793 resultados para Tourist trade -- Planing
Aquest projecte estudia la situació actual dels espais Xarxa Natura 2000 del Solsonès amb l’ objectiu de: proposar futures actuacions en el territori, donar propostes de gestió turística sostenible per així assegurar-ne la protecció i establir una base per a la redacció de les directrius de gestió d’aquests espais. Dels espais XN2000 del Solsonès s’han escollit dos: Les Obagues de la Riera de Madrona i el de la Ribera Salada
Aquest projecte s’ emmarca dins el camp de la gestió i la planificació del territori. El cas d’ estudi en qüestió es desenvolupa a Playa Tamarindo (Costa Rica). Es realitza una anàlisi de la situació actual i s’ estudia l’ evolució d’ aquesta localitat en els darrers anys. Aquesta anàlisi determina els canvis que han estat presents tant des del punt de vista físic com socioeconòmic, avaluant-els i quantifican-els per poder-los contrastar
L’objectiu principal del treball és analitzar les polítiques i plans turístics irlandesos nacionals, regionals i locals, i determinar com aquestos influeixen en el turisme urbà a Dublín. L’objectiu secundari és investigar el concepte de turisme urbà i examinar les tendències turístiques actuals i la seva repercussió en la formulació de polítiques
Es pretén fer una descripció de la política turística de la ciutat de Girona en el període 1976-2007. Es defineixen 6 objectius: estudiar el concepte de política turística, estudiar l’evolució del boom turístic dels 60 fins al turisme de qualitat dels 90, observar el repartiment de competències entre les diferents administracions, observar l’actual política turística de l’Ajuntament de Girona, descriure els fets que han influït en la política turística de la ciutat de Girona, i comparar la política turística estatal i la de Girona en aquest període
El massís de les Gavarres és un espai que forma part del Pla d’Espais Naturals d’Interès Natural de Catalunya i es caracteritza per ser un espai molt ric en patrimoni cultural, sobretot etnològic. És per això que des de l’entitat del Consorci de les Gavarres sorgeix la proposta d’elaborar un conjunt de senders ecoturístics sobra la Zona d’Interès Etnològic de la Gavarres. L’objectiu principal és impulsar la posta en valor i crear instruments de gestió dels principals elements del patrimoni cultural que es troben presents arreu del massís de les Gavarres, a partir del disseny d’un conjunt de senders ecoturístics que, de manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient, serveixin d’instruments de dinamització i de gestió per a la conservació de l’espai i els seu elements patrimonials.
This study is the analysis of cultural, political and organizational interfaces of "Caminhos do Frio Rota Cultural" Project in the context of tourism regionalization in Brejo Paraibano and it presents the characterization, routing and inventory of six municipalities of the Project, as well as the identification of cultural elements used for tourist in the routing of the pond, the investigation of political and organizational articulation and the verification of participation of each producing agent in the development of tourism resulting from the swamp of Paraiba. This is a qualitative descriptive and exploratory study, which makes use of the interpretive paradigm to perform an analysis of the environment where occurs the regionalization of tourism in Brejo of Paraíba and the social actors involved in this process in order to pursue development of the region through culture and tourism, with the collection spot in the six counties of the Project participants collected through interviews with managers, community, government agencies and tourist trade, and the use of the technique of direct observation. This time, with the data analysis it was possible to establish the production situation and its cultural and tourist development in the region of Brejo (PB), where culture has become a developmental tool within the tourism industry due to its innovation potential. It was possible to ratify the undisputed vocation of cultural tourism in the region in question, since other projects being developed with the use of cultural resources with a strong influence on the policies of regional tourism. Thus, the main result was that was seen is that the regional development has triggered a