951 resultados para Transcriptional Regulation


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Understanding how transcriptional regulatory sequence maps to regulatory function remains a difficult problem in regulatory biology. Given a particular DNA sequence for a bacterial promoter region, we would like to be able to say which transcription factors bind there, how strongly they bind, and whether they interact with each other and/or RNA polymerase, with the ultimate objective of integrating knowledge of these parameters into a prediction of gene expression levels. The theoretical framework of statistical thermodynamics provides a useful framework for doing so, enabling us to predict how gene expression levels depend on transcription factor binding energies and concentrations. We used thermodynamic models, coupled with models of the sequence-dependent binding energies of transcription factors and RNAP, to construct a genotype to phenotype map for the level of repression exhibited by the lac promoter, and tested it experimentally using a set of promoter variants from E. coli strains isolated from different natural environments. For this work, we sought to ``reverse engineer'' naturally occurring promoter sequences to understand how variations in promoter sequence affects gene expression. The natural inverse of this approach is to ``forward engineer'' promoter sequences to obtain targeted levels of gene expression. We used a high precision model of RNAP-DNA sequence dependent binding energy, coupled with a thermodynamic model relating binding energy to gene expression, to predictively design and verify a suite of synthetic E. coli promoters whose expression varied over nearly three orders of magnitude.

However, although thermodynamic models enable predictions of mean levels of gene expression, it has become evident that cell-to-cell variability or ``noise'' in gene expression can also play a biologically important role. In order to address this aspect of gene regulation, we developed models based on the chemical master equation framework and used them to explore the noise properties of a number of common E. coli regulatory motifs; these properties included the dependence of the noise on parameters such as transcription factor binding strength and copy number. We then performed experiments in which these parameters were systematically varied and measured the level of variability using mRNA FISH. The results showed a clear dependence of the noise on these parameters, in accord with model predictions.

Finally, one shortcoming of the preceding modeling frameworks is that their applicability is largely limited to systems that are already well-characterized, such as the lac promoter. Motivated by this fact, we used a high throughput promoter mutagenesis assay called Sort-Seq to explore the completely uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory DNA of the E. coli mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL). We identified several candidate transcription factor binding sites, and work is continuing to identify the associated proteins.


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Background: Many conserved secondary structures have been identified within conserved elements in the human genome, but only a small fraction of them are known to be functional RNAs. The evolutionary variations of these conserved secondary structures in h


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A great deal of experimental studies have shown that many introns of eukaryotic genes function as regulators of transcription. However, comprehensive studies of this problem have not yet been conducted. After checking the transcription frequencies of some Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast), genes and their introns, a remarkable phenomenon was discovered that generally the introns of the genes with higher transcription frequencies are longer, and the introns of the genes with lower transcription frequencies are shorter. This suggests that the longer introns of genes with higher transcription frequencies may contain some characteristic sequence structures, which could enhance the transcription of genes. Therefore, two sets of introns of yeast genes were chosen for further study. The transcription frequencies of the first set of genes are higher (>30), and those of the second set of genes are lower (less than or equal to10). Some oligonucleotides are detected by statistically comparative analyses of the occurrence frequencies of oligonucleotides (mainly tetranucleotides and pentanucleotides), whose occurrence frequencies in the first set of introns; are significantly higher than those in the second set of introns, and are also significantly higher than those in the exons flanking the introns of the first set. Some of these extracted oligonucleotides are the same as the regulatory elements of transcription revealed by experimental analyses. Besides, the distributions of these extracted oligonucleotides in the two sets of introns and the exons show that the sequence structures of the first set of introns are favorable for transcription of genes.


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The exact functions of BRCA1 have not been fully described but it now seems apparent that it has roles in DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and most recently in ubiquitylation. These functions of BRCA1 are most likely interdependent but this review will focus on the role of BRCA1 in relation to transcriptional regulation and in particular how this impacts upon cell cycle control. We will (i) describe the structure of BRCA1 and how it may contribute to its transcription function; (ii) describe the interaction of BRCA1 with the core transcriptional machinery (RNA polII); (iii) describe how BRCA1 may regulate transcription at an epigenetic level through chromatin modification; (iv) discuss the role of BRCA1 in modulating transcription through its association with sequence-specific transcription factors. Finally, we will discuss the possible effects of BRCA1 transcriptional regulation on downstream targets with known roles in cell cycle control.


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Chemotherapy-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) signaling reduces the sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to undergo apoptosis. In this study, we investigated how endogenous and drug-induced IL-8 signaling altered the extrinsic apoptosis pathway by determining the sensitivity of LNCaP and PC3 cells to administration of the death receptor agonist tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). TRAIL induced concentration-dependent decreases in LNCaP and PC3 cell viability, coincident with increased levels of apoptosis and the potentiation of IL-8 secretion. Administration of recombinant human IL-8 was shown to increase the mRNA transcript levels and expression of c+FLIPL and c-FLIPS, two isoforms of the endogenous caspase-8 inhibitor. Pretreatment with the CXCR2 antagonist AZ10397767 significantly attenuated IL-8-induced c-FLIP mRNA up-regulation whereas inhibition of androgen receptor- and/or nuclear factor-kappa B-mediated transcription attenuated IL-8-induced c-FLIP expression in LNCaP and PC3 cells, respectively. Inhibition of c-FLIP expression was shown to induce spontaneous apoptosis in both cell lines and to sensitize these prostate cancer cells to treatment with TRAIL, oxaliplatin, and docetaxel. Coadministration of AZ10397767 also increased the sensitivity of PC3 cells to the apoptosis-inducing effects of recombinant TRAIL, most likely due to the ability of this antagonist to block TRAIL- and IL-8-induced up-regulation of c-FLIP in these cells. We conclude that endogenous and TRAIL-induced IL-8 signaling can modulate the extrinsic apoptosis pathway in prostate cancer cells through direct transcriptional regulation of c-FLIP. Therefore, targeted inhibition of IL-8 signaling or c-FLIP expression in prostate cancer may be an attractive therapeutic strategy to sensitize this stage of disease to chemotherapy.


