1000 resultados para Time-harmonic


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For a nonlocally perturbed half- space we consider the scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves. A second kind boundary integral equation formulation is proposed for the sound-soft case, based on a standard ansatz as a combined single-and double-layer potential but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half- space Green's function. Due to the unboundedness of the surface, the integral operators are noncompact. In contrast to the two-dimensional case, the integral operators are also strongly singular, due to the slow decay at infinity of the fundamental solution of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation. In the case when the surface is sufficiently smooth ( Lyapunov) we show that the integral operators are nevertheless bounded as operators on L-2(Gamma) and on L-2(Gamma G) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and that the operators depend continuously in norm on the wave number and on G. We further show that for mild roughness, i.e., a surface G which does not differ too much from a plane, the boundary integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2(Gamma) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and the scattering problem has a unique solution which satisfies a limiting absorption principle in the case of real wave number.


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In this paper we develop an asymptotic scheme to approximate the trapped mode solutions to the time harmonic wave equation in a three-dimensional waveguide with a smooth but otherwise arbitrarily shaped cross section and a single, slowly varying `bulge', symmetric in the longitudinal direction. Extending the work in Biggs (2012), we first employ a WKBJ-type ansatz to identify the possible quasi-mode solutions which propagate only in the thicker region, and hence find a finite cut-on region of oscillatory behaviour and asymptotic decay elsewhere. The WKBJ expansions are used to identify a turning point between the cut-on and cut-on regions. We note that the expansions are nonuniform in an interior layer centred on this point, and we use the method of matched asymptotic expansions to connect the cut-on and cut-on regions within this layer. The behaviour of the expansions within the interior layer then motivates the construction of a uniformly valid asymptotic expansion. Finally, we use this expansion and the symmetry of the waveguide around the longitudinal centre, x = 0, to extract trapped mode wavenumbers, which are compared with those found using a numerical scheme and seen to be extremely accurate, even to relatively large values of the small parameter.


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We consider the classical coupled, combined-field integral equation formulations for time-harmonic acoustic scattering by a sound soft bounded obstacle. In recent work, we have proved lower and upper bounds on the $L^2$ condition numbers for these formulations, and also on the norms of the classical acoustic single- and double-layer potential operators. These bounds to some extent make explicit the dependence of condition numbers on the wave number $k$, the geometry of the scatterer, and the coupling parameter. For example, with the usual choice of coupling parameter they show that, while the condition number grows like $k^{1/3}$ as $k\to\infty$, when the scatterer is a circle or sphere, it can grow as fast as $k^{7/5}$ for a class of `trapping' obstacles. In this paper we prove further bounds, sharpening and extending our previous results. In particular we show that there exist trapping obstacles for which the condition numbers grow as fast as $\exp(\gamma k)$, for some $\gamma>0$, as $k\to\infty$ through some sequence. This result depends on exponential localisation bounds on Laplace eigenfunctions in an ellipse that we prove in the appendix. We also clarify the correct choice of coupling parameter in 2D for low $k$. In the second part of the paper we focus on the boundary element discretisation of these operators. We discuss the extent to which the bounds on the continuous operators are also satisfied by their discrete counterparts and, via numerical experiments, we provide supporting evidence for some of the theoretical results, both quantitative and asymptotic, indicating further which of the upper and lower bounds may be sharper.


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We consider scattering of a time harmonic incident plane wave by a convex polygon with piecewise constant impedance boundary conditions. Standard finite or boundary element methods require the number of degrees of freedom to grow at least linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave in order to maintain accuracy. Extending earlier work by Chandler-Wilde and Langdon for the sound soft problem, we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method, with the approximation space consisting of the products of plane waves with piecewise polynomials supported on a graded mesh with smaller elements closer to the corners of the polygon. Theoretical analysis and numerical results suggest that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows only logarithmically with respect to the frequency of the incident wave.


