1000 resultados para Trace


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A method is proposed to describe force or compound muscle action potential (CMAP) trace data collected in an electromyography study for motor unit number estimation (MUNE). Experimental data was collected using incre- mental stimulation at multiple durations. However, stimulus information, vital for alternate MUNE methods, is not comparable for multiple duration data and therefore previous methods of MUNE (Ridall et al., 2006, 2007) cannot be used with any reliability. Hypothesised ring combinations of motor units are mod- elled using a multiplicative factor and Bayesian P-spline formulation. The model describes the process for force and CMAP in a meaningful way.


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This thesis developed a new method for measuring extremely low amounts of organic and biological molecules, using Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. This method has many potential applications, e.g. medical diagnosis, public health, food provenance, antidoping, forensics and homeland security. The method development used caffeine as the small molecule example, and erythropoietin (EPO) as the large molecule. This method is much more sensitive and specific than currently used methods; rapid, simple and cost effective. The method can be used to detect target molecules in beverages and biological fluids without the usual preparation steps.


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Provenance studies of iron-age pottery specimens originating from the Mngeni river area in South Africa was carried out by applying XRF spectrometry. A total of sixteen major and trace elements were analysed in a batch of 107 potsherds, excavated from four different archaeological sites in the aforementioned area. A multivariate statistical programme Correspondence Analysis was used in this study to obtain the relevant clustering patterns according to the similarity of the elemental distributions. Differences and similarities in the clusters obtained for the majors and trace elements are discussed.


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This paper explores the concept that individual dancers leave traces in a choreographer’s body of work and similarly, that dancers carry forward residue of embodied choreographies into other working processes. This presentation will be grounded in a study of the multiple iterations of a programme of solo works commissioned in 2008 from choreographers John Jasperse, Jodi Melnick, Liz Roche and Rosemary Butcher and danced by the author. This includes an exploration of the development by John Jasperse of themes from his solo into the pieces PURE (2008) and Truth, Revised Histories, Wishful Thinking and Flat Out Lies (2009); an adaptation of the solo Business of the Bloom by Jodi Melnick in 2008 and a further adaptation of Business of the Bloom by this author in 2012. It will map some of the developments that occurred through a number of further performances over five years of the solo Shared Material on Dying by Liz Roche and the working process of the (uncompleted) solo Episodes of Flight by Rosemary Butcher. The purpose is to reflect back on authorship in dance, an art form in which lineages of influence can often be clearly observed. Normally, once a choreographic work is created and performed, it is archived through video recording, notation and/or reviews. The dancer is no longer called upon to represent the dance piece within the archive and thus her/his lived presence and experiential perspective disappears. The author will draw on the different traces still inhabiting her body as pathways towards understanding how choreographic movement circulates beyond this moment of performance. This will include the interrogation of ownership of choreographic movement, as once it becomes integrated in the body of the dancer, who owns the dance? Furthermore, certain dancers, through their individual physical characteristics and moving identities, can deeply influence the formation of choreographic signatures, a proposition that challenges the sole authorship role of the choreographer in dance production. This paper will be delivered in a presentation format that will bleed into movement demonstrations alongside video footage of the works and auto-ethnographic accounts of dancing experience. A further source of knowledge will be drawn from extracts of interviews with other dancers including Sara Rudner, Rebecca Hilton and Catherine Bennett.


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The 510 million year old Kalkarindji Large Igneous Province correlates in time with the first major extinction event after the Cambrian explosion of life. Large igneous provinces correlate with all major mass extinction events in the last 500 million years. The genetic link between large igneous provinces and mass extinction remains unclear. My work is a contribution towards understanding magmatic processes involved in the generation of Large Igneous Provinces. I concentrate on the origin of variation in Cr in magmas and have developed a model in which high temperature melts intrude into and assimilate large amounts of upper continental crust.


