987 resultados para The near-poor


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In near wall measurements with microPIV/PTV, whether seeding particles can be effectively used to detect local fluid velocity is a crucial problem. This talk presents our recent measurements in microchannels [1][2]. Based on measured velocity profiles with 200nm and 50nm in pure water, we found that the measured velocity profiles are agreed with the theoretical values in the middle of channel, but large deviations between measured data and theoretical prediction appear close to wall (0.25mm these deviations depend on the particle sizes. Considering the volume illumination [3] and particle physical behavious [4], we try to analysis the influence of focal plane thickness and particle concentration distribution near wall on the velocity deviation appeared in shear flows.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A varve chronology with annual resolution (AD 1117-1992) has been developed recently for Santa Barbara Basin. Varve thickness and water content show an exponential trend consistent with expected patterns in the presence of sediment compaction over time. Annual varve thickness was decomposed into orthogonal components using singular spectrum analysis (SSA) to identify and retrieve inter-decadal oscillations. ... This suggests a connection with global-scale decadal cycles identified in the subtropical Pacific gyre circulation and, possibly, with solar-driven phenomena. The near-1600 AD event coincides with (a) a similarly sudden change of state in nearby Santa Monica Basin that triggered the onset of anoxic conditions and the preservation of laminated sediments, (b) an extreme drought over the American Southwest, (c) a transformation of the age structure in a number of forest populations throughout Arizona and New Mexico. Total organic carbon burial flux in Santa Barbara Basin varves also shows a marked change after AD 1600. A possible climatic link is proposed that involves pathways for moisture transport in the Southwest at decadal and longer time scales.


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The Egyptian aquaculture industry provides more than 100,000 full-time or part-time jobs and produces the country’s least-expensive farmed animal protein. Thus, aquaculture plays an important role in both sustaining livelihoods and improving the diet quality and nutritional health of Egyptians, including a significant proportion of the 25.5% who are resource-poor. Recognizing this dual role, WorldFish has promoted sustainable growth in Egyptian aquaculture for more than 20 years. Through its work, WorldFish has identified a lack of quality data about fish consumption preferences and practices. Eager to fill this knowledge gap, WorldFish partnered with the Environment and Development Group (EDG) to study consumption of fish, red meat and poultry among the resource-poor in Egypt. This study aimed to characterize current consumer preferences for and consumption patterns of animal-source foods, comparing red meat, poultry and fish. The resulting data is meant to contribute to a better understanding of what drives demand for fish among the resource-poor in Egypt, allowing value chain actors to more successfully market their products to this segment of the population.


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The purpose of this output was to use the results of the baseline and participatory diagnostics analysis to develop alternative innovations for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The farming systems in the project areas were analysed to identify the innovations that communities had been using for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The innovative strategies were examined for their contribution to sustainable agriculture, food security and natural resource management. Comparative analysis of the agricultural productivity, food security and natural resource management in the different areas where the innovations have been put in place was undertaken. The best practices would be identified, which should be scaled-up, modified or sustained. The willingness and perceptions of the farmers to adopt the innovations would then be assessed.


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In this study various scalar dissipation rates and their modelling in the context of partially premixed flame are investigated. A DNS dataset of the near field of a turbulent hydrogen lifted jet flame is processed to analyse the mixture fraction and progress variable dissipation rates and their cross dissipation rate at several axial positions. It is found that the classical model for the passive scalar dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃ZZ gives good agreement with the DNS, while models developed based on premixed flames for the reactive scalar dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃cc only qualitatively capture the correct trend. The cross dissipation rate ε{lunate}̃cZ is mostly negative and can be reasonably approximated at downstream positions once ε{lunate}̃ZZ and ε{lunate}̃cc are known, although the sign cannot be determined. This approach gives better results than one employing a constant ratio of turbulent timescale and the scalar covariance c'Z'̃. The statistics of scalar gradients are further examined and lognormal distributions are shown to be very good approximations for the passive scalar and acceptable for the reactive scalar. The correlation between the two gradients increases downstream as the partially premixed flame in the near field evolves ultimately to a diffusion flame in the far field. A bivariate lognormal distribution is tested and found to be a reasonable approximation for the joint PDF of the two scalar gradients. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.


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We present measurements of grid turbulence using 2D particle image velocimetry taken immediately downstream from the grid at a Reynolds number of Re M = 16500 where M is the rod spacing. A long field of view of 14M x 4M in the down- and cross-stream directions was achieved by stitching multiple cameras together. Two uniform biplanar grids were selected to have the same M and pressure drop but different rod diameter D and crosssection. A large data set (10 4 vector fields) was obtained to ensure good convergence of second-order statistics. Estimations of the dissipation rate ε of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) were found to be sensitive to the number of meansquared velocity gradient terms included and not whether the turbulence was assumed to adhere to isotropy or axisymmetry. The resolution dependency of different turbulence statistics was assessed with a procedure that does not rely on the dissipation scale η. The streamwise evolution of the TKE components and ε was found to collapse across grids when the rod diameter was included in the normalisation. We argue that this should be the case between all regular grids when the other relevant dimensionless quantities are matched and the flow has become homogeneous across the stream. Two-point space correlation functions at x/M = 1 show evidence of complex wake interactions which exhibit a strong Reynolds number dependence. However, these changes in initial conditions disappear indicating rapid cross-stream homogenisation. On the other hand, isotropy was, as expected, not found to be established by x/M = 12 for any case studied. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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We demonstrate metamaterials operating in the near-visible regime based on two-dimensional arrays of gold-coated silicon nanopillars. The nanopillar arrays demonstrate a cutoff response at the metamaterial plasma frequency in accordance with theory and can be utilized for filtering applications. A plasma frequency in the near visible region of λ = 1 μm is calculated numerically for an array with a lattice constant of 300 nm and wire radius of 50 nm, with reflection measurements in agreement with numerical calculations. Such structures can be utilized for achieving negative-index based metamaterials for the visible spectrum. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We demonstrate metamaterials operating in the near-visible regime based on two-dimensional arrays of gold-coated silicon nanopillars. The nanopillar arrays demonstrate a cutoff response at the metamaterial plasma frequency in accordance with theory and can be utilized for filtering applications. A plasma frequency in the near visible region of λ = 1 μm is calculated numerically for an array with a lattice constant of 300 nm and wire radius of 50 nm, with reflection measurements in agreement with numerical calculations. Such structures can be utilized for achieving negative-index based metamaterials for the visible spectrum.


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Small fish abundance is usually high in heavily vegetated habitats in Yangtze lakes, China. Visual and swimming barriers created by dense macrophytes beds could reduce feeding efficiency and growth of small fishes. We tested the hypothesis that small fishes in habitats with dense macrophytes would show decreased feeding efficiency and reduced growth rates by comparing feeding efficiency (measured as the relative weight of fore-gut contents), total length, and condition factor of four small young-of-the-year fishes collected in the near-shore (heavily vegetated) and central (less vegetated) areas of Liangzi Lake. Feeding efficiency, total length, or condition factor were each significantly reduced in the near-shore area compared with the central area for Ctenogobius giurinus, Pseudorasbora parva and Carassius auratus auratus. This supports our hypothesis that vegetation abundance may mediate feeding efficiency and growth of small fishes. Although Hypseleotris swinhonis did not show significant decreases in feeding efficiency or growth in the near-shore area, there was not any reversed tendency, i.e. increased feeding rate or growth in the near-shore area compared to the central area.