979 resultados para Third Space
Based on a close reading of the debate between Rawls and Sen on primary goods versus capabilities, I argue that liberal theory cannot adequately respond to Sen’s critique within a conventionally neutralist framework. In support of the capability approach, I explain why and how it defends a more robust conception of opportunity and freedom, along with public debate on substantive questions about well-being and the good life. My aims are: (i) to show that Sen’s capability approach is at odds with Rawls’s political liberal version of neutrality; (ii) to carve out a third space in the neutrality debate; and (iii) to begin to develop, from Sen’s approach, the idea of public value liberalism as a position that falls within that third space.
The purpose of this study is to explore the strategies and attitudes of students towards translation in the context of language learning. The informants come from two different classes at an Upper Secondary vocational program. The study was born from the backdrop of discussions among some English teachers representing different theories on translation and language learning, meeting students endeavoring in language learning beyond the confinement of the classroom and personal experiences of translation in language learning. The curriculum and course plan for English at the vocational program emphasize two things of particular interest to our study; integration of the program outcomes and vocational language into the English course - so called meshed learning – and student awareness of their own learning processes. A background is presented of different contrasting methods in translation and language learning that is relevant to our discussion. However, focus is given to contemporary research on reforms within the Comparative Theory, as expressed in Translation in Language and Teaching (TILT), Contrastive Analysis and “The Third Space”. The results of the students’ reflections are presented as attempts to translate two different texts; one lyric and one technical vocational text. The results show a pragmatic attitude among the students toward tools like dictionaries or Google Translate, but also a critical awareness about their use and limits. They appear to prefer the use of first language to the target language when discussing the correct translation as they sought accuracy over meaning. Translation for them was a natural and problem-solving event worth a rightful place in language teaching.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Erstmals in der Schweiz gibt eine Studie Einblick in den neu entstandenen «Third Space» an Hochschulen – Arbeitsstellen, die zwischen der Wissenschaft und der Verwaltung angesiedelt sind. Die Studie sowie weitere Texte zum Strukturwandel der Hochschulen im Bereich des «Third Space» sind im neuen «zoom» des Zentrums für universitäre Weiterbildung ZUW erschienen. Neue Berufsbilder halten in Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen Einzug. Die Leitung von Studiengängen, das Management von Forschungsinstitutionen und Departementen oder die Schaffung dienstleistungsorientierter Servicestellen für Studierende und Forschende sind nur einige Beispiele für diesen Prozess.
Favorecida por el proyecto económico y político de la globalización, es posible observar cómo, desde las últimas décadas del pasado siglo, se ha ido agudizando una tendencia a la hibridación que, si bien podríamos considerar casi innata de la condición humana, ha trascendido en nuestros días la mera enunciación retórica hasta llegar a impregnar casi todos los estratos de la cultura. En el campo de los estudios literarios este proceso de mixturación ha contribuido a generar una verdadera explosión de la llamada literatura de frontera, caracterizada no sólo por una mutación en las mentalidades de los sectores sociales y étnicos -desde los que se origina-, sino por profundos cambios en las mismas estructuras sociales, culturales y lingüísticas. Esta problemática pone en cuestión la homogeneidad y la esencialidad de la identidad cultural, pues es un fenómeno actual que nos remite, inevitablemente, a la complejidad de la identidad. Precisamente, podríamos hablar de deslizamientos que se van produciendo en los diferentes planos de las manifestaciones artísticas, tendiendo éstos a amalgamarse, a fundirse uno con otros, en un cruzamiento de líneas de fuga, de rupturas, que atraviesan ese nuevo espacio, el Tercer Espacio, donde los diferentes discursos se van hibridando unos con otros, rompiendo la imagen de unidad, la imagen unitaria y tradicional. Unidad que no existió nunca y que no puede existir de ningún modo, porque es una imagen acotada que se esfuma en el caótico tejido de lo vivo, en la conformación y evolución de la raza humana.
