138 resultados para Tmax
利用多年定位测定的草地生产力资料及同步气象因素观测数据, 建立现实状况下光、温、水影响草地气候生产潜力模型: Y= F1 (Q ) ·F2 (T ) ·F3 (P) = K ∑[(-b·exp (a+ b∑t/∑tmax) )/(1+ exp (a+ b∑t/∑tmax) )2 ] 0 T < 0℃ ·[W 0/∑tmax ]·△∑t· Tö2 0·016658 0℃≤T< 20℃ 1 T ≥20℃ 在分析现实高寒草旬气候生产力分布与环境条件关系的同时, 根据该模型模拟计算未来气温升高2℃和4℃, 降水增加10% 和20% 状况下的气候生产力情景。在上述两种气候情景下, 未来草地生产力分别出现降低(10% ) 和升高(1% ) 的两种可能。气候变暖在一定程度上减少和缓和低温对高寒草甸牧草生长的不利影响, 但地表及植被的蒸散量的加大远比降水增加的快, 水分则成为牧草生长的限制因素。
El valor energético de los alimentos se determina mediante experimentos con animales pero que consumen gran cantidad de recursos económicos y humanos. La evaluación energética en la práctica rutinaria de laboratorio depende de la existencia de métodos de estimación basadas sobre parámetros químicos o valores de digestibilidad in vitro capaces de predecir adecuadamente la digestibilidad in vivo. El objetivo general fue generar conocimientos y criterios que mejoren la evaluación de la calidad de los forrajes ensilados y contribuir al desarrollo de ecuaciones de predicción de la digestibilidad de la materia seca (DMS) y de la energía metabolizable (EM) de los forrajes ensilados, utilizando como método de referencia a la digestibilidad obtenida in vivo con ovinos. Las fracciones analíticas como (a) FDN(mo), LIG/FDA y almidón resultaron fundamentales para el desarrollo de las ecuaciones pero otras variables derivadas de la PG fueron necesarias para reducir la magnitud de los errores de la predicción. Las tasas de PG y los tiempos en que éstas ocurrieron fueron de mayor utilidad que las PGA (i.e. Tmax, µ50 y T50). Los parámetros de la cinética de PG de los residuos insolubles en agua y detergente neutro (i.e. RIA y RIDN) permitieron mejorar la precisión de la predicción de DMS y EM reduciendo los errores de los modelos hasta 21.3 g/kg MS y 0.10 Mcal/kg MS, respectivamente (i.e DMS=450 + 10.8*RIA(Tmax) + o.6*(Lig/FDA), R²(aj) =0.94; EM=2.97 - 0.022*RIA(T50 - 0.007*(FDA) + 0.008*(Lig/FDA), R²(aj) =0.89). Las ecuaciones para predecir DFDN presentaron pobres niveles de ajuste (i.e. RDS mayora 40 g/kg FDN). Sería necesario continuar explorando las razones de la variabilidad en los resultados obtenidos. La aplicación de las ecuaciones propuestas requiere la utilización de las fracciones analíticas en base seca corregida por liofilización así como la incubación de los ensilajes en fresco pero molidos con hielo seco.
The steady-state pharmacokinetic profile of indomethacin was examined in twelve healthy volunteers (4 m, 8 f; 20-34 y) and in 12 elderly subjects (7 m, 5 f; 70-88 y). Two formulations of indomethacin were examined, providing duplicate data for each subject group. The subjects received each formulation of indomethacin (25 mg tid) for 6 days in a single blind crossover fashion. On day 7, after an overnight fast, a final 25 mg dose of indomethacin was given and plasma concentrations measured over the following 12 h. Kinetic parameters Cpmin, Tmax and AUC (0-12 h) were determined. There were no differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters between young and elderly subjects or between data for the two formulations of indomethacin. AUC values (micrograms.ml-1.h), for example, for the two formulations in the young subjects were 5.85 and 6.85 while the values for the elderly subjects were 6.55 and 6.50 respectively. When each treatment period was considered independently there was a significant difference between young and elderly subjects with regard to compliance. The rates of non compliance (over and under compliance) using a capsule count technique were, however, low with a mean maximum value of 5.8% being recorded for the elderly subjects.