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We consider the scattering of a time-harmonic acoustic incident plane wave by a sound soft convex curvilinear polygon with Lipschitz boundary. For standard boundary or finite element methods, with a piecewise polynomial approximation space, the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows at least linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave. Here we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method with a hybrid approximation space, consisting of the products of plane wave basis functions with piecewise polynomials supported on several overlapping meshes; a uniform mesh on illuminated sides, and graded meshes refined towards the corners of the polygon on illuminated and shadow sides. Numerical experiments suggest that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy need only grow logarithmically as the frequency of the incident wave increases.


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We consider the problem of scattering of time harmonic acoustic waves by an unbounded sound soft surface which is assumed to lie within a finite distance of some plane. The paper is concerned with the study of an equivalent variational formulation of this problem set in a scale of weighted Sobolev spaces. We prove well-posedness of this variational formulation in an energy space with weights which extends previous results in the unweighted setting [S. Chandler-Wilde and P. Monk, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 37 (2005), pp. 598–618] to more general inhomogeneous terms in the Helmholtz equation. In particular, in the two-dimensional case, our approach covers the problem of plane wave incidence, whereas in the three-dimensional case, incident spherical and cylindrical waves can be treated. As a further application of our results, we analyze a finite section type approximation, whereby the variational problem posed on an infinite layer is approximated by a variational problem on a bounded region.


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We consider the approximation of solutions of the time-harmonic linear elastic wave equation by linear combinations of plane waves. We prove algebraic orders of convergence both with respect to the dimension of the approximating space and to the diameter of the domain. The error is measured in Sobolev norms and the constants in the estimates explicitly depend on the problem wavenumber. The obtained estimates can be used in the h- and p-convergence analysis of wave-based finite element schemes.


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In this article we describe recent progress on the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary integral methods for boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation that model time harmonic acoustic wave scattering in domains exterior to impenetrable obstacles. These hybrid methods combine conventional piecewise polynomial approximations with high-frequency asymptotics to build basis functions suitable for representing the oscillatory solutions. They have the potential to solve scattering problems accurately in a computation time that is (almost) independent of frequency and this has been realized for many model problems. The design and analysis of this class of methods requires new results on the analysis and numerical analysis of highly oscillatory boundary integral operators and on the high-frequency asymptotics of scattering problems. The implementation requires the development of appropriate quadrature rules for highly oscillatory integrals. This article contains a historical account of the development of this currently very active field, a detailed account of recent progress and, in addition, a number of original research results on the design, analysis and implementation of these methods.


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We extend the a priori error analysis of Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin methods for time-harmonic wave propagation problems developed in previous papers to acoustic scattering problems and locally refined meshes. To this aim, we prove refined regularity and stability results with explicit dependence of the stability constant on the wave number for non convex domains with non connected boundaries. Moreover, we devise a new choice of numerical flux parameters for which we can prove L2-error estimates in the case of locally refined meshes near the scatterer. This is the setting needed to develop a complete hp-convergence analysis.


