986 resultados para Trading strategy


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The purpose of this project is to study the spin-off of Sonae Capital, which took place in January 2008. Taking the form of a case study, this project is divided between the case narrative and a teaching note. I study the background and motivation of the transaction, along with its outcome. With the available information at the time of the case, I value Sonae Capital at the date of the spin-off and describe a possible trading strategy involving both the spun-off and the demerged companies. Finally, I conclude that the transaction was more beneficial for the parent company, Sonae SGPS, and that it did not follow the typical outperformance pattern observed in other spin-offs.


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The thesis studies the presence of macroeconomic risk in the commodities futures market. I present strong evidence that there is a strong relationship between macroeconomic risk and individual commodities future returns. Furthermore, long-only trading strategies seem to be strongly exposed to systematic risk, while long-short trading strategies (based on basis, momentum and basis-momentum) are found to present no such risk. Instead, I found a strong sentiment exposure in the portfolio returns of these long-short strategies, mainly during recessions. The advantages of following long-short strategies become even clearer when analyzing different macroeconomic regimes.


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This thesis studies the impact of macroeconomic announcements on the U.S. Treasury market and investigates profitable opportunities around macroeconomic announcements using data from the eSpeed electronic trading platform. We investigate how macroeconomic announcements affect the return predictability of trade imbalance for the 2-year, 5-year, IO-year U.S. Treasury notes and 30-year U.S. Treasury bonds. The goal of this thesis is to develop a methodology to identify informed trades and estimate the trade imbalance based on informed trades. We use the daily order book slope as a proxy for dispersion of beliefs among investors. Regression results in this thesis indicate that, on announcement days with a high dispersion of beliefs, daily trade imbalance estimated by informed trades significantly predicts returns on the following day. In addition, we develop a trade-imbalance based trading strategy conditional on dispersion of beliefs, informed trades, and announcement days. The trading strategy yields significantly positive net returns for the 2-year T-notes.


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This paper seeks to increase the understanding of the performance implications for investors who choose to combine an unlisted real estate portfolio (in this case German Spezialfonds) with a (global) listed real estate element. We call this a “blended” approach to real estate allocations. For the avoidance of doubt, in this paper we are dealing purely with real estate equity (listed and unlisted) allocations, and do not incorporate real estate debt (listed or unlisted) or direct property into the process. A previous paper (Moss and Farrelly 2014) showed the benefits of the blended approach as it applied to UK Defined Contribution Pension Schemes. The catalyst for this paper has been the recent attention focused on German pension fund allocations, which have a relatively low (real estate) equity content, and a high bond content. We have used the MSCI Spezialfonds Index as a proxy for domestic German institutional real estate allocations, and the EPRA Global Developed Index as a proxy for a global listed real estate allocation. We also examine whether a rules based trading strategy, in this case Trend Following, can improve the risk adjusted returns above those of a simple buy and hold strategy for our sample period 2004-2015. Our findings are that by blending a 30% global listed portfolio with a 70% allocation (as opposed to a typical 100% weighting) to Spezialfonds, the real estate allocation returns increase from 2.88% p.a. to 5.42% pa. Volatility increases, but only to 6.53%., but there is a noticeable impact on maximum drawdown which increases to 19.4%. By using a Trend Following strategy raw returns are improved from 2.88% to 6.94% p.a. , The Sharpe Ratio increases from 1.05 to 1.49 and the Maximum Drawdown ratio is now only 1.83% compared to 19.4% using a buy and hold strategy . Finally, adding this (9%) real estate allocation to a mixed asset portfolio allocation typical for German pension funds there is an improvement in both the raw return (from 7.66% to 8.28%) and the Sharpe Ratio (from 0.91 to 0.98).


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This paper examines the profitability of momentum trading strategies in Australian listed property trusts (LPTs). Monthly value-weighted momentum portfolios are formed using the monthly excess returns of LPTs for the period from 1990 to 2005. Overall the findings confirm that a momentum trading strategy in Australian LPTs is a profitable strategy. More specifically, momentum strategies are profitable after adjusting for variance and downside risk where the momentum returns substantially outperform the benchmark. An analysis using different study periods confirm the findings about momentum. The practical implication from this study is that investors can generate substantial abnormal returns by adopting a momentum trading strategy, particularly with a long strategy (i.e. winner portfolios).


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This paper investigates the price volatility interaction between the crude oil and equity markets in the US using 5-min data over the period 2009-2012. Our main findings can be summarised as follows. First, we find strong evidence to demonstrate that the integration of the bid-ask spread and trading volume factors leads to a better performance in predicting price volatility. Second, trading information, such as bid-ask spread, trading volume, and the price volatility from cross-markets, improves the price volatility predictability for both in-sample and out-of-sample analyses. Third, the trading strategy based on the predictive regression model that includes trading information from both markets provides significant utility gains to mean-variance investors.


