1000 resultados para Terrain traversability estimation
Scintillometry is an established technique for determining large areal average sensible heat fluxes. The scintillometer measurement is related to sensible heat flux via Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, which was developed for ideal homogeneous land surfaces. In this study it is shown that judicious application of scintillometry over heterogeneous mixed agriculture on undulating topography yields valid results when compared to eddy covariance (EC). A large aperture scintillometer (LAS) over a 2.4 km path was compared with four EC stations measuring sensible (H) and latent (LvE) heat fluxes over different vegetation (cereals and grass) which when aggregated were representative of the LAS source area. The partitioning of available energy into H and LvE varied strongly for different vegetation types, with H varying by a factor of three between senesced winter wheat and grass pasture. The LAS derived H agrees (one-to-one within the experimental uncertainty) with H aggregated from EC with a high coefficient of determination of 0.94. Chronological analysis shows individual fields may have a varying contribution to the areal average sensible heat flux on short (weekly) time scales due to phenological development and changing soil moisture conditions. Using spatially aggregated measurements of net radiation and soil heat flux with H from the LAS, the areal averaged latent heat flux (LvELAS) was calculated as the residual of the surface energy balance. The regression of LvELAS against aggregated LvE from the EC stations has a slope of 0.94, close to ideal, and demonstrates that this is an accurate method for the landscape-scale estimation of evaporation over heterogeneous complex topography.
This thesis describes a form of non-contact measurement using two dimensional hall effect sensing to resolve the location of a moving magnet which is part of a ‘magnetic spring’ type suspension system. This work was inspired by the field of Space Robotics, which currently relies on solid link suspension techniques for rover stability. This thesis details the design, development and testing of a novel magnetic suspension system with a possible application in space and terrestrial based robotics, especially when the robot needs to traverse rough terrain. A number of algorithms were developed, to utilize experimental data from testing, that can approximate the separation between magnets in the suspension module through observation of the magnetic fields. Experimental hardware was also developed to demonstrate how two dimensional hall effect sensor arrays could provide accurate feedback, with respects to the magnetic suspension modules operation, so that future work can include the sensor array in a real-time control system to produce dynamic ride control for space robots. The research performed has proven that two dimensional hall effect sensing with respects to magnetic suspension is accurate, effective and suitable for future testing.
[EN]A solar radiation numerical model is presented. It is intented to be useful for different purposes like the evaluation of the suitability of possible locations for solar power stations. This model allows the user to evaluate the radiation values in any location easily, and estimate the solar power generation taking into account not only the radiation level, but also the terrain surface conditions considering the cast shadows. The solar radiation model is implemented taking into account the terrain surface using 2-D adaptive meshes of triangles, which are constructed using a refinement/derefinement procedure in accordance with the variations of terrain surface and albedo...
The subject of this study is to investigate the capability of spaceborne remote sensing data to predict ground concentrations of PM10 over the European Alpine region using satellite derived Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from the geostationary Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) and the polar-orbiting MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The spatial and temporal resolutions of these aerosol products (10 km and 2 measurements per day for MODIS, ∼ 25 km and observation intervals of 15 min for SEVIRI) permit an evaluation of PM estimation from space at different spatial and temporal scales. Different empirical linear relationships between coincident AOD and PM10 observations are evaluated at 13 ground-based PM measurement sites, with the assumption that aerosols are vertically homogeneously distributed below the planetary Boundary Layer Height (BLH). The BLH and Relative Humidity (RH) variability are assessed, as well as their impact on the parameterization. The BLH has a strong influence on the correlation of daily and hourly time series, whilst RH effects are less clear and smaller in magnitude. Despite its lower spatial resolution and AOD accuracy, SEVIRI shows higher correlations than MODIS (rSEV∼ 0.7, rMOD∼ 0.6) with regard to daily averaged PM10. Advantages from MODIS arise only at hourly time scales in mountainous locations but lower correlations were found for both sensors at this time scale (r∼ 0.45). Moreover, the fraction of days in 2008 with at least one satellite observation was 27% for SEVIRI and 17% for MODIS. These results suggest that the frequency of observations plays an important role in PM monitoring, while higher spatial resolution does not generally improve the PM estimation. Ground-based Sun Photometer (SP) measurements are used to validate the satellite-based AOD in the study region and to discuss the impact of aerosols' micro-physical properties in the empirical models. A lower error limit of 30 to 60% in the PM10 assessment from space is estimated in the study area as a result of AOD uncertainties, variability of aerosols properties and the heterogeneity of ground measurement sites. It is concluded that SEVIRI has a similar capacity to map PM as sensors on board polar-orbiting platforms, with the advantage of a higher number of observations. However, the accuracy represents a serious limitation to the applicability of satellites for ground PM mapping, especially in mountainous areas.
