791 resultados para Timed-token protocol


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The objective of this study was to compare a GnRH-based to an estrogen/progesterone (E2/P4)-based protocol for estrous cycle synchronization and fixed timed artificial insemination (TAI), both designed for synchronization of ovulation and to reduce the period from follicular emergence until ovulation in cows with a synchronized follicular wave. A total of 1,190 lactating Holstein cows (primiparous: n = 685 and multiparous: n = 505) yielding 26.5 ± 0.30 kg of milk/d at 177 ± 5.02 d in milk were randomly assigned to receive one of the following programs: 5-d Cosynch protocol [d -8: controlled internal drug release (CIDR) + GnRH; d -3: CIDR removal + PGF2α; d -2: PGF2α; d 0: TAI + GnRH] or E2/P4 protocol (d -10: CIDR + estradiol benzoate; d -3: PGF2α; d -2: CIDR removal + estradiol cypionate; d 0: TAI). Rectal temperature and circulating progesterone (P4) were measured on d -3, -2, 0 (TAI), and 7. The estrous cycle was considered to be synchronized when P4 was ≥1.0 ng/mL on d 7 in cows that had luteolysis (P4 ≤0.4 ng/mL on d 0). To evaluate the effects of heat stress, cows were classified by number of heat stress events: 0, 1, and 2-or-more measurements of elevated body temperature (≥39.1°C). Pregnancy success (pregnancy per artificial insemination, P/AI) was determined at d 32 and 60 after TAI. The cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol had increased circulating P4 at the time of PGF2α injection (2.66 ± 0.13 vs. 1.66 ± 0.13 ng/mL). The cows in the E2/P4 protocol were more likely to be detected in estrus (62.8 vs. 43.4%) compared with the cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol, and expression of estrus improved P/AI in both treatments. The cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol had greater percentage of synchronized estrous cycle (78.2%), compared with cows in the E2/P4 protocol (70.7%). On d 60, the E2/P4 protocol tended to improve P/AI (20.7 vs. 16.7%) and reduced pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d (11.0 vs. 19.6%), compared with the 5-d Cosynch protocol. In cows with their estrous cycle synchronized, the E2/P4 protocol had greater P/AI (25.6 vs. 17.7%) on d 60 and lower pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d (6.7 vs. 21.7%) compared with cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol. Follicle diameter affected pregnancy loss from 32 to 60 d only in the cows in the 5-d Cosynch protocol, with smaller follicles resulting in greater pregnancy loss. Pregnancy per AI at d 60 was different between protocols in the cows with 2 or more measurements of heat stress (5-d Cosynch = 12.2% vs. E2/P4 = 22.8%), but not in the cows without or with 1 heat stress measurement. In conclusion, the 5-d Cosynch protocol apparently produced better estrous cycle synchronization than the E2/P4 protocol but did not improve P/AI. The potential explanation for these results is that increased E2 concentrations during the periovulatory period can improve pregnancy success and pregnancy maintenance, and this effect appears to be greatest in heat-stressed cows when circulating E2 may be reduced. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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Our hypothesis was that increasing the length of an estradiol and progesterone (P4) timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol would improve pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI). Lactating Holstein cows (n = 759) yielding 31 +/- 0.30 kg of milk/d with a detectable corpus luteum (CL) at d - 11 were randomly assigned to receive TAI (d 0) following 1 of 2 treatments: (8d) d - 10 controlled internal drug release (CIDR) and 2.0 mg of estradiol benzoate, d - 3 = PGF(2 alpha) (25 mg of dinoprost tromethamine), d - 2 = CIDR removal and 1.0 mg of estradiol cypionate, d 0 = TAI; or (9d) d - 11 = CIDR and estradiol benzoate, d -4 = PGF(2 alpha), d -2 CIDR removal and estradiol cypionate, d 0 TAI. Cows were considered to have their estrous cycle synchronized in response to the protocol by the absence of a CL at artificial insemination (d 0) and presence of a CL on d 7. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed on d 32 and 60. The ovulatory follicle diameter at TAI (d 0) did not differ between treatments (14.7 +/- 0.39 vs. 15.0 +/- 0.40 mm for 8 and 9 d, respectively). The 9d cows tended to have greater P4 concentrations on d 7 in synchronized cows (3.14 +/- 0.18 ng/mL) than the 8d cows (3.05 +/- 0.18 ng/mL). Although the P/AI at d 32 [45 (175/385) vs. 43.9% (166/374) for 8d and 9d, respectively] and 60 [38.1 (150/385) vs. 40.4% (154/374) for 8d and 9d, respectively] was not different, the 9d cows had lower pregnancy losses [7.6% (12/166)] than 8d cows [14.7% (25/175)]. The cows in the 9d program were more likely to be detected in estrus [72.0% (269/374)] compared with 8d cows [62% (240/385)]. Expression of estrus improved synchronization [97.4 (489/501) vs. 81% (202/248)], P4 concentrations at d 7 (3.22 +/- 0.16 vs. 2.77 +/- 0.17 ng/mL), P/AI at d 32 [51.2 (252/489) vs. 39.4% (81/202)], P/AI at d 60 [46.3 (230/489) vs. 31.1% (66/202)], and decreased pregnancy loss [9.3 (22/252) vs. 19.8% (15/81)] compared with cows that did not show estrus, respectively. Cows not detected in estrus with small (<11 mm) or large follicles (>17 mm) had greater pregnancy loss; however, in cows detected in estrus, no effect of follicle diameter on pregnancy loss was observed. In conclusion, increasing the length of the protocol for TAI increased the percentage of cows detected in estrus and decreased pregnancy loss.


