976 resultados para Transcription, Genetic -- physiology


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In dog thyroid cells, insulin or IGF-1 induces cell growth and is required for the mitogenic action of TSH through cyclic AMP, of EGF, and of phorbol esters. HGF per se stimulates cell proliferation and is thus the only full mitogenic agent. TSH and cAMP enhance, whereas EGF phorbol esters and HGF repress differentiation expression. In this study, we have investigated for each factor and regulatory cascade of the intermediate step of immediate early gene induction, that is, c-myc, c-jun, jun D, jun B, c-fos, fos B, fra-1, fra-2, and egr1; fra-1 and fra-2 expressions were very low. TSH or forskolin increased the levels of c-myc, jun B, jun D, c-fos, and fos B while decreasing those of c-jun and egr1. Phorbol myristate ester stimulated the expression of all the genes. EGF and HGF stimulated the expression of all the genes except jun D and for EGF fos B. All these effects were obtained in the presence and in the absence of insulin, which shows that insulin is not necessary for the effects of the mitogens on immediate early gene expression. The definition of the repertoire of early immediate genes inductible by the various growth cascades provides a framework for the analysis of gene expression in tumors. (1) Insulin was able to induce all the protooncogenes investigated except fos B. This suggests that fos B could be the factor missing for insulin to induce mitogenesis. (2) No characteristic pattern of immediate early gene expression has been observed for insulin, which induces cell hypertrophy and is permissive for the action of the other growth factors. These effects are therefore not accounted for by a specific immediate early gene expression. On the other hand, insulin clearly enhances the effects of TSH, phorbol ester, and EGF on c-myc, junB, and c-fos expression. This suggests that the effect of insulin on mitogenesis might result from quantitative differences in the transcription complexes formed. (3) c-myc, c-fos, and jun B mRNA induction by all stimulating agents, whether inducing cell hypertrophy, or growth and dedifferentiation, or growth and differentiation, suggests that, although these expressions are not sufficient, they may be necessary for the various growth responses of thyroid cells. (4) The inhibition of c-jun and egr1 mRNA expression, and the marked induction of jun D mRNA appear to be specific features of the TSH cAMP pathway. They might be related to its differentiating action. (5) fos B, which is induced by TSH, forskolin, phorbol ester, and HGF but not by insulin, could be involved in the mitogenic action of the former factors.


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BACKGROUND: LuxS may function as a metabolic enzyme or as the synthase of a quorum sensing signalling molecule, auto-inducer-2 (AI-2); hence, the mechanism underlying phenotypic changes upon luxS inactivation is not always clear. In Helicobacter pylori, we have recently shown that, rather than functioning in recycling methionine as in most bacteria, LuxS (along with newly-characterised MccA and MccB), synthesises cysteine via reverse transsulphuration. In this study, we investigated whether and how LuxS controls motility of H. pylori, specifically if it has its effects via luxS-required cysteine metabolism or via AI-2 synthesis only.

RESULTS: We report that disruption of luxS renders H. pylori non-motile in soft agar and by microscopy, whereas disruption of mccAHp or mccBHp (other genes in the cysteine provision pathway) does not, implying that the lost phenotype is not due to disrupted cysteine provision. The motility defect of the DeltaluxSHp mutant was complemented genetically by luxSHp and also by addition of in vitro synthesised AI-2 or 4, 5-dihydroxy-2, 3-pentanedione (DPD, the precursor of AI-2). In contrast, exogenously added cysteine could not restore motility to the DeltaluxSHp mutant, confirming that AI-2 synthesis, but not the metabolic effect of LuxS was important. Microscopy showed reduced number and length of flagella in the DeltaluxSHp mutant. Immunoblotting identified decreased levels of FlaA and FlgE but not FlaB in the DeltaluxSHp mutant, and RT-PCR showed that the expression of flaA, flgE, motA, motB, flhA and fliI but not flaB was reduced. Addition of DPD but not cysteine to the DeltaluxSHp mutant restored flagellar gene transcription, and the number and length of flagella.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that as well as being a metabolic enzyme, H. pylori LuxS has an alternative role in regulation of motility by modulating flagellar transcripts and flagellar biosynthesis through production of the signalling molecule AI-2.


