967 resultados para Tool life


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This paper presents a study of tool wear and geometry response whenmachinability tests were applied under milling operations onthe Super Austenitic Stainless Steel alloy AL-6XN. Eight milling trials were executed under two cutting speeds, two feed rates, andtwo depths of cuts. Cutting edge profile measurements were performed to reveal response of cutting edge geometry to the cuttingparameters and wear. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to inspect the cutting edges. Results showed the presenceof various types of wear such as adhesion wear and abrasion wear on the tool rake and flank faces. Adhesion wear represents theformation of the built-up edge, crater wear, and chipping, whereas abrasion wear represents flank wear.Thecommonly formed wearwas crater wear. Therefore, the optimum tool life among the executed cutting trails was identified according to minimum lengthand depth of the crater wear.The profile measurements showed the formation of new geometries for the worn cutting edges due toadhesion and abrasion wear and the cutting parameters.The formation of the built-up edge was observed on the rake face of thecutting tool. The microstructure of the built-up edge was investigated using SEM. The built-up edge was found to have the austeniteshear lamellar structure which is identical to the formed shear lamellae of the produced chip.


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Over the last few decades, Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) have emerged as a material system offering tremendous potential for future applications. The primary advantages offered by these materials are their improved mechanical properties, particularly in the areas of wear, strength and stiffness. Of the MMCs, Aluminum matrix composites have grown in prominence due to their low density, low melting point and low cost. However, machining these materials remains a challenging task mainly due to the high abrasiveness of the reinforcing phases. Conventional machining processes such as turning, milling or drilling are adopted for machining MMCs. In this article, the existing and ongoing developments in machining MMCs vis-a-vis tool life, tool wear, machinability and understanding chip formation mechanism have been highlighted. Most of the studies discussed in this review will focus on Aluminum matrix composites. Certain areas of machining studies which have hitherto not been investigated have also been detailed.


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Os resíduos sólidos (RS) têm vindo a aumentar em quantidade e diversidade nas últimas décadas em todo o mundo, em resultado da explosão demográfica, do crescimento económico e do aumento da construção, acentuando-se também a produção de resíduos perigosos. Por estas mesmas razões têm surgido limitações do espaço disponível para deposição final de RS. A prática atual no sector da construção pode ser alterada através da introdução de uma gestão eficiente, optimizadora de custos, com a produção de menos resíduos produzidos e também através da implementação de medidas preventivas de produção de resíduos nas obras. Pretende-se, no âmbito deste trabalho, abordar a problemática da gestão de resíduos de construção em obra e contribuir para alterar a situação descrita, apresentando e validando ferramentas a utilizar na gestão de RS. O principal objetivo do trabalho é avaliar os impactes ambientais associados à gestão dos resíduos produzidos na obra na fase de construção. Nas obras em estudo foi recolhida informação sobre os resíduos (quantidades e tipologia) e analisada, tratada com a finalidade de criar uma ferramenta indispensável na gestão de resíduos de construção e compilado o inventário dos resíduos. Após esta compilação, procedeu-se à avaliação dos impactes. A aplicação da ferramenta de avaliação de ciclo de vida permitem avaliar o impacte das decisões na sustentabilidade da construção, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à geração de resíduos.


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In der Praxis kommt es bei der spanenden Bearbeitung immer wieder zu großen Standwegunterschieden identischer Werkzeuge bei vordergründig identischen Bearbeitungsrandbedingungen. Insbesondere bei Fertigungsschritten, die das Bohren als Vorbearbeitung erfordern, kommt es gelegentlich zu atypischen Verschleißerscheinungen, die auf das Entstehen einer Neuhärtezone an der Werkstückoberfläche beim Bohren zurückgeführt werden. Grundsätzlich sind Randzonenveränderungen eine Folge der mechanischen und thermischen Beanspruchung bei der Bearbeitung. Beim Eindringen des Schneidkeils kommt es zu Kornverzerrungen, welche die Werkstückhärte bis in eine Tiefe von 40 bis 80 µm erhöhen können. Überdies wird die Randzone des Werkstücks durch den Bearbeitungsvorgang und den Spantransport erhitzt und durch den Kühlschmierstoff bzw. die so genannte Selbstabschreckung im Anschluss sehr schnell abgekühlt. So kann es in Abhängigkeit der Randbedingungen zu Gefügeänderungen mit härtesteigernder (Sekundärabschreckung) oder härtemindernder (Anlasseffekte) Wirkung kommen. Nicht zuletzt beeinflussen beide Beanspruchungsarten auch das Ausmaß der Eigenspannungen in der Werkstückoberfläche. In dieser Arbeit werden die beim Kernlochbohren erzeugten Randzonenveränderungen sowie die Standzeit von Folgebearbeitungswerkzeugen, wie Gewindebohrern und Gewindeformern, und deren Abhängigkeit vom Verschleißzustand des Kernlochbohrers untersucht. Weiterhin werden mit Hilfe einer Energiebilanz die Anteile herausgefiltert, die primär die Eigenschaften der Bohrungsrandzone beeinflussen. Dies geschieht mit Hilfe einer mathematischen Modellierung des Bohrprozesses, in der die Einflüsse der Schneidkantengeometrie, der Schneidkantenverrundung, der Schneidkantenfase sowie des Freiflächenverschleißes berücksichtigt werden.