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The effects of estradiol benzoate (EB) and estradiol cypionate (EC) on induction of ovulation after a synchronized LH surge and on fertility of Bos indicus females submitted to timed AI (TAI) were evaluated. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized Nelore heifers were used to evaluate the effect of EB (n = 5) and EC (n = 5) on the circulating LH profile. The LH surge timing (19.6 and 50.5 h; P = 0.001), magnitude (20.5 and 9.4 ng/mL; P = 0.005), duration (8.6 and 16.5 h; P = 0.001), and area under the LH curve (158.6 and 339.4 ng/mL; P = 0.01) differed between the EB and EC treatments, respectively. In Experiment 2 (follicular responses; n = 60) and 3 (pregnancy per AI; P/AI; n = 953) suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to an estradiol/progesterone-based synchronization protocol were assigned to receive one of two treatments to induce synchronized ovulation: 1 mg of EB im 24 h after progesterone (P4) device removal or 1 mg of EC im at P4 device removal. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between EB and EC treatments on follicular responses (maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle, 13.1 vs. 13.9 mm; interval from progesterone device removal to ovulation, 70.2 vs. 68.5 h; and ovulation rate, 77.8 vs. 82.8%, respectively). In addition, P/AI was similar (P < 0.22) between the cows treated with EB (57.5%; 277/482) and EC (61.8%; 291/471). In conclusion, despite pharmacologic differences, both esters of estradiol administered either at P4 device removal (EC) or 24 h later (EB) were effective in inducing an LH surge which resulted in synchronized ovulations and similar P/AI in suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to TAI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of insulin alone or in association with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) on the fertility of postpartum beef cows subjected to synchronization. A total of 340 cows was subjected to fixed time artificial insemination. In the trial 1, the cows were subjected to temporary weaning (TW), while in the trial 2 the same protocol was tested without TW. The addition of an insulin injection to a progesterone/eCG-based protocol without TW increased the pregnancy rate of beef cows with body condition score (BCS) equal to or lower than 2.5. Insulin had no effect on cows submitted to TW or with BCS equal to or higher than 3.0.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In Exp. 1, we evaluated the effects of 2 lengths of progesterone exposure [CIDR (controlled intravaginal drug release); 7 vs. 14 d] before a modified CO-Synch protocol [50.0-mu g injection of GnRH 6.5 d before a 25.0-mg injection of PGF(2 alpha) followed by another injection of GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI) 2 d after PGF(2 alpha)], with or without temporary weaning (TW) before GnRH treatments, on fertility of suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 283) and on calf performance. Timed AI pregnancy rates for cows receiving 7 d CIDR + TW, 7 d CIDR, 14 d CIDR + TW, and 14 d CIDR were 53, 47, 46, and 41%, respectively (P > 0.10). Calves submitted to two 48-h TW 6 d apart had decreased mean BW at 240 d (187.9 +/- 2.7 vs. 195.5 +/- 2.7 kg; P < 0.05), but BW at 420 d was not affected by TW (240.1 +/- 5.1 kg). In Exp. 2, we evaluated the effect of no treatment and treatment with or without a CIDR insert between GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol on pregnancy rate to TAI, and throughout a 90-d breeding season in suckled multiparous Bos indicus cows (n = 453). The inclusion of a CIDR between first GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) treatments of a modified CO-Synch protocol did not improve pregnancy rate (29 and 33% for cows receiving CO-Synch + CIDR and CO-Synch protocol, respectively), and cycling cows had poorer TAI pregnancy rates than anestrous cows treated with either synchronization protocol (21.7 vs. 40.7%; P < 0.05). However, regardless of treatment with CIDR, cows submitted to TAI protocol had greater (P < 0.05) pregnancy rates at 30 (54.8 vs. 11.2%), 60 (72.1 vs. 38.8%), and 90 d (82.0 vs. 57.9%) of breeding season than untreated cows.


