33 resultados para Torpor


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this article, we review intraspecific studies of basal metabolic rate (BMR) that address the correlation between diet quality and BMR. The food-habit hypothesis stands as one of the most striking and often-mentioned interspecific patterns to emerge from studies of endothermic energetics. Our main emphasis is the explicit empirical comparison of predictions derived from interspecific studies with data gathered from within-species studies in order to explore the mechanisms and functional significance of the putative adaptive responses encapsulated by the food-habit hypothesis. We suggest that, in addition to concentrating on the relationship among diet quality, internal morphology, and BMR, new studies should also attempt to unravel alternative mechanisms that shape the interaction between diet and BMR, such as enzymatic plasticity, and the use of energy-saving mechanisms, such as torpor. Another avenue for future study is the measurement of the effects of diet quality on other components of the energy budget, such as maximum thermogenic and sustainable metabolic rates. It is possible that the effects of diet quality operate on such components rather than directly on BMR, which might then push or pull along changes in these traits. Results from intraspecific studies suggest that the factors responsible for the association between diet and BMR at an ecological timescale might not be the same as those that promoted the evolution of this correlation. Further analyses should consider how much of a role the proximate and ultimate processes have played in the evolution of BMR.


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The preferred temperature of the yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus was investigated since its dispersion is a matter of concern. Adult T. serrulatus, weighing 1.24 ± 0.20 g (mean + sd) and with a standard length of 59.3 ± 2.5 mm, were used. A metallic corridor (120 cm long, 5 cm large and 10 cm high) with thermal gradient ranging from 0°C to 40°C was used. Tityus serrulatus chose and stayed in temperatures ranging from 14° C to 38°C when safe conditions were offered (dark and thigmotactic stimuli). The number of animals that remained in the 11°C-20°C, 21°C-30°C, and 31°C-40°C temperature zones were 8, 8, and 9, respectively. The chi-square test (degree of freedom = 2) showed that differences were not significant (p>0.05). Some animals moved to lower temperature areas (less than 8°C) when the corridor was completely illuminated and thigmotactic stimuli were absent, which led the animals to present a torpor state. It is concluded that T. serrulatus does not select a specific environmental temperature. Associated with the capacity of temporally surviving at low temperatures, this species seems to be highly adaptable to different thermal zones.