Kriging is a widely employed method for interpolating and estimating elevations from digital elevation data. Its place of prominence is due to its elegant theoretical foundation and its convenient practical implementation. From an interpolation point of view, kriging is equivalent to a thin-plate spline and is one species among the many in the genus of weighted inverse distance methods, albeit with attractive properties. However, from a statistical point of view, kriging is a best linear unbiased estimator and, consequently, has a place of distinction among all spatial estimators because any other linear estimator that performs as well as kriging (in the least squares sense) must be equivalent to kriging, assuming that the parameters of the semivariogram are known. Therefore, kriging is often held to be the gold standard of digital terrain model elevation estimation. However, I prove that, when used with local support, kriging creates discontinuous digital terrain models, which is to say, surfaces with “rips” and “tears” throughout them. This result is general; it is true for ordinary kriging, kriging with a trend, and other forms. A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) digital elevation model was analyzed to characterize the distribution of the discontinuities. I show that the magnitude of the discontinuity does not depend on surface gradient but is strongly dependent on the size of the kriging neighborhood.
Wind farms have been extensively simulated through engineering models for the estimation of wind speed and power deficits inside wind farms. These models were designed initially for a few wind turbines located in flat terrain. Other models based on the parabolic approximation of Navier Stokes equations were developed, making more realistic and feasible the operational resolution of big wind farms in flat terrain and offshore sites. These models have demonstrated to be accurate enough when solving wake effects for this type of environments. Nevertheless, few analyses exist on how complex terrain can affect the behaviour of wind farm wake flow. Recent numerical studies have demonstrated that topographical wakes induce a significant effect on wind turbines wakes, compared to that on flat terrain. This circumstance has recommended the development of elliptic CFD models which allow global simulation of wind turbine wakes in complex terrain. An accurate simplification for the analysis of wind turbine wakes is the actuator disk technique. Coupling this technique with CFD wind models enables the estimation of wind farm wakes preserving the extraction of axial momentum present inside wind farms. This paper describes the analysis and validation of the elliptical wake model CFDWake 1.0 against experimental data from an operating wind farm located in complex terrain. The analysis also reports whether it is possible or not to superimpose linearly the effect of terrain and wind turbine wakes. It also represents one of the first attempts to observe the performance of engineering models compares in large complex terrain wind farms.
El autor ha trabajado como parte del equipo de investigación en mediciones de viento en el Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER), España, en cooperación con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca. El presente reporte recapitula el trabajo de investigación realizado durante los últimos 4.5 años en el estudio de las fuentes de error de los sistemas de medición remota de viento, basados en la tecnología lidar, enfocado al error causado por los efectos del terreno complejo. Este trabajo corresponde a una tarea del paquete de trabajo dedicado al estudio de sistemas remotos de medición de viento, perteneciente al proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco WAUDIT. Adicionalmente, los datos de viento reales han sido obtenidos durante las campañas de medición en terreno llano y terreno complejo, pertenecientes al también proyecto de intestigación europeo del 7mo programa marco SAFEWIND. El principal objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es determinar los efectos del terreno complejo en el error de medición de la velocidad del viento obtenida con los sistemas de medición remota lidar. Con este conocimiento, es posible proponer una metodología de corrección del error de las mediciones del lidar. Esta metodología está basada en la estimación de las variaciones del campo de viento no uniforme dentro del volumen de medición del lidar. Las variaciones promedio del campo de viento son predichas a partir de los resultados de las simulaciones computacionales de viento RANS, realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. La metodología de corrección es verificada con los resultados de las simulaciones RANS y validadas con las mediciones reales adquiridas en la campaña de medición en terreno complejo. Al inicio de este reporte, el marco teórico describiendo el principio de medición de la tecnología lidar utilizada, es presentado con el fin de familiarizar al lector con los principales conceptos a utilizar a lo largo de este trabajo. Posteriormente, el estado del arte es presentado en donde se describe los avances realizados en el desarrollo de la la tecnología lidar aplicados al sector de la energía eólica. En la parte experimental de este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado los datos adquiridos durante las dos campañas de medición realizadas. Estas campañas has sido realizadas en terreno llano y complejo, con el fin de complementar los conocimiento adquiridos en casa una de ellas y poder comparar los efectos del terreno en las mediciones de viento realizadas con sistemas remotos lidar. La primer campaña experimental se desarrollo en terreno llano, en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores H0vs0re, propiedad de DTU Wind Energy (anteriormente Ris0). La segunda campaña experimental se llevó a cabo en el parque de ensayos de aerogeneradores Alaiz, propiedad de CENER. Exactamente los mismos dos equipos lidar fueron utilizados en estas campañas, haciendo de estos experimentos altamente relevantes en el contexto de evaluación del recurso eólico. Un equipo lidar está basado en tecnología de onda continua, mientras que el otro está basado en tecnología de onda pulsada. La velocidad del viento fue medida, además de con los equipos lidar, con anemómetros de cazoletas, veletas y anemómetros verticales, instalados en mástiles meteorológicos. Los sensores del mástil meteorológico son considerados como las mediciones de referencia en el