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Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1) est responsable de la pandémie du SIDA (syndrome de l’immunodéficience acquise). Des souches virales résistantes aux antirétroviraux actuellement utilisés apparaissent rapidement. Il est donc important d’identifier de nouvelles cibles dans le cycle de réplication du VIH-1 pour développer de nouveaux agents contre ce virus. La traduction des protéines de structure et des enzymes du VIH-1 est une étape essentielle du cycle de réplication virale. Ces protéines sont exprimées à partir de l’ARN messager (ARNm) pleine-longueur (ARNmPL) à la fin du cycle de réplication. L’ARNmPL du VIH-1 peut utiliser un mode d’initiation de la traduction coiffe-dépendant, comme la majorité des ARNm cellulaires, mais peut aussi utiliser un mode d’initiation alternatif, car sa région 5’ non-traduite (5’UTR) contient un site interne d’entrée du ribosome (IRES), ce qui lui permet d’initier la traduction suivant un mode IRES-dépendant. L’initiation IRES-dépendante permet à l’ARNmPL d’être traduit quand l’initiation coiffe-dépendante est inhibée. L’activité de l’IRES de la région 5’UTR de l’ARNmPL du VIH-1 (IRES5’UTR) est faible dans des conditions physiologiques, mais est stimulée lorsque la cellule est arrêtée à la transition G2/M du cycle cellulaire, un arrêt qu’induit l’infection par le VIH-1. Une grande portion de l’IRES5’UTR, que nous nommons IRES5’UTRc, est présente dans tous les ARNm viraux et a une activité semblable à celle de l’ IRES5’UTR, ce qui indique que le mode IRES-dépendant peut être utilisé par tous les messagers du VIH-1. Lors de mes études doctorales, j’ai caractérisé le fonctionnement de l’IRES5’UTR du VIH-1. J’ai transfecté des cellules lymphocytaires Jurkat T, dérivées des cibles naturelles du VIH-1, avec un vecteur dual-luciférase contenant les séquences codantes des luciférases de la Renilla (Rluc) et de la luciole (Fluc) séparées par la région 5’UTR de l’ARNmPL du VIH-1. La traduction de la Rluc est coiffe-dépendante alors que celle de la Fluc dépend de l’IRES5’UTR. J’ai d’abord effectué une analyse mutationnelle et j’ai identifié trois régions qui stimulent l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR et une tige-boucle qui réprime l’activité de cet IRES, que j’ai nommée IRENE (IRES negative element). J’ai montré que l’effet répresseur d’IRENE est aboli lorsque les cellules sont soumises à un stress oxydatif, un type de stress induit lors d’une infection par le VIH-1. Nous proposons que IRENE maintiendrait l’IRES5’UTR dans une conformation peu active dans des conditions physiologiques. On sait que les IRES sont activés par divers facteurs cellulaires, appelés ITAF (IRES trans-acting factors). Nous proposons que l’IRES5’UTR adopterait une conformation active suite à la liaison d’un ITAF exprimé ou relocalisé lors d’un stress oxydatif. Ces travaux ont fait l’objet d’une publication (Gendron et al., 2011, Nucleic Acids Research, 39, 902-912). J’ai ensuite étudié l’effet de la protéine virale Tat sur l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR. En plus de son rôle essentiel dans la transactivation de la transcription des ARNm viraux, Tat stimule leur traduction coiffe-dépendante, en empêchant l’inhibition d’un facteur d’initiation canonique, eIF2, induite par la protéine kinase modulée par l’ARN double-brin (PKR) et en déroulant la structure TAR présente à l’extrémité 5’ de tous les ARNm du VIH-1. Elle affecte aussi l’expression de plusieurs gènes cellulaires. J’ai montré que les isoformes Tat86 et Tat72, mais non Tat101, stimulent l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR. Cet effet est indépendant de PKR et de TAR, mais dépendrait de la conformation de Tat. Nous proposons que Tat activerait un facteur de transcription cellulaire qui déclenche l’expression d’un ITAF de l’IRES5’UTR ou encore qu’elle activerait directement un tel ITAF. J’ai de plus montré que PKR stimule l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR, ce qui est surprenant puisque PKR est une protéine antivirale. Cet effet est indépendant de l’inhibition d’eIF2 par PKR et pourrait résulter de l’activation d’un ITAF. Sachant qu’une portion active de l’IRES5’UTR, IRES5’UTRc, est présente dans tous les ARNm viraux, notre hypothèse est que la stimulation de cet IRES par PKR permettait de traduire l’ARNm de Tat au début du cycle de réplication, ce qui permettrait ensuite la traduction coiffe-dépendante des ARNm du VIH-1, qui est stimulée par Tat. Ces travaux font l’objet d’un manuscrit (Gendron et al., soumis à RNA). Mes résultats, couplés aux données de la littérature, me conduisent à la conclusion que, à la fin du cycle de réplication du VIH-1, l’activité de l’IRES5’UTR est stimulée par le stress oxydatif, l’arrêt en G2/M et la présence de quantités élevées de Tat, alors que la traduction coiffe-dépendante est compromise. L’initiation IRES-dépendante serait alors indispensable pour que le VIH-1 traduise l’ARNmPL. L’IRES5’UTR constituerait donc une cible très intéressante pour développer des agents anti-VIH.