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We present the first complete study of basic laboratory-measured physiological variables (metabolism, thermoregulation, evaporative water loss, and ventilation) for a South American marsupial, the gracile mouse opossum (Gracilinanus agilis). Body temperature (Tb) was thermolabile below thermoneutrality (Tb = 33.5°C), but a substantial gradient between Tb and ambient temperature (Ta) was sustained even at Ta = 12°C (Tb = 30.6°C). Basal metabolic rate of 1.00 mL O2 g-1 h-1 at Ta = 30°C conformed to the general allometric relationship for marsupials, as did wet thermal conductance (5.7 mL O2 g-1 h-1 °C-1). Respiratory rate, tidal volume, and minute volume at thermoneutrality matched metabolic demand such that O2 extraction was 12.4%, and ventilation increased in proportion to metabolic rate at low T a. Ventilatory accommodation of increased metabolic rate at low Ta was by an increase in respiratory rate rather than by tidal volume or O2 extraction. Evaporative water loss at the lower limit of thermoneutrality conformed to that of other marsupials. Relative water economy was negative at thermoneutrality but positive below Ta = 12°C. Interestingly, the Neotropical gracile mouse opossums have a more positive water economy at low Ta than an Australian arid-zone marsupial, perhaps reflecting seasonal variation in water availability for the mouse opossum. Torpor occurred at low Ta, with spontaneous arousal when . T b > 20°C. Torpor resulted in absolute energy and water savings but lower relative water economy. We found no evidence that gracile mouse opossums differ physiologically from other marsupials, despite their Neotropical distribution, sympatry with placental mammals, and long period of separation from Australian marsupials. © 2009 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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Bats present unique features among mammals with respect to reproduction, and although neotropical bats do not have a hibernation period, many of their reproductive characteristics vary seasonally and interspecifically. Thus, this work aimed to examine the reproductive structures of 18 species belonging to five families of Brazilian bats. The gross anatomy of the testes varied little; however, the epididymis of Emballonuridae and Vespertilionidae showed exceptional structures with a large elongation of the caudal region. We observed a wide variation in the positioning of the testes: Phyllostomidae and Noctilionidae presented external testes; Emballonuridae and Molossidae presented migratory testes that may be in intra-abdominal or external positions; and Vespertilionidae displayed scrotal testes. In the histological evaluation, we observed a different pattern in vespertilionid species, with testicular regression and sperm retention/storage in the cauda epididymis in the five species analyzed. Similar testicular regression was observed in Molossops temminckii; however, sperm retention/storage was not observed in this species. These data suggest that although the species analyzed are tropical species that do not present a prolonged period of torpor (hibernation), they still maintain a period of seminiferous tubule regression and sperm storage very similar to that observed in hibernating bats. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Eventos adversos a medicamentos (EAM) ainda são uma das principais limitações nos serviços de cuidados com a saúde, causando risco aos pacientes, além de grande impacto econômico. Assim, fazem-se necessários métodos de identificação de eventos adversos mais eficazes que a tradicional notificação espontânea, a qual revela apenas 5% do total de eventos. A utilização de critérios rastreadores (ou trigger tools), elaborados pelo Institute for Healthcare Improvement, tem se mostrado como a alternativa mais válida e eficiente para a triagem dos EAM. Com o objetivo principal de identificar os principais eventos adversos e medicamentos envolvidos, uma seleção de três critérios rastreadores foi utilizada, a saber: INR (razão normalizada internacional) > 6, WBC (contagem de leucócitos) < 3000/mm³ ou registros de episódios de sedação excessiva, letargia ou queda. Informações sobre os rastreadores foram coletadas e analisadas a partir dos prontuários de pacientes internados no Hospital Estadual Américo Brasiliense internados, de novembro de 2011 a janeiro de 2012 e maio a julho de 2012, a fim de se confirmar a ocorrência de evento adverso. Foram analisados prontuários referentes a 3318 hospitalizações, nas quais foram detectados 69 eventos adversos, 49 dos quais foram causados por apenas quatro das 12 classes de medicamentos envolvidos em algum EAM: anticoagulantes orais, relacionados ao rastreador INR>6 (eficácia = 0,75), sedativos e antipsicóticos, relacionados ao rastreador de sedação excessiva, letargia ou queda (eficácia = 0,52), e antivirais, relacionados ao rastreador WBC<3000 (eficácia = 0,48). Quando os rastreadores eram acionados e não estavam relacionados a EAM, os fatores de confusão mais recorrentes foram: torpor secundário ao quadro clínico, acidentes não relacionados ao medicamento e pacientes propositalmente em regime de sedação. Apesar de valores-limite menos radicais poderem aumentar a ...


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The species belonging to the subfamily Phyllomedusinae presents physiological and behavioral adaptations to economise water such as secretion of lipids coupled with its spreading onto the skin surface through a complex behavior, adoption of diurnal torpor and secretion of uric acid. Here we describe other adaptation probably involved with water economy, registered in Phyllomedusa distincta, P. tarsius, P. tetraploidea and natural hybrids of P. distincta and P. tetraploidea - at dusk, these amphibians perform an elaborate moulting behavior that encompasses the cleaning of the body with the limbs plus gaping and body contractions. Our data show the daily moulting in P. distincta and suggest that the same mechanism occurs for the other species studied. We suppose that daily moulting improves the skin permeability to water being a characteristic of the phyllomedusines which spread lipids onto the skin surface.


