963 resultados para Tom Zé, 1936-


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This is the second of two Ottoman Turkish editions of the Divan of Pertev Paşa, according to Franz Babinger. cf. Encyclopaedia of Islam, v. 3 (1936), p. 1066


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W latach 2011-13 przeprowadziliśmy projekt badawczy, którego celem była ocena skuteczności komputerowych gier edukacyjnych jako narzędzia do treningu tempa czytania w pracy z dziećmi wolno czytającymi. W projekcie napotkaliśmy szereg nieprzewidzianych trudności; niniejszy artykuł stanowi refleksję nad nimi z perspektywy praktycznych możliwości i ograniczeń korzystania z komputerowych gier edukacyjnych w terapii pedagogicznej. Powolne czytanie rozumiemy jako trudność w automatyzacji procesu dekodowania. Zakładamy, że natura treningu komputerowego może służyć zaprojektowaniu skutecznego narzędzia do poprawy automatyzacji dekodowania. W tekście opisujemy przebieg trzykrotnej próby wdrożenia treningu tempa czytania dla dzieci z klas 3-6 na podstawie edukacyjnej gry komputerowej GraphoGame-Fluent. Okazało się, że zebrane w rezultacie dane były niewystarczające do odpowiedzi na postawione przez nas pytania dotyczące efektywności treningu i jego poszczególnych parametrów (tj. rodzaj trenowanego materiału – sylaba / wyraz, frekwencja w języku pisanym). W związku z powyższym, przedstawiamy krytyczne uwagi na temat trudności stojących przed badaczem (a także terapeutą) chcącym stosować edukacyjne gry komputerowe w terapii. Trudności mogą dotyczyć etapu wyboru gry (czy jest odpowiednia do problemu ucznia, skuteczna i motywująca), technicznych trudności ze sprzętem (dostępność komputerów i akcesoriów) oraz organizacji treningu (ograniczenia wynikające ze sztywnego stosowania systemu klasowo-lekcyjnego). Opis trudności w prowadzeniu badań w polskich szkołach zestawiamy z opisem takiego samego badania prowadzonego przez nas w szkołach w Irlandii.


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The article is dedicated to the problems of children raised by one or both parents addicted to alcohol who experience a negative impact of that situation in the area of their psychosocial functioning (in the current phase of their lives, as well as in adulthood).


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Participation of unincorporated associations in court and administrative proceedings is a tool of public participation which is a part of basic principles of performance of a democratic country and a civil society. By means of abiding by those principles administrative bodies and courts respect the rule of law and it becomes a standard. The rule of public participation can be as well treated as a part of the basic civil rights stipulated in the Constitution. By respecting the right of unincorporated associations to participate in court and administrative proceedings in environmental protection-related cases the goals and functions of environmental protection law can be accomplished.


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The article is devoted to the presentation of the outline of the concept of operationalization of human rights taking place in the states involved in the system of international protection of those rights. The concept of operationalization of protection is a collective term for a series of processes that lead to the establishment of legal provisions protecting human rights, and to transfer this abstract construct to specific societies. It includes both the decision-making processes of extralegal (uprising idea, its conceptualization, social issues and change the perception of axiology of society, cultural aspects) and legal (lawmaking and law application processes in the aspect of human rights and the impact of international institutions on them) character. The essence of the process of operationalization is providing effective protection of human rights in a state. The concept is set primarily on the consequences of membership of Poland in the system of the Council of Europe.


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Publikacja dofinansowana z dotacji KBN na działalność statutową Wydziału Teologicznego UAM


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This study of the veranda as seen through the eyes of Lady Maria Nugent and Michael Scott, alias Tom Cringle, clearly demonstrates the important role that the piazza, as it was then more commonly known, played in the life of early nineteenth century Caribbean colonial society. The popularity of the veranda throughout the region, in places influenced by different European as well as African cultures, and among all classes of people, suggests that the appeal of this typical feature was based on something more than architectural fashion. A place of relative comfort in hot weather, the veranda is also a space at the interface of indoors and outdoors which allows for a wide variety of uses, for solitary or small or large group activities, many of which were noted by Nugent and Scott. Quintessentially, the veranda is a place in which to relax and take pleasure, not least of which is the enjoyment of the prospect, be it a panoramic view, a peaceful garden or a lively street scene. Despite the great changes in the nature of society, in the Caribbean and in many other parts of the world, the veranda and related structures such as the balcony continue to play at least as important a role in daily life as they did two centuries ago. The veranda of today’s Californian or Australian bungalow, and the balcony of the apartment block in the residential area of the modern city are among the contemporary equivalents of the lower and upper piazzas of Lady Nugent’s and Tom Cringle’s day.


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Shelton, E.M. (p.548); Sherwood Arboretum (p.550); Soutter, William (pp.563-4); Styles (pp.575-6); Summer-House (579-580); Trapnell, W.G. (p.602); Tropical Gardens (pp.604-5);Verandah Gardening (p.614); Wickham Park (p.642); Wijaya, Made (p.642); Williams, George (p.644); Williams Keith A (p.644).


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With the ever-increasing emphasis on ocular disease recognition in the practice of optometry and especially anterior eye disease management and therapeutics, any book addressing such issues is bound to have a captive audience. This second edition of Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A–Z provides a succinct yet comprehensive coverage of this topic.


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We report a new approach that uses the single beam Z-scan technique, to discriminate between excited state absorption (ESA) and two and three photon nonlinear absorption. By measuring the apparent delay or advance of the pulse in reaching the detector, the nonlinear absorption can be unambiguously identified as either instantaneous or transient. The simple method does not require a large range of input fluences or sophisticated pulse-probe experimental apparatus. The technique is easily extended to any absorption process dependent on pulse width and to nonlinear refraction measurements. We demonstrate in particular, that the large nonlinear absorption in ZnO nanocones when exposed to nanosecond 532 nm pulses, is due mostly to ESA, not pure two-photon absorption.


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This study proposes a five-level Z-source diode-clamped inverter designed with two intermediate Z-source networks connected between the dc input sources and rear-end inverter circuitry. By partially shorting the Z-source networks, new operating states not previously reported for two-level Z-source inverter are introduced here for operating the proposed inverter with voltage buck-boost energy conversion ability and five-level phase voltage switching. These characteristic features are in fact always ensured at the inverter terminal output by simply adopting a properly designed carrier modulation scheme, which always inserts two partial shoot-through states per half carrier cycle for smooth balanced operation. Theoretical findings and practical issues identified are eventually verified by constructing a scaled down laboratory prototype for testing.