996 resultados para Textile technology


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The ways in which technology mediates daily activities is shifting rapidly. Global trends point toward the uptake of ambient and interactive media to create radical new ways of working, interacting and socialising. Tech giants such as Google and Apple are banking on the success of this emerging market by investing in new future focused consumer products such as Google Glass and the Apple Watch. The potential implications of ubiquitous technological interactions via tangible and ambient media have never been more real or more accessible.


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Artist statement – Artisan Gallery I have a confession to make… I don’t wear a FitBit, I don’t want an Apple Watch and I don’t like bling LED’s. But, what excites me is a future where ‘wearables’ are discreet, seamless and potentially one with our body. Burgeoning E-textiles research will provide the ability to inconspicuously communicate, measure and enhance human health and well-being. Alongside this, next generation wearables arguably will not be worn on the body, but rather within the body…under the skin. ‘Under the Skin’ is a polemic piece provoking debate on the future of wearables – a place where they are not overt, not auxiliary and perhaps not apparent. Indeed, a future where wearables are under the skin or one with our apparel. And, as underwear closets the skin and is the most intimate and cloaked apparel item we wear, this work unashamedly teases dialogue to explore how wearables can transcend from the overt to the unseen. Context Wearable Technology, also referred to as wearable computing or ‘wearables’, is an embryonic field that has the potential to unsettle conventional notions as to how technology can interact, enhance and augment the human body. Wearable technology is the next-generation for ubiquitous consumer electronics and ‘Wearables’ are, in essence, miniature electronic devices that are worn by a person, under clothing, embedded within clothing/textiles, on top of clothing, or as stand-alone accessories/devices. This wearables market is predicted to grow somewhere between $30-$50 billion in the next 5 years (Credit Suisse, 2013). The global ‘wearables’ market, which is emergent in phase, has forecasted predictions for vast consumer revenue with the potential to become a significant cross-disciplinary disruptive space for designers and entrepreneurs. For Fashion, the field of wearables is arguably at the intersection of the second and third generation for design innovation: the first phase being purely decorative with aspects such as LED lighting; the second phase consisting of an array of wearable devices, such as smart watches, to communicate areas such as health and fitness, the third phase involving smart electronics that are woven into the textile to perform a vast range of functions such as body cooling, fabric colour change or garment silhouette change; and the fourth phase where wearable devices are surgically implanted under the skin to augment, transform and enhance the human body. Whilst it is acknowledged the wearable phases are neither clear-cut nor discreet in progression and design innovation can still be achieved with first generation decorative approaches, the later generation of technology that is less overt and at times ‘under the skin’ provides a uniquely rich point for design innovation where the body and technology intersect as one. With this context in mind, the wearable provocation piece ‘Under the Skin’ provides a unique opportunity for the audience to question and challenge conventional notions that wearables need to be a: manifest in nature, b: worn on or next to the body, and c: purely functional. The piece ‘Under the Skin’ is informed by advances in the market place for wearable innovation, such as: the Australian based wearable design firm Catapult with their discreet textile biometric sports tracking innovation, French based Spinali Design with their UV app based textile senor to provide sunburn alerts, as well as opportunities for design technology innovation through UNICEF’s ‘Wearables for Good’ design challenge to improve the quality of life in disadvantaged communities. Exhibition As part of Artisan’s Wearnext exhibition, the work was on public display from 25 July to 7 November 2015 and received the following media coverage: WEARNEXT ONLINE LISTINGS AND MEDIA COVERAGE: http://indulgemagazine.net/wear-next/ http://www.weekendnotes.com/wear-next-exhibition-gallery-artisan/ http://concreteplayground.com/brisbane/event/wear-next_/ http://www.nationalcraftinitiative.com.au/news_and_events/event/48/wear-next http://bneart.com/whats-on/wear-next_/ http://creativelysould.tumblr.com/post/124899079611/creative-weekend-art-edition http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/smartly-dressed-the-future-of-wearable-technology/6744374 http://couriermail.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx RADIO COVERAGE http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/wear-next-exhibition-whats-next-for-wearable-technology/6745986 TELEVISION COVERAGE http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/wear-next-exhibition-whats-next-for-wearable-technology/6745986 https://au.news.yahoo.com/video/watch/29439742/how-you-could-soon-be-wearing-smart-clothes/#page1