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La possibilità di indurre stati ipotermici ed ipometabolici come il torpore o l’ibernazione in animali non ibernanti può avere dei risvolti utili nella pratica medica, in quanto permetterebbe di trarre vantaggio dagli effetti benefici dell’ipotermia senza gli effetti compensatori negativi causati dalla risposta omeostatica dell’organismo. Con questo lavoro vogliamo proporre un nuovo approccio, che coinvolge il blocco farmacologico dell’attività dei neuroni nel bulbo rostroventromediale (RVMM), un nucleo troncoencefalico che si è rivelato essere uno snodo chiave nella regolazione della termogenesi attraverso il controllo dell’attività del tessuto adiposo bruno, della vasomozione cutanea e del cuore. Nel nostro esperimento, sei iniezioni consecutive del agonista GABAA muscimolo nel RVMM, inducono uno stato reversibile di profonda ipotermia (21°C al Nadir) in ratti esposti ad una temperatura ambientale di 15°C. Lo stato ipotermico/ipomentabolico prodotto dall’inibizione dei neuroni del RVMM mostra forti similitudini col torpore naturale, anche per quanto concerne le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche osservate durante e dopo la procedura. Come negli ibernati naturali, nei ratti cui viene inibito il controllo della termogenesi si osserva uno spostamento verso le regioni lente delle spettro di tutte le frequenze dello spettro EEG durante l’ipotermia, ed un forte incremento dello spettro EEG dopo il ritorno alla normotermia, in particolare della banda Delta (0,5-4Hz) durante il sonno NREM. Per concludere, questi risultati dimostrano che l’inibizione farmacologica selettiva di un nucleo troncoencefalico chiave nel controllo della termogenesi è sufficiente per indurre uno stato di psuedo-torpore nel ratto, una specie che non presenta stati di torpore spontaneo. Un approccio di questo tipo può aprire nuove prospettive per l’utilizzo in ambito medico dell’ipotermia.


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White-nose syndrome (WNS), an emerging infectious disease that has killed over 5.5 million hibernating bats, is named for the causative agent, a white fungus (Geomyces destructans (Gd)) that invades the skin of torpid bats. During hibernation, arousals to warm (euthermic) body temperatures are normal but deplete fat stores. Temperature-sensitive dataloggers were attached to the backs of 504 free-ranging little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in hibernacula located throughout the northeastern USA. Dataloggers were retrieved at the end of the hibernation season and complete profiles of skin temperature data were available from 83 bats, which were categorized as: (1) unaffected, (2) WNS-affected but alive at time of datalogger removal, or (3) WNS-affected but found dead at time of datalogger removal. Histological confirmation of WNS severity (as indexed by degree of fungal infection) as well as confirmation of presence/absence of DNA from Gd by PCR was determined for 26 animals. We demonstrated that WNS-affected bats aroused to euthermic body temperatures more frequently than unaffected bats, likely contributing to subsequent mortality. Within the subset of WNS-affected bats that were found dead at the time of datalogger removal, the number of arousal bouts since datalogger attachment significantly predicted date of death. Additionally, the severity of cutaneous Gd infection correlated with the number of arousal episodes from torpor during hibernation. Thus, increased frequency of arousal from torpor likely contributes to WNS-associated mortality, but the question of how Gd infection induces increased arousals remains unanswered.


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White-nose syndrome (WNS) is an emerging infectious disease of hibernating bats linked to the death of an estimated 5.7 million or more bats in the northeastern United States and Canada. White-nose syndrome is caused by the cold-loving fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd), which invades the skin of the muzzles, ears, and wings of hibernating bats. Previous work has shown that WNS-affected bats arouse to euthermic or near euthermic temperatures during hibernation significantly more frequently than normal and that these too-frequent arousals are tied to severity of infection and death date. We quantified the behavior of bats during these arousal bouts to understand better the causes and consequences of these arousals. We hypothesized that WNS-affected bats would display increased levels of activity (especially grooming) during their arousal bouts from hibernation compared to WNS-unaffected bats. Behavior of both affected and unaffected hibernating bats in captivity was monitored from December 2010 to March 2011 using temperature-sensitive dataloggers attached to the backs of bats and infrared motion-sensitive cameras. The WNS-affected bats exhibited significantly higher rates of grooming, relative to unaffected bats, at the expense of time that would otherwise be spent inactive. Increased self-grooming may be related to the presence of the fungus. Elevated activity levels in affected bats likely increase energetic stress, whereas the loss of rest (inactive periods when aroused from torpor) may jeopardize the ability of a bat to reestablish homeostasis in a number of physiologic systems.