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A facile and sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate was prepared by controlled potentiostatic deposition of a closely packed single layer of gold nanostructures (AuNS) over a flat gold (pAu) platform. The nanometer scale inter-particle distance between the particles resulted in high population of ‘hot spots’ which enormously enhanced the scattered Raman photons. A renewed methodology was followed to precisely quantify the SERS substrate enhancement factor (SSEF) and it was estimated to be (2.2 ± 0.17) × 105. The reproducibility of the SERS signal acquired by the developed substrate was tested by establishing the relative standard deviation (RSD) of 150 repeated measurements from various locations on the substrate surface. A low RSD of 4.37 confirmed the homogeneity of the developed substrate. The sensitivity of pAu/AuNS was proven by determining 100 fM 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) comfortably. As a proof of concept on the potential of the new pAu/AuNS substrate in field analysis, TNT in soil and water matrices was selectively detected after forming a Meisenheimer complex with cysteamine.


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A miniaturized flow-through system consisting of a gold coated silicon substrate based on enhanced Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the detection of vapour from model explosive compounds. The measurements show that the detectability of the vapour molecules at room temperature depends sensitively on the interaction between the molecule and the substrate. The results highlight the capability of a flow system combined with Raman spectroscopy for detecting low vapour pressure compounds with a limit of detection of 0.2 ppb as demonstrated by the detection of bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, a common polymer additive emitted from a commercial polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubing at room temperature.


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A novel, highly selective resonance light scattering (RLS) method was researched and developed for the analysis of phenol in different types of industrial water. An important aspect of the method involved the use of graphene quantum dots (GQDs), which were initially obtained from the pyrolysis of citric acid dissolved in aqueous solutions. The GQDs in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and H2O2 were found to react quantitatively with phenol such that the RLS spectral band (310 nm) was quantitatively enhanced as a consequence of the interaction between the GQDs and the quinone formed in the above reaction. It was demonstrated that the novel analytical method had better selectivity and sensitivity for the determination of phenol in water as compared to other analytical methods found in the literature. Thus, trace amounts of phenol were detected over the linear ranges of 6.00×10−8–2.16×10−6 M and 2.40×10−6–2.88×10−5 M with a detection limit of 2.20×10−8 M. In addition, three different spiked waste water samples and two untreated lake water samples were analysed for phenol. Satisfactory results were obtained with the use of the novel, sensitive and rapid RLS method.


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In contrast to metallic alloys, the mechanical characteristics of superplastic ceramics are very sensitive to minor changes in levels of trace impurities. In the present study, the mechanical behavior of a 2 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia was studied in tension and compression in two batches of material, with small variations in levels of trace impurities, to examine the influence of stress axis and impurity content on the deformation behavior. The mechanical properties of the material were characterized in terms of the expression: (epsilon)over dot proportional to sigma(n) where (epsilon)over dot is the strain rate, sigma is the stress and n is termed the stress exponent. The mechanical behavior of the ceramic was identical in tension and compression, for a material with a given level of impurity. The high purity specimens exhibited a transition from a stress exponent of similar to 3 to similar to 2 with an increase in stress, whereas the low purity material displayed only n similar to 2 behavior over the entire stress range studied. Detailed high resolution and analytical electron microscopy studies revealed that there was no amorphous phase at interfaces in both batches of material; however, segregation of Al at interfaces was detected only in the low purity material. The observed transition in stress exponents can be rationalized in terms of two sequential mechanisms: grain boundary sliding with n similar to 2 and interface reaction controlled grain boundary sliding with n similar to 3. The transition from n similar to 3 to similar to 2 occurred at lower stresses with an increase in the grain size and a decrease in the purity level.


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This study examined whether element: Ca ratios within the otoliths of juvenile brown trout could provide accurate trace element signatures for specific natal tributaries, and attempted to match these to trace element natal signatures found within the otoliths of adult trout caught in the main stem rivers of the same catchment. The trace element signatures of juvenile trout otoliths were analysed from a sample of eight tributaries representing the main sub-catchments of the Motueka River catchment, New Zealand. Trace element signatures were determined using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and differentiated using linear discriminant function analysis with an overall cross-validated classification success of 96.8%. Temporal stability in element: Ca ratios was investigated by repeat collections of juvenile fish over two years. Natal signatures from 11 of 23 adult trout sampled from the catchment main stems were matched to one of the eight tributary signatures showing recruitment sources to be spread relatively evenly throughout the catchment. This study demonstrates the potential of using otolith trace element analysis to determine the natal origins of freshwater fish within a catchment.


