971 resultados para Training systems


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The various questions of creation of integrated development environment for computer training systems are considered in the given paper. The information technologies that can be used for creation of the integrated development environment are described. The different didactic aspects of realization of such systems are analyzed. The ways to improve the efficiency and quality of learning process with computer training systems for distance education are pointed.


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Fruit size and quality are major problems in early-season stonefruit cultivars grown in Australia and South-East Asia. In Australia, Thailand and Vietnam, new training and trellising systems are being developed to improve yield and fruit quality. Australian trials found that new training systems, such as the Open Tatura system, are more productive compared with standard vase-trained trees. We established new crop-loading indices for low-chill stonefruit to provide a guide for optimum fruit thinning based on fruit number per canopy surface and butt cross sectional area. Best management practices were developed for low-chill stonefruit cultivation using growth retardants, optimizing leaf nitrogen concentrations and controlling rates and timing of irrigation. Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) improved fruit sugar concentrations by restricting water application during stage II of fruit growth. New pest and disease control measures are also being developed using a new generation of fruit fly baits. Soft insecticides such as (Spinosad) are used at significantly lower concentrations and have lower mammalian toxicity than the organophosphates currently registered in Australia. In addition, fruit fly exclusion netting effectively eliminated fruit fly and many other insect pests from the orchard with no increase in diseases. This netting system increased sugar concentrations of peach and nectarine by as much as 30%. Economic analyses showed that the break-even point can be reduced from 12 to 6 years Open Tatura trellising and exclusion netting.


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This paper focuses on the determinants of the labor market situation of young people in developed countries and the developing world, with a particular emphasis on the role of vocational training and education policies. We highlight the role of demographic factors, economic growth and labor market institutions in explaining young people's transition into work. Subsequently, we assess differences between the setup and functioning of the vocational education and training policies across major world regions as an important driver of differential labor market situation of youth. Based on our analysis, we argue in favor of vocational education and training systems combining work experience and general education and provide some policy recommendations regarding the implementation of education and training systems adapted to a country's economic and institutional context.


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Computer-assisted instruction has been around for decades. There has been much speculation about the benefits of computer-mediated learning. Numerous applications have been developed in different domains incorporated with emerging technologies. In recently years, advanced technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), have received much attention in their potential of creating interactive learning experience for the users. However, related literature and empirical studies indicated that learning effects in computer-simulated environments or Virtual Environments (VEs) are not systematically tested. Furthermore, the performance and learning in computer-simulated learning environment need to be evaluated through more rigorous methods. This paper suggests that 1) the efficacy of VEs is subject to a close examination, not only in terms of how VE-based training systems are easy of use, but also in terms of how effective learning is; 2) evaluation of learning in computer simulated learning environments is required to be reconsidered in terms of theoretical basis and evaluation methodologies that are relevant to the measurement of training effectiveness in computer-simulated virtual learning environment. This paper explains on how learning can be assessed in VEs through the lens of training evaluation.


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The adoption of a more market-oriented economy under doi moi has paved the way for Vietnam to record remarkable human development achievements in the past decades. The Vietnamese education system has been undergoing continuous changes for almost twenty years. Key reforms have been implemented in the education and training sector such as privatising the sector; expanding the schooling system, the vocational education and training (VET) system, and higher education. This paper examines: (1) key reforms implemented in the education and training sector, placed in a broader context of economic reforms in Vietnam; (2) a development of arts management training courses in Vietnam to assist cultural organisations to adjust to social changes, as Vietnamese education institutions have not had much experience in designing training courses in arts and culture management; (3) several arts management training courses in Australian institutions to see the possibility to apply training in arts management in Australia to Vietnam. The findings indicate that a variety of management training modes in Australia can be adapted and applied to the Vietnamese training context. Some factors such as differences in culture, education and training systems, shortages in training staff and resources are also considered in this paper.


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Virtual training systems are attracting paramount attention from the manufacturing industries due to their potential advantages over the conventional training practices. Significant cost savings can be realized due to the shorter times for the development of different training-scenarios as well as reuse of existing designed engineering (math) models. In addition, use of computer based virtual reality (VR) training systems can shorten the time span from computer aided product design to commercial production due to non-reliance on the hardware parts for training. Within the aforementioned conceptual framework, a haptically enabled interactive and immersive virtual reality (HIVEx) system is presented. Unlike existing VR systems, the presented idea tries to imitate real physical training scenarios by providing comprehensive user interaction, constrained within the physical limitations of the real world. These physical constrains are imposed by the haptics devices in the virtual environment. As a result, in contrast to the existing VR systems that are capable of providing knowledge generally about assembly sequences only, the proposed system helps in cognitive learning and procedural skill development as well, due to its high physically interactive nature.