presente estudio. En primera instancia, se han analizado los promedios diez minútales de las medidas de viento. El objetivo es identificar las principales fuentes de error en las mediciones de los equipos lidar causadas por diferentes condiciones atmosféricas y por el flujo no uniforme de viento causado por el terreno complejo. El error del lidar ha sido estudiado como función de varias propiedades estadísticas del viento, como lo son el ángulo vertical de inclinación, la intensidad de turbulencia, la velocidad vertical, la estabilidad atmosférica y las características del terreno. El propósito es usar este conocimiento con el fin de definir criterios de filtrado de datos. Seguidamente, se propone una metodología para corregir el error del lidar causado por el campo de viento no uniforme, producido por la presencia de terreno complejo. Esta metodología está basada en el análisis matemático inicial sobre el proceso de cálculo de la velocidad de viento por los equipos lidar de onda continua. La metodología de corrección propuesta hace uso de las variaciones de viento calculadas a partir de las simulaciones RANS realizadas para el parque experimental de Alaiz. Una ventaja importante que presenta esta metodología es que las propiedades el campo de viento real, presentes en las mediciones instantáneas del lidar de onda continua, puede dar paso a análisis adicionales como parte del trabajo a futuro. Dentro del marco del proyecto, el trabajo diario se realizó en las instalaciones de CENER, con supervisión cercana de la UPM, incluyendo una estancia de 1.5 meses en la universidad. Durante esta estancia, se definió el análisis matemático de las mediciones de viento realizadas por el equipo lidar de onda continua. Adicionalmente, los efectos del campo de viento no uniforme sobre el error de medición del lidar fueron analíticamente definidos, después de asumir algunas simplificaciones. Adicionalmente, durante la etapa inicial de este proyecto se desarrollo una importante trabajo de cooperación con DTU Wind Energy. Gracias a esto, el autor realizó una estancia de 1.5 meses en Dinamarca. Durante esta estancia, el autor realizó una visita a la campaña de medición en terreno llano con el fin de aprender los aspectos básicos del diseño de campañas de medidas experimentales, el estudio del terreno y los alrededores y familiarizarse con la instrumentación del mástil meteorológico, el sistema de adquisición y almacenamiento de datos, así como de el estudio y reporte del análisis de mediciones. ABSTRACT The present report summarizes the research work performed during last 4.5 years of investigation on the sources of lidar bias due to complex terrain. This work corresponds to one task of the remote sensing work package, belonging to the FP7 WAUDIT project. Furthermore, the field data from the wind velocity measurement campaigns of the FP7 SafeWind project have been used in this report. The main objective of this research work is to determine the terrain effects on the lidar bias in the measured wind velocity. With this knowledge, it is possible to propose a lidar bias correction methodology. This methodology is based on an estimation of the wind field variations within the lidar scan volume. The wind field variations are calculated from RANS simulations performed from the Alaiz test site. The methodology is validated against real scale measurements recorded during an eight month measurement campaign at the Alaiz test site. Firstly, the mathematical framework of the lidar sensing principle is introduced and an overview of the state of the art is presented. The experimental part includes the study of two different, but complementary experiments. The first experiment was a measurement campaign performed in flat terrain, at DTU Wind Energy H0vs0re test site, while the second experiment was performed in complex terrain at CENER Alaiz test site. Exactly the same two lidar devices, based on continuous wave and pulsed wave systems, have been used in the two consecutive measurement campaigns, making this a relevant experiment in the context of wind resource assessment. The wind velocity was sensed by the lidars and standard cup anemometry and wind vanes (installed on a met mast). The met mast sensors are considered as the reference wind velocity measurements. The first analysis of the experimental data is dedicated to identify the main sources of lidar bias present in the 10 minute average values. The purpose is to identify the bias magnitude introduced by different atmospheric conditions and by the non-uniform wind flow resultant of the terrain irregularities. The lidar bias as function of several statistical properties of the wind flow like the tilt angle, turbulence intensity, vertical velocity, atmospheric stability and the terrain characteristics have been studied. The aim of this exercise is to use this knowledge in order to define useful lidar bias data filters. Then, a methodology to correct the lidar bias caused by non-uniform wind flow is proposed, based on the initial mathematical analysis of the lidar measurements. The proposed lidar bias correction methodology has been developed focusing on the the continuous wave lidar system. In a last step, the proposed lidar bias correction methodology is validated with the data of the complex terrain measurement campaign. The methodology makes use of the wind field variations obtained from the RANS analysis. The results are presented and discussed. The advantage of this methodology is that the wind field properties at the Alaiz test site can be studied with more detail, based on the instantaneous measurements of the CW lidar. Within the project framework, the daily basis work has been done at CENER, with close guidance and support from the UPM, including an exchange period of 1.5 months. During this exchange period, the mathematical analysis of the lidar sensing of the wind velocity was defined. Furthermore, the effects of non-uniform wind fields on the lidar bias were analytically defined, after making some assumptions for the sake of simplification. Moreover, there has been an important cooperation with DTU Wind Energy, where a secondment period of 1.5 months has been done as well. During the secondment period at DTU Wind Energy, an important introductory learning has taken place. The learned aspects include the design of an experimental measurement campaign in flat terrain, the site assessment study of obstacles and terrain conditions, the data acquisition and processing, as well as the study and reporting of the measurement analysis.