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Selenoproteins are proteins containing selenium in the form of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. Selenocysteine (Sec) is directly synthesized onto its cognate tRNA (tRNA[Ser]Sec or tRNASec) and inserted into selenoproteins co-translationally with the help of various cis- and trans-acting factors. Among those factors, SecP43 has been reported to possibly play an essential role in the methylation at the 2’-hydroxylribosyl moiety in the wobble position (Um34) of Sec-tRNA[Ser]Sec and consequently reduce the expression of glutathione peroxidase 1. SecP43 also called tRNASec-associated protein has also been reported to interact in with SepSecS and tRNASec in vivo and the targeted removal of one of these proteins affected the binding of the other to the Sec-tRNASec. The initial aim of the project was to solve the structure of SecP43 by means of x-ray crystallography. Secondly, we were interested in characterizing the interaction of the latter with some of the components of the selenocysteine insertion machinery. These factors are SepSecS and tRNASec. We were able to optimize the expression and the purification of soluble form of the human homologue of SecP43 and of SepSecS by using an adapted auto-induction protocol. This was a major challenge considering that full length SecP43 has not been expressed and purify to date. We did not succeed in crystallizing SecP43. Our failure to crystallize SecP43 is probably due to the fact that it is a partially folded protein as we were able to demonstrate by SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering). The SecP43 envelope calculated by SAXS displayed a rod-shape like structure. In order to enhance the stability of SecP43 required for crystallization, binding affinity studies were conducted to characterize the interaction between SecP43, tRNASec and SepSecS. We did not detect an interaction between SecP43 and tRNASec by using EMSA (Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay) and gel filtration. We also could not detect an interaction between SecP43 and SepSecS using a cross-linking assay. In contrast, the tRNASec/SepSecS interaction was demonstrated by EMSA and the addition of SecP43 seemed to reduce the binding affinity. Therefore, SecP43 might induce a conformational change in SepSecS in the presence of tRNASec.


