949 resultados para Tonic sol-fa.
Face ao crescente índice de envelhecimento e às alterações motoras da fala decorrentes, torna-se emergente a validação de instrumentos de recolha e análise das características da produção dos sons da fala de adultos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se o texto foneticamente equilibrado (TFE) “O Sol” contém os fone(ma)s na mesma frequência de ocorrência do discurso espontâneo, recorrendose aos corpus PF_fone e FrePOP e determinar a sensibilidade do TFE “O Sol” às variações dialetais do português-europeu (PE). Uma população de 55 sujeitos normofalantes, com uma média de idades de 29 anos num intervalo entre [18 – 58] anos, leram em voz alta o TFE “O Sol”. As amostras foram recolhidas com um gravador Sony linear PCM-D50 (96KHz/24bit). A frequência relativa (Fr) dos fones do TFE “O Sol” foi comparada com a Fr dos dois corpus de referência, sendo o limiar de aceitação estabelecido, maior ou igual a -0,05. A frequência absoluta (Fa) dos fones do TFE “O Sol” foi comparada em função do dialeto dos sujeitos. Verificou-se que a Fr de 30 dos 38 fones do TFE “O Sol” são iguais ou superiores ao limiar de aceitação. A Fa de 6 dos 38 fones foi diferente significativamente (p<0,05) nos três dialetos. Concluindo, o TFE “O Sol” apresenta todos os fones do PE, sendo 78.9% numa frequência de ocorrência próxima à do discurso espontâneo, estando assim asseguradas as validades de conteúdo, de construção e concorrente. O TFE “O Sol” pode ser aplicado em sujeitos dos três dialetos do PE por apresentar sensibilidade a estes.
Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Fisica
The aims of this study were to demonstrate the synthesis of an experimental glass ionomer cement (GIC) by the non-hydrolytic sol-gel method and to evaluate its biocompatibility in comparison to a conventional glass ionomer cement (Vidrion R). Four polyethylene tubes containing the tested cements were implanted in the dorsal region of 15 rats, as follows: GI - experimental GIC and GII - conventional GIC. The external tube walls was considered the control group (CG). The rats were sacrificed 7, 21 and 42 days after implant placement for histopathological analysis. A four-point (I-IV) scoring system was used to graduate the inflammatory reaction. Regarding the experimental GIC sintherization, thermogravimetric and x-ray diffraction analysis demonstrated vitreous material formation at 110oC by the sol-gel method. For biocompatibility test, results showed a moderate chronic inflammatory reaction for GI (III), severe for GII (IV) and mild for CG (II) at 7 days. After 21 days, GI presented a mild reaction (II); GII, moderate (III) and CG, mild (II). At 42 days, GI showed a mild/absent inflammatory reaction (II to I), similar to GII (II to I). CG presented absence of chronic inflammatory reaction (I). It was concluded that the experimental GIC presented mild/absent tissue reaction after 42 days, being biocompatible when tested in the connective tissue of rats.
O presente artigo analisa os resultados obtidos num minicurso sobre o Sol e sua dinâmica realizado no Observatório Astronômico do Centro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural (CDCC) pertencente à Universidade de São Paulo (USP) na cidade de São Carlos para alunos do ensino fundamental. As atividades foram desenvolvidas na recente inaugurada, Sala Solar. Ela é dedicada ao estudo do Sol, enfatizando a observação de manchas solares e do espectro do Sol. A metodologia adotada no minicurso consistiu em pequenos experimentos, observações e diálogos expositivos. Isto incentivou os estudantes a tomarem decisões, fazerem questionamentos e refletirem gerando pensamentos mais críticos e produzindo um maior número de conexões entre o real e o abstrato que contribuiu para níveis de maior complexidade conceitual verificados durante entrevistas semiestruturadas e nas respostas ao questionário final.
Este trabalho expõe uma dedução da intensidade da luz espalhada por pequenas partículas na atmosfera, o que explica o porquê do azul do céu e o vermelho do pôr-do-sol. Mostramos, também, uma experiência bem simples, sobre os temas abordados, que foi elaborada com o intuito de aplicar a alunos do Ensino Médio
We measured the effects of epilepsy on visual contrast sensitivity to linear and vertical sine-wave gratings. Sixteen female adults, aged 21 to 50 years, comprised the sample in this study, including eight adults with generalized tonic-clonic seizure-type epilepsy and eight age-matched controls without epilepsy. Contrast threshold was measured using a temporal two-alternative forced-choice binocular psychophysical method at a distance of 150 cm from the stimuli, with a mean luminance of 40.1 cd/m². A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) applied to the linear contrast threshold showed significant differences between groups (F[3,188] = 14.829; p < .05). Adults with epilepsy had higher contrast thresholds (1.45, 1.04, and 1.18 times for frequencies of 0.25, 2.0, and 8.0 cycles per degree of visual angle, respectively). The Tukey Honestly Significant Difference post hoc test showed significant differences (p < .05) for all of the tested spatial frequencies. The largest difference between groups was in the lowest spatial frequency. Therefore, epilepsy may cause more damage to the neural pathways that process low spatial frequencies. However, epilepsy probably alters both the magnocellular visual pathway, which processes low spatial frequencies, and the parvocellular visual pathway, which processes high spatial frequencies. The experimental group had lower visual contrast sensitivity to all tested spatial frequencies.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Tecoma stans L. Juss. ex Kunth seeds mass on initial emergence, growth and, seedling development under different light conditions. The seeds were separated in four mass classes and sowed in four replicates of 24 seeds for each class, under full sun and canopy shade. Under sun environment was observed a greater percentage of emergence. Heavy seeds presented the greater percentage of emergence under both environments, but a greater rate was observed under canopy shade. One month after the start of experiments, the seedlings at the shade environment presented 100% of mortality. The growth and development seedlings under full sun were noticed for five months. In this period, only in the first three months was possible to observe the effects of Tecoma stans seeds mass on capacity of seedlings to acquire dry mass. The seedlings biomass partitions were similar among the tested mass class. The seedlings of smaller mass tended to a high specific leaf area in relation to the seedlings from large seeds, mainly in the first three months, resulting in a great acquisition of dry mass by these seedlings. In the fourth month, the specific leaf area did not present any tendency. Because the biggest seeds to give rise seedlings with best initial development than smallest seeds can be considered as species reproductive strategy. To produce seeds of different sizes also can be considered as way of species to spread in many microhabitats.