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Wear is the principal cause of tool failure in most sheet metal forming processes. It is well known that the contact pressure between the blank and the tool has a large influence on the wear of the tool, and hence the tool life. This investigation utilises the finite element method to analyse the contact pressure distribution over the die radius for a particular deep drawing process. Furthermore, the evolution of the predicted contact pressure distribution throughout the entire stroke of the punch is also examined. It was found that the majority of the process shows a steady state pressure distribution, with two characteristic peaks over the die radius, at the beginning and end of the sheet contact area. Interestingly, the initial transient contact pressure response showed extremely high localised peak pressures; more than twice that of the steady state peaks. Results are compared to wear reported in the literature, during similar experimental deep drawing processes. Finally, the significance and effect of the results on wear and wear-testing techniques are discussed.


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For a given sheet metal forming process, an accurate determination of the contact pressure distribution experienced is an essential step towards the estimation of tool life. This investigation utilizes finite element (FE) analysis to determine the evolution and distribution of contact pressure over the die radius, throughout the duration of a channel forming process. It was found that a typical two-peak steady-state contact pressure response exists for the majority of the process. However, this was preceded by a transient  response, which produced extremely large and localized contact pressures. Notably, it was found that the peak transient contact pressure was more than double the steady-state peak. These contact pressure results may have a significant influence on the tool wear response and therefore impact current wear testing and prediction techniques. Hence, an investigation into the validity of the predicted contact pressure was conducted.


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Physical vapour deposition (PVD) titanium aluminium nitride coated cutting tools are used extensively in global manufacturing for reducing production costs and improving productivity in a number of aggressive metal-cutting operations, namely, dry and high-speed machining. In this investigation, the performance of Ti1−xAlxN and Ti1−x−yAlxCryN coatings was assessed on Co-HSS twist drills used to machine grey cast iron. The failure criterion for drills was defined as a critical sized flank wear land at the outer corners of the drills. Using this criterion, the average tool life of uncoated twist drills was increased by factors of 2.5, 3.0 and 3.0 by Ti0.59Al0.41N, Ti0.27Al0.19Cr0.54N and Ti0.21Al0.14Cr0.65N coatings, respectively. Notwithstanding the similar increase in average tool life, the Ti1−x−yAlxCryN coatings produced more consistent results than the Ti1−xAlxN coated drills with standard deviations of 67, 3 and 19 holes, respectively. This result has significant practical implications in manufacturing, since drills are not replaced on an individual basis, but rather on a preset tool change frequency. The present paper discusses the performance of Ti1−xAlxN and Ti1−x−yAlxCryN coated drills in terms of average and practical drill life and concludes with remarks on the characterisation of PVD coatings and their significance on the performance of Co-HSS twist drills when dry machining grey cast iron.


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Cathodic arc evaporation (CAE) is a widely used technique for generating highly ionised plasma from which hard, wear-resistant PVD coatings can be deposited. A major drawback of this technique is the emission of micrometer-sized droplets of cathode material from the arc spot, which are commonly referred to as ‘macroparticles’. In this study, the effect of cathode poisoning was investigated as a method to reduce the number of macroparticles in PVD coatings. While the study focuses on the reduction of macroparticles in titanium nitride coatings, the outcomes and key findings can be broadly applied to the cathodic arc process, in particular, for the reduction of macroparticles in more advanced CAE coatings. The results support earlier findings that have shown that poisoning of the cathode can reduce the number of macroparticles emitted from the arc spot. The results of glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) showed that the titanium content of the coatings varied little between the respective coatings despite changes in the deposition pressure from 0.1 to 1.2 Pa. The GD-OES results also showed the presence of oxide contamination at the surface of the coatings, which was significantly reduced with increasing deposition pressure. The coatings were also deposited onto high-speed steel twist drills to compare the metal-cutting performance when dry drilling a workpiece of cast iron. The results of the drill tests showed that tool life increased with a reduction in the number of macroparticles.


