950 resultados para Topological graph


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A method to assign a single number representation for each atom (node) in a molecular graph, Atomic IDentification (AID) number, is proposed based on the counts of weighted paths terminated on that atom. Then, a new topological index, Molecular IDentification (MID) number is developed from AID. The MID is tested systematically, over half a million of structures are examined, and MID shows high discrimination for various structural isomers. Thus it can be used for documentation in the Changchun Institute of Chemistry C-13 NMR information system.


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We present novel topological mappings between graphs, trees and generalized trees that means between structured objects with different properties. The two major contributions of this paper are, first, to clarify the relation between graphs, trees and generalized trees, a graph class recently introduced. Second, these transformations provide a unique opportunity to transform structured objects into a representation that might be beneficial for a processing, e.g., by machine learning techniques for graph classification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The hyper-star interconnection network was proposed in 2002 to overcome the drawbacks of the hypercube and its variations concerning the network cost, which is defined by the product of the degree and the diameter. Some properties of the graph such as connectivity, symmetry properties, embedding properties have been studied by other researchers, routing and broadcasting algorithms have also been designed. This thesis studies the hyper-star graph from both the topological and algorithmic point of view. For the topological properties, we try to establish relationships between hyper-star graphs with other known graphs. We also give a formal equation for the surface area of the graph. Another topological property we are interested in is the Hamiltonicity problem of this graph. For the algorithms, we design an all-port broadcasting algorithm and a single-port neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm for the regular form of the hyper-star graphs. These algorithms are both optimal time-wise. Furthermore, we prove that the folded hyper-star, a variation of the hyper-star, to be maixmally fault-tolerant.


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The present study on chaos and fractals in general topological spaces. Chaos theory originated with the work of Edward Lorenz. The phenomenon which changes order into disorder is known as chaos. Theory of fractals has its origin with the frame work of Benoit Mandelbrot in 1977. Fractals are irregular objects. In this study different properties of topological entropy in chaos spaces are studied, which also include hyper spaces. Topological entropy is a measures to determine the complexity of the space, and compare different chaos spaces. The concept of fractals can’t be extended to general topological space fast it involves Hausdorff dimensions. The relations between hausdorff dimension and packing dimension. Regular sets in Metric spaces using packing measures, regular sets were defined in IR” using Hausdorff measures. In this study some properties of self similar sets and partial self similar sets. We can associate a directed graph to each partial selfsimilar set. Dimension properties of partial self similar sets are studied using this graph. Introduce superself similar sets as a generalization of self similar sets and also prove that chaotic self similar self are dense in hyper space. The study concludes some relationships between different kinds of dimension and fractals. By defining regular sets through packing dimension in the same way as regular sets defined by K. Falconer through Hausdorff dimension, and different properties of regular sets also.


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Biological systems exhibit rich and complex behavior through the orchestrated interplay of a large array of components. It is hypothesized that separable subsystems with some degree of functional autonomy exist; deciphering their independent behavior and functionality would greatly facilitate understanding the system as a whole. Discovering and analyzing such subsystems are hence pivotal problems in the quest to gain a quantitative understanding of complex biological systems. In this work, using approaches from machine learning, physics and graph theory, methods for the identification and analysis of such subsystems were developed. A novel methodology, based on a recent machine learning algorithm known as non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), was developed to discover such subsystems in a set of large-scale gene expression data. This set of subsystems was then used to predict functional relationships between genes, and this approach was shown to score significantly higher than conventional methods when benchmarking them against existing databases. Moreover, a mathematical treatment was developed to treat simple network subsystems based only on their topology (independent of particular parameter values). Application to a problem of experimental interest demonstrated the need for extentions to the conventional model to fully explain the experimental data. Finally, the notion of a subsystem was evaluated from a topological perspective. A number of different protein networks were examined to analyze their topological properties with respect to separability, seeking to find separable subsystems. These networks were shown to exhibit separability in a nonintuitive fashion, while the separable subsystems were of strong biological significance. It was demonstrated that the separability property found was not due to incomplete or biased data, but is likely to reflect biological structure.