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In dieser Arbeit ist die zentrale Frage, warum dicistronische mRNAs, eine für Eukaryoten untypische Organisation, existieren und wie die Translation des zweiten offenen Leserasters initiiert wird. In sieben von neun anfänglich ausgewählten Genkassetten werden tatsächlich nur dicistronische und keine monocistronischen Transkripte gebildet. Im Laufe der Evolution scheint diese Organisation nicht immer erhalten zu bleiben - es finden sich Hinweise für einen operonartigen Aufbau. Nach Transformation mit einem dicistronischen Reporterkonstrukt und in in vitro Translations-Assays weisen die beiden Genkassetten CG31311 und CG33009 eine interne ribosomale Eintrittstelle (IRES) auf, welche die Translation des zweiten Cistrons einleiten kann. Diese beiden IRESs lassen sich in einen Bereich von unter 100 nt eingrenzen. Die Funktionalität der beiden nachgewiesenen IRESs konnte in vivo in der männlichen Keimbahn von Drosophila bestätigt werden, nachdem das Vorhandensein von kryptischen Promotoren in diesen Bereichen ausgeschlossen wurde. Die anderen fünf Genkassetten hingegen zeigen keine IRES-Aktivität und nutzen wahrscheinlich alternative Methoden wie das leaky scanning oder ribosomal shunting zur Translation des zweiten Cistrons. In weiterführenden Analysen wurden sehr komplexe Expressionsmuster beobachtet, die nicht offensichtlich mit der beschriebenen mRNA Organisation in Einklang zu bringen sind. Bei der Genkassette CG33009 zum Beispiel wird das erste Protein während der gesamten Spermatogenese in den Keimzellen synthetisiert, wohingegen das zweite IRES-abhängig translatierte Protein in den die Keimzellen umschließenden Cystenzellen und zusätzlich in den elongierten Spermatiden auftritt. Diese zusätzliche Expression könnte auf Transportprozessen oder Neusynthese beruhen. Die Cystenzell-spezische Expression eines Fusionskonstruktes führte jedoch nicht zum Nachweis des Fusionsproteins in den Keimzellen. Somit ist eine durch die IRES-vermittelte Neusynthese in den elongierten Spermatiden wahrscheinlicher. Ein Verlust dieses IRES-abhängig translatierten Proteins in den Cystenzellen bringt die Spermatogenese zum Erliegen und belegt somit dessen essentielle Funktion. Bei der Genkassette CG31311 kommt es auch zu einer bemerkenswerten Auffälligkeit in der Expression. Während im Hodengewebe große Mengen an Transkript vorhanden sind, die aber nicht zu nachweisbaren Mengen an Protein führen, lässt sich in den Ommatidien ein differenziertes Expressionsmuster für beide Proteine dokumentieren, obwohl die Transkriptmenge hier unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegt. Diese Beobachtung suggeriert eine drastische Kontrolle auf Translationsebene, die für das Hodengewebe zum Beispiel in einer Verzögerung der Translation bis nach der Befruchtung bestehen könnte (paternale mRNA). Erste Ansätze zeigen die Interaktion der IRES von CG33009 mit RNA-bindenden Proteinen, potentiellen ITAFs (IRES trans-acting factors), deren Bindung sequenzspezisch erfolgt. In weiteren Experimenten wäre zu testen, ob die hier identifizierten IRESs mit den gleichen oder mit unterschiedlichen Proteinen interagieren.


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In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. One of the early stages of pre-rRNA processing includes formation of the two intermediate complexes pre-40S and pre-60S, which then form the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The yeast nucleolar protein Nop53p has previously been identified in the pre-60S complex and shown to affect pre-rRNA processing by directly binding to 5.8S rRNA, and to interact with Nop17p and Nip7p, which are also involved in this process. Here we show that Nop53p binds 5.8S rRNA co-transcriptionally through its N-terminal region, and that this protein portion can also partially complement growth of the conditional mutant strain Delta nop53/GAL:NOP53. Nop53p interacts with Rrp6p and activates the exosome in vitro. These results indicate that Nop53p may recruit the exosome to 7S pre-rRNA for processing. Consistent with this observation and similar to the observed in exosome mutants, depletion of Nop53p leads to accumulation of polyadenylated pre-rRNAs.


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In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. Two intermediate complexes, pre-40S and pre-60S, are formed at the early stages of 35S pre-rRNA processing and give rise to the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, some ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The novel yeast protein Utp25p has previously been identified in the nucleolus, an indication that this protein could be involved in ribosome biogenesis. Here we show that Utp25p interacts with the SSU processome proteins Sas10p and Mpp10p, and affects 18S rRNA maturation. Depletion of Utp25p leads to accumulation of the pre-rRNA 35S and the aberrant rRNA 23S, and to a severe reduction in 40S ribosomal subunit levels. Our results indicate that Utp25p is a novel SSU processome subunit involved in pre-40S maturation.