A range of lanthanum strontium manganates (La1−xSrxMnO3–LSMO) where 0 ≤ x < 0.4 were prepared using a modified peroxide sol–gel synthesis method. The magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) clusters obtained for each of the materials were characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and infra-red (IR) spectroscopy in order to confirm the crystalline phases, crystallite size and cluster morphology. The magnetic properties of the materials were assessed using the Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) to evaluate the magnetic susceptibility, Curie temperature (Tc) and static hysteretic losses. Induction heating experiments also provided an insight into the magnetocaloric effect for each material. The specific absorption rate (SAR) of the materials was evaluated experimentally and via numerical simulations. The magnetic properties and heating data were linked with the crystalline structure to make predictions with respect to the best LSMO composition for mild hyperthermia (41 °C ≤ T ≤ 46 °C). La0.65Sr0.35MnO3, with crystallite diameter of 82.4 nm, (agglomerate size of ∼10 μm), Tc of 89 °C and SAR of 56 W gMn−1 at a concentration 10 mg mL−1 gave the optimal induction heating results (Tmax of 46.7 °C) and was therefore deemed as most suitable for the purposes of mild hyperthermia, vide infra.
Cure characteristics of short polyester fiber-polyurethane composites with respect to different bonding agents (MD resins) based on 4, 4' diphenylmethanediisocyanate (MDI) and various diols like propyleneglycol (PG), polypropyleneglycol (PPG) and glycerol (GL) were studied. Tmax. - Tmin. of composites having MD resin were found to be higher than the composite without MD resin. Minimum torque and Tmax. - Tmin., scorch time and optimum cure time were increased with the increase of MDI equivalence. Optimum ratio of MDI / -of in the resin was found to be within the range of 1-1.5. It was observed from the cure characteristics that for getting better adhesion between short polyester fiber and the polyurethane matrix the best choice of MD resin was one based on MDI and 1:1 equivalent mixture of polypropyleneglycol and glycerol.
The Upper Blue Nile River Basin (UBNRB) located in the western part of Ethiopia, between 7° 45’ and 12° 45’N and 34° 05’ and 39° 45’E has a total area of 174962 km2 . More than 80% of the population in the basin is engaged in agricultural activities. Because of the particularly dry climate in the basin, likewise to most other regions of Ethiopia, the agricultural productivity depends to a very large extent on the occurrence of the seasonal rains. This situation makes agriculture highly vulnerable to the impact of potential climate hazards which are about to inflict Africa as a whole and Ethiopia in particular. To analyze these possible impacts of future climate change on the water resources in the UBNRB, in the first part of the thesis climate projection for precipitation, minimum and maximum temperatures in the basin, using downscaled predictors from three GCMs (ECHAM5, GFDL21 and CSIRO-MK3) under SRES scenarios A1B and A2 have been carried out. The two statistical downscaling models used are SDSM and LARS-WG, whereby SDSM is used to downscale ECHAM5-predictors alone and LARS-WG is applied in both mono-model mode with predictors from ECHAM5 and in multi-model mode with combined predictors from ECHAM5, GFDL21 and CSIRO-MK3. For the calibration/validation of the downscaled models, observed as well as NCEP climate data in the 1970 - 2000 reference period is used. The future projections are made for two time periods; 2046-2065 (2050s) and 2081-2100 (2090s). For the 2050s future time period the downscaled climate predictions indicate rise of 0.6°C to 2.7°C for the seasonal maximum temperatures Tmax, and of 0.5°C to 2.44°C for the minimum temperatures Tmin. Similarly, during the 2090s the seasonal Tmax increases by 0.9°C to 4.63°C and Tmin by 1°C to 4.6°C, whereby these increases are generally higher for the A2 than for the A1B scenario. For most sub-basins of the UBNRB, the predicted changes of Tmin are larger than those of Tmax. Meanwhile, for the precipitation, both downscaling tools predict large changes which, depending on the GCM employed, are such that