Esta tesis examina el papel de la red viaria y el planeamiento urbanístico en la localización de las actividades terciarias. A partir de los años sesenta se produce una modificación de los patrones de comportamiento espacial de las actividades productivas. En la raíz de estos cambios está los procesos de globalización e internacionalización de la economía y un importante aumento de la utilización vehículos privados. Todo ello da lugar a una preocupación entre los profesionales por la identificación de variables en esa organización espacial, y por la búsqueda de modelos que mejorasen las condiciones de competitividad en el entramado urbano, reclamado también la formulación de conceptos diferentes, capaces de entender los cambios territoriales de la reestructuración permanente en que viven las economías capitalistas avanzadas. En este marco, hay un aumento importante de las actividades terciarias o proceso de terciarización; que es el principio basilar para la suburbanización de este sector. Consiste, en buena medida, en unas necesidades de descentralización y dispersión de las actividades terciarias por todo el territorio, con demandas de nuevos espacios para todo tipo de actividades empresariales. Se va así generando un espacio urbano complejo, con nuevas actividades, distintas de la residencial, y con tipologías edificatorias diferentes: centros comerciales, hipermercados, zocos o edificios de empresas dedicadas a servicios avanzados y altamente cualificados. Adquiere, por tanto, un fuerte protagonismo los espacios periféricos de las grandes ciudades. En la transformación de este territorio interviene el planeamiento urbanístico porque prevé la ocupación del suelo y la forma de uso. Y también la carretera considerada clave en el desarrollo histórico de la ciudad. Consecuentemente, se impulsan una plétora de nuevas líneas de investigación y nuevas formas de aproximación al estudio de las relaciones entre las infraestructuras viarias y los usos del suelo. El interés del proyecto de investigación es, por todo ello, estudiar en que medida la localización del terciario depende del planeamiento urbano y de las variaciones en la red viaria. Es decir, la hipótesis de este trabajo se puede enunciar diciendo que: en la aparición del terciario inciden dos variables, el planeamiento urbanístico y la red viaria; lógicamente siendo consciente de la dificultad intrínseca de separar algún parámetro y sus relaciones de un sistema funcional urbano. Centrando este enfoque sobre el caso particular del corredor de la carretera de La Coruña (N-VI) situado en el oeste de la Comunidad de Madrid. Es un ámbito suburbano que comprende los términos municipales de Las Rozas y Majadahonda, un segmento del municipio de Madrid (abarca los barrios de Aravaca, el Plantío y Valdemarín, y una pequeña superficie de la Casa de Campo, Ciudad Universitaria y El Pardo), y la mitad septentrional del municipio de Pozuelo de Alarcón. La conclusión general a la que se ha llegado es que se trata de un fenómeno complejo, en el que se detecta que: A) La aprobación de un nuevo Plan Urbanístico no supone un cambio inmediato en la evolución cuantitativa de la implantación de actividades terciarias en edificio exclusivo en el área de estudio. B) Se evidencia una relación directa entre la implantación de una nueva infraestructura de transporte o modificación de algún elemento importante y el crecimiento de la localización de actividades terciarias. C) Resulta difícil verificar que cuando confluyen mejoras o nuevas construcciones en la red viaria y una estrategia en el planeamiento dirigida a la ordenación e intervención del espacio terciario, el número de edificios terciarios aumente. ABSTRACT This thesis examines the role of road networks and urban planning in the location of tertiary activities. Since the sixties there is a modification of spatial behavior patterns of production activities. At the root of these changes is the process of globalization and internationalization of the economy and a significant increase in private car use. This leads to a concern among professionals in the identification of variables in the spatial organization, and the search for models that would improve the competitive conditions in the urban framework, also called for the formulation of different concepts, able to understand the changes territorial restructuring that live permanently in the advanced capitalist economies. In this context, there is a significant increase in tertiary activities or process outsourcing, which is the beginning basilar to the suburbanization of the sector. It consists, in large part, on the Needs of decentralization and dispersal of tertiary activities throughout the territory, demands for new spaces for all types of business activities. It is thus generating a complex urban area, with new activities, other than residential and with different building typologies: shopping malls, hypermarkets, souks and buildings of companies engaged in advanced and highly skilled services. Thus takes strong role peripheral areas of big cities. In the transformation of this region is involved in providing for urban planning land use and how to use. And the road is considered key in the historical development of the city. Consequently, they are promoting a plethora of new research and new ways of approaching the study of the relationship between road infrastructure and land use. The interest of the research project is, for all that, consider to what extent depends on the location of tertiary urban planning and changes in the road network. That is, the hypothesis of this work can be stated by saying that: the emergence of two variables affecting tertiary, urban planning and road network, of course being aware of the inherent difficulty of separating any parameters and functional relationships of an urban. Approach focusing on the particular case of the road corridor from La Coruña (N-VI) located in the west of Madrid. It is a suburban area comprising the municipalities of Las Rozas and Majadahonda, a segment of the city of Madrid (covering the districts of Aravaca, the planting and Valdemarín, and a small area of the Casa de Campo, Ciudad Universitaria and El Pardo) , and the northern half of the town of Pozuelo de Alarcón. The general conclusion has been reached is that this is a complex phenomenon, which is detected: A) The approval of a new Urban Plan is not an immediate change in the quantitative evolution of the implementation of tertiary activities in exclusive building in the study area. B) It shows a direct relationship between the introduction of a new transport infrastructure or amendment to an important and growing element of the location of tertiary activities. C) It is difficult to verify that when improvements or new construction come together in the road network and planning a strategy aimed at the management and intervention of third space, the number of commercial buildings increases.