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For a given sheet metal forming process, an accurate determination of the contact pressure distribution is an essential step towards the estimation of tool life. This investigation utilizes finite element (FE) analysis to model and explain the evolution and distribution of contact pressure over the die radius, throughout the duration of a channel forming process. It was found that a typical two-peak steady-state contact pressure response exists for the majority of the process. However, this was preceded by an initial transient response, characterized by extremely large and localized contact pressures, which were more than double the magnitude of the steady-state peak pressure. The validity of the predicted contact pressure behavior was assessed via detailed numerical analysis and by examining the wear response of an experimental stamping operation. The experimental results revealed that the high contact pressure zones of the transient response corresponded to a severe galling wear mechanism. Therefore, the transient response may be of primary significance to the tool wear response; thus questioning the applicability of traditional bending-under-tension wear tests for sheet metal stamping processes. Finally, a parametric study was conducted, examining the influence of the major process parameters on the steady-state and peak transient contact pressures, using the developed FE model. It was found that the bend ratio and the blank material ultimate tensile strength had the most influence on the peak contact pressures. The main process-related parameters, friction coefficient and blank holder force, were found to have only a minor influence.


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The contact conditions at the die radius are of primary importance to the wear response for many sheet metal forming processes. In particular, a detailed understanding of the contact pressure at the wearing interface is essential for the application of representative wear tests, the use of wear resistant materials and coatings, the development of suitable wear models, and for the ultimate goal of predicting tool life. However, there is a lack of information concerning the time-dependant nature of the contact pressure response in sheet metal stamping. This work provides a qualitative description of the evolution and distribution of contact pressure at the die radius for a typical channel forming process. Through an analysis of the deformation conditions, contact phenomena and underlying mechanics, it was identified that three distinct phases exist. Significantly, the initial and intermediate stages resulted in severe and localised contact conditions, with contact pressures significantly greater than the blank material yield strength. The final phase corresponds to a larger contact area, with steady and smaller contact pressures. The proposed contact pressure behaviour was compared to other results available in the literature and also discussed with respect to tool wear.


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The application of austempered ductile iron (ADI) is gaining an ever greater share of the worldwide ferrous product market, specifically centering on the aerospace, automotive and shipping industries. ADI is a heat treated cast iron, which exhibits remarkable mechanical properties and provides an attractive material for designers and engineers to displace conventional materials. Previous attempts, however, to machine ADI using carbide or ceramic cutting tools produced poor tool life characteristics due to the relatively poor machinability of the workpiece. This paper presents a research study that has applied the advanced technology of modern ultrahard cutting tools, in an attempt to achieve enhanced machinability performance. This performance was evaluated through the analysis of cutting forces, tool wear, surface finish and roundness.


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The demand to reduce the use of lubricants and increase tool life in sheet metal stamping has resulted in increased research on the sliding contact between the tool and the sheet materials. Unlubricated sliding wear tests for soft carbon steel sliding on D2 tool steel were performed using a pin-on-disk tribometer. The results revealed that temperature has an influencing role in the wear of tool steel and that material transfer between tool and sheet can be minimized at a certain temperature range in sheet metal stamping.


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While current pharmacotherapies are efficacious, there remain a clear shortfall between symptom remission and functional recovery. With the explosion in our understanding of the biology of these disorders, the time is ripe for the investigation of novel therapies. Recently depression is conceptualized as an immune-inflammatory and nitro-oxidative stress related disorder. Minocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory, pro-oxidant, glutamatergic, neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties that make it a viable target to explore as a new therapy. This double blind, randomised, placebo controlled adjunctive trial will investigate the benefits of 200 mg/day of minocycline treatment, in addition to any usual treatment, as an adjunctive treatment for moderate-severe major depressive disorder. Sixty adults are being randomised to 12 weeks of treatment (with a 4 week follow-up post-discontinuation). The primary outcome measure for the study is mean change on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), with secondary outcomes including the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS), Clinical Global Impressions (CGI), Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A), Patient Global Impression (PGI), Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) and Range of Impaired Functioning Tool (LIFE-RIFT). Biomarker analyses will also be conducted at baseline and week 12. The study has the potential to provide new treatment targets, both by showing efficacy with a new class of 'antidepressant' but also through the analysis of biomarkers that may further inform our understanding of the pathophysiology of unipolar depression.


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This article presents a cooling system for cutting tool in turning based in a toolholder with cooling fluid flowing inside its body being that this fluid must necessarily be able to phase change due to heat generated from machining processes. In this way, the fluid evaporates just under the cutting tool allowing a heat transfer more efficient than if were used a fluid without phase change once the latent heat of evaporation is beneficial for removal heat. Following, the cooling fluid evaporated passes through a condenser located out of the toolholder where it is condensated and returns to the toolholder again and a new cycle is started. In this study, the R-123, a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) fluid, was selected for the turning of a Cr-Ni-Nb-Mn-N austenitic steel of hard machinability. The machining tests were carried out under three different machining conditions: dry machining, external cutting fluid (conventional method), and with the toolholder proposed. As result, the developed system allows a surface roughness up to 10% better than dry machining and a tool life close to the conventional method, but 32% superior to dry machining; moreover, there are environmental and economics advantages once the cooling fluid is maintained in a loop circuit.