995 resultados para Trapas estratigráficos (Geologia do petróleo)
Petroleum exists in the nature in certain underground formations where it is adsorbed into the rocks pores. For the conventional recovery methods usually only 30% of the oil is extracted and this can be credited, basically, to three aspects: high viscosity of the oil, geology of the formation and high interfacial tensions between the reservoir s fluids. The enhanced recovery methods use the injection of a fluid or fluids mixture in a reservoir to act in points where the conventional process didn't reach the recovery rates. Microemulsion flooding, considered an enhanced method, has the purpose to desorb the oil from the rock formation and to attain an efficient displacement of the oil emulsion. With this in mind, this work was accomplished with two main objectives: the study of the parameters effect that influence a microemulsified system (surfactant and cosurfactant types, C/S rate and salinity) and the evaluation of displacement efficiency with the microemulsions that showed stability in the rich aqueous area. For the analyzed parameters it was chose the microemulsions composition used in the recovery stage: 25% water, 5% kerosene, 46.7% of butanol as cosurfactant and 23.3% of BC or SCO cosurfactant. The core plugs of Assu and Botucatu sandstones were appraised in porosity and permeability tests and then submitted to the steps of saturation with seawater and oil, conventional recovery with water and enhanced recovery with the selected microemulsions. The Botucatu sandstone presented better recovery parameters, and the microemulsion composed with BS surfactant had larger recovery efficiency (26.88%)
Through an integrated approach, using litho, chrono and biostratigraphic data, the relative importance of climate variations and tectonics were recognized in rift sediments of the onshore Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil. Concepts of sequence stratigraphy were applied as a template to integrate sedimentological and geochemical data (oxygen isotopes), as well as quantitative palynologic methods to address and recognize the main depositional patterns produced in a rift basin. The main objective was to address the relative importance of climate changes and tectonics to the resultant stratigraphic architecture. The results of computer simulations of sedimentary basin fills of rift basins were quite useful to test working hypothesis and mimic the process of filling a half graben during a rift event. The studied section includes a neovalanginian-eobarremian (Lower Cretaceous) rift interval from the Pendência Formation, located in the southwestern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben, in the offshore Potiguar Basin. The depositional setting is interpreted as progradational deltaic system entering a lake from its flexural margin. Sismoestratigraphyc and well logs analyses allowed to interpret two regressive intervals (Green and Yellow Sequences), separated by a broad transgressive interval (Orange Sequence), known as the Livramento Shale. The depositional history encompass three stages: two tectonically active phases, during the deposition of the Green and Yellow Sequences, and a tectonically quiescent phase, during the deposition of the Orange Sequence. Paleoclimatic interpretation, based on quantitative palynology and geochemical data (18O), suggests a tendency to arid conditions during the tectonically active phases and wet conditions during the tectonically quiescent phase. Stratigraphic modeling and backstripping techniques, supported by paleoclimatic/paleoecologic interpretations provide a powerful methodology to evaluate the tectonic and climatic controls on tectonic lakes
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
The main goal in this research is a tectono-estructural characterization of the Cherne, Albacora and Namorado Fields, located at Campos Basin, in order to investigate the relationship between the geologic evolution and the rock´s physical properties of the reservoir, and how they affect the hydrocarbon accumulation in those fields. Well correlations show that the inferior turbidites have a regional lateral continuity. Basic petrophysics analysis, calculated here, shows that the three fields present porosity values that range from 15 to 20%, shale volume range from 26 to 30% and formation water saturation range from 23 to 45%, based on formation water resistivity dada from Albacora Field. Petrophysics maps feature a trend in Albacora Field that increase the porosity values to SE, and in Cherne and Namorado Field the trend increase towards N. Seismic horizons where interpreted between the first appearance of the Namorado Sandstone and the top of Quissamã Formation. This interval presents normal listric faulting, in Cherne and Namorado Field with NWSE and NE-SW direction, and sedimentation trend to NW-SE, in Albacora Field the faulting presents a NNE-SSW and N-S direction, with a sedimentation trend to NE-SW. Seismic attribute maps present amplitude anomalies close to the producing wells, and on Namorado Field, it indicates a potential hydrocarbon accumulation in the NE region. For each field is indicated laboratory tests for a better characterization of the petrophysical properties, since that they don’t form the same reservoir level, therefore, not influencing the water saturation calculation