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper draws on Appadurai's (1996) concept of ethnoscapes — the global flow of people or what has become increasingly popularized as the global flow of talent. Singapore has initiated a foreign talent policy to compete for a global pool of talent to make up for its shortfall of indigenous work-force. The rationale for recruiting foreign talent is informed by a nationalist competitive ideology to sustain Singapore in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper examines the competing and dissenting discourses surrounding the foreign talent policy. It argues that the mobility of migratory flow has transformative and disruptive effects at the level of culture and the identity landscape of Singapore, where its discursive cultural boundaries are drawn according to a nationalist framework. Drawing on theories and concepts of ‘diaspora’, ‘hybridity’, and ‘third space’, these are the political and cultural issues that this paper attempts to tease out. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Exclusionary school discipline results in students being removed from classrooms as a consequence of their disruptive behavior and may lead to subsequent suspension and/or expulsion. Literature documents that nondominant students, particularly Black males, are disproportionately impacted by exclusionary discipline, to the point that researchers from a variety of critical perspectives consider exclusionary school discipline an oppressive educational practice and condition. Little or no research examines specific teacher-student social interactions within classrooms that influence teachers’ decisions to use or not use exclusionary discipline. Therefore, this study set forth the central research question: In relation to classroom interactions in alternative education settings, what accounts for teachers’ use or non-use of exclusionary discipline with students? A critical social practice theory of learning served as the framework for exploring this question, and a critical microethnographic methodology informed the data collection and analysis. ^ Criterion sampling was used to select four classrooms in the same alternative education school with two teachers who frequently and two who rarely used exclusionary discipline. Nine stages of data collection and reconstructive data analysis were conducted. Data collection involved video recorded classroom observations, digitally recorded interviews of teachers and students discussing selected video segments, and individual teacher interviews. Reconstructive data analysis procedures involved hermeneutic inferencing of possible underlying meanings, critical discourse analysis, interactive power analysis and role analysis, thematic analysis of the interactions in each classroom, and a final comparative analysis of the four classrooms. ^ Four predominant themes of social interaction (resistance, conformism, accommodation, and negotiation) emerged with terminology adapted from Giroux’s (2001) theory of resistance in education and Third Space theory (Gutiérrez, 2008). Four types of power (normative, coercive, interactively established contracts, and charm), based on Carspecken’s (1996) typology, were found in the interactions between teacher and students in varying degrees for different purposes. ^ This research contributes to the knowledge base on teacher-student classroom interactions, specifically in relation to exclusionary discipline. Understanding how the themes and varying power relations influence their decisions and actions may enable teachers to reduce use of exclusionary discipline and remain focused on positive teacher-student academic interactions. ^
Exclusionary school discipline results in students being removed from classrooms as a consequence of their disruptive behavior and may lead to subsequent suspension and/or expulsion. Literature documents that nondominant students, particularly Black males, are disproportionately impacted by exclusionary discipline, to the point that researchers from a variety of critical perspectives consider exclusionary school discipline an oppressive educational practice and condition. Little or no research examines specific teacher-student social interactions within classrooms that influence teachers’ decisions to use or not use exclusionary discipline. Therefore, this study set forth the central research question: In relation to classroom interactions in alternative education settings, what accounts for teachers’ use or non-use of exclusionary discipline with students? A critical social practice theory of learning served as the framework for exploring this question, and a critical microethnographic methodology informed the data collection and analysis. Criterion sampling was used to select four classrooms in the same alternative education school with two teachers who frequently and two who rarely used exclusionary discipline. Nine stages of data collection and reconstructive data analysis were conducted. Data collection involved video recorded classroom observations, digitally recorded interviews of teachers and students discussing selected video segments, and individual teacher interviews. Reconstructive data analysis procedures involved hermeneutic inferencing of possible underlying meanings, critical discourse analysis, interactive power analysis and role analysis, thematic analysis of the interactions in each classroom, and a final comparative analysis of the four classrooms. Four predominant themes of social interaction (resistance, conformism, accommodation, and negotiation) emerged with terminology adapted from Giroux’s (2001) theory of resistance in education and Third Space theory (Gutiérrez, 2008). Four types of power (normative, coercive, interactively established contracts, and charm), based on Carspecken’s (1996) typology, were found in the interactions between teacher and students in varying degrees for different purposes. This research contributes to the knowledge base on teacher-student classroom interactions, specifically in relation to exclusionary discipline. Understanding how the themes and varying power relations influence their decisions and actions may enable teachers to reduce use of exclusionary discipline and remain focused on positive teacher-student academic interactions.