refunctionalisation / reappropriation of space just rebuilding a new territorial organization through the development of a regional autonomy of management, a capacity of collective ownership and the use of economic surplus, a spontaneous process of social inclusion as well as awareness and mobilization tourist (even if initial and shy), an appreciation of natural and cultural assets for all stakeholders and especially identification of the population with its region and its culture, as to achieve regional development is not enough to increase the economic, but above all the promotion of endogenous social factors such as changes in social and cultural values and the integration of social actors in this process. Finally, taking into account the definitions of sustainability, it is considered that cannot be said that the development model seen in the swamp of Paraiba is sustainable, but it is a model of regional development based on the unique characteristics that each municipality has and create a regional identity and have correponded expectations / desired results and therefore the viability of the region through the development of cultural tourism was proven
Soure, Município da Ilha do Marajó, apresenta grande potencial turístico, sobretudo por suas paisagens naturais, a exemplo de suas praias e fazendas, diante disso e por ser umas das cidades marajoaras mais próximas da capital paraense, tornou-se um dos destinos mais visitados pelos turistas, fatos dentre outros que levaram esta cidade marajoara a receber intervenção do Estado por intermédio de políticas públicas destinadas ao fomento do turismo no estado do Pará. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as políticas públicas de turismo, nas quais Soure está inserida. Contudo, o foco dessa análise ocorre sobre a apropriação de sua paisagem, pelo Estado que busca através dessas ações fomentar o turismo no município desde a década de 1970. Buscou-se analisar a apropriação da paisagem pelo Estado, mercado, turistas e população local, bem como os três últimos estão incluídos nessas políticas. O estudo foi realizado a partir da análise geográfica do turismo, pois entende-se o turismo, para além do viés econômico, como uma atividade socioespacial. Para alcançar os objetivos seguiu-se as seguintes etapas metodológicas: coleta, organização e sistematização das informações contidas nos documentos. Trabalho de campo, onde foram feitas entrevistas com turistas e população local. Enfim, observou-se que, a paisagem de Soure é utilizada nas políticas sobre a ótica da exoticidade, característica que também é utilizada pelo trade turísticos, porém a população local, contraditoriamente não a usufrui em sua totalidade da paisagem do município. Há em Soure um processo de turistificação, fato proporcionado pelo Estado, trade turístico, e turistas, cabendo à população local papel secundário nesse processo.
This issue of the Bulletin reviews the main trends of trade in goods and services for the countries of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) in 2004. The strong recovery of trade in goods and the robust expansion of trade in services are highlighted, emphasizing the increase in services as a proportion of total exports for the smaller Caribbean economies, which may even exceed 80%.A detailed analysis of the performance of the tourism component, especially travel, showed that in 2004 there was a boom in cruise ship arrivals, a situation which poses a real challenge for some islands in terms of ensuring a permanent flow of tourists and making use of the main comparative advantages -sun, sea and beaches- and possible linkages with the rest of the economy such as the hotel industry, restaurants, business and entertainment centres, guided excursions, transport, yachting, and others. In some islands, the ratio of cruise passengers to inhabitants is particularly high, and can reach a significant factor of about 11 tourists for every inhabitant in the Bahamas, 8 in Aruba, 7 in Antigua and Barbuda and 5 in Dominica, and around 4 for a sample of eleven countries.One of the main challenges for a number of Caribbean islands is how to capitalize on such linkages by developing sustainable tourism that minimizes the possible adverse impacts on the environment and the everyday life of the citizens.
Includes index.