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The objective of the present experiment was to assess the effects of temperament on pregnancy rates to fixed-time AI (FTAI) in Bos indicus beef cows. A total of 761 multiparous lactating Nelore cows, originated from 4 different commercial cow-calf ranches, were evaluated for BCS and temperament at the time of FTAI (day 0). Temperament was assessed by chute score and exit velocity. Further, individual exit score was calculated by dividing exit velocity results into quintiles and assigning cows with a score from 1 to 5 (exit score: 1 = slowest cows; 5 = fastest cow). Temperament scores were calculated by averaging cow chute score and exit score. Cows were also classified for temperament type according to temperament score (<= 3 = adequate temperament, >3 = excitable temperament). Pregnancy status was verified by detecting a viable conceptus with rectal ultrasonography approximately 40 days after FTAI. Chute score, exit velocity, and temperament score were not correlated to BCS (P>0.31). Hence, BCS did not differ (P=0.30) according to temperament type (4.13 vs. 4.09 for cows with excitable and adequate temperament, respectively; SEM = 0.070). Pregnancy rates to FTAI tended to be negatively affected by temperament score (P=0.08), whereas the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI was negatively associated with temperament score (linear effect, P<0.01). Accordingly, pregnancy rates were reduced (P=0.05) in cows with excitable temperament compared to cows with adequate temperament (35.3 vs. 42.8% of pregnant cows/total cows, respectively; SEM = 2.85). Pregnancy rates to FTAI were not affected by chute score (P=0.25), although the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI tended to be negatively associated with chute score (linear effect, P=0.07). Pregnancy rates to FTAI were negatively affected by exit score (P=0.05), and the probability of cows becoming pregnant to FTAI was negatively associated with exit score and with actual exit velocity (linear effects, P<0.01). Results from this experiment indicate that excitable temperament is detrimental to pregnancy rates of B. indicus cows assigned to an estrus synchronization + FTAI protocol. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The objectives of the present study were to evaluate factors associated with estrous synchronization responses and pregnancy per insemination (P/AI) in Bos indicus beef cows submitted to progesterone-based fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols. A total of 2388 cows (1869 Nellore and 519 crossbred Nellore x Angus) from 10 commercial farms were evaluated to determine the relationships among breed, body condition score (BCS) on the first day of the FTAI protocol, the occurrence of estrus between progesterone device removal and FTAI and diameter of largest ovarian follicle (LF) at FTAI on estrous synchronization responses and P/AI. Cows (n=412 primiparous; 1976 multiparous) received an intravaginal device containing progesterone or an ear implant containing norgestomet (a progestin), and an injection of estradiol at the beginning of the estrous synchronization protocol. Body condition was scored using a 1-5 scale on the first day of the FTAI protocol and at 30-60 days postpartum. Females received 300IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and PGF(2 alpha) on the day the progesterone device/implant was removed and were inseminated 48-60h later. At insemination, cows (n=2388) were submitted to an ultrasonographic exam to determine the diameter of the LF. Follicles were classified into four categories based on mean and standard deviation (SD) of the LF (LF1 = two SD below the mean; LF2 = mean minus one SD; LF3 = mean plus one SD; LF4 = two SD above the mean). Ovulation rate was determined in a subset of cows (n=813) by three consecutive ultrasonographic exams: (1) at time of progesterone