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Contamination of urban streams is a rising topic worldwide, but the assessment and investigation of stormwater induced contamination is limited by the high amount of water quality data needed to obtain reliable results. In this study, stream bed sediments were studied to determine their contamination degree and their applicability in monitoring aquatic metal contamination in urban areas. The interpretation of sedimentary metal concentrations is, however, not straightforward, since the concentrations commonly show spatial and temporal variations as a response to natural processes. The variations of and controls on metal concentrations were examined at different scales to increase the understanding of the usefulness of sediment metal concentrations in detecting anthropogenic metal contamination patterns. The acid extractable concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were determined from the surface sediments and water of small streams in the Helsinki Metropolitan region, southern Finland. The data consists of two datasets: sediment samples from 53 sites located in the catchment of the Stream Gräsanoja and sediment and water samples from 67 independent catchments scattered around the metropolitan region. Moreover, the sediment samples were analyzed for their physical and chemical composition (e.g. total organic carbon, clay-%, Al, Li, Fe, Mn) and the speciation of metals (in the dataset of the Stream Gräsanoja). The metal concentrations revealed that the stream sediments were moderately contaminated and caused no immediate threat to the biota. However, at some sites the sediments appeared to be polluted with Cu or Zn. The metal concentrations increased with increasing intensity of urbanization, but site specific factors, such as point sources, were responsible for the occurrence of the highest metal concentrations. The sediment analyses revealed, thus a need for more detailed studies on the processes and factors that cause the hot spot metal concentrations. The sediment composition and metal speciation analyses indicated that organic matter is a very strong indirect control on metal concentrations, and it should be accounted for when studying anthropogenic metal contamination patterns. The fine-scale spatial and temporal variations of metal concentrations were low enough to allow meaningful interpretation of substantial metal concentration differences between sites. Furthermore, the metal concentrations in the stream bed sediments were correlated with the urbanization of the catchment better than the total metal concentrations in the water phase. These results suggest that stream sediments show true potential for wider use in detecting the spatial differences in metal contamination of urban streams. Consequently, using the sediment approach regional estimates of the stormwater related metal contamination could be obtained fairly cost-effectively, and the stability and reliability of results would be higher compared to analyses of single water samples. Nevertheless, water samples are essential in analysing the dissolved concentrations of metals, momentary discharges from point sources in particular.


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Transport plays an important role in the distribution of long-lived gases such as ozone and water vapour in the atmosphere. Understanding of observed variability in these gases as well as prediction of the future changes depends therefore on our knowledge of the relevant atmospheric dynamics. This dissertation studies certain dynamical processes in the stratosphere and upper troposphere which influence the distribution of ozone and water vapour in the atmosphere. The planetary waves that originate in the troposphere drive the stratospheric circulation. They influence both the meridional transport of substances as well as parameters of the polar vortices. In turn, temperatures inside the polar vortices influence abundance of the Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC) and therefore the chemical ozone destruction. Wave forcing of the stratospheric circulation is not uniform during winter. The November-December averaged stratospheric eddy heat flux shows a significant anticorrelation with the January-February averaged eddy heat flux in the midlatitude stratosphere and troposphere. These intraseasonal variations are attributable to the internal stratospheric vacillations. In the period 1979-2002, the wave forcing exhibited a negative trend which was confined to the second half of winter only. In the period 1958-2002, area, strength and longevity of the Arctic polar vortices do not exhibit significant long-term changes while the area with temperatures lower than the threshold temperature for PSC formation shows statistically significant increase. However, the Arctic vortex parameters show significant decadal changes which are mirrored in the ozone variability. Monthly ozone tendencies in the Northern Hemisphere show significant correlations (|r|=0.7) with proxies of the stratospheric circulation. In the Antarctic, the springtime vortex in the lower stratosphere shows statistically significant trends in temperature, longevity and strength (but not in area) in the period 1979-2001. Analysis of the ozone and water vapour vertical distributions in the Arctic UTLS shows that layering below and above the tropopause is often associated with poleward Rossby wave-breaking. These observations together with calculations of cross-tropopause fluxes emphasize the importance of poleward Rossby wave breaking for the stratosphere-troposphere exchange in the Arctic.


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Trace elements zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt have been shown to have varying effects on growth and trace element composition of the silkworm. Results indicate the important role of manganese in the normal metabolism of the insect. Cobalt has been shown to exert a very favourable effect on growth and silk yield.