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Clinically, our ability to predict disease outcome for patients with early stage lung cancer is currently poor. To address this issue, tumour specimens were collected at surgery from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients as part of the European Early Lung Cancer (EUELC) consortium. The patients were followed-up for three years post-surgery and patients who suffered progressive disease (PD, tumour recurrence, metastasis or a second primary) or remained disease-free (DF) during follow-up were identified. RNA from both tumour and adjacent-normal lung tissue was extracted from patients and subjected to microarray expression profiling. These samples included 36 adenocarcinomas and 23 squamous cell carcinomas from both PD and DF patients. The microarray data was subject to a series of systematic bioinformatics analyses at gene, network and transcription factor levels. The focus of these analyses was 2-fold: firstly to determine whether there were specific biomarkers capable of differentiating between PD and DF patients, and secondly, to identify molecular networks which may contribute to the progressive tumour phenotype. The experimental design and analyses performed permitted the clear differentiation between PD and DF patients using a set of biomarkers implicated in neuroendocrine signalling and allowed the inference of a set of transcription factors whose activity may differ according to disease outcome. Potential links between the biomarkers, the transcription factors and the genes p21/CDKN1A and Myc, which have previously been implicated in NSCLC development, were revealed by a combination of pathway analysis and microarray meta-analysis. These findings suggest that neuroendocrine-related genes, potentially driven through p21/CDKN1A and Myc, are closely linked to whether or not a NSCLC patient will have poor clinical outcome.


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Several growth factors and transcription factors have been reported to play important roles in brown adipocyte differentiation and modulation of thermogenic gene expression, especially the expression of UCP1. In this study, we focused on KLF11 and KLF15, which were expressed highly in brown adipose tissue. Our data demonstrated that KLF11 and KLF15 interacted directly with the UCP1 promoter using GC-box and GT-boxes, respectively. Co-transfection of KLF11 and KLF15 in the mesenchymal stem cell line muBM3.1 during brown adipocyte differentiation enhanced the expression level of UCP1. KLF11, but not KLF15, was essential for UCP1 expression during brown adipocyte differentiation of muBM3.1.


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Objective: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a microvascular complication of diabetes. Members of the WNT/ β-catenin pathways have been implicated in interstitial fibrosis and glomerular sclerosis, characteristic hallmarks of DN. These processes are controlled, in part, by transcription factors (TFs), proteins which bind to gene promoter regions attenuating their regulation. We sought to identify predicted cis-acting transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) over-represented within the promoter regions of WNT pathway members compared to genes across the genome.Methods: We assessed the frequency of 62 TFBS motifs from the JASPAR databases on 65 WNT pathway genes. P-values were estimated on the hypergeometric distribution for each TF. Gene expression profiles of enriched motifs were examined from DN-related datasets to assess clinical significance.Results: TFBS motifs transcription factor AP-2 alpha (TFAP2A), myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1), and specificity protein 1 (SP1) were significantly enriched within WNT pathway genes (P-values<6.83x10-29, 1.34x10-11 and 3.01x10-6 respectively). MZF1 gene expression was significantly increased in DN in a whole kidney dataset (fold change = 1.16; 16% increase; P = 0.03). TFAP2A gene expression was decreased in an independent dataset (fold change = -1.02; P = 0.03). SP1 was not differentially expressed in any datasets examined.Conclusions: Three TFBS profiles are significantly enriched within the WNT pathway genes examined highlighting the use of in silico analyses for identifying key regulators of this pathway. Modification of TF binding to gene promoter regions involved in DN pathology may limit progression, making refinement of targeted therapeutic strategies possible through clearer delineation of their role.


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BRCA1 (breast-cancer susceptibility gene 1) is a tumour suppressor, implicated in the hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA1 has been implicated in a number of cellular processes including DNA repair and recombination, cell cycle checkpoint control, chromatin remodelling and ubiquitination. In addition, substantial data now exist to suggest a role for BRCA1 in transcriptional regulation; BRCA1 has been shown to interact with the Pol II holoenzyme complex and to interact with multiple transcription factors, such as p53 and c-Myc. We have previously identified a range of BRCA1 transcriptional targets and have linked these to specific cellular pathways, including cell cycle checkpoint activation and apoptosis. Current research is focused on the transcriptional mechanisms that underpin the association of BRCA1 deficiency with increased sensitivity to DNA damage-based chemotherapy and resistance to spindle poisons.