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Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and several distinct subtypes exist based on differential gene expression patterns. Molecular apocrine tumours were recently identified as an additional subgroup, characterised as oestrogen receptor negative and androgen receptor positive (ER- AR+), but with an expression profile resembling ER+ luminal breast cancer. One possible explanation for the apparent incongruity is that ER gene expression programmes could be recapitulated by AR. Using a cell line model of ER- AR+ molecular apocrine tumours (termed MDA-MB-453 cells), we map global AR binding events and find a binding profile that is similar to ER binding in breast cancer cells. We find that AR binding is a near-perfect subset of FoxA1 binding regions, a level of concordance never previously seen with a nuclear receptor. AR functionality is dependent on FoxA1, since silencing of FoxA1 inhibits AR binding, expression of the majority of the molecular apocrine gene signature and growth cell growth. These findings show that AR binds and regulates ER cis-regulatory elements in molecular apocrine tumours, resulting in a transcriptional programme reminiscent of ER-mediated transcription in luminal breast cancers.


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Glycogen synthase 2 (Gys-2) is the ratelimiting enzyme in the storage of glycogen in liver and adipose tissue, yet little is known about regulation of Gys-2 transcription. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are transcription factors involved in the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism and might be hypothesized to govern glycogen synthesis as well. Here, we show that Gys-2 is a direct target gene of PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma. Expression of Gys-2 is significantly reduced in adipose tissue of PPARalpha-/-, PPARbeta/delta-/- and PPARgamma+/- mice. Furthermore, synthetic PPARbeta/delta, and gamma agonists markedly up-regulate Gys-2 mRNA and protein expression in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In liver, PPARalpha deletion leads to decreased glycogen levels in the refed state, which is paralleled by decreased expression of Gys-2 in fasted and refed state. Two putative PPAR response elements (PPREs) were identified in the mouse Gys-2 gene: one in the upstream promoter (DR-1prom) and one in intron 1 (DR-1int). It is shown that DR-1int is the response element for PPARs, while DR-1prom is the response element for Hepatic Nuclear Factor 4 alpha (HNF4alpha). In adipose tissue, which does not express HNF4alpha, DR-1prom is occupied by PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma, yet binding does not translate into transcriptional activation of Gys-2. Overall, we conclude that mouse Gys-2 is a novel PPAR target gene and that transactivation by PPARs and HNF4alpha is mediated by two distinct response elements.


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The genus Paracoccidioides includes the thermodimorphic species Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and P. lutzii, both of which are etiologic agents of paracoccidioidomycosis, a systemic mycosis that affects humans in Latin America. Despite the common occurrence of a sexual stage among closely related fungi, this has not been observed with Paracoccidioides species, which have thus been considered asexual. Molecular evolutionary studies revealed recombination events within isolated populations of the genus Paracoccidioides, suggesting the possible existence of a sexual cycle. Comparative genomic analysis of all dimorphic fungi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated the presence of conserved genes involved in sexual reproduction, including those encoding mating regulators such as MAT, pheromone receptors, pheromone-processing enzymes, and mating signaling regulators. The expression of sex-related genes in the yeast and mycelial phases of both Paracoccidioides species was also detected by realtime PCR, with nearly all of these genes being expressed preferentially in the filamentous form of the pathogens. In addition, the expression of sex-related genes was responsive to the putative presence of pheromone in the supernatants obtained from previous cocultures of strains of two different mating types. In vitro crossing of isolates of different mating types, discriminated by phylogenetic analysis of the α-box (MAT1-1) and the high-mobility-group (HMG) domain (MAT1-2), led to the identification of the formation of young ascocarps with constricted coiled hyphae related to the initial stage of mating. These genomic and morphological analyses strongly support the existence of a sexual cycle in species of the genus Paracoccidioides. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology.


