977 resultados para Tourism breeding environment


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Versa sobre a problemática das políticas públicas de turismo e meio ambiente, enfocando a discussão acerca das categorias novas de estudo que são as Unidades de Conservação municipais – UCM, tratando sobre o Parque Natural Municipal do Cancão, além de destacar uma breve análise sobre a questão sociocultural da cidade, que foi uma das primeiras cidades-empresa de exploração mineral na Amazônia. O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de analisar a dinâmica do turismo e da gestão ambiental, centrada nas UCM, no município de Serra do Navio, enfatizando também como está sendo trata a questão sociocultural na cidade, a partir de um contexto de que esta antes era uma empresa. A metodologia do trabalho compôs-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em Belém/PA e Macapá/AP; pesquisa de campo na cidade de Serra do Navio, utilizando-se de entrevistas e questionários, com o poder público municipal e estadual, setor privado, e a comunidade em geral, fazendo também, registro visual dos residentes e da localidade, por fim a análise dos dados, quantitativos e qualitativos, a partir da coleta de campo. Os resultados preliminares apontam que o turismo, está aos poucos, se inserindo no município, sendo fomentado pelo governo estadual e também municipal, e que a questão ambiental é um tema significativo para a cidade, já que está possui um dos primeiros espaços com característica de UCM do norte do Brasil, e por fim, que a sociedade serrana ainda guarda uma memória grande acerca da vivencia da antiga empresa mineradora Indústria e Comercio de Mineração – ICOMI.


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Reaction norm models have been widely used to study genotype by environment interaction (G × E) in animal breeding. The objective of this study was to describe environmental sensitivity across first lactation in Brazilian Holstein cows using a reaction norm approach. A total of 50,168 individual monthly test day (TD) milk yields (10 test days) from 7476 complete first lactations of Holstein cattle were analyzed. The statistical models for all traits (10 TDs and for 305-day milk yield) included the fixed effects of contemporary group, age of cow (linear and quadratic effects), and days in milk (linear effect), except for 305-day milk yield. A hierarchical reaction norm model (HRNM) based on the unknown covariate was used. The present study showed the presence of G × E in milk yield across first lactation of Holstein cows. The variation in the heritability estimates implies differences in the response to selection depending on the environment where the animals of this population are evaluated. In the average environment, the heritabilities for all traits were rather similar, in range from 0.02 to 0.63. The scaling effect of G × E predominated throughout most of lactation. Particularly during the first 2 months of lactation, G × E caused reranking of breeding values. It is therefore important to include the environmental sensitivity of animals according to the phase of lactation in the genetic evaluations of Holstein cattle in tropical environments.


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El turismo activo en entornos naturales se caracteriza porque la principal motivación del viajero es la posibilidad de practicar algún tipo de actividad física en entornos portadores de incertidumbre requiriendo al participante o participantes una continua adaptación ambiental para disfrutar al margen de una competición oficial o reglada. El objetivo de este artículo es el de ofrecer una herramienta que permita agrupar el conjunto de praxis vinculadas al turismo activo en entornos naturales de forma homogénea de acuerdo a su estructura interna, para facilitar así su estudio y comprensión. Para ello nos hemos propuesto diseñar una clasificación que se ajuste a la realidad de estas praxis de turismo activo en entornos naturales.


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El turismo activo en entornos naturales se caracteriza porque la principal motivación del viajero es la posibilidad de practicar algún tipo de actividad física en entornos portadores de incertidumbre requiriendo al participante o participantes una continua adaptación ambiental para disfrutar al margen de una competición oficial o reglada. El objetivo de este artículo es el de ofrecer una herramienta que permita agrupar el conjunto de praxis vinculadas al turismo activo en entornos naturales de forma homogénea de acuerdo a su estructura interna, para facilitar así su estudio y comprensión. Para ello nos hemos propuesto diseñar una clasificación que se ajuste a la realidad de estas praxis de turismo activo en entornos naturales.


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El turismo activo en entornos naturales se caracteriza porque la principal motivación del viajero es la posibilidad de practicar algún tipo de actividad física en entornos portadores de incertidumbre requiriendo al participante o participantes una continua adaptación ambiental para disfrutar al margen de una competición oficial o reglada. El objetivo de este artículo es el de ofrecer una herramienta que permita agrupar el conjunto de praxis vinculadas al turismo activo en entornos naturales de forma homogénea de acuerdo a su estructura interna, para facilitar así su estudio y comprensión. Para ello nos hemos propuesto diseñar una clasificación que se ajuste a la realidad de estas praxis de turismo activo en entornos naturales.