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WNS-affected bats did so over similar time frames as WNSunaffected bats. The behaviors of bats with WNS did not change as drastically as expected. Thereseems to be little to no effect on their ability to fly/forage until much later stages of the disease when they are likely near death. WNS-affected bats are grooming more which could be altering the way they use energy reserves during hibernation possibly leading tostarvation and eventually death. The decreased likelihood of arousals in response to external cues may be the result of spending more energy during previous and increasingly frequent arousals. While it is clear that WNS does result in changes in behavior whether these changes are directly in response to fungal skin infection or to some other component of the syndrome such as decreased energy availability or loss of homeostasis is unknown. bat behavior, white-nose syndrome, behavior, video surveillance, arousal patterns White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) is a disease of hibernating bats caused by the fungal pathogen Geomyces destructans. The fungus, which was first noted in 2006, invades bats wings and other exposed membranes, eventually resulting in death. Researchers have yet to understand many aspects of this disease, including basic etiology and epidemiology. There is also a lack of information on how fungal infection may change the behavior of healthy bats during hibernation or how changes in behavior may influence disease progression. Based upon the physiological changes that are known to occur in affected bats, and upon anecdotal observations of aberrant behavior in these bats, I hypothesized that WNS would significantly change the behavior of the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus). My research examined the behavior of hibernating bats during arousals from torpor. I compared WNS-affected and unaffected bats, in the field and incaptivity, using motion-sensitive infrared cameras. Flight maneuverability and echolocation were also tested between WNS-affected and unaffected bats during arousalsfrom hibernation to detect changes in the bats' ability to perform basic locomotion or potentially catch insect prey. Lastly, hibernating bats were artificially disturbed and theirarousal patterns were monitored to examine changes in the response to external stimuli between WNS-affected and unaffected bats.Bats with WNS groomed for longer periods of time after arousing from torpor, both in the field and in captivity. They also engaged in longer periods of any sort of activity during these arousals. There were no changes in acoustical signaling during flight tests and changes in flight maneuverability were only found in bats were seen staging" near the entrance of the mine which is itself a unique behavior exhibited by affected bats. At this point these bats were likely near death and could barely fly at all. In response toexternal stimuli bats with WNS were less likely to arouse than unaffected bats. However when they did arouse WNS-affected bats did so over similar time frames as WNSunaffected bats. The behaviors of bats with WNS did not change as drastically as expected. Thereseems to be little to no effect on their ability to fly/forage until much later stages of the disease when they are likely near death. WNS-affected bats are grooming more which could be altering the way they use energy reserves during hibernation possibly leading tostarvation and eventually death. The decreased likelihood of arousals in response to external cues may be the result of spending more energy during previous and increasingly frequent arousals. While it is clear that WNS does result in changes in behavior whetherthese changes are directly in response to fungal skin infection or to some other component of the syndrome such as decreased energy availability or loss of homeostasis is unknown."