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Die Expression des PKC-Hauptsubstrates MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate) wird in Swiss 3T3-Fibroblasten in Abhängigkeit des Zellzyklus durch Variation der mRNA-Stabilität reguliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Beteiligung der 3' nichttranslatierten Region (3'UTR) der MARCKS-mRNA an der Stabilitätskontrolle analysiert. Durch Einsatz der RNase/EMSA-Technik konnten zwei cis-Elemente der MARCKS 3'UTR identifiziert und lokalisiert werden, die mit RNA-bindenden Swiss 3T3-Proteinen (trans-Faktoren) interagieren. Diese neu identifizierten cis-Elemente sind AU-reiche Elemente (ARE) der Klasse III, da sie sehr große Sequenzhomologie zu ARE dieser Klasse aufweisen und der MARCKS 3'UTR, wie für ARE typisch, Instabilität vermitteln.Durch UV-crosslinking wurden vier Proteine mit Molekülmassen von 55, 40, 36 und 30 kDa nachgewiesen, die spezifisch an das 52nt lange Haupt-ARE (MARCKS 52nt) mit unterschiedlicher Affinität binden konnten. Mit Hilfe von rekombinant hergestellten ELAV/Hu-Proteinen und einem ELAV/Hu-spezifischen, affinitätsgereinigten Antiserum konnte eines der vier Proteine (p36) als das ELAV/Hu-Protein HuR identifiziert werden. Die Funktion der ELAV/Hu-Proteine für die Stabilitätskontrolle der MARCKS-mRNA ließ sich durch transiente und stabile Transfektion von HuR und neuronenspezifischem HuD mit dem Tetracyclin induzierbaren Expressionssystem (Tetoff) in Swiss 3T3- bzw. MEF/3T3-Tetoff-Zellen verdeutlichen: Durch Überexpression von HuR und HuD wurde die wachstumsinduzierte Destabilisierung der MARCKS-mRNA bei Wiedereintritt der Zellen in den Zellzyklus unterbunden.


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The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) promotes extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. A first objective of this dissertation was to identify cis-elements and trans-acting factors activating u-PAR gene expression through a previously footprinted (–148/–124) promoter region. Mobility shifting experiments on nuclear extracts of a high u-PAR-expressing colon cancer cell line (RKO) indicated Sp1, Sp3 and a factor similar to, but distinct from, AP-2α bound to an oligonucleotide spanning –152/–135. Mutations preventing the binding of the AP-2α-related factor reduced u-PAR promoter activity. In RKO, the expression of a dominant negative AP-2 (AP-2αB) diminished u-PAR promoter activity, protein and u-PAR mediated laminin degradation. Conversely, u-PAR promoter activity in low u-PAR-expressing GEO cells was increased by AP-2αA expression. PMA treatment, which induces u-PAR expression, caused an increased amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex in GEO, and mutations preventing AP-2α-like and Sp1/Sp3 binding reduced the u-PAR promoter stimulation by PMA. In resected colon cancers, u-PAR protein amounts were related to the amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex. In conclusion, constitutive and PMA- inducible u-PAR gene expression and -proteolysis are mediated partly through transactivation via a promoter sequence (–152/435) bound with an AP-2α-related factor and Sp1/Sp3. ^ A second interest of this dissertation was to determine if a constitutively active Src regulates the transcription of the u-PAR gene, since c-src expression increases invasion in colon cancer. Increased u-PAR protein and laminin degradation paralleling elevated Src activity was evident in SW480 colon cancer cells stably expressing a constitutively active Src (Y- c-src527F). Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that this was due largely to transcriptional activation. While transient transfection of SW480 cells with Y-c-src527F induced a u-PAR-CAT-reporter, mutations preventing Sp1-binding to promoter region –152/435 abolished this induction. Mobility shift assays revealed increased Sp1 binding to region –152/135 with nuclear extracts of Src-transfected SW480 cells. Finally, the amounts of endogenous u-PAR in resected colon cancers significantly correlated with Src-activity. These data suggest that u-PAR gene expression and proteolysis are regulated by Src, this requiring the promoter region (–152/–135) bound with Sp1, thus, demonstrating for the first time that transcription factor Sp1 is a downstream effector of Src. ^


