991 resultados para Tonic sol-fa.


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Description based on: No. 658 (Jan. 1, 1903); title from caption.


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This paper reports on research that examined the effectiveness of introducing rhythmic concepts through an unfamiliar musical genre to Australian generalist prim my teacher education students. The genre selected was African music, in particular action songs, dance and instrumental improvisation. The methodologies of Orff, Kodaly and Dalcroze were taught through the repertoire of African music in order to foster a closer relationship between pedagogical theory and practice and to teach rhythm through cross-cultural engagement. Through analyses of questionnaire and interview data, it was demonstrated that African music had a positive effect on students' conjidence as non-specialists music teachers and enhanced their skills in staff, sol-fa, hand notation and performance. Also students were not only highly motivated to engage with this new musical genre, but also gained an increased understanding of African culture. It is argued that African music was perceived by students not so much as a "novelty", but as a source of genuine motivation, interest and enjoyment. Its potential for extending student understanding of rhythm as well as taking a significant step towards internationalizing the curriculum for a cohort of predominantly Anglo-Celtic, pre-service teachers is also explored.


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Incluye anexo con proyectos El espíritu del tiempo y el cuento El Tragarruidos


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Cr??dito com??n para secundaria obligatoria en el que se pretende que los alumnos aprendan a interpretar y explicar los fen??menos mediante los modelos f??sicos que dan unidad a las ciencias. Para ello, la introducci??n de los conceptos cient??ficos se realiza enmarcados en un curr??culum en espiral estructurado a partir de los siguientes enunciados: 'la atm??sfera est?? compuesta de gases y el aire es una mezcla de gases', 'el aire ejerce presi??n sobre los objetos', 'el aire interacciona qu??micamente con los organismos' y 'el aire es un bien precioso que hay que conservar'. Se sugieren 35 actividades de aprendizaje y actividades de autoevaluaci??n (formulario KPSI).


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La crisi econòmica és un fet molt recent, però pel qual mai s’està preparat. El gran allau de notícies tant en mitjans televisius, com de radio, diaris, etc., els quals en parlen constantment, ha motivat la curiositat per esbrinar si la crisi econòmica està afectant al sector turístic i de quina manera. Com és sabut, des de fa ja uns anys es parla de les destinacions en crisi, d’un turisme de sol i platja en crisi, ja que les noves destinacions estan fent ombra a aquelles que durant els 70 i 80 van tenir un boom i una gran acceptació, la qual cosa fa pensar que la situació actual de la crisi econòmica pot fer agreujar aquest estat de davallada del turisme de masses


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Face ao crescente índice de envelhecimento e às alterações motoras da fala decorrentes, torna-se emergente a validação de instrumentos de recolha e análise das características da produção dos sons da fala de adultos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se o texto foneticamente equilibrado (TFE) “O Sol” contém os fone(ma)s na mesma frequência de ocorrência do discurso espontâneo, recorrendose aos corpus PF_fone e FrePOP e determinar a sensibilidade do TFE “O Sol” às variações dialetais do português-europeu (PE). Uma população de 55 sujeitos normofalantes, com uma média de idades de 29 anos num intervalo entre [18 – 58] anos, leram em voz alta o TFE “O Sol”. As amostras foram recolhidas com um gravador Sony linear PCM-D50 (96KHz/24bit). A frequência relativa (Fr) dos fones do TFE “O Sol” foi comparada com a Fr dos dois corpus de referência, sendo o limiar de aceitação estabelecido, maior ou igual a -0,05. A frequência absoluta (Fa) dos fones do TFE “O Sol” foi comparada em função do dialeto dos sujeitos. Verificou-se que a Fr de 30 dos 38 fones do TFE “O Sol” são iguais ou superiores ao limiar de aceitação. A Fa de 6 dos 38 fones foi diferente significativamente (p<0,05) nos três dialetos. Concluindo, o TFE “O Sol” apresenta todos os fones do PE, sendo 78.9% numa frequência de ocorrência próxima à do discurso espontâneo, estando assim asseguradas as validades de conteúdo, de construção e concorrente. O TFE “O Sol” pode ser aplicado em sujeitos dos três dialetos do PE por apresentar sensibilidade a estes.


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This thesis presents a study of the mechanical properties of thin films. The main aim was to determine the properties of sol-gel derived coatings. These films are used in a range of different applications and are known to be quite porous. Very little work has been carried out in this area and in order to study the mechanical properties of sol-gel films, some of the work was carried out on magnetron sputtered metal coatings in order to validate the techniques developed in this work. The main part of the work has concentrated on the development of various bending techniques to study the elastic modulus of the thin films, including both a small scale three-point bending, as well as a novel bi-axial bending technique based on a disk resting on three supporting balls. The bending techniques involve a load being applied to the sample being tested and the bending response to this force being recorded. These experiments were carried out using an ultra micro indentation system with very sensitive force and depth recording capabilities. By analysing the result of these forces and deflections using existing theories of elasticity, the elastic modulus may be determined. In addition to the bi-axial bending study, a finite element analysis of the stress distribution in a disk during bending was carried out. The results from the bi-axial bending tests of the magnetron sputtered films was confirmed by ultra micro indentation tests, giving information of the hardness and elastic modulus of the films. It was found that while the three point bending method gave acceptable results for uncoated steel substrates, it was very susceptible to slight deformations of the substrate. Improvements were made by more careful preparation of the substrates in order to avoid deformation. However the technique still failed to give reasonable results for coated specimens. In contrast, biaxial bending gave very reliable results even for very thin films and this technique was also found to be useful for determination of the properties of sol-gel coatings. In addition, an ultra micro indentation study of the hardness and elastic modulus of sol-gel films was conducted. This study included conventionally fired films as well as films ion implanted in a range of doses. The indentation tests showed that for implantation of H+ ions at doses exceeding 3x1016 ions/cm2, the mechanical properties closely resembled those of films that were conventionally fired to 450°C.


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Purpose Samoan communities in Australia exhibit a disproportionate rate of kidney disease compared with other Australians. This article describes a research project that used a culturally sensitive framework, Fa’afaletui, to help reduce the barriers of language and culture and increase our understanding of the factors contributing to kidney disease, in one Samoan community in Australia. Design Semistructured group interviews were undertaken with Samoan community families and groups. The interviews were analyzed according to key concepts embedded in the Fa’afaletui framework. Findings Four factors associated with health risks in this Samoan community emerged—diet and exercise; issues related to the collective (incorporating the village, church, and family); tapu or cultural protocols; and the importance of language. Conclusions The findings suggest that future kidney health promotion initiatives within this Samoan community will be more effective if they are sensitive to Samoan cultural norms, language, and context.