948 resultados para The South
Drosophila antonietae belongs to the Drosophila buzzatii cluster, a cactophilic group of species naturally endemic to South America. Morphological and genetic analyses indicate that its populations are the most homogenous in the cluster and that the diversity observed is mainly a result of variation within populations. Seven polymorphic microsatellite loci were described for this species and used in the present study to investigate the genetic diversity of natural populations of D. antonietae by both length and sequence variation. The study aimed to understand how homoplasy and null alleles affect inferences about the population history of this species and to obtain an accurate interpretation of population inferences where these loci could be applied. The results provide useful information on the interpretation of genetic data derived from the microsatellite loci described for D. antonietae and on evolutionary aspects of cactophilic Drosophila. Importantly, the results indicate that size homoplasy and null alleles do not represent significant problems for the population genetics analyses because the large amount of variability at microsatellite loci compensate the low frequency of these problems in the populations. (C) 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100, 573-584.
The family Alpheidae, composed by shrimps of relatively small size, popularly known as snapping shrimps, is the one of the most diverse decapod groups. These shrimps are found worldwide and Occur in tropical and subtropical waters, from the intertidal zone to great depths. We investigated reproductive aspects of Alpheus armillatus, in order to gather information on egg production, aiming to enhance knowledge of its reproductive strategies in a population in an intertidal area of the South Atlantic. Ovigerous females were collected under rocks, in May and July 2006 (dry season) and in November 2006 and March 2007 (rainy season). Egg production and reproductive output were analyzed and compared seasonally and during the period of embryonic development. Females measured on average 11.28 mm CL with a mean of 763 eggs and 0.11 mm(3) egg volume. The egg volume of this population was smaller than previous estimates for other species of snapping shrimps, but the mean egg number was higher. The volume of eggs doubled during the incubation period, but despite this increase, no significant loss of eggs was observed. Alpheus armillatus invests oil average about 12% of body weight in reproduction. The proportional investment in egg production IS Significantly higher in the rainy season when compared with the dry season (17.9% vs 4.8%), correlated with higher temperatures and increased food availability at this time. Our results corroborated the hypothesis of a pattern of egg production influenced by environmental conditions and intraspecific variability among the family Alpheidae, as a function of the biogeographic region.
The South American species of the genera Askola and Hagenulopsis are revised. Three new species of Askola from Brazil are described based on male imagos. Askola emmerichi sp. nov. and A. paprockii sp. nov. present spotted wings, but differ in general coloration and details of genitalia; Askola cipoensis sp. nov. is easily distinguished because the male eyes being widely separated on meson of head. Three new species of Hagenulopsis are also described: H. lipeo (from Argentina and Bolivia) and H. zunigae (from Colombia), both described from imagos and nymphs, can be recognized by details of coloration and male genitalia. H. esmeralda sp. nov. from Ecuador, described from imagos, shows a distinct male genitalia and translucent male abdomen. A key to species for the the male and female imagos of Askola and Hagenulopsis species is provided.
The scale insect genus Calycicoccus Brain has a single described species, C. merwei Brain, which is endemic to southeastern South Africa. Females of C. merwei induce small, mostly conical galls on the foliage of their host tree, Apodytes dimidiata E. Meyer ex Arn. (Icacinaceae), which has a wider, mostly coastal distribution, than that currently known for the scale insect. Calycicoccus has been placed in the family Eriococcidae and may be related to the South American genus Aculeococcus Lepage. No other native eriococcid species have been described so far in South Africa, although the family is diverse in other Gondwanan regions. This paper summarizes the biology of C. merwei, redescribes the adult female, describes the adult male, the second-instar female and the first-instar nymphs for the first time, and reconsiders the phylogenetic relationships of the genus. The adult female is shown to have unusual abdominal segmentation, in that segment I is present both dorsally and ventrally, but a segment is absent ventrally on the middle abdomen. First-instar nymphs are sexually dimorphic; males have a larger and relatively narrower body, larger mouthparts, longer antennae and legs, and more thoracic dorsal setae compared with females. Molecular data from nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (18S) and elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1a) show C. merwei to have no close relatives among the Eriococcidae sampled to date. Instead, the Calycicoccus lineage is part of a polytomy near the base of the Eriococcidae. Molecular dating of the node suggests that the Calycicoccus lineage diverged from other eriococcids more than 100 Mya. These data support the placement of Calycicoccus as the only genus in the subfamily Calycicoccinae Brain.
The African (Protopterus sp.) and South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) inhabit shallow waters, that seasonally dry out, which induces aestivation and cocoon formation in Protopterus. Differently, L. paradoxa has no cocoon, and it aestivates in a simple burrow. In water PaCO(2) is 21.8 +/- 0.4 mmHg (mean values +/- S.E.M.; n = 5), whereas aestivation for 20 days increased PaCO(2) to as much as 37.6 +/- 2.1 mmHg, which remained the same after 40 days (35.8 +/- 3.3 mmHg). Concomitantly. the plasma [HCO(3)(-)]-values for animals in water were 22.5 +/- 0.5 mM, which after 20 days increased to 40.2 +/- 2.3 mM and after 40 days to 35.8 +/- 3.3 mM. Initially in water, PaO(2) was 87.7 +/- 2.0 mmHg, but 20 days in aestivation reduced the value to 80.5 +/- 2.2 and later (40 days) to 77.1 +/- 3.0 mmHg. Meanwhile, aestivation had no effect on pHa and hematocrit. The blood pressures were equal for animals in the water or in the burrow (P(mean) similar to 30 mmHg), and cardiac frequency (f(H)) fell from 31 beats min(-1) to 22 beats min(-1) during 40 days of aestivation. The osmolality (mOsm kg H(2)O(-1)) was elevated after 20 and 40 days of aestivation but declined upon return to water. The transition front activity to aestivation involves new set-points for the variables that determine the acid-base status and PaO(2) of the animals, along with a reduction of cardiac frequency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) has an arterial P(O2), (Pa(O2)) as high as 70-100 mm Hg, corresponding to Hb-O(2) saturations from 90% to 95%, which indicates a moderate cardiovascular right to left (R-L) shunt. In hyperoxia (50% O(2)), we studied animals in: (1) aerated water combined with aerial hyperoxia, which increased Pa(O2) from 78 +/- 2 to 114 +/- 3 mm Hg and (2) and aquatic hyperoxia (50% O(2)) combined room air, which gradually increased Pa(O2) from 75 +/- 4 mm Hg to as much as 146 +/- 10 mm Hg. Further, the hyperoxia (50%) depressed pulmonary ventilation from 58 +/- 13 to 5.5 +/- 3.0 mLBTPS kg h(-1), and Pa(CO2) increased from 20 +/- 2 to 31 +/- 4 mm Hg, while pHa became reduced from 7.56 +/- 0.03 to 7.31 +/- 0.09. At the same time, venous P(O2) (Pv(O2)) rose from 40.0 +/- 2.3 to 46.4 +/- 1.2 mm Hg and, concomitantly, Pvco, increased from 23.2 +/- 1.1 to 32.2 +/- 0.5 mm Hg. R-L shunts were estimated to about 19%, which is moderate when compared to most amphibians. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.