the spring and summer seasons will be experiencing decreases between -36% to 1% and the autumn and winter seasons an increase of -8% to 126% for the two future time periods, regardless of the SRES scenario used. In the second part of the thesis the semi-distributed, physically based hydrologic model, SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool), is used to evaluate the impacts of the above-predicted future climate change on the hydrology and water resources of the UBNRB. Hereby the downscaled future predictors are used as input in the SWAT model to predict streamflow of the Upper Blue Nile as well as other relevant water resources parameter in the basin. Calibration and validation of the streamflow model is done again on 1970-2000 measured discharge at the outlet gage station Eldiem, whereby the most sensitive out the numerous “tuneable” calibration parameters in SWAT have been selected by means of a sophisticated sensitivity analysis. Consequently, a good calibration/validation model performance with a high NSE-coefficient of 0.89 is obtained. The results of the future simulations of streamflow in the basin, using both SDSM- and LARS-WG downscaled output in SWAT reveal a decline of -10% to -61% of the future Blue Nile streamflow, And, expectedly, these obviously adverse effects on the future UBNRB-water availibiliy are more exacerbated for the 2090’s than for the 2050’s, regardless of the SRES.
The temperature dependence of the crystalline structure and the lattice parameters of Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric ceramic system with 0.00 x 0.21 was determined. The samples with x 0.11 show a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at the maximum dielectric permittivity, Tmax. Above this amount and especially for the x = 0.12 sample, a spontaneous phase transition from a relaxor ferroelectric state (cubic phase) to a ferroelectric state (tetragonal phase) is observed upon cooling below the Tmax. Unlike what has been reported in other studies, the x = 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 samples, which present a more pronounced relaxor behavior, also presents a spontaneous normal-to-relaxor transition, indicated by a cubic to tetragonal symmetry below the Tmax. The origin of this anomaly has been associated with an increase in the degree of tetragonality, confirmed by the measurements of the X-ray diffraction patterns. The differential thermal analysis (DSC) measurements also confirm the existence of these phase transitions.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as relações torque-ângulo (T-A) e torque-velocidade (T-V) de bailarinas clássicas (n=14) e atletas de voleibol (n=22). O torque máximo (Tmax) da musculatura flexora plantar (FP) do tornozelo foi avaliada durante contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas nos ângulos de -10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40° e 50° de FP, e durante contrações isocinéticas voluntárias máximas nas velocidades angulares de 60°/s, 120°/s, 180°/s, 240°/s, 300°/s, 360°/s e 420°/s. Além do Tmax, o torque produzido nos ângulos articulares de -10° (T-10°), 10° (T10°) e 30° (T30°) também foi avaliado nas mesmas velocidades angulares. A ativação elétrica dos músculos gastrocnêmio medial (GM) e sóleo (SOL) direitos de cada indivíduo foi monitorada com eletrodos de eletromiografia (EMG) de superfície em configuração bipolar. Uma relação linear foi observada entre o Tmax e o aumento dos ângulos de FP nas atletas de voleibol Um deslocamento dessa relação em direção a maiores ângulos de FP (menores comprimentos musculares) ocorreu no grupo das bailarinas, com o aparecimento de um platô em menores ângulos de FP (maiores comprimentos musculares). Durante as contrações isocinéticas, uma relação hiperbólica foi observada entre o Tmax, T-10° e T10° com o aumento da velocidade angular nos dois grupos. Entretanto, em T30° as atletas de voleibol produziram valores superiores de torque nas velocidades angulares mais elevadas. Os valores root mean square (RMS) dos músculos GM e SOL foram mais elevados nas bailarinas que nas atletas de voleibol, tanto nas contrações isométricas quanto nas isocinéticas. Uma diminuição na ativação do GM e do SOL ocorreu com a diminuição da FP nas atletas de voleibol, enquanto os valores RMS se mantiveram estáveis para as bailarinas ao longo de todos os ângulos testados. Os resultados apresentados nesse estudo suportam a hipótese de que a atividade física sistemática provoca alteração nas propriedades intrínsecas musculares e ativação muscular, modificando assim, as relações T-A e T-V.