942 resultados para Testes bacteriológicos
O condicionamento cardiorrespiratório pode ser caracterizado como sendo um dos componentes da aptidão cardiorrespiratória, estando diretamente associado aos níveis de saúde e qualidade de vida. Existem formas diversas para se avaliar os níveis de condicionamento cardiorrespiratório durante a realização de exercícios, tanto de forma direta como indireta. Foi realizado um estudo do tipo transversal contando com idosos voluntários acima dos 60 anos, admitidos entre março de 2005 e abril de 2008, todos participantes do Projeto Idosos em Movimento Mantendo a Autonomia (IMMA), coordenado pelo Laboratório de Atividade Física e Promoção da Saúde (LABSAU) do Instituto de Educação Física e Desportos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IEFD-UERJ) e implementado em parceria com a Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade (UnATI-UERJ) com o objetivo de realizar a validação cruzada de equações para estimativa da ACR sem exercícios em amostra de idosos brasileiros. Portanto, esta pesquisa identificou evidências para se estimar a aptidão cardiorrespiratória através de um método sem exercícios apresentando baixo custo e risco a saúde dos idosos, desta forma, não necessitando a utilização de locais específicos e com equipamentos como bicicletas e esteiras ergométricas e também não havendo a necessidade de profissionais especializados na aplicação dos referidos testes
A acromegalia é uma doença multissistêmica decorrente da hipersecreção do hormônio do crescimento (GH) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I), o que resulta no crescimento somático exagerado e alterações nas proporções corporais, estando associada à considerável aumento da morbidade e mortalidade. Estima-se ainda que os problemas respiratórios contribuam com 25% de todas as mortes encontradas neste grupo de pacientes. Diferenças metodológicas entre os diversos estudos levaram ao surgimento de dados inconsistentes sobre o papel do crescimento alveolar no desenvolvimento do aumento do volume pulmonar em acromegálicos, o que reforça a importância de novos trabalhos e outras abordagens sobre o tema. Ao mesmo tempo, com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, os métodos de imagem propostos em alguns estudos foram substituídos por outros mais sensíveis como a tomografia computadorizada (TC) multislice (Q-MDCT) que garante adequada mensuração do volume pulmonar, o que proporciona diferentes tipos de comparação e análise e, ainda, permite o estudo anatômico do tórax e vias pulmonares. Nossos objetivos foram identificar os principais achados da tomografia computadorizada (TC) em pacientes acromegálicos, determinar por meio da TC de tórax o volume pulmonar e comparar os achados da densitometria pulmonar com os da função pulmonar entre pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa e doença controlada e, secundariamente, correlacionar estes achados. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 29 portadores de acromegalia que tiveram diagnóstico da acromegalia suspeitado por características clínicas e confirmado por níveis elevados de GH não suprimido ou com níveis de IGF-I acima do limite normal. Posteriormente, os pacientes foram subdivididos nos grupos doença ativa(11 indivíduos) e doença controlada(18 indivíduos), segundo os níveis séricos de IGF-I. Houve ainda um grupo controle (17 indivíduos) em que os pacientes, após já terem realizado TC de tórax por alguma razão, foram convidados à realizar os testes de função pulmonar. A Q-MDCT e os testes de função pulmonar apresentaram excelente correlação: o volume total do pulmão (VTP) medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade pulmonar total (rs=0,742, p=0,0001), enquanto VTP medido na TC expiratória apresentou correlação significante com a capacidade residual funcional (rs=0,606, p=0,0005). Os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentaram pulmões mais pesados em relação aos controles [885 (723994) vs. 696 (599769) g, p=0.017]. Os pacientes com acromegalia ativa também apresentaram maiores quantidades de compartimentos pobremente aerados em relação aos outros dois grupos, sendo esta diferença observada em %VTP [3,25 (2,553,46) vs. 2,24 (1,702,56) vs. 1,70 (1,452,15), p = 0,001] e g [82,6 (75,4 100,2) vs. 63,9 (49,180,3) vs. 54,2 (42,259,2), p = 0,0001]. O compartimento pobremente aerado medido na TC inspiratória apresentou correlação significante com os níveis de GH e IGF (rs=0,407, p=0,029; rs=0,467, p=0,011, respectivamente). Em conclusão, a Q-MDCT mostra que os pacientes acromegálicos com doença ativa apresentam pulmões mais pesados e maiores quantidades de compartimentos não aerados e pobremente aerados. Há relações entre os achados da densitovolumetria pulmonar e os parâmetros dos testes de função pulmonar na acromegalia.