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This paper investigates the impact of price limits on the Brazil- ian future markets using high frequency data. The aim is to identify whether there is a cool-off or a magnet effect. For that purpose, we examine a tick-by-tick data set that includes all contracts on the São Paulo stock index futures traded on the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange from January 1997 to December 1999. Our main finding is that price limits drive back prices as they approach the lower limit. There is a strong cool-off effect of the lower limit on the conditional mean, whereas the upper limit seems to entail a weak magnet effect on the conditional variance. We then build a trading strategy that accounts for the cool-off effect so as to demonstrate that the latter has not only statistical, but also economic signifi- cance. The resulting Sharpe ratio indeed is way superior to the buy-and-hold benchmarks we consider.


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This paper investigates the impact of price limits on the Brazilian futures markets using high frequency data. The aim is to identify whether there is a cool-off or a magnet effect. For that purpose, we examine a tick-by-tick data set that includes all contracts on the S˜ao Paulo stock index futures traded on the Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange from January 1997 to December 1999. The results indicate that the conditional mean features a floor cool-off effect, whereas the conditional variance significantly increases as the price approaches the upper limit. We then build a trading strategy that accounts for the cool-off effect in the conditional mean so as to demonstrate that the latter has not only statistical, but also economic significance. The in-sample Sharpe ratio indeed is way superior to the buy-and-hold benchmarks we consider, whereas out-of-sample results evince similar performances.


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As contribuições deste artigo são duas. A primeira, um método de avaliação de regressões não lineares para a previsão de retornos intradiários de ações no mercado brasileiro é discutido e aplicado, com o objetivo de maximizar o retorno de um portfólio simulado de compras e vendas. A segunda, regressões usando funções-núcleo associadas ao particionamento da amostra por vizinhos mais próximos são realizadas. Algumas variáveis independentes utilizadas são indicadores técnicos, cujos parâmetros são otimizados dentro da amostra de estimação. Os resultados alcançados são positivos e superam, em uma análise quartil a quartil, os resultados produzidos por um modelo benchmark de autorregressão linear


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Esta dissertação estuda o movimento do mercado acionário brasileiro com o objetivo de testar a trajetória de preços de pares de ações, aplicada à estratégia de pair trading. Os ativos estudados compreendem as ações que compõem o Ibovespa e a seleção dos pares é feita de forma unicamente estatística através da característica de cointegração entre ativos, sem análise fundamentalista na escolha. A teoria aqui aplicada trata do movimento similar de preços de pares de ações que evoluem de forma a retornar para o equilíbrio. Esta evolução é medida pela diferença instantânea dos preços comparada à média histórica. A estratégia apresenta resultados positivos quando a reversão à média se efetiva, num intervalo de tempo pré-determinado. Os dados utilizados englobam os anos de 2006 a 2010, com preços intra-diários para as ações do Ibovespa. As ferramentas utilizadas para seleção dos pares e simulação de operação no mercado foram MATLAB (seleção) e Streambase (operação). A seleção foi feita através do Teste de Dickey-Fuller aumentado aplicado no MATLAB para verificar a existência da raiz unitária dos resíduos da combinação linear entre os preços das ações que compõem cada par. A operação foi feita através de back-testing com os dados intra-diários mencionados. Dentro do intervalo testado, a estratégia mostrou-se rentável para os anos de 2006, 2007 e 2010 (com retornos acima da Selic). Os parâmetros calibrados para o primeiro mês de 2006 puderam ser aplicados com sucesso para o restante do intervalo (retorno de Selic + 5,8% no ano de 2006), para 2007, onde o retorno foi bastante próximo da Selic e para 2010, com retorno de Selic + 10,8%. Nos anos de maior volatilidade (2008 e 2009), os testes com os mesmos parâmetros de 2006 apresentaram perdas, mostrando que a estratégia é fortemente impactada pela volatilidade dos retornos dos preços das ações. Este comportamento sugere que, numa operação real, os parâmetros devem ser calibrados periodicamente, com o objetivo de adaptá-los aos cenários mais voláteis.


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This paper examines the price impact of trading due to expected changes in the FTSE 100 index composition. We focus on the latter index because it employs publicly-known objective criteria to determine membership and hence it provides a natural context to investigate anticipatory trading e ects. We propose a panel-regression event study that backs out these anticipatory e ects by looking at the price impact of the ex-ante proba-bility of changing index membership status. Our ndings reveal that anticipative trading explains about 40% and 23% of the cumulative abnormal returns of additions and deletions, respectively. We con rm these in-sample results out of sample by tracking the performance of a trading strategy that relies on the addition/deletion probability estimates. The perfor-mance is indeed very promising in that it entails an average daily excess return of 11 basis points over the FTSE 100 index.