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida em pacientes com tumores sólidos refratários incluídos em estudo de fase II em nossa Instituição. Foram incluídos 14 pacientes, sendo 5 com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de reto, 4 com adenocarcinoma de cólon, 4 com melanoma e 1 com adenocarcinoma de pâncreas. Todos os pacientes foram previamente tratados, 14 com cirurgia, 11 com quimioterapia, 5 com radioterapia e 1 com imunoterapia. Os pacientes foram inicialmente tratados com talidomida 200 mg/dia, com um aumento de dose de 200mg a cada duas semanas, até atingir a dose máxima de 800 mg/dia. Treze pacientes atingiram o nível de 400mg/dia, 9 pacientes os níveis de 600mg/dia e apenas 5 pacientes atingiram 800mg/dia. A farmacocinética foi caracterizada em oito pacientes no nível de dose de 200 mg/dia. Todos os 14 pacientes incluídos foram avaliados quanto ao perfil de toxicidade e resposta antitumoral. A talidomida foi bem tolerada, sendo os principais efeitos colaterais a sonolência, a tontura, a xerostomia e a constipação. Não foram observadas respostas tumorais objetivas. Para avaliar os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida foram coletadas amostras de sangue imediatamente antes da administração da droga, 1h, 2h, 2,5h, 3h, 3,5h, 4h, 5h, 7h e 24h após a administração da primeira dose de talidomida de 200mg. A determinação das concentrações e parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida nestas amostras foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta performance. A curva de decaimento das concentrações plasmáticas obedeceu a um modelo farmacocinético monocompartimental. A média dos principais parâmetros farmacocinéticos estudados foi: Cmax 1,48 ± 0,56μg/ml, Tmax 4,4± 0,5h, ASC 17,7±8,4μg x h/mL e t½ 6,5±3,0 hs. O autor pode concluir que os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida estudados nestes pacientes foram semelhantes àqueles descritos anteriormente em voluntários sadios, pacientes com HIV, hanseníase ou adenocarcinoma de próstata.
Correlações entre os caracteres físico-químicos de frutos da aceroleira com variáveis meteorológicas
Com objetivo de estimar as associações entre os caracteres físico-químicos do fruto com variáveis meteorológicas, conduziu-se um experimento no pomar da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal, no período de dezembro/97 a janeiro/99, avaliando-se em cada colheita espontânea de 5 genótipos, valores médios de altura e diâmetro de vinte frutos, teor de vitamina C, ºBRIX, pH, rendimento médio de polpa em três amostras de vinte frutos, massa média de frutos e tempo de colheita em dias. Os dados meteorológicos diários utilizados foram obtidos na Estação Agroclimatológica do Departamento de Ciências Exatas da FCAV/ UNESP. Baseando-se nas maiores correlações entre as médias das temperaturas máxima (TMAX), mínima (TMIN) e média (TME) no período de colheita (1), no período de colheita incluindo-se os três dias antecedentes (2) e no período de colheita incluindo-se os dez dias antecedentes (3), associadas com os caracteres físico-químicos de frutos, elegeu-se TMIN2, como a mais influente entre as estudadas e estimou-se o somatório da precipitação (PR) e horas-luz diárias (HL) do mesmo período. Com as estimativas de precipitação e insolação em horas-luz diárias e TMIN2, obtiveram-se as correlações entre os caracteres físico-químicos de frutos de aceroleiras na média geral e dentro da média de cada genótipo analisado. Concluiu-se que as variáveis meteorológicas TMIN2, PR e HL apresentaram respostas diferenciadas dentro de cada genótipo, influenciando as expressões dos caracteres físico-químicos de seus frutos e que as correlações entre HL e tempo de colheita em dias, entre e dentro de todos os genótipos estudados, foram direta e altamente significativas, de modo que a variável HL condicionou a periodicidade e extensão das colheitas (safras).
