963 resultados para Time-difference-of arrival estimation


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Knowledge of the time interval from death (post-mortem interval, PMI) has an enormous legal, criminological and psychological impact. Aiming to find an objective method for the determination of PMIs in forensic medicine, 1H-MR spectroscopy (1H-MRS) was used in a sheep head model to follow changes in brain metabolite concentrations after death. Following the characterization of newly observed metabolites (Ith et al., Magn. Reson. Med. 2002; 5: 915-920), the full set of acquired spectra was analyzed statistically to provide a quantitative estimation of PMIs with their respective confidence limits. In a first step, analytical mathematical functions are proposed to describe the time courses of 10 metabolites in the decomposing brain up to 3 weeks post-mortem. Subsequently, the inverted functions are used to predict PMIs based on the measured metabolite concentrations. Individual PMIs calculated from five different metabolites are then pooled, being weighted by their inverse variances. The predicted PMIs from all individual examinations in the sheep model are compared with known true times. In addition, four human cases with forensically estimated PMIs are compared with predictions based on single in situ MRS measurements. Interpretation of the individual sheep examinations gave a good correlation up to 250 h post-mortem, demonstrating that the predicted PMIs are consistent with the data used to generate the model. Comparison of the estimated PMIs with the forensically determined PMIs in the four human cases shows an adequate correlation. Current PMI estimations based on forensic methods typically suffer from uncertainties in the order of days to weeks without mathematically defined confidence information. In turn, a single 1H-MRS measurement of brain tissue in situ results in PMIs with defined and favorable confidence intervals in the range of hours, thus offering a quantitative and objective method for the determination of PMIs.


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Previous research studies and operational trials have shown that using the airborne Required Time of Arrival (RTA) function, an aircraft can individually achieve an assigned time to a metering or merge point accurately. This study goes a step further and investigates the application of RTA to a real sequence of arriving aircraft into Melbourne Australia. Assuming that the actual arrival times were Controlled Time of Arrivals (CTAs) assigned to each aircraft, the study examines if the airborne RTA solution would work. Three scenarios were compared: a baseline scenario being the actual flown trajectories in a two hour time-span into Melbourne, a scenario in which the sequential landing slot times of the baseline scenario were assigned as CTAs and a third scenario in which the landing slots could be freely redistributed to the inbound traffic as CTAs. The research found that pressure on the terminal area would sometimes require aircraft to lose more time than possible through the RTA capability. Using linear holding as an additional measure to absorb extensive delays, up to 500NM (5%) of total track reduction and 1300kg (3%) of total fuel consumption could be saved in the scenario with landing slots freely distributed as CTAs, compared to the baseline scenario. Assigning CTAs in an arrival sequence requires the ground system to have an accurate trajectory predictor to propose additional delay measures (path stretching, linear holding) if necessary. Reducing the achievable time window of the aircraft to add control margin to the RTA function, had a negative impact and increased the amount of intervention other than speed control required to solve the sequence. It was concluded that the RTA capability is not a complete solution but merely a tool to assist in managing the increasing complexity of air traffic.


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Objective: To analyse the time variation of topics in bioethical publications as a proxy of the relative importance. Methods: We searched the Medline database for bioethics publications using the words ""ethics or bioethics'', and for 360 specific topics publications, associating Medical Subject Heading topic descriptors to those words. We calculated the ratio of bioethics publications to the total publications of Medline, and the ratio of each topic publications to the total bioethics publications, for five-year intervals, from 1970 to 2004. We calculated the time variation of ratios, dividing the difference between the highest and lowest ratio of each topic by its highest ratio. Four topics were described, selected to illustrate different patterns of variation: ""Induced Abortion'', ""Conflict of Interest'', ""Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome'', ""Medical Education.'' Results: The ratio of bioethics publications to total Medline publications increased from 0.003 to 0.012. The variation of the topic's ratios was higher than 0.7 for 68% of the topics. The Induced Abortion ratios decreased from 0.12 to 0.02. Conflict of Interest ratios increased from zero to 0.07. The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ratios were nearly zero in the first three intervals, had a peak of 0.06 during 1985-9, followed by a decrease to 0.01. Medical Education ratios varied few, from 0.04 to 0.03. Conclusions: There was an increase of bioethical publications in the Medline database. The topics in bioethics literature have an important time variation. Some factors were suggested to explain this variation: current legal cases, resolution of the issue, saturation of a discussion and epidemiologic importance.