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Chagas disease is nowadays the most serious parasitic health problem. This disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. The great number of deaths and the insufficient effectiveness of drugs against this parasite have alarmed the scientific community worldwide. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a model for the design and prediction of new antitrypanosomal agents was obtained. This used a mixed approach, containing simple descriptors based on fragments and topological substructural molecular design descriptors. A data set was made up of 188 compounds, 99 of them characterized an antitrypanosomal activity and 88 compounds that belong to other pharmaceutical categories. The model showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values above 85%. Quantitative fragmental contributions were also calculated. Then, and to confirm the quality of the model, 15 structures of molecules tested as antitrypanosomal compounds (that we did not include in this study) were predicted, taking into account the information on the abovementioned calculated fragmental contributions. The model showed an accuracy of 100% which means that the ""in silico"" methodology developed by our team is promising for the rational design of new antitrypanosomal drugs. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 31: 882-894. 2010


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The increasing resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the existing drugs has alarmed the worldwide scientific community. In an attempt to overcome this problem, two models for the design and prediction of new antituberculosis agents were obtained. The first used a mixed approach, containing descriptors based on fragments and the topological substructural molecular design approach (TOPS-MODE) descriptors. The other model used a combination of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) descriptors. A data set of 167 compounds with great structural variability, 72 of them antituberculosis agents and 95 compounds belonging to other pharmaceutical categories, was analyzed. The first model showed sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy values above 80% and the second one showed values higher than 75% for these statistical indices. Subsequently, 12 structures of imidazoles not included in this study were designed, taking into account the two models. In both cases accuracy was 100%, showing that the methodology in silico developed by us is promising for the rational design of antituberculosis drugs.


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To protect from privacy disclosure, the social network graph is modified in order to hide the information that potentially be used to disclose person's identity. However, when the social network graph is changed, it is a great challenge to balance between the privacy gained and the loss of data utility. In this paper, we address this problem. We propose a new graph topological-based metric to improve utility preservation in social network graph anonymization. We compare the proposed approach with the amount-of-edge-change metric that popularly used in most of previous works. Experimental evaluation shows that our approach generates anonymized social network with improved utility preservation.


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We discuss an algorithmic framework based on efficient graph algorithms and algebraic-topological computational tools. The framework is aimed at automatic computation of a database of global dynamics of a given m-parameter semidynamical system with discrete time on a bounded subset of the n-dimensional phase space. We introduce the mathematical background, which is based upon Conley's topological approach to dynamics, describe the algorithms for the analysis of the dynamics using rectangular grids both in phase space and parameter space, and show two sample applications. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4767672]


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It is currently widely accepted that the understanding of complex cell functions depends on an integrated network theoretical approach and not on an isolated view of the different molecular agents. Aim of this thesis was the examination of topological properties that mirror known biological aspects by depicting the human protein network with methods from graph- and network theory. The presented network is a partial human interactome of 9222 proteins and 36324 interactions, consisting of single interactions reliably extracted from peer-reviewed scientific publications. In general, one can focus on intra- or intermodular characteristics, where a functional module is defined as "a discrete entity whose function is separable from those of other modules". It is found that the presented human network is also scale-free and hierarchically organised, as shown for yeast networks before. The interactome also exhibits proteins with high betweenness and low connectivity which are biologically analyzed and interpreted here as shuttling proteins between organelles (e.g. ER to Golgi, internal ER protein translocation, peroxisomal import, nuclear pores import/export) for the first time. As an optimisation for finding proteins that connect modules, a new method is developed here based on proteins located between highly clustered regions, rather than regarding highly connected regions. As a proof of principle, the Mediator complex is found in first place, the prime example for a connector complex. Focusing on intramodular aspects, the measurement of k-clique communities discriminates overlapping modules very well. Twenty of the largest identified modules are analysed in detail and annotated to known biological structures (e.g. proteasome, the NFκB-, TGF-β complex). Additionally, two large and highly interconnected modules for signal transducer and transcription factor proteins are revealed, separated by known shuttling proteins. These proteins yield also the highest number of redundant shortcuts (by calculating the skeleton), exhibit the highest numbers of interactions and might constitute highly interconnected but spatially separated rich-clubs either for signal transduction or for transcription factors. This design principle allows manifold regulatory events for signal transduction and enables a high diversity of transcription events in the nucleus by a limited set of proteins. Altogether, biological aspects are mirrored by pure topological features, leading to a new view and to new methods that assist the annotation of proteins to biological functions, structures and subcellular localisations. As the human protein network is one of the most complex networks at all, these results will be fruitful for other fields of network theory and will help understanding complex network functions in general.