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Enterococcus faecalis, the third most frequent cause of bacterial endocarditis, appears to be equipped with diverse surface-associated proteins showing structural-fold similarity to the immunoglobulin-fold family of staphylococcal adhesins. Among the putative E. faecalis surface proteins, the previously characterized adhesin Ace, which shows specific binding to collagen and laminin, was detectable in surface protein preparations only after growth at 46 degrees C, mirroring the finding that adherence was observed in 46 degrees C, but not 37 degrees C, grown E. faecalis cultures. To elucidate the influence of different growth and host parameters on ace expression, we investigated ace expression using E. faecalis OG1RF grown in routine laboratory media (brain heart infusion) and found that ace mRNA levels were low in all growth phases. However, quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed 18-fold-higher ace mRNA amounts in cells grown in the presence of collagen type IV compared to the controls. Similarly, a marked increase was observed when cells were either grown in the presence of collagen type I or serum but not in the presence of fibrinogen or bovine serum albumin. The production of Ace after growth in the presence of collagen type IV was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy, mirroring the increased ace mRNA levels. Furthermore, increased Ace expression correlated with increased collagen and laminin adhesion. Collagen-induced Ace expression was also seen in three of three other E. faecalis strains of diverse origins tested, and thus it appears to be a common phenomenon. The observation of host matrix signal-induced adherence of E. faecalis may have important implications on our understanding of this opportunistic pathogen.


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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) participates in diverse fibrotic processes including glomerulosclerosis. The adenylyl cyclase agonist forskolin inhibits CTGF expression in mesangial cells by unclear mechanisms. We recently reported that the histone H3K79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) suppresses CTGF gene expression in collecting duct cells (J Clin Invest 117: 773-783, 2007) and HEK 293 cells (J Biol Chem In press). In the present study, we characterized the involvement of Dot1 in mediating the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF transcription in mouse mesangial cells. Overexpression of Dot1 or treatment with forskolin dramatically suppressed basal CTGF mRNA levels and CTGF promoter-luciferase activity, while hypermethylating H3K79 in chromatin associated with the CTGF promoter. siRNA knockdown of Dot1 abrogated the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF mRNA expression. Analysis of the Dot1 promoter sequence identified a CREB response element (CRE) at -384/-380. Overexpression of CREB enhanced forskolin-stimulated Dot1 promoter activity. A constitutively active CREB mutant (CREB-VP16) strongly induced Dot1 promoter-luciferase activity, whereas overexpression of CREBdLZ-VP16, which lacks the CREB DNA-binding domain, abolished this activation. Mutation of the -384/-380 CRE resulted in 70% lower levels of Dot1 promoter activity. ChIP assays confirmed CREB binding to the Dot1 promoter in chromatin. We conclude that forskolin stimulates CREB-mediated trans-activation of the Dot1 gene, which leads to hypermethylation of histone H3K79 at the CTGF promoter, and inhibition of CTGF transcription. These data are the first to describe regulation of the Dot1 gene, and disclose a complex network of genetic and epigenetic controls on CTGF transcription.


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The recognition of the importance of mRNA turnover in regulating eukaryotic gene expression has mandated the development of reliable, rigorous, and "user-friendly" methods to accurately measure changes in mRNA stability in mammalian cells. Frequently, mRNA stability is studied indirectly by analyzing the steady-state level of mRNA in the cytoplasm; in this case, changes in mRNA abundance are assumed to reflect only mRNA degradation, an assumption that is not always correct. Although direct measurements of mRNA decay rate can be performed with kinetic labeling techniques and transcriptional inhibitors, these techniques often introduce significant changes in cell physiology. Furthermore, many critical mechanistic issues as to deadenylation kinetics, decay intermediates, and precursor-product relationships cannot be readily addressed by these methods. In light of these concerns, we have previously reported transcriptional pulsing methods based on the c-fos serum-inducible promoter and the tetracycline-regulated (Tet-off) promoter systems to better explain mechanisms of mRNA turnover in mammalian cells. In this chapter, we describe and discuss in detail different protocols that use these two transcriptional pulsing methods. The information described here also provides guidelines to help develop optimal protocols for studying mammalian mRNA turnover in different cell types under a wide range of physiologic conditions.