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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a known parameter that is related to arterial distensibility. However, its potential is hampered by the absence of appropriate techniques to estimate it noninvasively. PWV can be used as an assessment of increased arterial stiffness that is linked to systolic hypertension, excess cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.(1,2)


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Reactive oxygen species oxidize proteins and modulate the proteasomal system in muscle-wasting cancer cachexia. On day 5 (D5), day 10 (D10), and day 14 (D14) after tumor implantation, skeletal muscle was evaluated. Carbonylated proteins and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were measured. Chemiluminescence was employed for lipid hydroperoxide estimation. Glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and total radical antioxidant capacity were evaluated. The proteasomal system was assessed by mRNA atrogin-1 expression. Increased muscle wasting, lipid hydroperoxide, and superoxide dismutase, and decreased glutathione levels and total radical antioxidant capacity, were found on D5 in accordance with increased mRNA atrogin-1 expression. All parameters were significantly modified in animals treated with alpha-tocopherol. The elevation in aldehylde levels and carbonylated proteins observed on D10 were reversed by cc-tocopherol treatment. Oxidative stress may trigger signal transduction of the proteasomal system and cause protein oxidation. These pathways may be associated with the mechanism of muscle wasting that occurs in cancer cachexia. Muscle Nerve 42: 950-958, 2010


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The catalytic properties of enzymes are usually evaluated by measuring and analyzing reaction rates. However, analyzing the complete time course can be advantageous because it contains additional information about the properties of the enzyme. Moreover, for systems that are not at steady state, the analysis of time courses is the preferred method. One of the major barriers to the wide application of time courses is that it may be computationally more difficult to extract information from these experiments. Here the basic approach to analyzing time courses is described, together with some examples of the essential computer code to implement these analyses. A general method that can be applied to both steady state and non-steady-state systems is recommended. (C) 2001 academic Press.


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Background. Although digital and videotaped images are known to be comparable for the evaluation of left ventricular function, their relative accuracy for assessment of more complex anatomy is unclear. We sought to compare reading time, storage costs, and concordance of video and digital interpretations across multiple observers and sites. Methods. One hundred one patients with valvular (90 mitral, 48 aortic, 80 tricuspid) disease were selected prospectively, and studies were stored according to video and standardized digital protocols. The same reviewer interpreted video and digital images independently and at different times with the use of a standard report form to evaluate 40 items (eg, severity of stenosis or regurgitation, leaflet thickening, and calcification) as normal or mildly, moderately, or severely abnormal Concordance between modalities was expressed at kappa Major discordance (difference of >1 level of severity) was ascribed to the modality that gave the lesser severity. CD-ROM was used to store digital data (20:1 lossy compression), and super-VHS video-tape was used to store video data The reading time and storage costs for each modality were compared Results. Measured parameters were highly concordant (ejection fraction was 52% +/- 13% by both). Major discordance was rare, and lesser values were reported with digital rather than video interpretation in the categories of aortic and mitral valve thicken ing (1% to 2%) and severity of mitral regurgitation (2%). Digital reading time was 6.8 +/- 2.4 minutes, 38% shorter than with video (11.0 +/- 3.0, range 8 to 22 minutes, P < .001). Compressed digital studies had an average size of 60 <plus/minus> 14 megabytes (range 26 to 96 megabytes). Storage cost for video was A$0.62 per patient (18 studies per tape, total cost A$11.20), compared with A$0.31 per patient for digital storage (8 studies per CD-ROM, total cost A$2.50). Conclusion. Digital and video interpretation were highly concordant; in the few cases of major discordance, the digital scores were lower, perhaps reflecting undersampling. Use of additional views and longer clips may be indicated to minimize discordance with video in patients with complex problems. Digital interpretation offers a significant reduction in reading times and the cost of archiving.