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Textile wastewater is commonly treated with activated sludge process technology. However, its treatment performance has not been demonstrated to be very effective. In this study, the effects of micronutrient thiamine on removal efficiencies of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of textile wastewater in a batch test, together with its effect on the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of activated sludge, were evaluated. Significant improvements were observed in the removal rates of DOC, COD and OUR with 121%, 156% and 121% of those of the control, respectively, when 0.5-2.0 mg/L thiamine was added to the wastewater treatment system. Thiamine could be probably used to improve the treatment performance of textile wastewater.


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This work involved the treatment of industrial wastewater from a nylon carpet printing plant which currently receives no treatment and is discharged to sea. As nylon is particularly difficult to dye, acid dyes are required for successful coloration and cause major problems with the plant's effluent disposal in terms of color removal. Granular activated carbon Filtrasorb 400 was used to treat a ternary solution of acid dyes and the process plant effluent containing the dyes in a fixed-bed column system. Experimental data were correlated using the bed depth service time (BDST) model to previously published work by the authors for single dye adsorption. The results were expressed in terms of the BDST adsorption capacity, in milligrams of adsorbate per gram of adsorbent, and indicated that there was a 12-25% decrease iri adsorption capacity in the ternary system compared to the single component system; This reduction has been attributed to competitive adsorption occurring in the ternary component system. Dye adsorption from the process plant effluent showed an approximate 65% decrease in adsorption capacity compared to the ternary solution system. This has been attributed to interference caused by the other colorless textile effluent pollutants found in the process wastewater. A chemical oxygen demand analysis on these components indicated that the dyes accounted for only 14% of the total oxygen demand.


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Tese dout., Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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The literature on the involvement of developing countries in trade has focused on the effects of different aspects of globalization on firms, regions and countries. The study attempts to examine how an export based industry, locallyembedded and originated on the basis of regional strengths has been inserted into the global trade framework. Though the unit of analysis is the manufacturing export firm in the region of Kannur, it represents the entire home textile export industry from the state of Kerala, as close to 90% of fabric exports in home furnishing material, textiles for upholstery and decoration and stitched or fused, and branded made ups are from the region. From a global perspective, how developing countries face newer trade restrictions and overcome non quota barriers by firm and region specific activities within a value chain framework is a major research area, which has already contributions from the Ludhiana woolen cluster (Tewari,1999 ) and the Tirupur cluster in India (Cawthorne, 1995). The study contributes to the value chain literature by examining the governance and upgrading as well as how firms benefit from linkages. India has a number of export oriented agglomerations or regions where firms have been serving export markets for many years. In many cases it is no longer the supply side policy actions that determine how they are able to penetrate new markets or expand existing market share. Based on this study it becomes possible to understand how the global value chain operates in these different industries to examine whether there is a danger of immiserisation of growth or low road growth


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. The cotton mill industry is one of the important medium and large-scale industries in the State of Kerala. Due to the widespread development of the handloom industry in the State, there is an environment conducive to the growth of cotton spinning mills which produce yarn, the raw material required by the handloom industry. New spin— ing mills are being commissioned. But the performance of the existing cotton spinning and weaving mills in the State is not quite satisfactory. Hence an analysis has been carried out into the profitability and financial position of the industry in Kerala. The objective of the study is to make a financial analysis of the industry covering various aspects such as cost structure, productivity, asset structure, financial structure and working capital management.


