451 resultados para Tiusanen, Antero


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Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Antero Brandtin arkiston sisällöstä


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Penales) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Ortodoncia) UANL, 2011.


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A meditação em torno do Budismo é o centro da articulação da vida filosófica de Antero de Quental. Tendo partido de uma visão pessimista e nihilista do Budismo, Antero foi-se aproximando duma visão do Budismo, histórica e culturalmente bem alicerçada, que lhe permitiu encontrar a via para a solução das aporias da Civilização Ocidental. A constatação deste facto impõe uma visão renovada do pensamento de Antero, quer ao nível da especulação filosófica (de que se ocupa este texto), quer ao nível da meditação poética.


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A partir do levantamento nacional contra as Invasões Francesas os movimentos políticos de Espanha e Portugal influenciaram-se mutuamente, tanto no sentido da mudança como no da reacção. Em 1868 isso aconteceu com a revolução que derrubaria Isabel II e acabaria por dar origem à Primeira República espanhola, surgindo neste contexto um surto de ideias iberistas com vários matizes. Antero de Quental defenderia o projecto de União Ibérica, num contexto republicano e democrata, de uma forma apaixonada, pondo mesmo em causa o princípio e o sentido das nacionalidades. Mais tarde abandonaria esse projecto iberista, só retomado esporadicamente após o Ultimato britânico.


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As evidências indicam que os sistemas de digitalização de imagem deveriam possibilitar uma redução da dose de radiação utilizada na execução de um determinado exame radiológico mas, na prática, nem sempre a dose utilizada é menor que em sistemas convencionais, por um lado, devido às características inerentes dos detectores utilizados e, por outro, ao papel preponderante da intervenção do Técnico de Radiologia. Pretendeu-se comparar a dose à entrada da pele (DEP) em crianças dos 0-5 anos, submetidas a radiografia do tórax, em Incidência Antero-Posterior (AP), em dois hospitais com diferentes sistemas de aquisição de imagem, comparando, também, os valores obtidos, com os níveis de referência de diagnóstico regulamentados pela ICRP. A média da dose à entrada da pele, no hospital que utiliza sistema de digitalização de imagem é de 26,64 Gy, enquanto que no hospital que utiliza sistema convencionail de películas é de 6,85 Gy. Observou-se que a média da dose à entrada da pele, nos sistemas de digitalização de imagem foram superiores à média das doses à entrada da pele nos sistemas convencionais de películas. Em ambos os hospitais a média da dose para as respectivas faixas etárias dos pacientes, não ultrapassou os limites estipulados por lei.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of active and passive lacebacks on antero-posterior position of maxillary first molars and central incisors during leveling phase. Twenty-three subjects with Class I and Class II malocclusion were treated with first premolars extraction using preadjusted appliances (MBT 0.022-inch brackets). The leveling phase was performed with stainless steel archwires only. The sample was divided into 2 groups: 14 subjects received active lacebacks (Group 1) and 9 subjects received passive lacebacks (Group 2). Lacebacks were made from 0.008-inch ligature wire. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken pre- and post-leveling phase. Student's t-test was applied to determine the differences between pre- and post-leveling mean values and to determine the mean differences between groups. In Group I, the first molars showed a significant mesial movement, whereas no change was observed in Group 2. In both groups, maxillary central incisor crowns moved to lingual side. In conclusion, active laceback produced anchorage loss of maxillary first molars whereas passive laceback did not affect the position of these teeth. Active and passive lacebacks were effective in preventing central incisor proclination.


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BACKGROUND: Endoderm organ primordia become specified between gastrulation and gut tube folding in Amniotes. Although the requirement for RA signaling for the development of a few individual endoderm organs has been established a systematic assessment of its activity along the entire antero-posterior axis has not been performed in this germ layer. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: RA is synthesized from gastrulation to somitogenesis in the mesoderm that is close to the developing gut tube. In the branchial arch region specific levels of RA signaling control organ boundaries. The most anterior endoderm forming the thyroid gland is specified in the absence of RA signaling. Increasing RA in anterior branchial arches results in thyroid primordium repression and the induction of more posterior markers such as branchial arch Hox genes. Conversely reducing RA signaling shifts Hox genes posteriorly in endoderm. These results imply that RA acts as a caudalizing factor in a graded manner in pharyngeal endoderm. Posterior foregut and midgut organ primordia also require RA, but exposing endoderm to additional RA is not sufficient to expand these primordia anteriorly. We show that in chick, in contrast to non-Amniotes, RA signaling is not only necessary during gastrulation, but also throughout gut tube folding during somitogenesis. Our results show that the induction of CdxA, a midgut marker, and pancreas induction require direct RA signaling in endoderm. Moreover, communication between CdxA(+) cells is necessary to maintain CdxA expression, therefore synchronizing the cells of the midgut primordium. We further show that the RA pathway acts synergistically with FGF4 in endoderm patterning rather than mediating FGF4 activity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our work establishes that retinoic acid (RA) signaling coordinates the position of different endoderm organs along the antero-posterior axis in chick embryos and could serve as a basis for the differentiation of specific endodermal organs from ES cells.


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PURPOSE    Segmentation of the proximal femur in digital antero-posterior (AP) pelvic radiographs is required to create a three-dimensional model of the hip joint for use in planning and treatment. However, manually extracting the femoral contour is tedious and prone to subjective bias, while automatic segmentation must accommodate poor image quality, anatomical structure overlap, and femur deformity. A new method was developed for femur segmentation in AP pelvic radiographs. METHODS    Using manual annotations on 100 AP pelvic radiographs, a statistical shape model (SSM) and a statistical appearance model (SAM) of the femur contour were constructed. The SSM and SAM were used to segment new AP pelvic radiographs with a three-stage approach. At initialization, the mean SSM model is coarsely registered to the femur in the AP radiograph through a scaled rigid registration. Mahalanobis distance defined on the SAM is employed as the search criteria for each annotated suggested landmark location. Dynamic programming was used to eliminate ambiguities. After all landmarks are assigned, a regularized non-rigid registration method deforms the current mean shape of SSM to produce a new segmentation of proximal femur. The second and third stages are iteratively executed to convergence. RESULTS    A set of 100 clinical AP pelvic radiographs (not used for training) were evaluated. The mean segmentation error was [Formula: see text], requiring [Formula: see text] s per case when implemented with Matlab. The influence of the initialization on segmentation results was tested by six clinicians, demonstrating no significance difference. CONCLUSIONS    A fast, robust and accurate method for femur segmentation in digital AP pelvic radiographs was developed by combining SSM and SAM with dynamic programming. This method can be extended to segmentation of other bony structures such as the pelvis.