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Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of high-magnetic-field MRI magnets. However, the exact effect of a high magnetic field strength (B0 ) on diffusion-weighted MR signals is not yet fully understood. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of different high magnetic field strengths (9.4 T and 14.1 T) and diffusion times (9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 24 ms) on the diffusion-weighted signal in rat brain white matter. At a short diffusion time (9 ms), fractional anisotropy values were found to be lower at 14.1 T than at 9.4 T, but this difference disappeared at longer diffusion times. A simple two-pool model was used to explain these findings. The model describes the white matter as a first hindered compartment (often associated with the extra-axonal space), characterized by a faster orthogonal diffusion and a lower fractional anisotropy, and a second restricted compartment (often associated with the intra-axonal space), characterized by a slower orthogonal diffusion (i.e. orthogonal to the axon direction) and a higher fractional anisotropy. Apparent T2 relaxation time measurements of the hindered and restricted pools were performed. The shortening of the pseudo-T2 value from the restricted compartment with B0 is likely to be more pronounced than the apparent T2 changes in the hindered compartment. This study suggests that the observed differences in diffusion tensor imaging parameters between the two magnetic field strengths at short diffusion time may be related to differences in the apparent T2 values between the pools. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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RÉSUMÉ Le but d'un traitement antimicrobien est d'éradiquer une infection bactérienne. Cependant, il est souvent difficile d'en évaluer rapidement l'efficacité en utilisant les techniques standard. L'estimation de la viabilité bactérienne par marqueurs moléculaires permettrait d'accélérer le processus. Ce travail étudie donc la possibilité d'utiliser le RNA ribosomal (rRNA) à cet effet. Des cultures de Streptococcus gordonii sensibles (parent Wt) et tolérants (mutant Tol 1) à l'action bactéricide de la pénicilline ont été exposées à différents antibiotiques. La survie bactérienne au cours du temps a été déterminée en comparant deux méthodes. La méthode de référence par compte viable a été comparée à une méthode moléculaire consistant à amplifier par PCR quantitative en temps réel une partie du génome bactérien. La cible choisie devait refléter la viabilité cellulaire et par conséquent être synthétisée de manière constitutive lors de la vie de la bactérie et être détruite rapidement lors de la mort cellulaire. Le choix s'est porté sur un fragment du gène 16S-rRNA. Ce travail a permis de valider ce choix en corrélant ce marqueur moléculaire à la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique bactéricide. De manière attendue, les S. gordonii sensibles à la pénicilline ont perdu ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml après 48 heures de traitement par pénicilline alors que le mutant tolérant Tol1 en a perdu ≥ 1 log10 CFU/ml. De manière intéressant, la quantité de marqueur a augmenté proportionnellement au compte viable durant la phase de croissance bactérienne. Après administration du traitement antibiotique, l'évolution du marqueur dépendait de la capacité de la bactérie à survivre à l'action de l'antibiotique. Stable lors du traitement des souches tolérantes, la quantité de marqueur détectée diminuait de manière proportionnelle au compte viable lors du traitement des souches sensibles. Cette corrélation s'est confirmée lors de l'utilisation d'autres antibiotiques bactéricides. En conclusion, l'amplification par PCR du RNA ribosomal 16S permet d'évaluer rapidement la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique en évitant le recours à la mise en culture dont les résultats ne sont obtenus qu'après plus de 24 heures. Cette méthode offre donc au clinicien une évaluation rapide de l'efficacité du traitement, particulièrement dans les situations, comme le choc septique, où l'initiation sans délai d'un traitement efficace est une des conditions essentielles du succès thérapeutique. ABSTRACT Assessing bacterial viability by molecular markers might help accelerate the measurement of antibiotic-induced killing. This study investigated whether ribosomal RNA (rRNA) could be suitable for this purpose. Cultures of penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-tolerant (Tol1 mutant) Streptococcus gordonii were exposed to mechanistically different penicillin and levofloxacin. Bacterial survival was assessed by viable counts, and compared to quantitative real-time PCR amplification of either the 16S-rRNA genes (rDNA) or the 16S rRNA, following reverse transcription. Penicillin-susceptible S. gordonii lost ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml of viability over 48 h of penicillin treatment. In comparison, the Toll mutant lost ≤ 1 log10 CFU/ml. Amplification of a 427-base fragment of 16S rDNA yielded amplicons that increased proportionally to viable counts during bacterial growth, but did not decrease during drug-induced killing. In contrast, the same 427-base fragment amplified from 16S rDNA paralleled both bacterial growth and drug-induced killing. It also differentiated between penicillin-induced killing of the parent and the Toll mutant (≥4 log10 CFU/ml and ≤1 lo10 CFU/ml, respectively), and detected killing by mechanistically unrelated levofloxacin. Since large fragments of polynucleotides might be degraded faster than smaller fragments the experiments were repeated by amplifying a 119-base region internal to the origina1 427-base fragment. The amount of 119-base amplicons increased proportionally to viability during growth, but remained stable during drug treatment. Thus, 16S rRNA was a marker of antibiotic-induced killing, but the size of the amplified fragment was critical to differentiate between live and dead bacteria.