The Pampo oil field is located in the southwest of the trend Badejo-Linguado-Pampo in an accumulation of single - mixed trap: structural-stratigraphic-diagenetic. Its main reservoir is a coquina shell of bivalves (the lowest) in the Lagoa Feia Group. During the rift phase, the Badejo-Linguado-Pampo trend´s accumulations evolve according to three tectono-stratigraphic cycles. The first two cycles are formed by siliciclastic rocks with fining up sequences and carbonates coquinas bivalves. The youngest cycle related to Alagoas age is a transgressive event represented by the presence of an evaporitic layer in the top (anhydrite). This study aims to characterize the reservoir Coqueiros Formation based on the analysis of 2D and 3D seismic data and well data-correlation profiles. The structural map of the top of coquinas reservoir indicates a curvilinear contour of Pampo Fault as described on the literature. This fault was interpreted on seismic data as a basement´s high, and it doesn´t show influence on the horizons above the top of Lagoa Feia Group. The Pampo fault is responsible for the division of the field into two blocks: the hanginwall in the West and the footwall to the East. This division is well marked on the reservoir´s isopach map where a greater thickness of reservoir is observed on the lower block. In the Southeast extreme of Badejo-Linguado-Pampo trend, on Pampo Field, the thick siliciclastic´s interval ends laterally to the basement, and its lower´s cycle forms a wedge, as consequence the carbonate-coquina overlaps directly the basement. Another implication of the higher and distal position of Pampo field is that the third cycle is absent, truncated by the unconformity pre-Macaé Group (Albian)
The Lagoa Feia Group (Early Cretaceous) is widely distributed around the Campos Basin, forming deep prospects in the basin. It has two large coquinas platforms shellfish, and the lower deck constituent important reservoir in the southwestern of this basin, a producer of oil in the trend-Badejo-Linguado-Pampo. Due to the rising national energy demand is necessary to see the incorporation of technical knowledge and training of human resources in the knowledge of petroleum reservoirs. In this sense, the Pampo Field, as well as other fields of the trend, fall as interesting target area for study. Accumulations of hydrocarbons are partitioning structural - stratigraphic only for the three fields. They are mixed origin of traps, with influence of structural, stratigraphic and diagenetic. With the development of catchment areas of the latter condition has manifested itself in such a way to verify parts with nonproducing wells, which are observed in the intervals coquinas are closed, with reduced thickness and / or low quality porous. The understanding of these accumulations, by testing structural, stratigraphic and reservoir and the use of geological and geophysical techniques, will bring a better understanding of the portions relating to economic accumulation or subeconomic development of hydrocarbons in this region, contributing to the scientific knowledge of the Pampo Field.
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
O presente trabalho descreve a geologia econômica da região de Currais Novos, no Rio Grande do Norte, onde estão as principais jazidas de scheelita e de molibdenita do Brasil: jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde. As rochas metamórficas da área pertencem à Série Ceará e são constituídas por gnaisses, calcários e tactitos. O autor evidenciou a existência de duas fases metamórficas no desenvolvimento dessas rochas. A primeira, datada de 750 \'+ OU -\' 50 M.A. possibilitou o desenvolvimento das texturas e dos minerais essenciais dos gnaisses e calcários e a formação dos tactitos compostos essencialmente de epidoto, diopsídio, granada, quartzo, calcita e vesuvianita. Ainda nessa fase ocorreu o empurrão das rochas da área oeste sôbre o gnaisse da Formação Seridó, ocasionando inversões de camadas nas áreas de Brejuí, Barra Verde, Quixabeiral, etc. Na segunda fase, com 550 \'+ OU -\' M.A. de idade, ocorreu microclinização dos gnaisses biotíticos das formações Parelhas e Quixaba e a mineralização dos tactitos, devido ao aporte de tungstênio, molibdênio, flúor, cobre, etc., provenientes do granito