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The various types of pig farming, intensive and extensive, expose them to pig parasites but also to those from the environment of the breeding site. In this work was evaluated the exposure of bigs bred in technified farms, SISCAL (intensive breeding system in pens) and not technified (backyard) to leptospira, ticks and rickettsiae. Blood sera were analyzed to determine titers of antibodies anti-Leptospira by SAM technique and antibodies anti-rickettsial by IFA, pigs were inspected for ticks and in their breeding environment and surrounding areas (pastures and riparian vegetation), ticks were collected by the flannel dragging technique. In the farms of pigs 10.4% had anti-Leptospira antibodies, followed by SISCAL (8%) and backyard animals (2.5%). The serovars found were Bratislava, Pomona, serovar, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae. Higher percentage of properties with pigs raised outdoors (SISCAL) had tick infested animals (20%) than those raised in backyard (6.7%), while commercial farms had no infested pigs nor infested breeding place. In both SISCAL and backyard pig breeding properties ticks were observed at the breeding site environment. Tick infestations were detected in areas surrounding pig breeding site in all three husbandry suystems. Ticks found were all Amblyomma scultpum nymphs or adults with the exception of one of Amblyomma parvum adult. In relation to anti-rickettsia serology to five Rickettsia species, 55.2% of pigs from commercial farms reacted to al least one species, backyard pigs reacted to 89.7% and all pigs of SISCAL showed anti-rickettsia titers. Consecutive tick sampling (June 2014 to February 2016) in SISCAL FAZU in Uberaba, showed the establishment A. sculptum ticks maintained by domestic pigs. These observations demonstrate the ability the pigs to maintain populations of A. sculptum at a favorable environment and may indicate a new trend in environmental infestations by this species of tick. Exposure to Leptospira and Rickettsia demonstrated the potential pigs exposure and transmission of important diseases in public health.


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Part 12: Collaboration Platforms


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Part 8: Business Strategies Alignment


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Any movement towards sustainable tourism is dependent not only upon the industry and other key stakeholders but also the demand side, namely the tourists. Yet, there is a limited literature from the demand point of view. In this area, contributions to an understanding of tourists’ support to sustainable development are necessary. This paper analyzes the main determinants in tourist behavior regarding the environmental considerations when they are making decisions about their holiday plans. General literature on this issue highlights the need to consider socio-economic variables of the individual as well as the attributes related of their style of living. If the econometric model takes into account all these variables simultaneously, then the linkage between contextual changes and tourists´ behaviour is enriched and it may be estimated more accurately. In this sense, a multilevel approach using a random-intercept logistic models is proposed, since tourists belong to a country are affected by the same contextual variables. The analysis comprises a joint dataset composed by microdata belong to the survey Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tourism, which corresponds to Flash Eurobarometer 281, macrodata from Eurostat (GDP in pps and GDP growth) and additional variables profiles from the 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index. Country-specific effects are calculated across the EU-27 countries, which corroborated that attitudes to the sustainable tourism are heterogeneous geo-graphically. The higher the level of GDP, the lower the level of tourists´ support. These results could be explained because tourists of richer countries already have to pay more tax for envi-ronmental protection. Age, gender and educational attainment are relevant. Motivations for travelling, size of the community, type of the destination, and environmental sustainability indi-cators of the place of residence are also important factors.


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Functional genomics is the systematic study of genome-wide effects of gene expression on organism growth and development with the ultimate aim of understanding how networks of genes influence traits. Here, we use a dynamic biophysical cropping systems model (APSIM-Sorg) to generate a state space of genotype performance based on 15 genes controlling four adaptive traits and then search this spice using a quantitative genetics model of a plant breeding program (QU-GENE) to simulate recurrent selection. Complex epistatic and gene X environment effects were generated for yield even though gene action at the trait level had been defined as simple additive effects. Given alternative breeding strategies that restricted either the cultivar maturity type or the drought environment type, the positive (+) alleles for 15 genes associated with the four adaptive traits were accumulated at different rates over cycles of selection. While early maturing genotypes were favored in the Severe-Terminal drought environment type, late genotypes were favored in the Mild-Terminal and Midseason drought environment types. In the Severe-Terminal environment, there was an interaction of the stay-green (SG) trait with other traits: Selection for + alleles of the SG genes was delayed until + alleles for genes associated with the transpiration efficiency and osmotic adjustment traits had been fixed. Given limitations in our current understanding of trait interaction and genetic control, the results are not conclusive. However, they demonstrate how the per se complexity of gene X gene X environment interactions will challenge the application of genomics and marker-assisted selection in crop improvement for dryland adaptation.


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Studies on culicid breeding in empty rice fields were carried out during the cultivation cycle from May to November 1993. This period corresponded to stages 1 and 2, when empty conditions prevailed. Breeding occurred in stage 1 and the first part of stage 2, corresponding respectively to fallow uncultivated and ploughing situations. No breeding was found to take place during the second part of stage 2 when transient floods and harrowing occurred. The predominant species were Aedes scapularis, Culex nigripalpus and Cx. mollis. The Pilosus Group of Culex (Melanoconion) was found at lower densities. Some epidemiological considerations are presented.


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Only a few studies, and mostly in temperate climates in Europe, have examined the breeding and diet of long-eared owls (Asia otus) compared to studies of cavity-breeding owls, possibly because of the difficulties in reaching the nests of the former. Here we studied a population of long-eared owls, monitoring the diet of breeding owls and that of owls at a communal roost, every two to three months during 2006 -2009, in a semi-arid region in Israel. It was found that the studied owls produced more young than in most countries in Europe. Diet was not associated with breeding parameters of the owls, whereas laying date was negatively correlated with both clutch size and number of nestlings. We found that more social voles (Microtus socialis) and fewer birds and house mice (Mus musculus) made up the diet at nests than that of adults at the roosts. The diet and breeding of long-eared owls in Israel differ from that in Europe, with birds and mice comprising an important part of the diet, in addition to voles.


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School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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