991 resultados para Tierra del Fuego (Argentina and Chile)
Evergreen Nothofagus betuloides and decidoues N. pumilo form the main forest types in Tierra del Fuego. These forest were sampled along two altitudinal gradients to study their structure and dynamics and assess the causes of their distribution.
Evergreen Nothofagus betuloides and decidoues N. pumilo form the main forest types in Tierra del Fuego. These forest were sampled along two altitudinal gradients to study their structure and dynamics and assess the causes of their distribution.
El objetivo del trabajo es la elaboración de las bases y estrategias que permitan promover el cambio educativo en la Tierra del Fuego, último territorio nacional de la República Argentina. En primer lugar trata de delimitar el significado y alcance de los siguientes conceptos: bases, estrategias, cambio, reforma e innovación. Analiza la problemática concreta del cambio de la educación fueguina, teniendo en cuenta tanto las bases teóricas como la práctica de procesos de cambio generados desde los distintos estamentos de la educación. Estudia tanto las fuentes del cambio y los factores coadyuvantes, como los agentes intervinientes en el mismo, fundamentando la necesidad de una intervención planificada en la educación de dicho territorio. Constata la lentitud en los procesos de cambio en la educación argentina y propone una serie de estrategias partiendo del modelo de investigación, desarrollo y difusión del cambio educativo.
Recent advances in the chronology and the palaeoclimatic understanding of Antarctic ice core records point towards a larger heterogeneity of latitudinal climate fluctuations than previously thought. Thus, realistic palaeoclimate reconstructions rely in the development of a tight array of well-constrained records with a dense latitudinal coverage. Climatic records from southernmost South America are critical cornerstones to link these Antarctic palaeoclimatic archives with their South American counterparts. At 54° S on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, Lago Fagnano is located in one of the most substantially and extensively glaciated regions of southernmost South America during the Late Pleistocene. This elongated lake is the largest (~110km long) and non-ice covered lake at high southern latitudes. A multi-proxy study of selected cores allows the characterisation of a Holocene sedimentary record. Detailed petrophysical, sedimentological and geochemical studies of a complete lacustrine laminated sequence reveal variations in major and trace elements, as well as organic content, suggesting high variability in environmental conditions. Comparison of these results with other regional records allows the identification of major known late Holocene climatic intervals and the proposal for a time for the onset of the Southern Westerlies in Tierra del Fuego. These results improve our understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind climate change in southernmost Patagonia.
Fluctuations in the length of 72 glaciers in the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefield (NPI and SPI, respectively) and the Cordillera Darwin Icefield (CDI) were estimated between 1945 and 2005. The information obtained from historical maps based on 1945 aerial photographs was compared to ASTER and Landsat satellite images and to information found in the literature. The majority of glaciers have retreated considerably, with maximum values of 12.2 km for Marinelli Glacier in the CDI, 11.6 km for O'Higgins Glacier in the SPI and 5.7 km for San Rafael Glacier in the NPI. Among the 20 glaciers that have retreated the most relative to their size, small (less than 50 km**2) and medium (between 50 and 200 km**2) glaciers are the most affected. However, no direct relation between glacier retreat and size was found for the 72 glaciers studied. The highest percentage retreat in the CDI was by the CDI-03 Glacier (37.9%) and Marinelli Glacier (37.6%). In the SPI, relative retreats were heterogeneous and fluctuated between 27.2% (Amelia Glacier) and 0.4% (Viedma Glacier). In the NPI, relative retreat was very high for Strindberg and Cachet glaciers (35.9% and 27.6%, respectively) but for the remaining glaciers in this icefield it ranged between 11.8% (Piscis Glacier) and 3.6% (San Quintin Glacier). In addition to surface area, the surface slope (calculated on the basis of the DEM SRTM) was also related to the relative retreat and no straightforward relation was found. From a global point of view, we suggest that glacier retreat in the region is controlled firstly by atmospheric warming, as it has been reported in this area. Besides the general increase in temperature observed, no signal of a geographical pattern for the fluctuations in glacier length was found. Consequently, glaciers appear to initially react to local conditions most probably induced by their exposition, geometry and hypsometry. The heterogeneity of rates of retreat suggests that differences in basin geometry, glacier dynamics and response time are key features to explain fluctuations of each glacier.
Mode of access: Internet.
"To which is added much useful information on the coasting navigation of Cape Horn, and the adjacent lands with charts of harbours, &c. ... with observations on the probability of reaching the South Pole, and an account of a second voyage performed by the Beaufoy, Captain Brisbane, to the same seas."--T.p.
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title: Republica Argentina. Ministerio del Interior. Dirección General de Territorios Nacionales.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas en Ushuaia (Tierra de Fuego), Argentina, entre juliol i novembre del 2007. Aquesta, s’emmarca dins d’una sèrie de projectes que es van iniciar fa 20 anys entre un equip format per investigadors i investigadores de la UAB, del CSIC, del CADIC i la AIA de Buenos Aires. Aquest treball conjunt encara continua realitzant-se. El projecte inicial va contemplar la intervenció arqueològica a diferents jaciments de la societat Yamana, que habitava a les costes del Canal Beagle. Actualment segueixen les intervencions en jaciments de la costa i també a l’interior de la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. L’estada realitzada forma part d’aquest projecte donat que l’estudi dels mol•luscos obtinguts en aquestes intervencions encara està inèdit. Les restes malacològiques provenen de jaciments de dues zones de Tierra del Fuego: jaciments de l’interior de l’illa amb presència de mol•luscos (Ewan I i Ewan II) i de la costa del Canal Beagle (Lanashuaia i Túnel VII). Els dos primers s’atribueixen a la societat Selknam i els segons a la societat Yamana. L’estada que s’ha realitzat al CADIC ha servit per obtenir informació bibliogràfica sobre les espècies malacològiques que es troben actualment al Canal Beagle, el tipus de costa que aquestes habiten i les condicions ecològiques que cadascuna necessita. També s’ha obtingut informació sobre la zona d’estudi i específicament sobre els estudis de malacofauna realitzats a la zona. Per una altra banda, l’estada al CADIC també ha servit per resoldre dubtes d’identificació d’espècies i sobre les diferències en els ritmes de creixement i de formació de la conquilla de les espècies de pegellides de la zona.
Incluye Bibliografía
This study presents new paleoenvironmental data obtained from sedimentary cores from Lago Fagnano, an elon- gated lake located at 54°S in southernmost South America. Data from palynomorphs (pollen, spores and algae) and associated palynofacies as well as from diatom taxa retrieved from these cores compared with other regional proxies contribute to evaluate the similarities and differences in the climate patterns based on different proxies from southernmost Patagonia. The pollen analysis reveals that a grass steppe environment existed during the early Holocene (11,300–~8000 cal a BP) followed by a major vegetation change characterized by development of forest-steppe ecotone communities between ~8000 and ~6500 cal a BP, under more humid conditions. Between ~ 6500 and ~ 4000 cal a BP, expansion and colonization by Nothofagus forests reflect an increase in effec- tive moisture levels, while openness in the forest communities characterizes the region after ~ 1100 cal a BP. The palynological organic matter combined with the algal content reflects hydrological changes occurring in the lake and its nutrient status, probably in close relation with past climate oscillations. All these past ecological changes are closely related to oscillations in precipitation and temperature as a response to the variations in the latitudinal position and/or strength of the Southern Westerlies wind belt during the Holocene.