Decapod crustaceans are one of the most important portions of megafaunal of coastal waters, playing a role as modifier of the environment and controlling populations of other organisms. Among the Decapoda, crab (brachyuran) constitutes the dominant macrofauna of mangroves. Among brachyuran is the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Linnaeus, 1763), which represents the main component of the macrofauna of mangroves, particularly in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. In Brazil, its distribution is known from the state of Amapá to the north of Santa Catarina. This species is distinguished by its economic importance, being one of the main fishing resources in Brazil, generating a significant impact on their natural populations. This reduction would result in loss of value to the product, preventing its commercialization. Although it´s great ecological and economic importance, there are few articles about the biological aspects of U. cordatus, mainly in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work aimed to study the population dynamics of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Conchas estuary, Porto do Mangue, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. During the period November 2009 to October 2010 the crabs were collected monthly, obeying predetermined lunar periods (new moon or full moon) in a mangrove area in Porto do Mangue - RN. With the aid of a steel caliper (0.01 mm) and a precision balance (0.01 g) were measured biometric variables related to the animal's carapace, major propodus chela, width of abdomen (female), length of gonopodium ( males) and total weight. In addition, it was recorded, the gonads and molt stages, for males and females. In total, 476 crabs were collected, with 338 males and 138 females. Males were larger, heavier and in greater proportion than females. The reproductive period for the species in this location was limited during the months November to May, suggesting a change in current environmental legislation for the closure period. Synchrony was observed between the morphological and physiological maturity with females maturing earlier, possibly, a reproductive strategy adopted, compared to the low fishing pressure in the area. The molting period occurred in the dry season peaking in October. The analysis of growth, based on the parameters of von Bertalanffy was calculated using the nonlinear fit using modes (AJMOD). High growth rates for both males (L = 7.54 cm, k = 0.95, t0 =- 00:08; tmax = 4.84) and females (L = 6.50, k = 1 , 2, t0 =- 0008; tmax = 3.28) were found, contrasting with data from the literature, using other techniques. Males had higher asymptotic width size and longevity, but a lower growth constant when compared with females. The estimated age, for males and females, reaching the minimum capture size was 1.82 years and 1.63 years respectively. The size of physiological maturity, when individuals are able to reproduce, was estimated at 1.4 years and 1.05 years, for males and females, respectively. The recruitment period for this species is seasonal, with two peaks of occurrence, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. This work represented the first effort on understanding the ecology of the mangrove crab, to the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, further studies on its biology should be undertaken, especially those related to growth, and recruitment, where observed that literature is more scarce
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pareiorhina rudolphi was sampled in streams of the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (22[degree]47[minute]08[second]S, 45[degree]28[minute]17[second] W). Samplings were carried out using an electrofishing device, during the months of July/2001, October/2001, February/2002 and April/2002. Sex-ratio diverged significantly from the expected 1: 1 ratio([chi]2 = 6.53; p < 0.05), standing at 1.6:1 (female: male). The spawning period for Pareiorhina rudolphi lasts from spring to summer, with, the highest observed, in October and February by the gonadosomantic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. The length at sexual maturity of P. rudolphi is about 4.45 cm for both sexes. The absolute fecundity was low, and ranged from 4 to 11 oocytes. The periphyton was used as a direct food source by the species, which remain attached to the substrate with their large circular lips, and use their conspicuous Slightly Yellowish teeth to graze the periphyton. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for P, rudolphi were respectively: K = 0.35 year-1, L[infinity] = 7.2 cm, tmax = 8.6 years, M = 1.1 year-1, S = 33%. The characteristics presented by P. rudolphi occur in the environment function of a population adjustment, and not of species abundance.