Introduction. It is quite uncommon to associate migration with the rules on services trade. Indeed, all economic definitions of services insist on their immaterial nature and on the increased possibility of trading them ‘virtually’ over networks or else, without any physical movement of the parties involved. Somehow this ‘immaterial’ nature of services reflects on their providers/recipients which seem to be ‘invisible’. Even though most services still require the physical contact of the provider with the recipient1 and, when provided over national borders, do entail migration, service providers and/or recipients are rarely thought of as ‘immigrants’. This may be due to the fact that they enter the foreign territory with a specific aim and, once this aim accomplished, move back to their state of origin; technically they only qualify as short term non-cyclical migrants and are of little interest to policy-makers. A second reason may be that both service providers and recipients are economically desirable: the former are typically highly skilled and trained professionals and the latter are well-off ‘visitors’, increasing consumption in the host state. The legal definition of services in Article 57 TFEU (ex Art. 50 EC) further nourishes this idea about service providers/recipients not being migrants: the relevant Treaty rules only apply when the provisions on free movement of workers and freedom of establishment – themselves clearly linked to migration – do not apply. This distinction has been fleshed up by the ECJ which has consistently held that the distinction between the rules on establishment, on the one hand, and the rules on services, on the other, lies on duration.2 Indeed, all EC manuals state four types of service provision falling under the EC Treaty: a) where the service provider moves to the recipient’s state, for a short period of time (longer stay would amount to establishment), b) where the service recipients themselves move to the state where the service is offered (eg for medical care, education, tourism etc), c) where both service providers and recipients move together in another member state (eg a tourist guide accompanying a group travelling abroad) and d) where the service itself is provided across the borders (typically through the use of ICTs). None of these situations would typically qualify as migration. The above ‘dissociation’ between services and migration has been gradually weakened in the recent years. Indeed, migration is increasingly connected to the transnational provision of services. This is the result of three kinds of factors: developments in the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) case law; legislative initiatives in the EU; and the GATS. Each one of these is considered in some detail below. The aim of the analysis which follows is to show the extent to which (legislative and judicial) policies aimed at the free provision of services actively affect migration conditions within the EU. The EC rules on the provision of services primarily affect the movement of EU nationals. As it will be shown below, however, third country nationals (TCNs) may also claim the benefits of the rules on services, either as recipients thereof or as employees of some EC undertaking which is providing services in another member state (posted workers).
At head of title: 1921- : Department of Commerce ... Bureau of the Census ...
Mode of access: Internet.
Wild animals have been kept as pets for centuries, in Brazil companionship is one of the main reasons why wild species are legally bred and traded. This paper is an attempt to call the attention for problems concerning the welfare of wild pets involved in the trading system in Brazil. Some issues presented are: a) the significant increase in the number of wildlife breeders and traders and the difficulties faced by of the Brazilian government in controlling this activity; b) the main welfare issues faced by breeders and owners of wild pets; and c) the destination of wild pets no longer wanted. Finally, some recommendations are made having the welfare of the animals as a priority.
Este artigo analisa, pela primeira vez na literatura, o impacto dos sindicatos de trabalhadores em vários indicadores de desempenho econômico de firmas industriais brasileiras. Realizou-se uma pesquisa retrospectiva sobre a densidade sindical de 1000 estabelecimentos industriais brasileiros e seus resultados foram combinados aos indicadores de desempenho econômico da Pesquisa Industrial Anual (PIA) de 1990 a 2000. Os resultados indicam que a relação entre a densidade sindical na firma e seus salários, emprego e produtividade, é não-linear, ou seja, um aumento no grau de sindicalização leva a um melhor desempenho, porém a taxas decrescentes. Observou-se, também, uma relação negativa entre sindicalização e rentabilidade. Finalmente, estabelecimentos que introduziram mecanismos de 'participação nos lucros' aumentaram sua produtividade e rentabilidade no período e pagaram maiores salários nas firmas onde o grau de sindicalização era maior.
We explored possible effects of negative covariation among finger forces in multifinger accurate force production tasks on the classical Fitts's speed-accuracy trade-off. Healthy subjects performed cyclic force changes between pairs of targets ""as quickly and accurately as possible."" Tasks with two force amplitudes and six ratics of force amplitude to target size were performed by each of the four fingers of the right hand and four finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between movement time and the log-transformed ratio of target amplitude to target size across all finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between standard deviation of force amplitude and movement time. There were no differences between the performance of either of the two ""radial"" fingers (index and middle) and the multifinger tasks. The ""ulnar"" fingers (little and ring) showed higher indices of variability and longer movement times as compared with both ""radial"" fingers and multifinger combinations. We conclude that potential effects of the negative covariation and also of the task-sharing across a set of fingers are counterbalanced by an increase in individual finger force variability in multifinger tasks as compared with single-finger tasks. The results speak in favor of a feed-forward model of multifinger synergies. They corroborate a hypothesis that multifinger synergies are created not to improve overall accuracy, but to allow the system larger flexibility, for example to deal with unexpected perturbations and concomitant tasks.