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Transcription of the Bacillus anthracis structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins and biosynthetic operon for capsule are positively regulated by AtxA, a transcription regulator with unique properties. Consistent with the role of atxA in virulence factor expression, a B. anthracis atxA-null mutant is avirulent in a murine model for anthrax. In batch culture, multiple signals impact atxA transcript levels, and the timing and steady state level of atxA expression is critical for optimal toxin and capsule synthesis. Despite the apparent complex control of atxA transcription, only one trans-acting protein, the transition state regulator AbrB, has been demonstrated to directly interact with the atxA promoter. The AbrB-binding site has been described, but additional cis-acting control sequences have not been defined. Using transcriptional lacZ fusions, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and Western blot analysis, the cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in regulation of atxA in B. anthracis strains containing either both virulence plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2, or only one plasmid, pXO1, were studied. This work demonstrates that atxA transcription from the major start site P1 is dependent upon a consensus sequence for the housekeeping sigma factor SigA, and an A+T-rich upstream element (UP-element) for RNA polymerase (RNAP). In addition, the data show that a trans-acting protein(s) other than AbrB negatively impacts atxA transcription when it binds specifically to a 9-bp palindrome within atxA promoter sequences located downstream of P1. Mutation of the palindrome prevents binding of the trans-acting protein(s) and results in a corresponding increase in AtxA and anthrax toxin production in a strain- and culture-dependent manner. The identity of the trans-acting repressor protein(s) remains elusive; however, phenotypes associated with mutation of the repressor binding site have revealed that the trans-acting repressor protein(s) indirectly controls B. anthracis development. Mutation of the repressor binding site results in misregulation and overexpression of AtxA in conditions conducive for development, leading to a marked sporulation defect that is both atxA- and pXO2-61-dependent. pXO2-61 is homologous to the sensor domain of sporulation sensor histidine kinases and is proposed to titrate an activating signal away from the sporulation phosphorelay when overexpressed by AtxA. These results indicate that AtxA is not only a master virulence regulator, but also a modulator of proper B. anthracis development. Also demonstrated in this work is the impact of the developmental regulators AbrB, Spo0A, and SigH on atxA expression and anthrax toxin production in a genetically incomplete (pXO1+, pXO2-) and genetically complete (pXO1+, pXO2+) strain background. AtxA and anthrax toxin production resulting from deletion of the developmental regulators are strain-dependent suggesting that factors on pXO2 are involved in control of atxA. The only developmental deletion mutant that resulted in a prominent and consistent strain-independent increase in AtxA protein levels was an abrB-null mutant. As a result of increased AtxA levels, there is early and increased production of anthrax toxins in an abrB-null mutant. In addition, the abrB-null mutant exhibited an increase in virulence in a murine model for anthrax. In contrast, virulence of the atxA promoter mutant was unaffected in a murine model for anthrax despite the production of 5-fold more AtxA than the abrB-null mutant. These results imply that AtxA is not the only factor impacting pathogenesis in an abrB-null mutant. Overall, this work highlights the complex regulatory network that governs expression of atxA and provides an additional role for AtxA in B. anthracis development.


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A previous study in our lab has shown that the transforming neu oncogene ($neu\sp\*$) was able to initiate signals that lead to repression of the neu promoter activity. Further deletion mapping of the neu promoter identified that the GTG element (GGTGGGGGGG), located between $-$243 and $-$234 relative to the translation initiation codon, mediates such a repression effect. I have characterized the four major protein complexes that interact with this GTG element. In situ UV-crosslinking indicated that each complex contains proteins of different molecular weights. The slowest migrating complex (S) contain Sp1 or Sp1-related proteins, as indicated by the data that both have similar molecular weights, similar properties in two affinity chromatographies, and both are antigenically related in gel shift analysis. Methylation protection and interference experiments demonstrated these complexes bind to overlapping regions of the GTG element. Mutations within the GTG element that either abrogate or enhance complex S binding conferred on the neu promoter with lower activity, indicating that positive factors other than Sp1 family proteins also contribute to neu promoter activity. A mutated version (mutant 4) of the GTG element, which binds mainly the fastest migrating complex that contains a very small protein of 26-kDa, can repress transcription when fused to a heterologous promoter. Further deletion and mutation studies suggested that this GTG mutant and its binding protein(s) may cooperate with some DNA element within a heterologous promoter to lock the basal transcription machinery; such a repressor might also repress neu transcription by interfering with the DNA binding of other transactivators. Our results suggest that both positive and negative trans-acting factors converge their binding sites on the GTG element and confer combinatorial control on the neu gene expression. ^