device/implant removal, (2) at time of FTAI and (3) 48 h after FTAI. Ovulation was defined as the disappearance of a large follicle (>= 8.0 mm) that was previously recorded. Estrus was determined in a subset of the cows (n = 445) by the activation of a detection of estrous patch placed on the tail head on the day of progesterone device/implant removal. Pregnancy was diagnosed 30 days after FTAI. Pregnancy was influenced (P = 0.001) by follicle diameter [LF1 = 27.5% (81/295), LF2 = 46.6% (328/705), LF3 = 57.9% (647/1118), LF4 = 63.3% (171/270)] and the occurrence of estrus [estrus = 67.7% (174/257) and no estrus = 36.2% (68/188)]. Follicle diameter at FTAI influenced ovulation rate [LF1 = 42.5% (34/80), LF2 = 73.9% (161/218), LF3 = 95.8% (407/425), LF4 = 97.8% (88/90)], the occurrence of estrus [LF1 = 54.8% (51/93), LF2 = 33.6% (43/128), LF3 = 68.9% (126/183), LF4 = 90.2% (37/41)] and P/AI among cows that had ovulations [LF1 =32.4% (11/34), LF2 = 50.3% (81/161), LF3 = 60.0% (244/407), LF4 = 68.2% (60/88)]. Improving estrous responses between progesterone device withdrawal and FTAI and increasing the diameter of the LF at FTAI may be important aspects to achieve improved estrous synchronization responses and P/AI following progesterone/progestin and estradiol based FTAI protocols in suckled Bos indicus cows. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objectives were to assess incidence of pregnancy losses, associate this outcome with immunization programs against reproductive diseases, and evaluate the effects of vaccination against bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and Leptospira spp., on reproductive efficiency of Brazilian cow-calf operations. In experiment 1, 7614 lactating Nelore cows from 18 ranches were assigned to the same estrus synchronization and fixed-time AI protocol (ESFTAI; Days -11 to 0). Pregnancy status was determined with transrectal ultrasonography on Days 30 and 120 after AI. Pregnancy loss was deemed to have occurred when cows were pregnant on Day 30 but nonpregnant on Day 120. Incidence of pregnancy loss across all ranches was 4.1%; pregnancy losses were detected (P < 0.10) in 14 ranches but not detected (P > 0.11) in four ranches. Pregnancy loss was lower (P ≤ 0.02) in ranches that vaccinated against BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. compared with ranches that did not vaccinate, or only vaccinated against Leptospira spp. In experiments 2 and 3, lactating Nelore cows (N = 1950 and 2793, respectively) from ranches that did not have a history of vaccinating against reproductive diseases (experiment 2), or only vaccinated against Leptospira spp. (experiment 3), were assigned to the same ESFTAI used in experiment 1. Within each ranch, cows received (VAC) or not (CON) vaccination against BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. at the beginning of the ESFTAI (Day -11) and 30 days after (Day 41) AI. In experiment 2, VAC cows had greater (P ≤ 0.05) pregnancy rates compared with CON on Days 30 and 120. In experiments 2 and 3, pregnancy loss was reduced (P ≤ 0.03) in primiparous VAC cows compared with CON cohorts. In experiment 4, 367 primiparous, lactating Nelore cows previously vaccinated against Leptospira spp. were assigned to the same ESFTAI used in experiment 1. Cows received VAC, or the same vaccine 30 days before (Day -41) and at the beginning (Day -11) of the ESFTAI (PREVAC). Pregnancy rates on Days 30 and 120 were greater (P ≤ 0.05) in PREVAC cows compared with VAC cows. In conclusion, pregnancy losses affected reproductive and overall efficiency of Brazilian cow-calf operations, and might be directly associated with BoHV-1, BVDV, and Leptospira spp. infections. Hence, vaccinating cows against these pathogens, particularly when both doses are administered before fixed-time AI, improved reproductive performance in Brazilian cow-calf systems. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)