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The soil water available to crops is defined by specific values of water potential limits. Underlying the estimation of hydro-physical limits, identified as permanent wilting point (PWP) and field capacity (FC), is the selection of a suitable method based on a multi-criteria analysis that is not always clear and defined. In this kind of analysis, the time required for measurements must be taken into consideration as well as other external measurement factors, e.g., the reliability and suitability of the study area, measurement uncertainty, cost, effort and labour invested. In this paper, the efficiency of different methods for determining hydro-physical limits is evaluated by using indices that allow for the calculation of efficiency in terms of effort and cost. The analysis evaluates both direct determination methods (pressure plate - PP and water activity meter - WAM) and indirect estimation methods (pedotransfer functions - PTFs). The PTFs must be validated for the area of interest before use, but the time and cost associated with this validation are not included in the cost of analysis. Compared to the other methods, the combined use of PP and WAM to determine hydro-physical limits differs significantly in time and cost required and quality of information. For direct methods, increasing sample size significantly reduces cost and time. This paper assesses the effectiveness of combining a general analysis based on efficiency indices and more specific analyses based on the different influencing factors, which were considered separately so as not to mask potential benefits or drawbacks that are not evidenced in efficiency estimation.


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OBJECTIVE: Acute mountain sickness is a frequent and debilitating complication of high-altitude exposure, but there is little information on the prevalence and time course of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents after rapid ascent by mechanical transportation to 3500 m, an altitude at which major tourist destinations are located throughout the world. METHODS: We performed serial assessments of acute mountain sickness (Lake Louise scores) in 48 healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents (mean +/- SD age: 13.7 +/- 0.3 years; 20 girls and 28 boys), with no previous high-altitude experience, 6, 18, and 42 hours after arrival at the Jungfraujoch high-altitude research station (3450 m), which was reached through a 2.5-hour train ascent. RESULTS: We found that the overall prevalence of acute mountain sickness during the first 3 days at high altitude was 37.5%. Rates were similar for the 2 genders and decreased progressively during the stay (25% at 6 hours, 21% at 18 hours, and 8% at 42 hours). None of the subjects needed to be evacuated to lower altitude. Five subjects needed symptomatic treatment and responded well. CONCLUSION: After rapid ascent to high altitude, the prevalence of acute mountain sickness in children and adolescents was relatively low; the clinical manifestations were benign and resolved rapidly. These findings suggest that, for the majority of healthy nonacclimatized children and adolescents, travel to 3500 m is safe and pharmacologic prophylaxis for acute mountain sickness is not needed.