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The textile industry is one amongst the rapidly growing industries world wide, which utilizes enormous amounts of synthetic dyes. Consequently, the effluent from these textile industries poses serious threat to the environment which is often very difficult to treat and dispose. This has become a very grave problem in environment conservation and hence natural pigments have drawn the attention of industry as safe alternative. In this context, in the present study an attempt was made to bioprospect marine bacteria towards isolation of a suitable and ideal pigment that could be used as a natural dye. A marine Serratia sp. BTWJ8 was recognized to synthesize enormous amounts of a prodigiosin-like pigment. The pigment was isolated and characterized for various properties. The pigment was evaluated for application as a dye in the textile industry. Results of the studies indicated that this pigment could be used as a natural dye for imparting red-yellow colour to various grades of textile materials. The colour was observed to be stable after wash performance studies


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Actualment, la legislació ambiental ha esdevingut més restrictiva pel que fa a la descàrrega d'aigües residuals amb nutrients, especialment en les anomenades àrees sensibles o zones vulnerables. Arran d'aquest fet, s'ha estimulat el coneixement, desenvolupament i millora dels processos d'eliminació de nutrients. El Reactor Discontinu Seqüencial (RDS) o Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) en anglès, és un sistema de tractament de fangs actius que opera mitjançant un procediment d'omplerta-buidat. En aquest tipus de reactors, l'aigua residual és addicionada en un sol reactor que treballa per càrregues repetint un cicle (seqüència) al llarg del temps. Una de les característiques dels SBR és que totes les diferents operacions (omplerta, reacció, sedimentació i buidat) es donen en un mateix reactor. La tecnologia SBR no és nova d'ara. El fet, és que va aparèixer abans que els sistema de tractament continu de fangs actius. El precursor dels SBR va ser un sistema d'omplerta-buidat que operava en discontinu. Entre els anys 1914 i 1920, varen sorgir certes dificultats moltes d'elles a nivell d'operació (vàlvules, canvis el cabal d'un reactor a un altre, elevat temps d'atenció per l'operari...) per aquests reactors. Però no va ser fins a finals de la dècada dels '50 principis del '60, amb el desenvolupament de nous equipaments i noves tecnologies, quan va tornar a ressorgir l'interès pels SBRs. Importants millores en el camp del subministrament d'aire (vàlvules motoritzades o d'acció pneumàtica) i en el de control (sondes de nivell, mesuradors de cabal, temporitzadors automàtics, microprocessadors) han permès que avui en dia els SBRs competeixin amb els sistemes convencional de fangs actius. L'objectiu de la present tesi és la identificació de les condicions d'operació adequades per un cicle segons el tipus d'aigua residual a l'entrada, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat desitjada de la sortida utilitzant la tecnologia SBR. Aquestes tres característiques, l'aigua a tractar, les necessitats del tractament i la qualitat final desitjada determinen en gran mesura el tractament a realitzar. Així doncs, per tal d'adequar el tractament a cada tipus d'aigua residual i les seves necessitats, han estat estudiats diferents estratègies d'alimentació. El seguiment del procés es realitza mitjançant mesures on-line de pH, OD i RedOx, els canvis de les quals donen informació sobre l'estat del procés. Alhora un altre paràmetre que es pot calcular a partir de l'oxigen dissolt és la OUR que és una dada complementària als paràmetres esmentats. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen d'una aigua residual sintètica utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de l'estudi de l'efecte del nombre d'alimentacions, la definició de la llargada i el número de fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha aplicat l'estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada a dues aigües residuals diferents: una procedent d'una indústria tèxtil i l'altra, dels lixiviats d'un abocador. En ambdues aigües residuals es va estudiar l'eficiència del procés a partir de les condicions d'operació i de la velocitat del consum d'oxigen. Mentre que en l'aigua residual tèxtil el principal objectiu era eliminar matèria orgànica, en l'aigua procedent dels lixiviats d'abocador era eliminar matèria orgànica i nitrogen. S'han avaluat les condicions d'operació per eliminar nitrogen i fòsfor d'una aigua residual urbana utilitzant una estratègia d'alimentació esglaonada, a través de la definició del número i la llargada de les fases per cicle, i la identificació dels punts crítics seguint les sondes de pH, OD i RedOx. S'ha analitzat la influència del pH i la font de carboni per tal d'eliminar fòsfor d'una aigua sintètica a partir de l'estudi de l'increment de pH a dos reactors amb diferents fonts de carboni i l'estudi de l'efecte de canviar la font de carboni. Tal i com es pot veure al llarg de la tesi, on s'han tractat diferents aigües residuals per a diferents necessitats, un dels avantatges més importants d'un SBR és la seva flexibilitat.