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Germline mutations within the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) gene and one of its targets, the cyclin dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) gene, have been identified in a proportion of melanoma kindreds. In the case of CDK4, only one specific mutation, resulting in the substitution of a cysteine for an arginine at codon 24 (R24C), has been found to be associated with melanoma. We have previously reported the identification of germline CDKN2A mutations in 7/18 Australian melanoma kindreds and the absence of the R24C CDK4 mutation in 21 families lacking evidence of a CDKN2A mutation. The current study represents an expansion of these efforts and includes a total of 48 melanoma families from Australia. All of these families have now been screened for mutations within CDKN2A and CDK4, as well as for mutations within the CDKN2A homolog and 9p21 neighbor, the CDKN2B gene, and the alternative exon 1 (E1beta) of CDKN2A. Families lacking CDKN2A mutations, but positive for a polymorphism(s) within this gene, were further evaluated to determine if their disease was associated with transcriptional silencing of one CDKN2A allele. Overall, CDKN2A mutations were detected in 3/30 (10%) of the new kindreds. Two of these mutations have been observed previously: a 24 bp duplication at the 5' end of the gene and a G to C transversion in exon 2 resulting in an M531 substitution. A novel G to A transition in exon 2, resulting in a D108N substitution was also detected. Combined with our previous findings, we have now detected germline CDKN2A mutations in 10/48 (21%) of our melanoma kindreds. In none of the 'CDKN2A-negative' families was melanoma found to segregate with either an untranscribed CDKN2A allele, an R24C CDK4 mutation, a CDKN2B mutation, or an E1beta mutation. The last three observations suggest that these other cell cycle control genes (or alternative gene products) are either not involved at all, or to any great extent, in melanoma predisposition.


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p53 is the central member of a critical tumor suppressor pathway in virtually all tumor types, where it is silenced mainly by missense mutations. In melanoma, p53 predominantly remains wild type, thus its role has been neglected. To study the effect of p53 on melanocyte function and melanomagenesis, we crossed the 'high-p53'Mdm4+/- mouse to the well-established TP-ras0/+ murine melanoma progression model. After treatment with the carcinogen dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), TP-ras0/+ mice on the Mdm4+/- background developed fewer tumors with a delay in the age of onset of melanomas compared to TP-ras0/+ mice. Furthermore, we observed a dramatic decrease in tumor growth, lack of metastasis with increased survival of TP-ras0/+: Mdm4+/- mice. Thus, p53 effectively prevented the conversion of small benign tumors to malignant and metastatic melanoma. p53 activation in cultured primary melanocyte and melanoma cell lines using Nutlin-3, a specific Mdm2 antagonist, supported these findings. Moreover, global gene expression and network analysis of Nutlin-3-treated primary human melanocytes indicated that cell cycle regulation through the p21WAF1/CIP1 signaling network may be the key anti-melanomagenic activity of p53.