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The aim of my project is to examine the mechanisms of cell lineage-specific transcriptional regulation of the two type I collagen genes by characterizing critical cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors. I hypothesize that the transcription factors that are involved in the cell lineage-specific expression of these genes may have a larger essential role in cell lineage commitment and differentiation. I first examined the proximal promoters of the proα1(I) and the proα2(I) collagen genes for cell type-specific DNA-protein interactions, using in vitro DNaseI and in vivo DMS footprinting. These experiments demonstrated that the cis-acting elements in these promoters are accessible to ubiquitous DNA-binding proteins in fibroblasts that express these genes, but not in other cells that do not express these genes. I speculate that in type I collagen-expressing cells, cell type-specific enhancer elements facilitate binding of ubiquitous proteins to the proximal promoters of these genes. Subsequently, examination of the upstream promoter of the proα(I) collagen gene by transgenic mice experiments delineated a 117 bp sequence (-1656 to -1540 bp) as the minimum element required for osteoblast-specific expression. This 117 bp element contained two segments that appeared to have different functions: (1) the A-segment, which was necessary to obtain osteoblast-specific expression and (2) the C-segment, which was dispensable for osteoblast-specific expression, but was necessary to obtain high-level expression. In experiments to identify trans-acting factors that bind to the 117 bp element, I have demonstrated that the cell lineage-restricted homeodomain proteins, Dlx2, Dlx5 and mHOX, bound to the A-segment and that the ubiquitous transcription factor, Sp1, bound to the C-segment of this element. These results suggested a model where the binding of cell lineage-restricted proteins to the A-segment and of ubiquitous proteins to the C-segment of the 117 bp element of the proα1 (I) collagen gene activated this gene in osteoblasts. These results, combined with additional evidence that Dlx2, Dlx5 and mHOX are probably involved in osteoblast differentiation, support my hypothesis that the transcription factors involved in osteoblast-specific expression of type I collagen genes may have essential role in osteoblast lineage commitment and differentiation. ^


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Hepatic glucokinase plays a key role in glucose metabolism as underlined by the anomalies associated with glucokinase mutations and the consequences of tissue-specific knock-out. In the liver, glucokinase transcription is absolutely dependent on the presence of insulin. The cis-elements and trans-acting factors that mediate the insulin effect are presently unknown; this is also the case for most insulin-responsive genes. We have shown previously that the hepatic expression of the transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) is activated by insulin. We show here in primary cultures of hepatocytes that the adenovirus-mediated transduction of a dominant negative form of SREBP-1c inhibits the insulin effect on endogenous glucokinase expression. Conversely, in the absence of insulin, the adenovirus-mediated transduction of a dominant positive form of SREBP-1c overcomes the insulin dependency of glucokinase expression. Hepatic fatty acid synthase and Spot-14 are insulin/glucose-dependent genes. For this latter class of genes, the dominant positive form of SREBP-1c obviates the necessity for the presence of insulin, whereas glucose potentiates the effect of SREBP-1c on their expression. In addition, the insulin dependency of lipid accumulation in cultured hepatocytes is overcome by the dominant positive form of SREBP-1c. We propose that SREBP-1c is a major mediator of insulin action on hepatic gene expression and a key regulator of hepatic glucose/lipid metabolism.


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The expression of alternatively spliced mRNAs from genes is an ubiquitous phenomenon in metazoa. A screen for trans-acting factors that alter the expression of alternatively spliced mRNAs reveals that the smg genes of Caenorhabditis elegans participate in this process. smg genes have been proposed to function in degradation of nonsense mutant mRNAs. Here we show that smg genes affect normal gene expression by modulating the levels of alternatively spliced SRp20 and SRp30b mRNAs. These SR genes contain alternatively spliced exons that introduce upstream stop codons. The effect of smg genes on SR transcripts is specific, because the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which also contains an alternatively spliced exon that introduces upstream stop codon, is not effected in a smg background. These results suggest that the levels of alternatively spliced mRNAs may, in part, be regulated by alternative mRNA stability.