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Rationale: Focal onset epileptic seizures are due to abnormal interactions between distributed brain areas. By estimating the cross-correlation matrix of multi-site intra-cerebral EEG recordings (iEEG), one can quantify these interactions. To assess the topology of the underlying functional network, the binary connectivity matrix has to be derived from the cross-correlation matrix by use of a threshold. Classically, a unique threshold is used that constrains the topology [1]. Our method aims to set the threshold in a data-driven way by separating genuine from random cross-correlation. We compare our approach to the fixed threshold method and study the dynamics of the functional topology. Methods: We investigate the iEEG of patients suffering from focal onset seizures who underwent evaluation for the possibility of surgery. The equal-time cross-correlation matrices are evaluated using a sliding time window. We then compare 3 approaches assessing the corresponding binary networks. For each time window: * Our parameter-free method derives from the cross-correlation strength matrix (CCS)[2]. It aims at disentangling genuine from random correlations (due to finite length and varying frequency content of the signals). In practice, a threshold is evaluated for each pair of channels independently, in a data-driven way. * The fixed mean degree (FMD) uses a unique threshold on the whole connectivity matrix so as to ensure a user defined mean degree. * The varying mean degree (VMD) uses the mean degree of the CCS network to set a unique threshold for the entire connectivity matrix. * Finally, the connectivity (c), connectedness (given by k, the number of disconnected sub-networks), mean global and local efficiencies (Eg, El, resp.) are computed from FMD, CCS, VMD, and their corresponding random and lattice networks. Results: Compared to FMD and VMD, CCS networks present: *topologies that are different in terms of c, k, Eg and El. *from the pre-ictal to the ictal and then post-ictal period, topological features time courses that are more stable within a period, and more contrasted from one period to the next. For CCS, pre-ictal connectivity is low, increases to a high level during the seizure, then decreases at offset. k shows a ‘‘U-curve’’ underlining the synchronization of all electrodes during the seizure. Eg and El time courses fluctuate between the corresponding random and lattice networks values in a reproducible manner. Conclusions: The definition of a data-driven threshold provides new insights into the topology of the epileptic functional networks.


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The eccentric connectivity index of a graph G, ξ^C, was proposed by Sharma, Goswami and Madan. It is defined as ξ^C(G) = ∑ u ∈ V(G) degG(u)εG(u), where degG(u) denotes the degree of the vertex x in G and εG(u) = Max{d(u, x) | x ∈ V (G)}. The eccentric connectivity polynomial is a polynomial version of this topological index. In this paper, exact formulas for the eccentric connectivity polynomial of Cartesian product, symmetric difference, disjunction and join of graphs are presented.


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In this paper we propose a method for vision only topological simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM). Our approach does not use motion or odometric information but a sequence of colour histograms from visited places. In particular, we address the perceptual aliasing problem which occurs using external observations only in topological navigation. We propose a Bayesian inference method to incrementally build a topological map by inferring spatial relations from the sequence of observations while simultaneously estimating the robot's location. The algorithm aims to build a small map which is consistent with local adjacency information extracted from the sequence measurements. Local adjacency information is incorporated to disambiguate places which otherwise would appear to be the same. Experiments in an indoor environment show that the proposed technique is capable of dealing with perceptual aliasing using visual observations only and successfully performs topological SLAM.


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Perceptual aliasing makes topological navigation a difficult task. In this paper we present a general approach for topological SLAM~(simultaneous localisation and mapping) which does not require motion or odometry information but only a sequence of noisy measurements from visited places. We propose a particle filtering technique for topological SLAM which relies on a method for disambiguating places which appear indistinguishable using neighbourhood information extracted from the sequence of observations. The algorithm aims to induce a small topological map which is consistent with the observations and simultaneously estimate the location of the robot. The proposed approach is evaluated using a data set of sonar measurements from an indoor environment which contains several similar places. It is demonstrated that our approach is capable of dealing with severe ambiguities and, and that it infers a small map in terms of vertices which is consistent with the sequence of observations.


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We present a method for topological SLAM that specifically targets loop closing for edge-ordered graphs. Instead of using a heuristic approach to accept or reject loop closing, we propose a probabilistically grounded multi-hypothesis technique that relies on the incremental construction of a map/state hypothesis tree. Loop closing is introduced automatically within the tree expansion, and likely hypotheses are chosen based on their posterior probability after a sequence of sensor measurements. Careful pruning of the hypothesis tree keeps the growing number of hypotheses under control and a recursive formulation reduces storage and computational costs. Experiments are used to validate the approach.