The formation of chimeric gene structures provides important routes by which novel proteins and functions are introduced into genomes. Signatures of these events have been identified in organisms from wide phylogenic distributions. However, the ability to
Morphological assessment of sexually mature Rutilus frisii kutum Kamenskii 1901 caught from the rivers (Shirud, Khoshkrud, Sepidrud and Chelavand Rivers) flowing in the southwest Caspian Sea region was conducted and sperm volume, total sperm count and sperm concentration of abnormal sperms were determined after exposing the spawners to 60% herbicide butachlor (machete). Spawners under study were maintained in tanks (1000 l) at the Shahid Ansari Teleost Fish Hatchery and exposed to two different concentrations (25% and 75% of its LC50 value) of butachlor. Results obtained indicate that exposure to high butachlor toxicity (75% of its LC50 value) decreased sperm volume to 0.61 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year old fishes and to 0.55 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age, while that in fish exposed to low butachlor toxicity (25% of its LC50 value) decreased to 1.55 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year old fishes and to 1.28 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age. The sperm volume under normal conditions in R. frisii kutum is 4.6 ± 0.42 cc in 2-3 year olds and 4.58 ± 0.42 cc in fishes above 3 years of age. The total sperm count in R. frisii kutum is 39.74 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and 42.99 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. When exposed to high butachlor toxicity, total sperm count dropped to 16.92 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and to 15.98 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. Similarly total sperm count in R. frisii kutum exposed to low butachlor toxicity was recorded as 23.6 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in 2-3 year olds and 29.4 ± 2.5 billion spermatozoa/cc in fishes above 3 years of age. Under normal conditions, on the basis of morphology, spermatozoa showed only 10 ± 1.92% of abnormal sperms. The number of abnormal sperms increased by 28.6 ± 1.92% in fishes exposed to high butachlor toxicity, while that in fishes exposed to low butachlor toxicity increased by 19.7 ± 1.92% in 2-3 year olds and 16.6 ± 19.2% in fishes above 3 years of age. It is evident from the results obtained that increase in level of pollution caused a decrease in sperm volume but an increase in the percentage of abnormal sperms. Results obtained indicate that exposure to high butachlor toxicity (75% of its LC50 value) decreased testostron hormone to 0.31 ± 0.22 ng/ml in high butachlor toxicity, and to 0.45 ± 0.22 ng/ml in low butachlor toxicity (25% of its LC50 value). Testostron hormone dropped to 0.53 ± 0.22 ng/ml in 2-3 year olds and to 0.79 ± 0.22ng/ in fishes above 3 years of age. The testostron hormone under normal conditions in R. frisii kutum is 2.7 ± 0.22 ng/ml. It is evident from the results obtained that increase in level of pollution caused a decrease in testostron hormone
Effects of various combinations of photoperiod and temperature (NL-NT, LD 15:9-28°C, NL-28°C and LD 15:9 NT) were studied on testicular activity and pituitary gonadotropic cells in Channa punctatus during resting phase of reproductive cycle. Long photoperiod (LD 15:9-28°C) and warm temperature (NL-28°C) regimes were found to be more effective for testicular maturation and secretory activity of gonadotropic cells suggesting testicular maturation via brain-pituitary-testicular axis.
Taxas de crescimento populacional são importantes indicadores em estudos sobre a eficiência de espécies de artrópodes como agentes de controle biológico e aspectos de biossegurança relacionados ao possível impacto de agentes biológicos sobre artrópodes não alvo (MAIA et al., 2000). Nesses estudos, dados de oviposição e sobrevivência de cada um dos tratamentos avaliados são condensados em tabelas de vida e fertilidade (TBVF), para posterior estimação dos parâmetros populacionais: taxa líquida de reprodução (Ro), taxas intrínsecas de crescimento (Rm), tempo de duplicação (Dt), intervalo entre geraçãoes (T) e razão finita de crescimento (Lambda). Os testes estatísticos para comparação de grupos com relação a esses parâmetros requerem a quantificação das incertezas (variância, erro padrão, intervalos de confiança) associada às suas respectivas estimativas, em cada grupo. As estimativas dessas incertezas são tradicionalmente obtidas utilizando o método jackknife. Como alternativa aos testes que utilizam estimativas jackknife da variância, propomos o uso de testes permutacionais (MANLY, 1991). Os testes permutacionais (TP) utilizam distribuições empíricas, geradas via alocações aleatórias das unidades experimentais aos tratamentos (grupos). Tais distribuições empíricas são utilizadas testar hipóteses sobre os parâmetros de interesse.
Desenvolvimento de testes funcionais: técnicas de teste; casos de teste. Ferramenta para automação de testes: diretrizes para utilização do Vermont; problemas e soluções.
Técnicas de teste. Ferramenta para cobertura de testes unitários. Diretrizes para utilização da Discover. Cobertura dos testes unitários do SIGI.