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We have asked whether comparative genome analysis and rat transgenesis can be used to identify functional regulatory domains in the gene locus encoding the hypothalamic neuropeptides oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin. Isotocin (IT) and vasotocin (VT) are the teleost homologues of these genes. A contiguous stretch of 46 kb spanning the Fugu IT-VT locus has been sequenced, and nine putative genes were found. Unlike the OT and vasopressin genes, which are closely linked in the mammalian genome in a tail-to-tail orientation, Fugu IT and VT genes are linked head to tail and are separated by five genes. When a cosmid containing the Fugu IT-VT locus was introduced into the rat genome, we found that the Fugu IT gene was specifically expressed in rat hypothalamic oxytocinergic neurons and mimicked the response of the endogenous OT gene to an osmotic stimulus. These data show that cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors mediating the cell-specific and physiological regulation of the OT and IT genes are conserved between mammals and fish. The combination of Fugu genome analysis and transgenesis in a mammal is a powerful tool for identifying and analyzing conserved vertebrate regulatory elements.


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We have examined the behavior of demembranated sperm heads when injected into the germinal vesicle (GV) of amphibian oocytes. Xenopus sperm heads injected into Xenopus GVs swelled immediately and within hours began to stain with an antibody against RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Over time each sperm head became a loose mass of chromosome-like threads, which by 24–48 h resolved into individually recognizable lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs). Although LBCs derived from sperm are unreplicated single chromatids, their morphology and immunofluorescent staining properties were strikingly similar to those of the endogenous lampbrush bivalents. They displayed typical transcriptionally active loops extending from an axis of condensed chromomeres, as well as locus-specific “landmarks.” Experiments with [3H]GTP and actinomycin D demonstrated that transcription was not necessary for the initial swelling of the sperm heads and acquisition of Pol II but was required for maintenance of the lampbrush loops. Splicing was not required at any stage during formation of sperm LBCs. When Xenopus sperm heads were injected into GVs of the newt Notophthalmus, the resulting sperm LBCs displayed very long loops with pronounced Pol II axes, like those of the endogenous newt LBCs; as expected, they stained with antibodies against newt-specific proteins. Other heterologous injections, including sperm heads of the frog Rana pipiens and the zebrafish Danio rerio in Xenopus GVs, confirm that LBCs can be derived from taxonomically distant organisms. The GV system should help identify both cis- and trans-acting factors needed to convert condensed chromatin into transcriptionally active LBCs. It may also be useful in producing cytologically analyzable chromosomes from organisms whose oocytes do not go through a typical lampbrush phase or cannot be manipulated by current techniques.


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Induction of the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene and the consequent accumulation of FGF-2 in the nucleus are operative events in mitotic activation and hypertrophy of human astrocytes. In the brain, these events are associated with cellular degeneration and may reflect release of the FGF-2 gene from cell contact inhibition. We used cultures of human astrocytes to examine whether expression of FGF-2 is also controlled by soluble growth factors. Treatment of subconfluent astrocytes with interleukin-1β, epidermal or platelet-derived growth factors, 18-kDa FGF-2, or serum or direct stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or adenylate cyclase with forskolin increased the levels of 18-, 22-, and 24-kDa FGF-2 isoforms and FGF-2 mRNA. Transfection of FGF-2 promoter–luciferase constructs identified a unique −555/−513 bp growth factor-responsive element (GFRE) that confers high basal promoter activity and activation by growth factors to a downstream promoter region. It also identified a separate region (−624/−556 bp) essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation. DNA–protein binding assays indicated that novel cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors mediate activation of the FGF-2 gene. Southwestern analysis identified 40-, 50-, 60-, and 100-kDa GFRE-binding proteins and 165-, 112-, and 90-kDa proteins that interacted with the PKC/cAMP-responsive region. The GFRE and the element essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation overlap with the region that mediates cell contact inhibition of the FGF-2 promoter. The results show a two-stage regulation of the FGF-2 gene: 1) an initial induction by reduced cell contact, and 2) further activation by growth factors or the PKC-signaling pathway. The hierarchic regulation of the FGF-2 gene promoter by cell density and growth factors or PKC reflects a two-stage activation of protein binding to the GFRE and to the PKC/cAMP-responsive region, respectively.