Drawing upon Ontario Social Science and History curriculum documents and textbook imagery and language, this paper examines how narratives of settler landownership strategically present Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples within the Canadian grand narrative. The curriculum and text material educators and learners are guided by ignore ongoing colonial violence towards Indigenous peoples and perpetuate the ideology of inevitable ‘peaceful’ interrelationships in national contexts. Learners develop identities in relation to land and how land is acquired. They come to understand themselves as part of a just nation in the particular sequence of Canadian Social Science and History teaching and learning. To go beyond simply adding content about Indigenous peoples in the classroom, educators and learners must adapt a decolonial approach to instead learn from Indigenous perspectives. Such a methodology would require the opening of a “third space” where the transmission of western curricular knowledge is interrupted. Educators and learners must create a space for problematizing the source itself and deconstruct the national grand narrative using inquiry, questioning and reflection, rather than repetition and regurgitation. This analysis reveals that particular placements of Indigenous peoples and settler Canadians in curriculum and classroom text material must be challenged by educators and learners to disrupt colonial narratives and to seek ongoing reconciliatory opportunities in and beyond the school walls.
This chapter examines the poetry of Scottish South Asians, the "New Scots" who bring a whole history of displacement, dislocation and relocation with them, as their memory of the "elsewhere" enters their writing. Their voices are significant as they embody multicultural Scotland with postcolonial dialects that signify an encounter in the Third Space where they are affected by and affect the "host" community. This chapter will question whether the writing of "New Scots" has added more than just "colour" to Scottish Poetry, as it traces the recent migrant history and analyses the lives and "voices" of diasporic communities as evident in their poetry. The objective is to assess how the new "voices" have blended in, expanded and/or challenged the boundaries of what defines Scottish Poetry, and determine whether they form a "community" of poets distinguished by the complexity of their regional allegiances, both past and present.
Background: Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a common abnormality of the urinary tract in childhood. Objectives: As urine enters the ureters and renal pelvis during voiding in vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), we hypothesized that change in body water composition before and after voiding may be less different in children with VUR. Patients and Methods: Patients were grouped as those with VUR (Group 1) and without VUR (Group 2). Bioelectric impedance analysis was performed before and after voiding, and third space fluid (TSF) (L), percent of total body fluid (TBF%), extracellular fluid (ECF%), and intracellular fluid (ICF%) were recorded. After change of TSF, TBF, ECF, ICF (ΔTSF, ΔTBF%, ΔECF%, ΔICF%), urine volume (mL), and urine volume/body weight (mL/kg) were calculated. Groups 1 and 2 were compared for these parameters. In addition, pre- and post-voiding body fluid values were compared in each group. Results: TBF%, ECF%, ICF%, and TSF in both pre- and post-voiding states and ΔTBF%, ΔECF%, ΔICF%, and ΔTSF after voiding were not different between groups. However, while post-voiding TBF%, ECF% was significantly decreased in Group 1 (64.5 ± 8.1 vs 63.7 ± 7.2, P = 0.013 for TBF%), there was not post-voiding change in TSF in the same group. On the other hand, there was also a significant TSF decrease in Group 2. Conclusions: Bladder and ureter can be considered as the third space. Thus, we think that BIA has been useful in discriminating children with VUR as there was no decreased in patients with VUR, although there was decreased TSF in patients without VUR. However, further studies are needed to increase the accuracy of this hypothesis.
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