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We consider the Dirichlet and Robin boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane, modelling time harmonic acoustic scattering of an incident field by, respectively, sound-soft and impedance infinite rough surfaces.Recently proposed novel boundary integral equation formulations of these problems are discussed. It is usual in practical computations to truncate the infinite rough surface, solving a boundary integral equation on a finite section of the boundary, of length 2A, say. In the case of surfaces of small amplitude and slope we prove the stability and convergence as A→∞ of this approximation procedure. For surfaces of arbitrarily large amplitude and/or surface slope we prove stability and convergence of a modified finite section procedure in which the truncated boundary is ‘flattened’ in finite neighbourhoods of its two endpoints. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper considers general second kind integral equations of the form(in operator form φ − kφ = ψ), where the functions k and ψ are assumed known, with ψ ∈ Y, the space of bounded continuous functions on R, and k such that the mapping s → k(s, · ), from R to L1(R), is bounded and continuous. The function φ ∈ Y is the solution to be determined. Conditions on a set W ⊂ BC(R, L1(R)) are obtained such that a generalised Fredholm alternative holds: If W satisfies these conditions and I − k is injective for all k ∈ W then I − k is also surjective for all k ∈ W and, moreover, the inverse operators (I − k) − 1 on Y are uniformly bounded for k ∈ W. The approximation of the kernel in the integral equation by a sequence (kn) converging in a weak sense to k is also considered and results on stability and convergence are obtained. These general theorems are used to establish results for two special classes of kernels: k(s, t) = κ(s − t)z(t) and k(s, t) = κ(s − t)λ(s − t, t), where κ ∈ L1(R), z ∈ L∞(R), and λ ∈ BC((R\{0}) × R). Kernels of both classes arise in problems of time harmonic wave scattering by unbounded surfaces. The general integral equation results are here applied to prove the existence of a solution for a boundary integral equation formulation of scattering by an infinite rough surface and to consider the stability and convergence of approximation of the rough surface problem by a sequence of diffraction grating problems of increasingly large period.


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We consider the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering by a one-dimensional, infinite, rough, perfectly conducting surface; the same problem arises in acoustic scattering by a sound-soft surface. ChandlerWilde & Zhang have suggested a radiation condition for this problem, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings, and uniqueness of solution has been established. Recently, an integral equation formulation of the problem has also been proposed and, in the special case when the whole boundary is both Lyapunov and a small perturbation of a flat boundary, the unique solvability of this integral equation has been shown by Chandler-Wilde & Ross by operator perturbation arguments. In this paper we study the general case, with no limit on surface amplitudes or slopes, and show that the same integral equation has exactly one solution in the space of bounded and continuous functions for all wavenumbers. As an important corollary we prove that, for a variety of incident fields including the incident plane wave, the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution.


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We consider a two-dimensional problem of scattering of a time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave by an infinite inhomogeneous conducting or dielectric layer at the interface between semi-infinite homogeneous dielectric half-spaces. The magnetic permeability is assumed to be a fixed positive constant. The material properties of the media are characterized completely by an index of refraction, which is a bounded measurable function in the layer and takes positive constant values above and below the layer, corresponding to the homogeneous dielectric media. In this paper, we examine only the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization case. A radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as an equivalent mixed system of boundary and domain integral equations, consisting of second-kind integral equations over the layer and interfaces within the layer. Assumptions on the variation of the index of refraction in the layer are then imposed which prove to be sufficient, together with the radiation condition, to prove uniqueness of solution and nonexistence of guided wave modes. Recent, general results on the solvability of systems of second kind integral equations on unbounded domains establish existence of solution and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data. The results obtained apply to the case of scattering by a rough interface between two dielectric media and to many other practical configurations.


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Consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane with an unbounded, piecewise Lyapunov boundary. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering in transverse magnetic polarization by one-dimensional rough, perfectly conducting surfaces. A radiation condition is introduced for the problem, which is a generalization of the usual one used in the study of diffraction by gratings when the solution is quasi-periodic, and allows a variety of incident fields including an incident plane wave to be included in the results obtained. We show in this paper that the boundary value problem for the scattered field has at most one solution. For the case when the whole boundary is Lyapunov and is a small perturbation of a flat boundary we also prove existence of solution and show a limiting absorption principle.


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The problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an inhomogeneous fluid layer on a rigid plate in R2 is considered. The density is assumed to be unity in the media: within the layer the sound speed is assumed to be an arbitrary bounded measurable function. The problem is modelled by the reduced wave equation with variable wavenumber in the layer and a Neumann condition on the plate. To formulate the problem and prove uniqueness of solution a radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as a system of two second kind integral equations over the layer and the plate. Under additional assumptions on the wavenumber in the layer, uniqueness of solution is proved and the nonexistence of guided wave solutions of the homogeneous problem established. General results on the solvability of systems of integral equations on unbounded domains are used to establish existence and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data.