Hybrid matrices of polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (POS-PVA) were prepared by sol-gel technique using different concentrations of the organic component (polyvinyl alcohol, PVA) in the synthesis medium. The goal was to prepare carriers for immobilizing enzyme by taking into consideration properties as hardness, mean pore diameter, specific surface area and pore size distribution. The matrices were activated with sodium metaperiodate to render functional groups for binding the lipase from Candida rugosa, used here as a study model. Results showed that low proportion of PVA gave POS-PVA with low surface area and pore volume, although with higher hardness. The chemical activation decreased the pore volume and increased the pore size with a decrease on the surface area of about 60-75%. The matrices for enzyme immobilization were chosen considering the best combination of high surface area and hardness. Thus, the POS-PVA prepared with 5.56 x 10(-5) M of PVA with a surface area of 123 m(2)/g and hardness of 71 HV (50 gf 30 s) was shown to be suitable to immobilize the lipase, with an immobilization yield of about 40%. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Different gelation times (4, 18, 24 and 48 h) were used for the preparation of silica sol-gel supports and encapsulated Candida rugosa lipase using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as precursor. The hydrophobic matrices and immobilized lipases produced were characterized with regard to pore volume and size by nitrogen adsorption (BJH method), weight loss upon heating (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical composition (FTIR) and percentage of hydrolysis (POH%) of olive oil. These structural parameters were found to change with the gelation time, but no direct relation was found between the percentage of oil hydrolysis (POH%) and the gelation time. The best combination of high thermal stability and high POH% (99.5%) occurred for encapsulated lipase produced with 24 h gelation time. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The conditions for maximization of the enzymatic activity of lipase entrapped in sol-gel matrix were determined for different vegetable oils using an experimental design. The effects of pH, temperature, and biocatalyst loading on lipase activity were verified using a central composite experimental design leading to a set of 13 assays and the surface response analysis. For canola oil and entrapped lipase, statistical analyses showed significant effects for pH and temperature and also the interactions between pH and temperature and temperature and biocatalyst loading. For the olive oil and entrapped lipase, it was verified that the pH was the only variable statistically significant. This study demonstrated that response surface analysis is a methodology appropriate for the maximization of the percentage of hydrolysis, as a function of pH, temperature, and lipase loading.
Neodymium doped and undoped aluminum oxide samples were obtained using two different techniques: Pechini and sol-gel. Fine grained powders were produced using both procedures, which were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Thermo-Stimulated Luminescence (TSL). Results showed that neodymium ions incorporation is responsible for the creation of two new TSL peaks (125 and 265 degrees C) and, also, for the enhancement of the intrinsic TSL peak at 190 degrees C. An explanation was proposed for these observations. SEM gave the dimensions of the clusters produced by each method, showing that those obtained by Pechini are smaller than the ones produced by sol-gel; it can also explain the higher emission supplied by the first one. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) properties of KAlSi(3)O(8):Mn glasses obtained through the sol gel technique were investigated. Samples were obtained with five different molar concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 mol% of manganese. Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) indicated the occurrence of nanoparticles composed by glass matrix elements with Mn. Best results for TL response were obtained with 0.5 mol% Mn doped sample, which exhibits a TL peak at 180 degrees C. The TL spectrum of this sample presents a broad emission band from 450 to 700 nm with a peak at 575 nm approximately. The emission band fits very well with the characteristic lines of the Mn(2+) emission features. According to this fact, the band at 410 nm can be ascribed to (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)A(1)(G), (4)E(G) transition, while the 545 nm band can be attributed to the superposition of the transitions (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)T(2)(G) and (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)T(1)(G). The dependence of the TL response with the energy of X-rays (27-41 keV) showed a small decrease of the TL intensity in the high energy region. Excitation with blue LEDs showed OSL in the UV region with a fast decay component. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tonic immobility was induced in black tipped reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanoptera) and heart rate and ventral aortic blood pressure recorded. Without branchial irrigation, tonic immobility was correlated with a significant depression in blood pressure and heart rate irrespective of the sharks being in air or in water. Tonic immobility with branchial irrigation resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure in sharks in air, but not in water. Heart rate was unchanged when the gills were irrigated. Intra-arterial injections of atropine abolished the bradycardia and blood pressure rise associated with tonic immobility. We conclude that, during tonic immobility, sharks are able to receive afferent information from the ventilatory system and make appropriate responses via the vagus nerve.
Er(3+) doped (100-x)SiO(2)-xZrO(2) planar waveguides were prepared by the sol-gel route, with x ranging from 10 up to 30 mol%. Multilayer films doped with 0.3 mol% Er(3+) ions were deposited on fused quartz substrates by the dip-coating technique. The thickness and refractive index were measured by m-line spectroscopy at different wavelengths. The fabrication protocol was optimized in order to confine one propagating mode at 1.5 mu m. Photoluminescence in the near and visible region indicated a crystalline local environment for the Er(3+) ion. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.