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PURPOSE: To use measurement by cycling power meters (Pmes) to evaluate the accuracy of commonly used models for estimating uphill cycling power (Pest). Experiments were designed to explore the influence of wind speed and steepness of climb on accuracy of Pest. The authors hypothesized that the random error in Pest would be largely influenced by the windy conditions, the bias would be diminished in steeper climbs, and windy conditions would induce larger bias in Pest. METHODS: Sixteen well-trained cyclists performed 15 uphill-cycling trials (range: length 1.3-6.3 km, slope 4.4-10.7%) in a random order. Trials included different riding position in a group (lead or follow) and different wind speeds. Pmes was quantified using a power meter, and Pest was calculated with a methodology used by journalists reporting on the Tour de France. RESULTS: Overall, the difference between Pmes and Pest was -0.95% (95%CI: -10.4%, +8.5%) for all trials and 0.24% (-6.1%, +6.6%) in conditions without wind (<2 m/s). The relationship between percent slope and the error between Pest and Pmes were considered trivial. CONCLUSIONS: Aerodynamic drag (affected by wind velocity and orientation, frontal area, drafting, and speed) is the most confounding factor. The mean estimated values are close to the power-output values measured by power meters, but the random error is between ±6% and ±10%. Moreover, at the power outputs (>400 W) produced by professional riders, this error is likely to be higher. This observation calls into question the validity of releasing individual values without reporting the range of random errors.


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The optimization of most pesticide and fertilizer applications is based on overall grove conditions. In this work we measurements. Recently, Wei [9, 10] used a terrestrial propose a measurement system based on a ground laser scanner to LIDAR to measure tree height, width and volume developing estimate the volume of the trees and then extrapolate their foliage a set of experiments to evaluate the repeatability and surface in real-time. Tests with pear trees demonstrated that the accuracy of the measurements, obtaining a coefficient of relation between the volume and the foliage can be interpreted as variation of 5.4% and a relative error of 4.4% in the linear with a coefficient of correlation (R) of 0.81 and the foliar estimation of the volume but without real-time capabilities. surface can be estimated with an average error less than 5 %.


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This paper deals with the use of the conjugate gradient method of function estimation for the simultaneous identification of two unknown boundary heat fluxes in parallel plate channels. The fluid flow is assumed to be laminar and hydrodynamically developed. Temperature measurements taken inside the channel are used in the inverse analysis. The accuracy of the present solution approach is examined by using simulated measurements containing random errors, for strict cases involving functional forms with discontinuities and sharp-corners for the unknown functions. Three different types of inverse problems are addressed in the paper, involving the estimation of: (i) Spatially dependent heat fluxes; (ii) Time-dependent heat fluxes; and (iii) Time and spatially dependent heat fluxes.


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Autonomic neuropathy is a frequent complication of diabetes associated with higher morbidity and mortality in symptomatic patients, possibly because it affects autonomic regulation of the sinus node, reducing heart rate (HR) variability which predisposes to fatal arrhythmias. We evaluated the time course of arterial pressure and HR and indirectly of autonomic function (by evaluation of mean arterial pressure (MAP) variability) in rats (164.5 ± 1.7 g) 7, 14, 30 and 120 days after streptozotocin (STZ) injection, treated with insulin, using measurements of arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability. HR variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive difference of RR intervals (RMSSD). MAP variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of the mean of MAP and by 4 indices (P1, P2, P3 and MN) derived from the three-dimensional return map constructed by plotting MAPn x [(MAPn+1) - (MAPn)] x density. The indices represent the maximum concentration of points (P1), the longitudinal axis (P2), and the transversal axis (P3) and MN represents P1 x P2 x P3 x 10-3. STZ induced increased urinary glucose in diabetic (D) rats compared to controls (C). Seven days after STZ, diabetes reduced resting HR from 380.6 ± 12.9 to 319.2 ± 19.8 bpm, increased HR variability, as demonstrated by increased SDNN, from 11.77 ± 1.67 to 19.87 ± 2.60 ms, did not change MAP, and reduced P1 from 61.0 ± 5.3 to 51.5 ± 1.8 arbitrary units (AU), P2 from 41.3 ± 0.3 to 29.0 ± 1.8 AU, and MN from 171.1 ± 30.2 to 77.2 ± 9.6 AU of MAP. These indices, as well as HR and MAP, were similar for D and C animals 14, 30 and 120 days after STZ. Seven-day rats showed a negative correlation of urinary glucose with resting HR (r = -0.76, P = 0.03) as well as with the MN index (r = -0.83, P = 0.01). We conclude that rats with short-term diabetes mellitus induced by STZ presented modified autonomic control of HR and MAP which was reversible. The metabolic control may influence these results, suggesting that insulin treatment and a better metabolic control in this model may modify arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability