explanations, we must therefore consider not only questions of epistemic adequacy (whether we have good grounds for identifying certain factors as causes) but also questions of pragmatic adequacy (whether the aspects of the causal history picked out are salient to our explanatory interests). Recognizing that causal explanations differ pragmatically as well as epistemically is crucial for identifying what is at stake in competing explanations of the relative peacefulness of the nineteenth-century Concert system. It is also crucial for understanding how explanations of past events can inform policy prescription.


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In 'Local pragmatics in a Gricean framework', Mandy Simons argues that, contrary to the received view, it is possible to accommodate local pragmatic effects utilising just the mechanisms for pragmatic reasoning provided by Grice. Although I agree with this overarching claim, this paper argues that we need to be careful in our understanding of 'what is said', and the nature of communicated content in general, when deciding between local and global accounts of pragmatic effects.


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In order to study problems of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with morphosyntax, we investigated twenty high-functioning Greek-speaking children (mean age:6;11) and twenty age- and language-matched typically developing children on environments that allow or forbid object clitics or their corresponding noun phrase. Children with ASD fell behind typically developing in comprehending and producing simple clitics and producing noun phrases in focus structures. The two groups performed similarly in comprehending and producing clitics in clitic left dislocation and in producing noun phrases in non-focus structures. We argue that children with ASD have difficulties at the interface of(morpho)syntax with pragmatics and prosody, namely, distinguishing a discourse prominent element, and considering intonation relevant for a particular interpretation that excludes clitics.