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Uma das principais vantagens das estratégias de negociação em pares está relacionada à baixa correlação com os retornos do mercado. Ao tomar posições compradas e vendidas, estas estratégias são capazes de controlar a magnitude do beta de mercado, mantendo-se praticamente zero ou estatísticamente não significativas. A idéia consiste na realização de arbitragem estatística, aproveitando os desvios de preços de equilíbrio de longo prazo. Como tal, elas envolvem modelos de correção de equilíbrio para os pares de retornos dos ativos. Nós mostramos como construir uma estratégia de negociação de pares que é beneficiada não só pela relação de equilíbrio de longo prazo entre os pares de preços dos ativos da carteira, mas também pela velocidade com que os preços ajustam os desvios para o equilíbrio. Até então, a grande maioria das estratégias envolvendo negociação em pares se baseavam na hipótese de que a obtenção de retornos positivos estaria relacionada à reversão à média caracterizada pela relação de cointegração dos pares, mas ignorava a possibilidade de seleção dos pares testando a velocidade de ajustamento do Vetor de Correção de Erros desta relação. Os resutados deste trabalho indicaram baixos níveis de correlação com o mercado, neutralidade das estratégias, associados a retornos financeiros líquidos e Índice de Sharpe anualizados de 15,05% e 1,96 respectivamente.


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In this paper, we describe NewsCATS (news categorization and trading system), a system implemented to predict stock price trends for the time immediately after the publication of press releases. NewsCATS consists mainly of three components. The first component retrieves relevant information from press releases through the application of text preprocessing techniques. The second component sorts the press releases into predefined categories. Finally, appropriate trading strategies are derived by the third component by means of the earlier categorization. The findings indicate that a categorization of press releases is able to provide additional information that can be used to forecast stock price trends, but that an adequate trading strategy is essential for the results of the categorization to be fully exploited.


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Hoje no mercado brasileiro de eletricidade, o preço da energia convencional é composto pela soma do valor do Preço de Liquidação das Diferenças (PLD) divulgado pela Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica (CCEE) semanalmente com o valor do Spread negociado bilateralmente no mercado à vista (mercado de curto prazo), resultante do equilíbrio entre oferta e demanda. Em alguns momentos, o valor do Spread chega a representar mais de 100% do custo total da energia. Este trabalho faz uma análise do mercado brasileiro, bem como, de alguns mercados no exterior de energia elétrica e destaca os pontos que tem influência direta, na formação do Spread da energia convencional e como isso afeta a decisão de contratação dos agentes. Além disso, o trabalho busca encontrar correlações entre dados divulgados, como carga e oferta de energia, com o ágio negociado no mercado de curto prazo, buscando entender o real impacto de cada um desses fatores e explicar as grandes variações já observadas. Sugere-se também um modelo de regressão linear múltipla para a projeção de valores do ágio. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações proveniente de um banco de dados de cotações de negócios efetivamente realizados no curto prazo desde janeiro de 2011 até julho de 2014, bem como informações retiradas da CCEE e Operador Nacional do Sistema (ONS).


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In the first chapter, we test some stochastic volatility models using options on the S&P 500 index. First, we demonstrate the presence of a short time-scale, on the order of days, and a long time-scale, on the order of months, in the S&P 500 volatility process using the empirical structure function, or variogram. This result is consistent with findings of previous studies. The main contribution of our paper is to estimate the two time-scales in the volatility process simultaneously by using nonlinear weighted least-squares technique. To test the statistical significance of the rates of mean-reversion, we bootstrap pairs of residuals using the circular block bootstrap of Politis and Romano (1992). We choose the block-length according to the automatic procedure of Politis and White (2004). After that, we calculate a first-order correction to the Black-Scholes prices using three different first-order corrections: (i) a fast time scale correction; (ii) a slow time scale correction; and (iii) a multiscale (fast and slow) correction. To test the ability of our model to price options, we simulate options prices using five different specifications for the rates or mean-reversion. We did not find any evidence that these asymptotic models perform better, in terms of RMSE, than the Black-Scholes model. In the second chapter, we use Brazilian data to compute monthly idiosyncratic moments (expected skewness, realized skewness, and realized volatility) for equity returns and assess whether they are informative for the cross-section of future stock returns. Since there is evidence that lagged skewness alone does not adequately forecast skewness, we estimate a cross-sectional model of expected skewness that uses additional predictive variables. Then, we sort stocks each month according to their idiosyncratic moments, forming quintile portfolios. We find a negative relationship between higher idiosyncratic moments and next-month stock returns. The trading strategy that sells stocks in the top quintile of expected skewness and buys stocks in the bottom quintile generates a significant monthly return of about 120 basis points. Our results are robust across sample periods, portfolio weightings, and to Fama and French (1993)’s risk adjustment factors. Finally, we identify a return reversal of stocks with high idiosyncratic skewness. Specifically, stocks with high idiosyncratic skewness have high contemporaneous returns. That tends to reverse, resulting in negative abnormal returns in the following month.