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The insulin-receptor substrate family plays important roles in cellular growth, signaling, and survival. Two new members of this family have recently been isolated: IRS5/Dok4 and IRS6/Dok5. This study examines the expression of IRS5/DOK4 in a panel of lung cancer cell lines and tumor specimens. The results demonstrate that expression of IRS5/DOK4 is frequently altered with both elevated and decreased expression in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumor specimens. The altered expression of IRS5/DOK4 observed in tumor samples is not due to aberrant methylation. In vitro cell culture studies demonstrate that treatment of NSCLC cell lines with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) upregulates IRS5/DOK4. This finding indicates that expression is regulated epigenetically at the level of chromatin remodeling. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments confirm that the IRS5/DOK4 promoter has enhanced histone hyperacetylation following treatments with TSA. Finally, hypoxia was demonstrated to downregulate IRS5/DOK4 expression. This expression was restored by TSA. The clinical relevance of altered IRS5/DOK4 expression in NSCLC requires fur ther evaluation.


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Purpose Cancer cells have been shown to be more susceptible to Ran knockdown than normal cells. We now investigate whether Ran is a potential therapeutic target of cancers with frequently found mutations that lead to higher Ras/MEK/ERK [mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK; MEK)] and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTORC1 activities. Experimental Design Apoptosis was measured by flow cytometry [propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V staining] and MTT assay in cancer cells grown under different conditions after knockdown of Ran. The correlations between Ran expression and patient survival were examined in breast and lung cancers. Results Cancer cells with their PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways inhibited are less susceptible to Ran silencing-induced apoptosis. K-Ras-mutated, c-Met-amplified, and Pten-deleted cancer cells are also more susceptible to Ran silencing-induced apoptosis than their wild-type counterparts and this effect is reduced by inhibitors of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and MEK/ERK pathways. Overexpression of Ran in clinical specimens is significantly associated with poor patient outcome in both breast and lung cancers. This association is dramatically enhanced in cancers with increased c-Met or osteopontin expression, or with oncogenic mutations of K-Ras or PIK3CA, all of which are mutations that potentially correlate with activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and/or Ras/MEK/ERK pathways. Silencing Ran also results in dysregulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport of transcription factors and downregulation of Mcl-1 expression, at the transcriptional level, which are reversed by inhibitors of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and MEK/ERK pathways. Conclusion Ran is a potential therapeutic target for treatment of cancers with mutations/changes of expression in protooncogenes that lead to activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways. ©2011 AACR.


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Tobacco plants were transformed with a chimeric transgene comprising sequences encoding β-glucuronidase (GUS) and the satellite RNA (satRNA) of cereal yellow dwarf luteovirus. When transgenic plants were infected with potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV), which replicated the transgene-derived satRNA to a high level, the satellite sequence of the GUS:Sat transgene became densely methylated. Within the satellite region, all 86 cytosines in the upper strand and 73 of the 75 cytosines in the lower strand were either partially or fully methylated. In contrast, very low levels of DNA methylation were detected in the satellite sequence of the transgene in uninfected plants and in the flanking nonsatellite sequences in both infected and uninfected plants. Substantial amounts of truncated GUS:Sat RNA accumulated in the satRNA-replicating plants, and most of the molecules terminated at nucleotides within the first 60 bp of the satellite sequence. Whereas this RNA truncation was associated with high levels of satRNA replication, it appeared to be independent of the levels of DNA methylation in the satellite sequence, suggesting that it is not caused by methylation. All the sequenced GUS:Sat DNA molecules were hypermethylated in plants with replicating satRNA despite the phloem restriction of the helper PLRV. Also, small, sense and antisense ∼22 nt RNAs, derived from the satRNA, were associated with the replicating satellite. These results suggest that the sequence-specific DNA methylation spread into cells in which no satRNA replication occurred and that this was mediated by the spread of unamplified satRNA and/or its associated 22 nt RNA molecules.


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The nucleotide sequences of several animal, plant and bacterial genomes are now known, but the functions of many of the proteins that they are predicted to encode remain unclear. RNA interference is a gene-silencing technology that is being used successfully to investigate gene function in several organisms - for example, Caenorhabditis elegans. We discuss here that RNA-induced gene silencing approaches are also likely to be effective for investigating plant gene function in a high-throughput, genome-wide manner.