de Acari. Na etapa final dessa fase houve a intrusão do granodiorito Acauã. As rochas \"magmáticas da região estão representadas por: a) um grande batólito granítico heterogêneo - o maciço Acari -, constituído por quatro fácies petrográficas: um granodiorito pórfiro, um granito monzonítico, um diorito e pequenos corpos granodioriticos. b) um pequeno stock granodiorítico homogêneo e intrusivo - o. granodiorito Acauã. c) Diques de basaltos, aplitos e pegmatites. O minério da região é o tácito, que apresenta nítidos contrôles estratigráficos e estruturais, os quais servem de guias para a prospecção. Têm as jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde um teor médio da ordem de 0,6% em \'W IND. O 3\' e 0,2% em Mo e uma espessura média de 2m. Nas outras ocorrências sua possança média é inferior a 1 m e o teor médio inferior a 0,5% em \'W IND. O 3\'. Sendo mantida a atual produção da região, cerca de 650 t métricas/ano de concentrados com 75% de \'W IND. O 3\', só as reservas conhecidas nas jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde serão suficientes para abastecer o mercado por mais 20 anos
Em princípios de 1946 o Conselho Nacional do Petróleo iniciou seus estudos sísmicos na foz do rio Amazonas, tendo então averiguado a existência de uma fossa de 60 mil \'km POT.2\', com espessuras entre mil e três mil metros. Como vemos na fig. 1, esta fossa inicia-se aproximadamente a 200 km ao sul de Belém, estendendo-se mais 500 km para o norte, atravessando as ilhas de Marajó e Mexiana, prolongando-se pelo oceano Atlântico. Sua largura é de aproximadamente 120 km. Uma segunda fossa com mil metros de espessura de sedimentos foi assinalada pelos estudos geofísicos do Conselho Nacional do Petróleo, sendo seu eixo aproximadamente concordante com o curso do rio Amazonas, estendendo-se até os arredores de Monte Alegre. Nas proximidades de Antonio Lemos, uma evolução do cristalino indica a separação das duas fossas, sendo que a segunda é limitada ao norte e ao sul por afloramentos do cristalino nos rios Jarí, Paru e Xingu. (Dados lidos nos Relatórios do Conselho Nacional do Petróleo). Processos geofísicos de refração e reflexão indicaram a existência de falhamentos e de estruturas favoráveis ao acúmulo de petróleo (anticlinais) em três localidades: Limoeiro, Cururu e Badajós (fig.1). Uma vez feitas as perfurações nessas três localidades, com resultados negativos para petróleo, infelizmente, aproveitamos os testemunhos das duas primeiras perfurações, com o objetivo de procurarmos esclareceer a estrutura geral das camadas, condições de formação dos sedimentos amostrados, ambiente geográfico e tectônico e provável idade das rochas estudadas. Por motivo de força maior não nos foi possível estudar a testemunhagem da terceira perfuração. Limitamo-nos a estudar alguns fragmentos típicos, mais representativos, gentilmente cedidos pelo Dr. Setembrino Petri. Deixo aqui os meus agradecimentos ao Conselho Nacional do Petróleo pelas facilidades que nos foram proporcionadas a fim de que pudéssemos realizar tal trabalho. Agradeço ) também ao Prof. Dr. Viktor Leinz pela criteriosa orientação dada ao presente trabalho.
In the oil prospection research seismic data are usually irregular and sparsely sampled along the spatial coordinates due to obstacles in placement of geophones. Fourier methods provide a way to make the regularization of seismic data which are efficient if the input data is sampled on a regular grid. However, when these methods are applied to a set of irregularly sampled data, the orthogonality among the Fourier components is broken and the energy of a Fourier component may "leak" to other components, a phenomenon called "spectral leakage". The objective of this research is to study the spectral representation of irregularly sampled data method. In particular, it will be presented the basic structure of representation of the NDFT (nonuniform discrete Fourier transform), study their properties and demonstrate its potential in the processing of the seismic signal. In this way we study the FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the NFFT (nonuniform fast Fourier transform) which rapidly calculate the DFT (discrete Fourier transform) and NDFT. We compare the recovery of the signal using the FFT, DFT and NFFT. We approach the interpolation of seismic trace using the ALFT (antileakage Fourier transform) to overcome the problem of spectral leakage caused by uneven sampling. Applications to synthetic and real data showed that ALFT method works well on complex geology seismic data and suffers little with irregular spatial sampling of the data and edge effects, in addition it is robust and stable with noisy data. However, it is not as efficient as the FFT and its reconstruction is not as good in the case of irregular filling with large holes in the acquisition.