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Deakin University’s futuristic Universal Motion simulator will overcome the limitations of current motion simulator platforms by employing an anthropomorphic robot arm to provide the motion fidelity necessary to exploit the potential of modern simulation environments. Full motion simulators frequently utilize Stewart platforms to mimic the movement of vehicles during simulation. However, due to the limited motion range and dexterity of such systems, and their inability to convey realistic accelerations, they are unable to represent accurate motion characteristics. The Universal Motion Simulation aims to close the gap between the limitations of the current motion technology and real world, by introducing a flexible, modular, high-fidelity motion system that can be used for a variety of immersive training applications. The modular nature of the design allows interchangeable and configurable simulation pods to be attached to the end effectors.


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This paper describes a multi-level system dynamics (SD) / discrete event simulation (DES) approach for assessing planning and scheduling problems within an aviation training continuum. The aviation training continuum is a complex system, consisting of multiple aviation schools interacting through interschool student and instructor flows that are affected by external triggers such as resource availability and the weather.
SD was used to model the overall training continuum at a macro level to ascertain relationships between system entities. SD also assisted in developing a shared understanding of the training continuum, which involves constructing the definitions of the training requirements, resources and policy objectives. An end-to-end model of the continuum is easy to relate to, while dynamic visualisation of system behaviour provides a method for exploration of the model.
DES was used for micro level exploration of an individual school within the training continuum to capture the physical aspects of the system including resource capacity requirements, bottlenecks and student waiting times. It was also used to model stochastic events such as weather and student availability. DES has the advantage of being able to represent system variability and accurately reflect the limitations imposed on a system by resource constraints.
Through sharing results between the models, we demonstrate a multi-level approach to the analysis of the overall continuum. The SD model provides the school’s targeted demand to the DES model. The detailed DES model is able to assess schedules in the presence of resource constraints and variability and provide the expected capacity of a school to the high level SD model, subjected to constraints such as instructor availability or budgeted number of training systems. The SD model allows stakeholders to assess how policy and planning affect the continuum, both in the short and the long term.
The development of this approach permits moving the analysis of the continuum between SD and DES models as appropriate for given system entities, scales and tasks. The resultant model outcomes are propagated between the continuum and the detailed DES model, iteratively generating an assessment of the entire set of plans and schedule across the continuum. Combining data and information between SD and DES models and techniques assures relevance to the stakeholder needs and effective problem scoping and scaling that can also evolve with dynamic architecture and policy requirements.
An example case study shows the combined use of the two models and how they are used to evaluate a typical scenario where increased demand is placed on the training continuum. The multi-level approach provides a high level indication of training requirements to the model of the new training school, where the detailed model indicates the resources required to achieve those particular student levels.


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A melancia é uma espécie tradicionalmente conduzida em campo no sistema rasteiro. As cultivares de frutos pequenos (1 a 3 kg), que adquirem melhores preços de mercado, vêm sendo cultivadas também em ambiente protegido, onde são conduzidas no sistema vertical, com poda de ramos e raleio de frutos. Essas práticas possibilitam aumentar o adensamento das plantas, a qualidade e a produtividade de frutos em comparação ao sistema rasteiro. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência de três alturas de condução (1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m) e duas densidades de plantas (3,17 e 4,76 plantas m-2) sobre as características produtivas e qualitativas da mini melancia Smile cultivada em ambiente protegido. A poda da haste principal foi realizada aos 43, 55 e 66 dias após o transplante (DAT) para as alturas de condução de 1,7; 2,2 e 2,7 m, respectivamente. A massa seca dos ramos, dos pecíolos, das folhas e total foram afetados pela altura de condução, cujos maiores valores foram obtidos para as plantas conduzidas a 2,2 e 2,7 m de altura. A área foliar, a área foliar específica e o índice de área foliar não foram influenciados pela altura de condução das plantas. A altura de condução de 2,7 m elevou a produtividade total. Entretanto, a produtividade comercial, a massa média dos frutos e todas as características qualitativas não foram significativamente diferentes das obtidos pela altura de poda de 2,2 m. em relação à densidade de plantas, a melhor opção foi a de 4,76 plantas m-2, pois elevou a produtividade comercial em 37,4% sem reduzir a massa média dos frutos.