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The widespread mortality of hibernating bats is associated with the emerging infectious disease white-nose syndrome (WNS), and has provoked a strong interest in understanding which bats will survive, and why? The ability of infected bats to resist WNS may depend upon variation in the expression of different characteristics. In a captive colony of big brown bats, I sought to characterize the phenotypic variability, repeatability, and survivability for several key ¿survival¿ traits, including: torpor patterns, microclimate preferences, and wound healing capacity. Torpor patterns were profiled using temperature sensitive dataloggers throughout the hibernation season, while microclimate preferences were quantified by using temperature-graded boxes and thermal imaging. In order to assess wound healing capacity, small wing biopsies were obtained from each bat and healing progress was tracked for one month. Individuals exhibited a wide range of phenotypes that were significantly influenced by sex and body condition. Repeatability estimates suggest that there is not a strong genetic basis for the observed variation in torpor patterns or microclimate preferences. Certain phenotypes (e.g., BMI) were associated with an increased probability of overwinter survivorship, which suggests a basis for intra-species differences in WNS susceptibility. The results from this project provide novel insight into what we know about ¿who will survive,¿ and will influence the direction and implementation of future conservation and mitigation strategies.


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The emerging disease White-Nose Syndrome in hibernating bat populations across the United States has increased the need to understand the physiological benefits and consequences of hibernation and the effects on immunological responsiveness. Hibernation has been well-documented in many mammalian species, yet few studies have examined hibernation immunology in bats, particularly with respect to normal immunological patterns. In order to characterize the levels of circulating leukocytes and plasma immunoglobulins in euthermic and hibernating female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), blood smear differential leukocyte counts and total immunoglobulin assays were performed for each group using blood samples from the active and hibernation seasons. Hibernation patterns – torpor and arousals from torpor – were determined by placing temperature-sensitive dataloggers on the backs of bats assigned to the hibernating group during the hibernation season. Data indicate that the ratio of circulating neutrophils to lymphocytes is lower in bats assigned to the euthermic group during the hibernation season than in bats assigned to the hibernation group during the hibernation period, but that relative immunoglobulin levels do not differ during the hibernation season, regardless of whether bats were active or hibernating. Neither bats assigned to the hibernation group nor bats assigned to the euthermic group demonstrate a significant change in the ratio of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes between their active and hibernating seasons. Bats assigned to the hibernation group were also observed to arouse from torpor somewhat synchronously. These results suggest that innate and adaptive cell levels are maintained, at best, in hibernating bats that are not immunologically challenged and that bats that remain euthermic during the hibernation season are able to continually regulate their levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes and therefore their innate and adaptive immune system responses.


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In the dual ex vivo perfusion of an isolated human placental cotyledon it takes on average 20-30 min to set up stable perfusion circuits for the maternal and fetal vascular compartments. In vivo placental tissue of all species maintains a highly active metabolism and it continues to puzzle investigators how this tissue can survive 30 min of ischemia with more or less complete anoxia following expulsion of the organ from the uterus and do so without severe damage. There seem to be parallels between "depressed metabolism" seen in the fetus and the immature neonate in the peripartum period and survival strategies described in mammals with increased tolerance of severe hypoxia like hibernators in the state of torpor or deep sea diving turtles. Increased tolerance of hypoxia in both is explained by "partial metabolic arrest" in the sense of a temporary suspension of Kleiber's rule. Furthermore the fetus can react to major changes in surrounding oxygen tension by decreasing or increasing the rate of specific basal metabolism, providing protection against severe hypoxia as well as oxidative stress. There is some evidence that adaptive mechanisms allowing increased tolerance of severe hypoxia in the fetus or immature neonate can also be found in placental tissue, of which at least the villous portion is of fetal origin. A better understanding of the molecular details of reprogramming of fetal and placental tissues in late pregnancy may be of clinical relevance for an improved risk assessment of the individual fetus during the critical transition from intrauterine life to the outside and for the development of potential prophylactic measures against severe ante- or intrapartum hypoxia. Responses of the tissue to reperfusion deserve intensive study, since they may provide a rational basis for preventive measures against reperfusion injury and related oxidative stress. Modification of the handling of placental tissue during postpartum ischemia, and adaptation of the artificial reperfusion, may lead to an improvement of the ex vivo perfusion technique.