In the oil prospection research seismic data are usually irregular and sparsely sampled along the spatial coordinates due to obstacles in placement of geophones. Fourier methods provide a way to make the regularization of seismic data which are efficient if the input data is sampled on a regular grid. However, when these methods are applied to a set of irregularly sampled data, the orthogonality among the Fourier components is broken and the energy of a Fourier component may "leak" to other components, a phenomenon called "spectral leakage". The objective of this research is to study the spectral representation of irregularly sampled data method. In particular, it will be presented the basic structure of representation of the NDFT (nonuniform discrete Fourier transform), study their properties and demonstrate its potential in the processing of the seismic signal. In this way we study the FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the NFFT (nonuniform fast Fourier transform) which rapidly calculate the DFT (discrete Fourier transform) and NDFT. We compare the recovery of the signal using the FFT, DFT and NFFT. We approach the interpolation of seismic trace using the ALFT (antileakage Fourier transform) to overcome the problem of spectral leakage caused by uneven sampling. Applications to synthetic and real data showed that ALFT method works well on complex geology seismic data and suffers little with irregular spatial sampling of the data and edge effects, in addition it is robust and stable with noisy data. However, it is not as efficient as the FFT and its reconstruction is not as good in the case of irregular filling with large holes in the acquisition.
In recent years, the DFA introduced by Peng, was established as an important tool capable of detecting long-range autocorrelation in time series with non-stationary. This technique has been successfully applied to various areas such as: Econophysics, Biophysics, Medicine, Physics and Climatology. In this study, we used the DFA technique to obtain the Hurst exponent (H) of the profile of electric density profile (RHOB) of 53 wells resulting from the Field School of Namorados. In this work we want to know if we can or not use H to spatially characterize the spatial data field. Two cases arise: In the first a set of H reflects the local geology, with wells that are geographically closer showing similar H, and then one can use H in geostatistical procedures. In the second case each well has its proper H and the information of the well are uncorrelated, the profiles show only random fluctuations in H that do not show any spatial structure. Cluster analysis is a method widely used in carrying out statistical analysis. In this work we use the non-hierarchy method of k-means. In order to verify whether a set of data generated by the k-means method shows spatial patterns, we create the parameter Ω (index of neighborhood). High Ω shows more aggregated data, low Ω indicates dispersed or data without spatial correlation. With help of this index and the method of Monte Carlo. Using Ω index we verify that random cluster data shows a distribution of Ω that is lower than actual cluster Ω. Thus we conclude that the data of H obtained in 53 wells are grouped and can be used to characterize space patterns. The analysis of curves level confirmed the results of the k-means
With the high oil price variability, the petroleum and the reservoir engineers are usually face to face on how they can evaluate the well performance and productivity. They can improve high productivity from the well construction to the secondary recoveries, but they have never tried a measurement in the drilling operations about the lower productivity index. As a rule, frequently the drilling operations hear from the reservoir engineering and geology that, if there is a formation damage, probably some drilling operations practices were not done properly or the good practice in petroleum engineering or mud engineering were not observed. The study in this working search is an attempt of how to measure a formation damage just from the project drilling to the drilling operations, with datum from the fields in Brazilian northeast and putting into practice a Simulator developed from the modeling on the theory offered by different experts and sources in formation damage
Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar las estrategias de las organizaciones socialdemócratas frente a los nuevos desafíos que surgieron con la crisis del petróleo y la aparición de los llamados “valores posmateriales”. Se profundizará en una de las principales: el aumento de la actividad política trasnacional y la creación de comisiones que trabajaron aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo, la seguridad, el armamentismo nuclear y el medio ambiente. Estas comisiones no solo constituyeron un importante cambio frente a las tradiciones precedentes, también influyeron significativamente los desarrollos posteriores en dichas materias
Coletânea sobre os antecedentes da Política Nacional do Petróleo e das atribuições do Conselho Nacional do Petróleo; incluindo legislação, discursos parlamentares, estudos especializados, memoriais, investigações oficiosas e particulares que permitem uma visão da história econômica do petróleo brasileiro. Reúne projetos, requerimentos e outros documentos parlamentares, do período de 1824 a 1957, que precederam ao projeto da Petrobrás, da tramitação na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal até à reunião do Congresso para decidir sobre o veto. Inclui inquéritos da comissão especializada sobre a Petrobrás em atividade.