Técnicas de testes. Ferramenta para automação de testes. Diretrizes para utilização da Vermont. Configuração da Vermont. Procedimento para criação de um script. Procedimento para execução da Vermont via linha de comando.
BACKGROUND: Epigenetic alterations have been implicated in the pathogenesis of solid tumors, however, proto-oncogenes activated by promoter demethylation have been sporadically reported. We used an integrative method to analyze expression in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and pharmacologically demethylated cell lines to identify aberrantly demethylated and expressed candidate proto-oncogenes and cancer testes antigens in HNSCC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We noted coordinated promoter demethylation and simultaneous transcriptional upregulation of proto-oncogene candidates with promoter homology, and phylogenetic footprinting of these promoters demonstrated potential recognition sites for the transcription factor BORIS. Aberrant BORIS expression correlated with upregulation of candidate proto-oncogenes in multiple human malignancies including primary non-small cell lung cancers and HNSCC, induced coordinated proto-oncogene specific promoter demethylation and expression in non-tumorigenic cells, and transformed NIH3T3 cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Coordinated, epigenetic unmasking of multiple genes with growth promoting activity occurs in aerodigestive cancers, and BORIS is implicated in the coordinated promoter demethylation and reactivation of epigenetically silenced genes in human cancers.
Contrary to the traditional view, recent studies suggest that diabetes mellitus has an adverse influence on male reproductive function. Our aim was to determine the affect of diabetes on the testicular environment by identifying and then assessing perturbations in small molecule metabolites. Testes were obtained from control and streptozotocin induced diabetic C57BL/6 mice, two, four and eight weeks post treatment. Diabetic status was confirmed by HbA1c, non fasting blood glucose, physiological condition and body weight. Protein free, low molecular weight, water soluble extracts were assessed using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Principal Component Analysis of the derived profiles was used to classify any variations and specific metabolites were identified based on their spectral pattern. Characteristic metabolite profiles were identified for control and diabetic animals with the most distinctive being from mice with the greatest physical deterioration and loss of bodyweight. Eight streptozotocin treated animals did not develop diabetes and displayed profiles similar to controls. Diabetic mice had decreases in creatine, choline and carnitine and increases in lactate, alanine and myo-inositol. Betaine levels were found to be increased in the majority of diabetic mice but decreased in two animals with severe loss of body weight and physical condition. The association between perturbations in a number of small molecule metabolites known to be influential in sperm function, with diabetic status and physiological condition, adds further impetus to the proposal that diabetes influences important spermatogenic pathways and mechanisms in a subtle and previously unrecognised manner.
Radical abdominal radiotherapy in men runs the risk of impairing their fertility owing to scattered dose to the testes, outside of the treated volume. In patients for whom this is a concern it is important to be able to predict the dose to the testes before treatment in order to determine whether semen cryopreservation should be undertaken and testicular shielding performed during treatment. Measurements have been made on an anthropomorphic phantom to determine the magnitude of these doses for a four-field treatment consisting of an anterior-posterior parallel pair and a lateral parallel pair. A dataset is presented, which, together with a correction for patients size, allows an estimate of testicular dose to be made given only the photon energy, interfield distances and the distance from the testes to the nearest beam edge. Thermoluminescent dosimetry has been carried out in 17 patients to validate the use of the data tables. The results indicate that testicular doses may be estimated with a standard deviation corresponding to 1%-2% of the tumour dose, which is sufficient for the purpose of determining whether fertility is threatened by a planned treatment.
Metabolic profile changes in the testes of mice with streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes mellitus
Contrary to the traditional view, recent studies suggest that diabetes mellitus has an adverse influence on male reproductive function. Our aim was to determine the effect of diabetes on the testicular environment by identifying and then assessing perturbations in small molecule metabolites. Testes were obtained from control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic C57BL/6 mice, 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-treatment. Diabetic status was confirmed by glycated haemoglobin, non-fasting blood glucose, physiological condition and body weight. A novel extraction procedure was utilized to obtain protein free, low-molecular weight, water soluble extracts which were then assessed using H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Principal component analysis of the derived profiles was used to classify any variations, and specific metabolites were identified based on their spectral pattern. Characteristic metabolite profiles were identified for control and type 1 diabetic animals with the most distinctive being from mice with the largest physical deterioration and loss of body weight. Eight streptozotocin-treated animals did not develop diabetes and displayed profiles similar to controls. Diabetic mice had decreases in creatine, choline and carnitine and increases in lactate, alanine and myo-inositol. Betaine levels were found to be increased in the majority of diabetic mice but decreased in a few animals with severe loss of body weight and physical condition. The association between perturbations in a number of small molecule metabolites known to be influential in sperm function, with diabetic status and physiological condition, adds further impetus to the proposal that diabetes influences important spermatogenic pathways and mechanisms in a subtle and previously unrecognized manner.